Sony has already described Uncharted as a “new hit movie franchise”, but there was still scepticism among some of our readers over whether Tom Holland’s take on Nathan Drake had been truly successful. As of last week, the movie had made back its production budget, but many wondered whether it could continue to pull in audiences.
Well, the film grossed a further $35 million worldwide this weekend, taking its global total up to $226.4 million overall. This, ultimately, has been a terrific cinematic run for the film, and makes it one of the top grossing video game movie adaptations of all-time. It’s unlikely it will dethrone the likes of Warcraft and Detective Pikachu, but it won’t be far off when all’s said and done.
Sony will, of course, be absolutely delighted with the success – and it’s a huge start for PlayStation Productions, which is bringing Ghost of Tsushima to the big screen next, alongside big-budget TV adaptations of The Last of Us and Twisted Metal. Are there any other PlayStation properties you think would make the transition to live action well? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 48
Jake Gyllenhaal as Rafe in the sequel? He and Tom have been enemies (movie-wise) before….
Going by the rule of thumb, I'd predict it would need to make about $300 million to break even if we're including the marketing budget.
@RBMango $400-450 to break even? On a $120 million budget? Cut $100-150 million and that would make more sense.
Edit: didn't notice your edit until I refreshed.
God of War, but they’d jack it all up.
It's time for Knack's big screen debut...
Meanwhile Nightmare Alley and Licorice Pizza flop. As the old saying goes, sh*t sells.
It just happened to be the right movie at the right time. Riding off the success of Holland's Spider-Man and having no real opposition. Good move, Sony.
Still seems like an all around mediocre movie to me. But the only movie I've seen in theaters in the last 5 years and immensely enjoyed — that wasn't a Marvel fan-service fest — was Last Night in Soho. So I'll just pretend it's me, not the movie.
Addendum: Also loved Once Upon a Time in Hollywood... And, yeah, that's all I can think of.
@nessisonett both fantastic films, it’s a shame.
@RoomWithaMoose True. A lot of it's success has to be because of Tom Holland and Spider-Man. Not saying I won't enjoy the movie, as I'm sure it's entertaining for what it is, but I don't think anybody expected it to be a hit.
The movie is still bad though. Mediocre at best.
Sometimes people just want ***** exploding and mindless fun. We don’t always have to take in films that preach to us. I didn’t love Uncharted but it’s not trash. It is what it is; The Uncharteds will take in the dough and the “masterpieces” will rake in the awards. Fair trade in Hollywood I suppose.
@AhmadSumadi a movie doesn't need to be dumb to be fun. No way home is a very fun movie and it's smart and clever.
@Oscarjpc all I’m saying is not even film needs to provoke thought. Some you just sit and watch and enjoy. Uncharted is one of those films.
I want HHH to play Kratos. That’s always been a no brainer for me. When he’s got the beard he’s the perfect fit.
Only issue is his age, bit late to create a franchise around him.
Nightmare Alley wasnt that good aside from Bradley Coopers performance. And while i havent seen Licorice Pizza it's subject matter isn't exactly.....let's say appealing to most.
Tom Holland isn't very great as Nathan Drake, not bad as a character but he's there's none of the wit or sarcasm that I would want from a Nathan Drake and a there's a lot of crying and whining, Mark Wahlberg was pretty great as Sully though
"It’s unlikely it will dethrone the likes of Warcraft and Detective Pikachu, but it won’t be far off when all’s said and done"
Again, Warcraft made $439,048,914 worldwide, but only $47,365,290 in the US and Canada. Uncharted has already far surpassed Warcraft in US and Canada with a gross of $83,385,478. Studios get a significantly smaller cut from oversees tickets.
You need to put things into perspective.
@nessisonett nope. Great movies do well, mediocre movies do well, bad movies do well, whereas other great movies do bad, other mediocre movies bomb, etc.
Caught it over the weekend (thanks for ye free ticket PlayStation) and that it was alright. Better than some other game-movie adaptations. Whilst I didn't think Wahlberg is the best choice for Sully, he definitely nails it with the banter.
Think Ghost of Tsushima will be a lot easier to adapt into Film though, so that might be an interesting one...
@Nancyboy NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Demon's Souls series.
30 minutes episodes of various heroic chumps wandering horrific dungeons, fighting like the bravest of fools against horrifying enemies, only to stumble off the edge of a path and fall in to a dark abyss at the end because some chancer tells them that "there's treasure down there."
Do it.
Here is my take on GOT movie.. so as I was telling someone last month "the costume designer has to be a friggen GENIUS! and the budget for costumes alone will have to be over 100 million, if they do big battle scenes" "Also the actor for JIN will have to already have a recognizable face globally, to even remotely be believable, the character arcs for that story were unreal, so they will have to get convincing actors for characters" Also "does Japan want a movie company trampling all over the real Tsushima island? Probably not!"
Why come they just cant leave these games alone and let the magic just stand as it? Why do they have to bleed and milk a wonderful individual experience and try and make it all about cash and money? If they really wanted to promote GOT, do more to promote it to non gamers and get them into buying consoles and games like GOT? WHY WHY WHY F@@@@NG WHY!!!????
@PegasusActual93 I’ve seen multiple previews for Licorice Pizza and it looked like absolute trash to me so throw me in the camp of “it does not look appealing”.
Killzone TV Series told from both perspectives and a film adaptation of Resistance: FoM.
Those I would like to see.
@RBMango I think they usually say once the movie breaks even in cinema, the marketing is taken care of by digital sales and rentals of the movie when all said and done
@Fight_Teza_Fight Unfortunately he had a cardiac incident recently too, so I doubt he will be up for an action role.
@nessisonett Have you seen Uncharted? Did you have high expectations going in?
I had zero expectations on it being good and was actually pleasantly surprised. It’s not deep…but neither are the games. It’s a popcorn movie. And it’s really not a bad one. Solid 7 from me. My girlfriend, who has no relationship with the uncharted games, gave it an 8. It’s an easy, inoffensive, watch - which is high-praise for a video game adaptation.
The movie was enjoyable but the writing needs to really be stepped up in the inevitable sequel. The story was a solid "C" rating in my book.
@Bleachedsmiles As somebody who genuinely enjoys National Treasure, John Woo movies and plenty other silly popcorn fare, Uncharted was dreadful. There was zero edge or charm, I don’t mind Tom Holland but he sleepwalked through that performance. Plus I can never forgive for that ‘Scottish’ actor 😂
Well I was definitely wrong in my prediction that this would have a decent opening weekend and quickly fall off. But then I'm just not an action movie guy (nor am i really one for theaters) so I guess I don't have my finger on the pulse of the larger movie viewing public.
@Orpheus79V Considering this was in development since 2008, with half a dozen directors signed on, half a dozen (or more) scripts written, production delays and stoppages due to the pandemic, seven different announced release dates, and at least $20m spent on marketing...so the actual budget was likely closer to $300m.
It's nowhere near being profitable just yet, and likely won't be since any momentum it might have picked up will be killed by The Batman. Sony has virtually nothing else, though, so they'll make a sequel.
@Chinese_Stu Yeah heard about it. Seems like he’s back on his feet though🤟
@Nancyboy God of War but they'll get Vulture from Homecoming to play Kratos and Mark Wahlberg (again) as Atreus. Perfectly fitting cast.
And if we're talking original God of War, Margot Robbie would fit great as Zeus.
@GeneJacket I don't think any of those things more than double the production budget though.
I would like to see Killzone, it's a huge world with a nice arch of possibilities.
@Orpheus79V It absolutely does. This is the stuff no one talks about when they tout BO numbers. They had production offices setup and staffed for 12 years trying to get this thing made, and no one works for free. All those people...all the producers, all the screenwriters, all the directors, all the concept and pre-vis artists, all the production designers, all the day-to-day operations of setting a film up years before a single frame is ever shot, it all costs money and is all part of the budget. Most times, all that stuff is factored in...but most films don't take 12 years to get off the ground. An additional $100-ish million over 12 years of development hell is a fairly conservative estimate.
it needs to cross $240m to break even (conservative figure, it is likely even higher considering the 10 years of development hell). we aren't there yet. and even if/when it does, this will not be deemed a success by sony because what major hollywood studio is in the business of making a few peanuts? this film would need to make $350-400m to be deemed a "success".
I think Resistance would make a decent film in the horror/scifi genre. It's not got the Uncharted or TLOU name recognition but the story and setting is there. They wouldn't have to spend 100s of millions on it and there's a lot of people who'd come out to see something similar to Alien but bigger scale and set on Earth.
@nessisonett Lots of people disagree with you though and had a blast i didnt watch it but it is what it is.
@Porco Its such a failure they already are working on the sequal. This is the revenue of the movie theater now the streaming services and Bluray sales.
@Flaming_Kaiser And lots of people buy FIFA every year. It is what it is.
@GeneJacket it impossible to put any kind of price on any of that. They would have only been working with script writer's an director an concept artist's until they were happy with the script. Then they bring everyone else in. As far as I know none of the previous efforts got past script writing stage. So the cost is likely to be tiny, certainly not a hundred million.
At end of the day Sony is happy with box office numbers an a second sequel is coming. An Sony runs a very economic film production ship. maybe to economical when it came to resident evil.
An Sony certainly got a nice staple of franchises going now with Venom, jamanji, spiderman an Ghostbusters an uncharted. Ghost of Tsushima
@Porco you're clearly forgetting about dvd/blu ray/streaming + TV sales.
If you pay attention to how the vast majority of movies performs, this is a huge success for Sony. It is also one of the most successful movies that have come out during the pandemic. Look at how Sony's other movies (excluding Spiderman and Venom) have done.
@GeneJacket "An additional $100-ish million over 12 years of development hell is a fairly conservative estimate."
By all means, thanks for the laugh.
@naruball sony is one of the worst movie production companies in hollywood. their only saving grace is spiderman and to a lesser extent ghostbusters. next to peter rabbit 2, yes, uncharted performed well! relative to other hollywood properties, uncharted is clearly a failure commercially and critically.
Great movie. Took the kids to the pix to watch for the second time over the weekend; and it remains a great romp; fun, fast and frivolous. Raiders of the Lost Ark for 2020+
Great film; I'd urge any doubters on the fence following the high brow reviews to just give it a shot; I am pretty sure you'll come away smiling.
[and to put in context it makes the like of Fast 9 continue to look like the steaming trash it was. UC is good, not just mindless].
@Porco nice "facts" you got there. By all means, keep up the negativity and never let facts get in your way.
@naruball the "fact" is it hasn't even turned a profit yet.
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