We've all been patiently waiting to see what Hogwarts Legacy is all about, and with today's State of Play presentation, Warner Bros. has really delivered. Developer Avalanche Software has shown off its open world RPG set within the walls of the beloved magical school, and it looks like everything we've been hoping for.
You can watch it for yourself with the presentation above (in 4K resolution, no less). Everything just looks fantastic — the castle itself looks like a fascinating place to explore, attending classes gives you applicable skills to use elsewhere, and you'll be able to explore beyond the Hogwarts grounds to new areas. We can forgive some uneven visuals as the game is still months away, but aside from that, we're extremely pleased with what this game is shaping up to be.
Oh, and importantly, the game is releasing Holiday 2022, so we'll hopefully all be cosying up to play this come Christmas. What did you think of the Hogwarts Legacy State of Play demo? Are you excited for the game now we know what to expect? Use Accio on the comments section below
Comments 34
What was the special announcement they mentioned the other day?
My only disappointment with this is that it isnt making it out for summer. Holiday feels a long way off. I am sooo excited for this
Above my spectations. I hope the game is as good as it looks because it looked really fantastic in today's State of Play!
@Rob_230 I think it will do best around Christmas
I've wanted this game since I was about 12 years old. I genuinely can't believe this is real.
This is like Bully on crack! Omg it’s beautiful! Harry Potter fanatic and pre-order inbound! Nice 🤓
Oh it looks cool. It wasn’t on my radar at all but I’m interested now.
How about those well known insiders echoed by the press about the game struggling and not coming any time soon though ? Haha yeah fire and forget till next time I know. 😅
Sorry to be THAT guy, but I've zero interest in Harry Potter. I've seen the films, enjoyed them somewhat but that's it. But...BUT, this looks really really really good! Clearly not just Potter fans are going to enjoy this one.
F*** YES! I've dreamt about a game like this for literal DECADES! Give it to me now! Looks to be everything I've ever wanted from a video game set in this world. As a writer myself, I can't wait to explore this wonderful world of magic, hopefully gaining some inspiration for my own work along the way. Absolutely beautiful ...
Go Avalanche!
Ah Cool! There is character customization and the option to pick your house. House Slytherin here I came.
This looks amazing and has now topping my most wanted list ahead of Ragnarok and xenoblade chronicles 3
Exactly my case. I never liked it. Neither the books or movies. Game looks cool though
I never wait patiently, haha. But this was even better than expected. Exploration looks incredible, combat looks really good, and even the story seems interesting, using bits from things mentioned in the books.
I thought it looked a bit lame, tbh.
Did enjoy the books back in the day though.
Wow, it looks incredible. Far exceeded my expectations.
Game looks awesome...graphics looks awesome....TAKE MY MONEY!! 💵💰💵💰
This is too good to be true! ALL I want it to be a proper offline experience!
@Would_you_kindly @buckp25 yeah exactly this. With Gotham Knights already hitting in the fall, i was convinced that WB would look to spread their releases
As long as this is capable of being played OFFLINE and as a SINGLE PLAYER experience, I will be get this on day one.
Not my sort of thing, but after watching the SOP, it looks really good and I’m kinda interested. Going to keep an eye on this one
This looks absolutely fantastic. I can’t wait.
Looks interesting, I will be very interested in how this plays in the end. Expectations are going to be so high.
@RebRebel Same here. I've never been a Harry Potter fan (only seen bits and pieces of a few of them since they were on constantly for a while ), but I look forward to checking out the State of Play later tonight when I have time to watch it in it's entirety. I'll likely join everybody else in looking forward to the game after watching this since it's an open world RPG.
It does look good But I am sure Harry Potter fans always wanted a Harry Potter game like this where you are playing as erm Harry Potter (& the original cast of the Harry Potter films) Saying that if I did get this game I would make my character look like Harry Potter as much as possible + it's like everytime they say they are making a Star Wars game every Star Wars fan just wants to play as Luke, Han etc etc
The wife will love it.
She plays Lego games periodically, (though I'm saving star wars for myself).
Looks like developers have finally caught up with expectations. Bring it on!
I hope it gets delayed just to give them a little more time to polish it!
@RebRebel Harry Potter isn’t in it. The game is set 150 years before he was born. This isn’t a Harry Potter game. I’m not a Potter fan, only seen the first one years ago. Already pre ordered this tho.
Holysh#t this looks amazing!
Will wait for reviews and see the performance but first impressions are great
I’m feeling nervous that the holiday season will be loaded like this month has been. I’ve got so many games right now and so little time. I’ll be ok if there’s essentially nothing released in April or May or perhaps even June right now. But, yes, I’m quite excited for Hogwarts Legacy. Looks like it could be legitimately fantastic.
I can't stand HP, but even I can acknowledge it took far too long for a game like this to exist. Looks great for fans!
@Lup @Floki @Vix @buckp25 @WolfyTn @get2sammyb Also been dreaming of playing a fully immersive HP related game like this since my childhood.
Holiday 2022 can't get here soon enough...this will probably be my GOTY for 2022.
@Carl-G This is a different case tbh. Your SW reference makes sense but for HP fans, everyone just wants to get their acceptance letter and be able to go and study in hogwarts, cast spells and such, since it's a cool alternative to our world. You don't need to be Harry or Hermione. Just being in that world and posses powers is more than enough
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