The most viewed trailer from Sony’s latest State of Play may surprise you. It’s not Exoprimal or Valkyrie Elysium, but JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R – a re-released fighter which first appeared on the PlayStation 3 all the way back in 2014. In fact, we reviewed it and awarded it a solid 7/10, and now eight years later it’s racking up views on PlayStation’s YouTube channel once more.
Here’s the order of views, accurate at the time of writing:
- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R: 329k
- TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection: 302k
- Valkyrie Elysium: 199k
- Exoprimal: 182k
- Forspoken: 138k
- The DioField Chronicle: 127k
- Gundam Evolution: 126k
- Returnal: Ascension: 118k
- Ghostwire Tokyo: 118k
- Trek to Yomi: 59k
- Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin: 59k
- GigaBash: 52k
We should stress that we’re only factoring in the uploads on PlayStation’s official YouTube channel here, and various mirrors uploaded elsewhere could change the order. Ultimately, though, this should give you a rough snapshot of which games from the latest State of Play caught fans’ eyes. Speaking of eyes, the livestream generated over 1.1 million views in total, so pretty successful overall, then.
Which was your favourite trailer from State of Play? As always, let us know in the comment section below.
Comments 44
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the JoJo series has gotten more popular in that time so that might explain it.
@AdamNovice Yeah the original All Star Battle was almost ahead of its time in the West — it preceded the even bigger boom in popularity that JoJo has had over the last five-six years or so. The series as a whole has only gotten more popular, like you say, to the point where it's now a global juggernaut in terms of manga/anime properties.
Just shows how poor it was.
Compared to Nintendo's last Direct that was embarrassing.
Looks like I have another 30k views of the Ninja Turtles trailer to go to make it #1.
@HeeHo Except the last Direct was all about Nintendo's lineup for most of this year. This SoP was about more niche games.
@AdamNovice there's definitely a big event incoming from Sony, after MLB22 next month we know very little about future PS Studios lineup bar GoWR and Insomniac games
@Vivisapprentice I would like to think so, but Sony are very hard to predict these days.
Of course this was the best game showed in the State of Play! I am so can't believe the gymnastics I had to do to setup the PS3 to play All Star demo and now a re-release on PS5? Heck yeah!
the top 4 on that list is certainly my top 4 games from the SoP. makes total sense to me.
"Sticky Fingaz!...Arrivederci"
For me its Valkyrie and The Diofield Chronicle.
@ShogunRok I love the new Netflix series with his daughter.
Not a JoJo fan but I respect the series and its legacy, and All-Star Battle is an amazing fighting game, happy for its fans.
But for me the highlight of the presentation was still The Cowabunga Collection, Trek to Yomi and Returnal: Ascension.
I’m all about TMNT.
Looking at that list the thing that hits me is that devs/publishers have become terrible at naming games.
Valkyrie Elysium, Exoprimal, The DioField Chronicle, GigaBash...
Square Enix showcase was half the state of play and yet none of them come close to jojos views. Something is going wrong there because all I see is niche and generic that will be deemed a failure 5 months later. I liked guardians last year but without dragon quest and final fantasy they won't survive this gen.
I've never heard of Jo-Jo before, or if I have, I quickly forgot about it. I love Japanese stuff as a default, but generally, I wish there were more real-world Japanese games. I'm quite tired of all the fantasy.
Already played the PS3 version but I might get it if it's $40 or less.
@BionicDodo Valkyrie Elysium is a sequel, the 5th in the series, to Valkyrie Profile.
I'm not entirely convinced that Exoprimal is a real game or a new IP, the parallels to Dino Crisis are too blatant for it not to be a purposeful troll and I'm half expecting Capcom to reveal a Dino Crisis remake with Exoprimal as the free multiplayer side-game.
The DioField Chronical is a f'ing terrible title, that one I'll give ya, but it's par for the course with Square-Enix.
GigaBash, eh, it's fine. War of the Monsters is already taken, what can you do?
Not seen any them yet and don't plan to either. Interested in Ghostwire Tokyo but have seen enough of that, and Returnal was my GOTY last year but no longer have the game and doubt I will be going back to it.
Suprising - but jojo was popular game with a good aesthetic so why not.
Trek to Yomi was my personal fave, but I was pretty happy with to see everything we saw.
I thought they delivered a lot in a 20 minute quick preview, and giving two days notice was clearly intended to stop wild speculation and hype, because people engaged in that are ALWAYS disappointed regardless of how on point the show is.
I played the last one, Eyes of Heaven despite never having seen anything Jojo. Bizarre is the only way to describe it, but I had a good 10 hours with it. Not interested in a remaster but I’m up for a new game.
That doesn't surprise me in the slightest, JoJo has been literally exploding in popularity in the past few years. Also explains why they'd remaster this, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad game at all, but not exactly one people have been screaming about to revive (hello MvC2).
Its better than having a sequel to Eyes of Heaven (trash arena battle)........but the original was still a pretty low tier fighter.
Unless they do some serious overhauling its just going to be just a game for fans only.
I was hoping after the success of DBZ Fighters they would have got arc system to develop a JoJo game........looks like that aint happening still.
Ill still pick up the title but Im not expecting it to be great
@HeeHo ive only used the word "TRASH" like a few times in my life, no seriously! But Sony's State of play was "TRASH", none of those games got my heart rate above 60bpm! I'm only excited for "FORESPOKEN" and "JOJO".. Most of the games were things we have ALL seen before. I yawned the whole 35 minutes..
@Titntin "TREK TO YOMI" was really not necessary.. If that company were in high school and writing a paper they would get called out for PLAGARISM and we all know who they would have plagarised (ahem "GHOST OF TSUSHIMA")
I'm just happy 199K people want to talk about the Valkyrie series.
I think your viewpoint is seriously uninformed and the game is nothing like GOT except for its samurai setting.
If there is any plagiarism to show, its of the samurai movies that started this genre, and GOT would be just as guilty, but plagiarism is not the correct word - many movies and games are inspired by these films.
...and congrats for not even watching the SOP - its was 20 minutes and not 35...
Says a lot when that's the best in show...
@MakersMark Do you think Ghosts has a copyright on samurai games? They're not even the same genre by the looks of it. The game in the state of play is a 2.5D side scrolling action game.
I still haven't watched it. Articles and comments like these don't make me feel like I'm missing much. I don't watch the Nindie Directs either. If I did I would have spent the last 2 years of my life waiting for Silksong.😂
I usually hate anime and even I loved the first series of JoJo on Netflix so yeah, glad to see this is popular.
Not looking good for Forspoken though is it?
@Titntin the wait time prior to it starting was an additional 15 mins so yeah I watched 35 minutes of it in its totality… and if “ TREK TO YOMI” devs had the vision where was it prior to GOT? “ paste and cut” is a thing in gaming and it’s making this medium stagnant, because it’s lazy. It’s a “ formula” that works and gamers ( I’m assuming like yourself ) will continue to support and buy games that don’t change or push the envelope and dare to be different.. But it’s okay, just like you assumed I didn’t watch a Sony screen for 35 minutes of my life because I wanted to be there and not miss any of the coverage…. Thanks for laying out your mentality for me.. appreciate it..
@MetalGear_Yoshi you and the coven can buy it, be duped and get hoodwinked by devs that OBVIOUSLY didn’t have a vision for a game prior to GOT that even looks like a GOT spin off… I love my hard earned dollars. I only wish the best for you my friend. Enjoy the game when it drops…
@Uncharted2007 Did you get an email from that bizarre forum post? Out of the blue for me, probably gave anti-matter a heart attack. Any idea what brought it on? I haven't mentioned the Vita in at least 3 years excepting for saying Sony should release a Vita 2 just in Japan. Strange world we live in.
It got deleted if you were spared, link goes to an error page.
I would be more excited about this game, but the lack of English voices + I'm super behind on the anime equals me not buying this until it's free with PS+.
I am a huge Jojo fan and I'm excited to play this, but the State of Play was a disappointment. You shouldn't hold a conference if you're not gonna gonna show at least a couple of gameplay reveals
@rjejr What in the heck? I didn't see it until you posted that search link. Obviously someone who went nuts and isn't worth engaging. Glad it's been deleted and I didn't read more than the first few words as it was cut off.
This article is now null & void. TMNT: Cowabunga Collection has surpassed it in views... the way it should be. All is right with the world again ✌️😎 🐢🐢🐢🐢
@MakersMark Nobody is getting hoodwinked. You're just acting melodramatic (and that's the nice way to put it). It's literally a completely different genre. Again, there can be more than 1 samurai game...
Also, don't call me your "friend". You started out by saying I'm part of a "coven" (lol, okay) and am somehow getting "duped" because I'm not having conniptions over 2 games sharing a theme like you are. Don't be two faced. If you're going to talk down to people own it.
Well phrased, thats exactly the kind of response that post required. I didnt respond myself as I didnt see a level of comprehension in the replies that indicated any rationality!
What would have happened to gaming if no one had ever released another 1st person shooter as they were copying 'doom'? Genres are a thing in games, and ive been playing Samurai and Ninja games since arcade games in the 80's.
Two words: keyboard warrior…
@Uncharted2007 Guess I'm the only one lucky enough to get the email.😝 I posted the message on twitter for posterity if you're interested. Not posting it here obviously. If you're not on twitter, congrats, it's a cesspool. This person must have migrated here from there. 😂
@rjejr Yeah, I haven't been on social media for a year or so. It's been great.
@Titntin Exactly. Ninja games in various iterations have been a big part of gaming since at least the NES. Should Tenchu not exist because it steps on Ninja Gaidens toes? Don't get me started on that 16bit upstart "Strider".
And some games have even more or less "created" genres. If people didn't take inspiration from them the industry would be barren. Doom is the best example. Obviously not the first fps and even Wolfenstein had its copy cats but Doom was the game that made fps an integral genre in the industry. There's no CoDs or Halos without it.
Street Fighter 2 had a similar effect on fighting games. Should Tekken or MK not exist because we already have a 2v2 fighter? That'd be a sad world.
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