Lost Judgment expansion The Kaito Files is available now on PlayStation 5 and PS4, priced at £24.99/$29.99. Focusing on sidekick Kaito, the DLC is set after the events of the original game and explores the character's past as a teenager claims to be his and old flame Mikiko's son. Protagonist Takayuki Yagami is nowhere to be seen, leaving Kaito to take centre stage. You'll need to own the base title to launch this expansion, with further details shared in the launch trailer above.
The PS Store description adds: "Now Kaito stands at the crossroads of past and present while up against a syndicate tied to Kamurocho’s criminal underbelly. But why did Kaito and Mikiko split up, and what does this dark fraternity have to do with her?" Two new fighting styles, boss fights, and more collectibles are all included in the story-focused DLC.
"No need for Yagami's fancy gadgets here; Kaito has his own sensory-based sleuthing style. Tap into Kaito's Primal Focus to literally sniff out clues, identify suspects and crack the case with his instincts," the PS Store listing reads. The Kaito Files is included in the Ultimate Edition of the game, or you can simply buy it on its own and play it through Lost Judgment.
We're yet to get our hands on the expansion, but it sounds like much of last year's game. "A weaker overall story and some serious pacing issues prevent Lost Judgment from reaching the excellence of its predecessor, but this is still a fantastic character-driven detective drama. Crunching combat and a frankly ridiculous amount of impressively in-depth side content make this one of the most robust Yakuza-style offerings ever — and that's more than enough to outweigh the game's often obvious flaws," is how we signed off in our Lost Judgment PS5 review.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 31
Wow, this is expensive.
They are having a bubble. 25 quid? Jog on son
Eeesh, first AC Valhalla and now this going back to mid-00s expansion disk prices!
@nessisonett If the content's there, I don't see a problem with that.
@get2sammyb Do you know how long it is? Because, if it is a big story, it's well worth the money.
I'm really looking forward to playing this, but I haven't played Lost Judgment yet...
@nessisonett The model makes sense. Let the superfans pay full price at launch and the less keen players can pick it up half price later on.
Not paying that for a few chapters and no interesting trophy challenges (pretty much all just given for going through the story).
Max i’d pay is £6, so I’ll wait for a sale.
Looks like I'm going to have to juggle this and Elden Ring together. Kaito does the Yakuza shirt ripoff. That's all I needed to see!
@Apfelschteiner The real superfans (like me) got the ultimate edition at launch, which was only 20 euros more than the deluxe version.
Averaged out 4 chapters of a yakuza game are worth $15-$20, this is just measuring across yakuza games with traditional chapters which range from 12-17 chapters. This assumes the volume of chapters are consistent in the DLC compared to the games.
I bought the season pass when it was 30% off so I do not feel pinched.
Four chapters for that price while the main game has, what, 14 chapters?
That being said, this is RGG Studio so they immediately get the benefit of the doubt.
Bit pricey for my liking tbh. That being said I enjoyed the base game so I would be willing to give this a chance.
Already bought this months ago with the Ultimate edition. People can gripe about the price all they want, but this seems worth the price to me. Can’t wait to start it after work.
Was well worth getting the full package for me. Was worth the money even before The Kaito Files were released?
It just keeps coming - Not enough time in the Day... my PS5 is going to get me fired 😅
Lots of content in Valhalla expansion also Witcher had fantastic expansions worth it if the contents there like Liam said.
But saying that I'm doubtful this will be good value , most Japanese games are terrible with dlc with most just having tat.
I'll watch a story playthrough. $30 is mad
The chapters of a Yakuza game are about 20% of the playtime for me though…
@get2sammyb yeah it is I'm lucky to grab lost jugment and this expansion in a sale so I can download it soon 👍👍😁😁
@Netret0120 it's sad to see sega following this expensive practice but then again, it's always wise to wait for a sale to get everything bundled together so you don't get ripped off
@Sakisa same, grabbed the ultimate edition on a sale although I'm not going to defend the expensive price for this expansion at all I'm just glad I got both the game and this for a decent price
Yeah... gonna wait on the "complete" edition probably coming this year. Either that, or I'll wait for the main title to drop to $25 or less (nearly there via sales) and the DLC to go on sale. No way I'm spending full asking price of $90.
I think I'll wait for a sale. I didn't think this would be cheap but I expected £20 at max.
Overpriced, should have been 15$ max
Still waiting for that steam release for both Judgment games, one can dream😪
@thefourfoldroot Okay, but how do you want to measure value compared to content?
It's steep but the Season Pass was £20 recently which includes this and other stuff. Yakuza games always have great value. I'm sure this will have at least 20 hours of content.
I'll be waiting for the Complete Edition with all DLC to drop down in price to around $30 New or cheaper...
Still haven't beaten the first game yet and my gaming backlog is already huge.
Well, given this is a DLC with existing characters, in an existing location (meaning few if any new assets created), no thought put into trophy challenges (the Yakuza games have some of the most fun platinum hunts of any series for me) and, yes, only around a quarter of the chapters…I’d say pricing it at nearly half the cost of the main game is not really reasonable. For me anyway.
The Ultimate Edition is £37 on Xbox this week so I expect a similar price drop will be on PS Store very soon.
@Lavalera indeed
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