Sony has officially confirmed a brand new State of Play broadcast following heavy rumours earlier in the week.
The show will go out live tomorrow, 9th March, at 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 10pm GMT, covering "new reveals and eye-catching updates for PS5 and PS4 titles". According to the platform holder, there will be a focus on "highlighting great games coming from some of our beloved Japanese publishers". It'll apparently clock in around 20 minutes or so.
Sony does make a point of noting there will be no talk of PSVR2, so don't expect to hear any details about the virtual reality tech or its games. This will be entirely about third-party PS5 and PS4 software.
That said, what are you expecting from this new State of Play? Are you looking forward to tuning in? Give us your (sensible) predictions in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 107
20 minutes? more sony
Final Fantasy XVI then? Surely they mean FFXVI, right? Right!?
Way too short, if you only have an actual SoP every 6 months it should be 40+ Minutes lol. Of those 20 Minutes 10 will go to Ghostwire Tokyo probably
Looking forward to this. Keeping expectations in check though.
I’d love a RE4 remake announcement.
Resident Evil 4 Remake incoming.
Time for Final Fantasy 16 I guess...
Yeah....I have zero expectations. No FF16 or FF7R2 and no Project Spartacus. Hoping its a packed 20 minutes.
Was hoping for news of this Playstation "Game Pass".
Interesting! Well all know the publishers it could be referencing. Capcom - RE4 (probably RE2/3 and 7)
SE - FF7 Part 2, FF16.. and big rumor.. Konami - Silent Hills/ MGS. little unlikely but who knows.
Resident Evil 4 Remake fingers crossed
Cool. Will definitely be tuning in.
was hoping to hear more about Project Spartacus. Oh well, some other time.
@RevGaming unfortunately unlikely, as they state Japanese Devs.
Was hoping for a Ragnarok SoP 😩… but on the off chance that we see more Final Fantasy XVI 😀
What about PlayStation Spartacus?
20 minutes seems lite, better not expect anything too exciting.
Japanese? I smell a Silent hill playstation exclusive! Sony bought a big ip from Konami. Sign me up!
I predict they announce another acquisition.
No Hogwarts Legacy then. Hopefully a chance for a FF16 update, and an update on RE Village DLC?
Given SOP tends to be low key, im not going to get too hyped but looking forward to seeing what is shown
Praying for FFXVI and the next Team Asobi game. They never said "no PlayStation Studios games".
A large amount of the 20 minutes will no doubt be spent on Ghostwire Tokyo. The rest.... surely there will be some FF of some ilk and possibly an RE Village DLC announcement. My heart wants to see the Metal Gear Solid remake. But my head tells me not to even consider expecting that.
Oh my, focused on the Japanese publishers? I must be dreaming, Sony. Well, I hope to finally see something new about Final Fantasy XVI but hey, this is still great regardless.
Technically they're not saying there will only be 3rd party stuff, just that there's a "focus" on Japanese publishers.
I would be surprised if they showed anything 1st party after announcing it like this though.
Focus on Japanese 3rd party partners? Consider me interested!
@Boxcar182 good call Garth. RE4 (Gamecube version) was my favourite of all the Resis.
I wouldn't mind some Final Fantasy XIV, some Granblue Fantasy, maybe a little Resi 2, 3, 7 PS5. Finish with some Resi 4 news.
@commentlife can I dream they're going to acquire Sega? Because I definitely want Sony to acquire Sega. That said, historically Sega have had ties with Microsoft....if said corporation gobbles up Sega then that will be the day I drop cash on a Series X.
Q : What are you expecting from this new State of Play?
Me : Dance Dance Revolution. ⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️
Dragon Quest Builders 3
Yokai Watch 5
Yokai Gakuen Y2
@Snake_V5 that completely slipped my mind but if Sony pull that one out tomorrow and go "surprise! it starts today!" I'll be happy
Excited to finally hear that God of War release date tomorrow! Read the article you say? Oh......
do not keep expectations high as usual
So, the game rumors are : More info on FFXVI, RE2R+RE3R+RE7 next gen update showcase (+RE4 Remake tease, maybe), GTA V next gen trailer, Hogwarts Legacy gameplay & update on GoW Ragnarok.
This is the newest rumor that's been making rounds in Twitter : A secret Konami project tease
There are other rumors also ... but 20mins time limit makes them more doubtful like : TLOU MP project tease, Twisted Metal revival by firesprite, SF6 trailer & possibly the long rumored Project Spartacus
RE 4 Remake.
Final Fantasy Stranger of Paradise
New Kojima project
My wish: MGS Remake
Expectations: FFXVI, Persona 6, RE4 remake, Sony acquires rights to Konami IPs
Reality: Kojima talking about his project for the next 15 mins with 5 minute trailer of Ghostwire Tokyo at the end.
@Stevey_Mac doesn't feel quite right having a new playstation with no Metal Gear Solid in sight.
@shadow2k I hope FF7 Remake part 2 is shown.
Yakuza: LAD 2 and Dragon Quest XII?
Well I was half right - I said its more likely to be 3rd Party partnerships and/or PSVR2 - not GoW:R or other First Party games...
im expecting games like
ff16 dq12 p6
that rumored velvet veil or much better bb2
but if not
overview trailer for sh2 will do just fine
20 minutes of boring talking and uninteresting trailers is what I expect.
I expect,
Original River Raid with trophy support.
Port of the Spectrum version of Robocop with ray tracing.
Chase HQ mode as DLC for Gran Turismo 7.
20 minutes is fairly short, but that could be a good thing. The past ones have had a tendency to drag on.
Something to look forward to but never over hype them. What are the chances of Dragon Dogma 2 announced here? 🤔
Let the games begin.lets go sony 👑 the g.o.a.t. 🐐.cant wait.word up son
@Snake_V5 Yes, that would also be nice, and I would like to see a bit of Chrono Cross too.
@velio84 Bloodborne is owned by Sony, so it would be a first-party or second-party game, depending on who develops it.
@commentlife I don't think they would announce an acquisition in a state of play.
Japanese developers? I like the sound of this. Just hope this isn't underwhelming like the other 95% of State of Plays I've watched.
can't wait for some more deathloop videos , all jokes aside it feels like people hype it up because they read to many rumors. always take everything with a grain of a salt till its announced.
@shadow2k You will be playing into their evil hands if you buy an Xbox if Microsoft buy Sega. I really hopes it doesn't come to that, but if it does Sega will be dead to me like Rare, my other childhood favourite developer.
Hopefully they still got a big event coming this month
Would love Hogwarts Legacy news or maybe Midnight Suns, but if it is japanese developers... Something from Atlus and something from Omega Force/Team Ninja would be cool.
Ngl I was pretty hyped by the "japanese publishers" but it's only 20 mins so I don't think we'll get very many reveals. So I just hope it gives a few smaller games like Relayer a bit of spotlight that they could definitely use
I'll hope for a Dino Crisis reboot, Shenmue 4 and an update to part 2 of FF7 Remake. I'm a realist though and expect nothing to interest me given the last two years of announcements.
Not sure if these titles qualify for this in any way but for my tastes I'd love to hear more info on:
Dead Space Remake
The Callisto Protocol
BioShock 4
Crysis 4
@PhantomMenace84 There is only so much they can do when the games are not ready to be shown and gamers are getting impatient.
20 minutes? Come on Sony, we can do better!
Also, what games can they be showing? Maybe Silent Hill??? (lol I know...)
@AFCC i'd rather have 20 mins with no fillers vs 40 mins with the same amount of trailers but with a bunch of filler stuff to make it longer
shame there will be nothing on PSVR2. Would be good to hear about some new JRPGs though. More details on Yakuza 8 would be nice.
I always set my expectations low, so my wishlist to see would be:
Ghost of Tsushima 2
Horizon Forbidden West DLC
Persona 6
Death Stranding Director's Cut is a Playstation Studios game which featured in a 3rd party State of Play so I think we'll see a Playstation Studios game here as well. My guess is Bloodborne Director's Cut (FromSoftware is a 3rd party and Bloodborne is a Playstation Studios game).
Stranger of Paradise
Ghostwire Tokyo
And if we are lucky, RE(make) 4 and/or Final Fantasy XVI
Final fantasy 16, soul hackers 2 and persona 6 please, oh and maybe some more on the new star ocean
@Brutal me too! I'd like to see playstation finally pull the veil on it
I predict the same people ranting about Sony supposedly abandoning Japanese developers will complain it’s mostly about them in the SoP. Haha
All the fake insiders announcing the really big Sony event.
Yeah right. The worse is people and the press don’t take them accountable for their BS.
It’s a State of Play as expected every few months. No more no less. Interesting stuff as usual but not expecting big reveal as usual.
Some update for FFXVI, maybe the reveal of FFVII remake part 2 and hopefully a new exclusive project from Sony and From Software (BB2 or anything else soulslike since this was supposedly "leaked" in a post from Shuhei Yoshida himself).
this is my kind of SoP = focusing on JPN publishers and their games.
It would be cool to see more in depth look at Soul Hackers 2 and Granblue Fantasy Re Link (possibly a release date too - though I know GB has some event coming up soon).
It would be cool to see a tease for Ys X as well.
Maybe more about SF 6?
Is there gonna be a Soul Calibur 7? - I hope so?
>>> possibilities are endless. ENJOY yall!
Give me something Final Fantasy XVI or new Dragon Quest and something new on Project Eve and I'm a happy man
what was the chrono cross leak and that eiyuden Chronicles rpg? wasn't that a thing?
@Dissident we won't get Forspoken after it literally just got delayed
@strawhatcrew eiyuden chronicles is 2023, won't see any more of that for a while
@DETfaninATL dead Space remake doing its own thing next week apparently
All of these rumors are hilarious. Everyone gets worked up for these 20-30 minute shows and it’s 17 minutes of ***** no one asked for plus the one obvious thing everyone knows will be there.
And then we all bitch and say it sucks. The cycle continues here guaranteed.
If there is no Spartacus news in this then I’m starting to feel like the rumours were baseless
@Corc11 ugh, didn't realize. October, huh?
all i want is some ff16 news /footage, and we finally get the re4 remake debut.
@Dissident yeah, unfortunately!
@Colour probably get 17 minutes of a Deathloop DLC
Removed - unconstructive
3rd party ? Was hoping for God of war 😔
I hope we see gameplay of slitterhead by bokeh studio.
I dont really care for Sparticus announcement, I want one final look into Stranger of Paradise game.
@Would_you_kindly god of war is big enough to get its own state of play
Im expecting to be whelmed.
Absolutely prefer 20 minutes of third party trailers over a deep dive of a first party title, where I know it's going to be good anyways.
Just keep the trailers and announcements come in quickfire, without sizzle reels and inbetween cg animations bogging it down.
@Voltan absolutely! (inhales copium)
@twitchtvpat i'd rather have 40 minutes of good gameplay trailers x)
@PlayStationGamer3919 Trade Konami For Koei Tecmo
Well, I can already see it. There will be Ghost Wire Tokyo for 10 minutes, some FFXVI and may be RE4, but nothing new.
I hope we see something about Stray, though I believe development of that game is localized to France rather than Japan. I’ve been waiting for Stray and Hogwarts Legacy since the PS5’s first big event.
I honestly hope we see some non-open world games as well. With as many open world games as we have had this year and how many are to come, I’m starting to hope we’ve got some more compact and/or linear experiences to enjoy.
Oh, but most importantly, may Abandoned finally update… with that glorious Kojima Productions banner waving. A man can dream, can’t he?
Huge Sony fan. With that said, I hate the way they communicate to their fans. These little dribbles are infuriating. Why not give a hour long presentation of the actual STATE of PlayStation!!!? Plus there needs to be some marinating time. So let us know more than a day away. A couple of weeks would be awesome.
@IonMagi I agree 💯 percent with you. The state of Play should be at the very least 40 minutes, now if they did a SoP every 3 months it'd be a different story and 20 minutes would be acceptable. I truly hope we get some surprises but I'm definitely keeping my expectations on the lower side so I could be pleasantly surprised ✌️
Knack 3:sack boy invasion?
I expect them to show off some games. Some will be brand new reveals, others will just be new gameplay or date reveals.
Ugh enough with the ***** PS4 games. This console generation is a ***** scam. Spent months finally getting a PS5 for what? The same exact game on a 10 year old console?! Absolutely pathetic. Class action lawsuits need to come forth
Infuriating really? I don’t get it.
We’ve had state of play for a while now. We know what they are. Regular update of games every few months with some cool reveal but no real huge reveal. What’s infuriating is the false information from fake insiders making people believe in ridiculous reveal rumours.
What your asking is the bigger event they do once a year. It’s not that time yet. 🤷🏼♂️
@SillyGamingIndus While I agree the PS4 is holding back what we get on PS5, I do understand why Sony are pandering to it: it has a huge install base, and people are sorta struggling to get PS5s. So the long and short of it is that PS5 exclusives are just not going to sell as well as a game that comes out on both. Imagine you bought a PS4 in '20 and Sony outright stopped supporting it the second the PS5 came out. You'd be fuming.
@Apfelschteiner I USED to be devoted to a single brand (Sega), but then I viewed Sony as having brutally murdered the Dreamcast and staunchly refused to buy any Sony products (Dreamcast is LIFE). Until 2008, when I saw a Sega game I wanted, badly, appear as a Playstation exclusive (Valkyria Chronicles). So I bought my first Playstation, a PS3. And you know what? While I love Sony to death (two PS2s, a 60GB PS3 and a PS5 covers all bases), I've realised that limiting myself to one brand only hurts my chances. I've had Xboxes before, but got rid in 2018 when I realised I only played it for Forza; but I am brand agnostic, if I buy a XSX I only see that as increasing my gaming library for the better so if Microsoft buy Sega well then an XSX will sit next to my PS5 and I will enjoy games for both platforms.
@shadow2k I'm not judging you, each person should make their own purchasing decisions based on their own conscience (or other reasons).
I love the Dreamcast, but Sega basically killed its own hardware business by the terrible decisions leading up to the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast was a great product with probably the best launch line-up ever, but Sony just came along with a much better-marketed product and just a better-managed company in general. To me that was fair business.
I switched from Sega Master System to N64 and stuck with Nintendo for the GameCube and Wii. When the PS4 came around, Sony had earned credibiility in the gaming space and importantly for me was a Japanese company.
Microsoft ruined what I liked about Rare. What I most like about Sega is the Yakuza series, which was nurtured by Sony.
I think it would be good for Sony to buy Sega, but it would have to be on the condition that Sega continues to publish games on Nintendo and PC. What I would actually prefer for developers like Sega and Koei Tecmo is for Sony to buy into them to make them second party studios that have funding for their major franchises like Yakuza, Persona, and Nioh, but continue making the interesting budget games like musou games that aren't likely to be big sellers on their own dime.
My daughter has a Switch lite. I have the opportunity, but I never play it. There are some games that I know I'd enjoy, but the thought of adding another console to my backlog is stressful. The younger ones are interested in a Switch, so I might get them one for the TV. Even then, I don't think I'd bother getting Zelda, which I would have absolutely played in the past. I felt happy to move on from Nintendo when I started playing PS4. Sometimes the end of an era makes space for something else that you could love just as much. If Sega went to Microsoft, they wouldn't be the Sega I love anymore.
@Apfelschteiner yes; the PS2 dug the grave, Sega nailed the coffin shut when it comes to Dreamcast. I loved the Dreamcast so much but there's no denying Sega treated it very badly. I can't help but wonder what would have become if Sega hadn't soured relationships with EA (I believe that was down to the sourcing of Japanese PowerVR graphics even though they had promised 3DFX graphics out of the States, and EA took offense to that). Their shoddy antipiracy methods ("make the GD-ROM 1.1GB, no one can copy them onto a CD-R!" "oh hai you can compress assets to fit and the Dreamcast will happily boot a CD-R") and lack of media compatibility (I wish they had put a DVD drive on it!) murdered it cold. The reason I think it's more likely Microsoft will buy Sega than Sony is because if you really dig into it, Sega helped them develop the OG Xbox and even the Dreamcast had Windows CE on it. But I'd LOVE Sony to snap them up, because never mind the big budget new stuff, Sony are -hot- on retro remakes...and I would hate to see a Skies of Arcadia remake held back by the Switch. Like you, I stopped following Nintendo; just, at a different time. I loved the Gamecube but for me it started going downhill with the Wii. Let's be clear though: I dislike Nintendo's console direction, not their handhelds (Switch barring) - they used to be "HOW POWERFUL CAN WE MAKE THIS" but the Switch is, for all intents and purposes, a 2017 midrange Android tablet. Personally I want to see one of my favourite games of all time (see above - Skies) remade completely in Unreal 5 and if ANYONE can spur Sega into doing that, based on the success of Valkyria Chronicles I think Sony could. And maybe we'll get a rerelease of one of the Saturn's greats, Panzer Dragoon Saga (screw spending £500+ on owning that). New stuff is cool too but there is such a wealth of untapped remake gold in Sega's back library.
(I know what you mean about adding to your backlog; I just bought Cyberpunk 2077 and Horizon Forbidden West, and that's not to mention Ghostrunner free on PSPlus AND GTAV which I've never played or owned being stupid cheap...why am I like this X'D)
Great - I'm always up for a peek at what's coming, so no doubt I will enjoy.
20 minutes don't seem like much, but we always want more, I'll take what we get xD
@shadow2k Semantic complaint, but Sony providing games to PS4 is 'catering' not 'pandering'.
Sony saying stuff like "we believe in generations" to sell PS5s while also planning cross gen support was pandering.
Just gonna be another sad attempt at trailers for games like stranger of paradise. Which to be honest I have no interest in due to there terrible storytelling, level selection nonsense, menus, and loot system in the nioh series.
I can't wait for this... So that's once it's out the way Sony can start focusing more on PS VR2.
@shadow2k You make a lot of good points. For me the essence of Nintendo has never been about power, it was always about going their own way. At times it is incredibly frustrating that you don't get basically stuff like proper online play and trophies and most major third-party games don't come to the platform due to power constraints, but at other times the Nintendo vision really shines through. I can imagine going back to Nintendo one day because I hate the way Sony are getting censorious and I'm not impressed with their pivot to the West over Japan.
If Sega had bought BluePoint or Vicarious Visions or made their own studio they could really boss the remake arena. I'm really sad that they didn't follow through on the Shenmue remakes, but considering the half-hearted ports that Sega did for Yakuza 3-5 (there isn't even a pause option in Yakuza 3, which means I couldn't play it when there were any possible distractions), I guess it was for the best.
It would definitely be possible to make a Shenmue game in the spirit of the originals without making it incredibly tedious like 3 was. Not hand-holding players is back in vogue right now.
Sony could be quite good at marshaling Sega to maintain the special essence of Sega, while giving it that Sony polish. Just for the remakes and reboots, Sony would be an ideal parent company or just partner. Just imagine what Golden Axe could be in the modern era!
I haven't got hold of a PS5 yet, but I bought a few PS5 games or PS4 games to play on the PS5 that I am holding off playing, basically anything after the Last of Us Part II. There are already a tonne of games on the waiting list to get on my backlog!
@shadow2k I haven’t played a game yet that I feel has been held back because of the PS4.
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