Ten years ago today, on the 13th March 2012, a little game called Journey went a long way in changing our perception of 'smaller' video games. At the time, when it originally launched on PlayStation 3, Journey was met with a tidal wave of praise from both critics and players. It was and still is a uniquely fulfilling title — only a couple of hours in length, but a brilliantly realised slice of interactive art.
One of the things that set Journey apart was its anonymous online co-op. You could be paired up with anyone at any time, and you'd continue the journey together — your only means of communication being the little chirps of your robed character. Simple but incredibly effective.
Tied together by an astonishing orchestral soundtrack and some beautiful visuals, Journey was a landmark release — and it got even better with the PS4 remaster, which floated onto the scene in 2015. Both versions of the game got an extremely rare 10/10 review score from us here at Push Square — and if that doesn't warrant masterpiece status, we don't know what does!
Do you have fond memories of Journey? Maybe you're thinking about booting it up for the game's tenth anniversary? Vote in our poll, and then aim for the mountain in the comments section below.
Comments 60
Amazing game! One of the best things is that you don’t need Ps plus to use the online
What an experience this game was. Said so much without saying anything. So much emotion from such a short simple story. Loved the "multiplayer" of just bumping into another person and just singing the notes to try and convey the message,
One of the most incredible game I've had the pleasure to play and that I still play at least once a year.
Absolutely legendary game.
Still one of the greatest games ever made and a defining title of the medium's artistic potential.
It's become a tradition for me to play through Journey to ring in yhe new year. Because regardless of how the year went for me, it's a reminder that I made it to yhe end. And just like the Mountain, whatever waits on the other side is another Journey to take.
My first playthrough was one of the greatest online experiences I have ever had. Shoutout to the random person I played with. 😆 🤣 😂
Played through the entire thing in one sitting with a complete stranger. Once it gave the username at the end i got a message that simply said 'thank you'.
Sums it up really. Brilliant experience.
Maybe it’s because I was late to the party on this one but something was lost in translation for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine game, however it just didn’t have the profound impact on me as it did for so many others.
It was very pretty with some great music but the rest of it wasn't too great in my opinion. Just kind of a bland sometimes platformer, sometimes walking sim with a fun little online feature. I don't know I can't see the masterpiece here myself but I'm glad for the folks that loved it. Just didn't click with me.
Yooo 17% of people crazy with no taste
I had a great time with this game. I downloaded the PS4 version when Sony offered it for free during their “stay at home and play” game offerings. I play for as many trophies as I can and didn’t think I would be able to get the trophy for finishing the game with another person due to the game being older and figuring not many people would be playing it. I got the trophy on my second play through. It was such a cool feeling getting that trophy. Great soundtrack too!
I truly believe that this is the title that ended the “indie” game conversation. Regardless of studio size making something impactful is about vision just like music, movies, visual art etc. and gaming wasn’t getting that kind of recognition (guess you could argue it isn’t too much better now)
Regardless of your opinion on this game it was an experience and that is awesome.
@Korgon Also couldn't get into it or I just didn't have the patience for it. Maybe one day I'll try again.
I still remember this being on plus and posting a sarky remark about it. @get2sammyb replied that I was talking out of my rusty sherrif's badge (I'm paraphrasing but still.) So I decided to play it.
Three hours later I was a wreck. One of the most profound and beautiful pieces of art I have ever witnessed. It's a true masterpiece and something everyone should experience at least once.
I love this game. I still go back and play every once in a while. The soundtrack is incredible as well.
I call these "artsy-fartsy" games. Sure they're real pretty to look at and they're very deep and emotional...but they're not really what I'd consider games. "walking simulator" is a more common term.
One of the greats, it's a shame sky (despite trying it twice) couldn't grab me as much despite having a great concept. Still journey is more than worth a play as many here have said.
I didn't really like it. On the other hand I loved Abzu. Not sure why as for me they are very similar games in terms of exploring (and controls), one is under water the other in a desert.
I got my PS4 in summer 2020 from a cereal box contest, after only having had a PS2 before. This was the first game I got and I finished it in one sitting, ending up in tears. What an experience, everything from image to sound to gameplay is pure bliss.
Exactly. Shout-out to mine as well. Spent the second half of the game with the same person, without even knowing who they were, only being able to communicate with in-game quirks. What an experience
Definitely a masterpiece
Thatgamecompany seemed set to take the world by storm after Flow/Flower (and especially) Journey. I’m not really sure what happened to them after that. They’re like the Lauryn Hill of Indie gaming.
I think this game is rather overrated
Im gonna be honest. I started this very reluctantly but it was free on ps plus and I was bored. Took me a while to figure out that extra character in the game was actually another human player. Ended it with quite a bit of emotion.
It will forever be the most popular choice to mention when people say "games aren't art" or 'games are too violent"
I adore it. And look forward to another playthrough when I next can, I always hope I find someone that looks like they need the trophies so I can help.
Once of the fee games that made me a jealous Xbox 360 owner. I was so glad when the Remaster came out on PS4 and I was able to experience not only through my playthrough but watching my son playthrough it as well. Definitely a GOTY if not a GOTD candidate.
I’m definitely in the “it’s ok” group. I didn’t feel like it was the legendary life changing indie game experience everyone made it out to be.
I was lucky enough to have a magical experience with journey, having someone who knew the world show me around to find secrets etc. all the time not being able to communicate properly, it still felt we were on the same page and knew exactly what each other was doing.
If it wasn’t for that player I’m sure it would have still been a good experience but how it panned out with some stranger helping me was one of the most memorable experiences in my gaming past. We climbed the mountain and that was the end of that!
Thank you whoever you are!
I happen to think it's quite a good game.
I've never played Journey before, but plan to eventually.
Loved it. This has made me want to play it again
Masterpiece. My favourite ever online experience. I played for about two hours with a stranger I never spoke to, never saw their face, but had an emotional connection by the end. Will never forget it.
I only ever played through Journey once shortly after it (re)released on PS4. I have it installed on my PS5, and I might just give it a second play through. Don’t have time to play it tonight, but if I can find time between HFW and GT7, I’ll do so next week. Wonderful game, exemplary experience.
I liked the graphics and the mood in the first 15 minutes but after that I kept playing because I was curious until it abruptly ended!
I really don't get the appeal! It always confuses me when some people compared it to Ico Team games! Maybe it has that emptiness that those games had but it was really just empty!
If it wasn't for PS+ I wouldn't bother playing it!
One of the most over rated games created.
The ridiculous online requirements have always been a huge turn off for me. Beating the whole game with the same co-op partner. Playing with more than 10 unique players. Geez. So not only do you need multiple consoles, but you need to make a ton of extra accounts. Way too stressful! I just wanna relax when I play games.
What a great game this is. Played it first time solo. But the 2nd time i played with a random what a great experience it was.
@siderorb touching story! Do you still enjoy your PS4 (hope you do)?
As for the game... I did enjoyed it. 'Twas fun, even though I am not indie game fan. As for anyone who hasn't tried it, give it a half hour try and you'll see and decide. Bit of a childish game, no gore, no shooting... nice physics, chill music.
Quickest decision I've ever made on one of these polls. Makes me emotional every time I play.
@BritneyfR_ee They made Sky: Children of the Light
Hot take: I prefer Abzu, I didn't seem to get a single player throughout my playthrough 2 years ago, so I lost the magic...
I didnt think it was all that and still cant understand why its held in such regard but thats my honest oppinion and i'll respect all the people here who can see something i cant and i'm happy you all enjoyed it so much..
@Milktastrophe your comment makes little sense. There are no online requirements you don’t even need PS+.
I assume you’re talking about trophies. There’s one for playing around 2 levels with the same player (very easily accomplished) ideally the last two as this is another achievement. There’s another for encountering 10 other players but these will happen naturally over a few playthroughs - it’s a short game, can be completed in one sitting, so these are easy.
Not sure where you got “multiple consoles or a ton of extra accounts” from, that’s just untrue. It seems you’re overthinking it, Journey is the opposite of stressful. Give it a go and hopefully you’ll enjoy it.
@themightyant the only way to guarantee playing with another person is to have multiple consoles and play with yourself.
@Milktastrophe OK but you could say the same of ANY online game. That's a crazy argument.
EDIT: I've played the game at least once a year since launch and never had a problem with finding players. That's not to say you will always be playing with someone else but over the course of a playthrough you will cross with others.
@RBMango I thought it was pretty good, but I don't get people calling it one of the greatest games ever made. I guess you had to be there. In general, I think people saying a game is so great before I played it raises expectations and that reflects badly on the game when it doesn't match those expectations. I played Journey when it came out on PS4 and I really enjoyed it for the journey, but I was barely impacted by the defining characteristic of interaction with other players. For me, it was like "oh there's another guy like me, that's somewhat interesting, but I want to continue on my path".
@Colour We still talk about indie game now. They usually have lower expectations and price attached to them, but they also have the freedom to sometimes try something new, but there are also a whole lot of indies that just feel generic, even though they may all be passion projects.
@misak192 Your profile animation gives me PTSD about those enemies from Sekiro
I really need to play this through again. First and only time I played it, I think it was two sittings, but the finish I was virtually in tears. Such an experience from such a simple concept. The connection with a stranger you couldn't fully communicate with sharing the same world and together trying to reach the end... just breathtaking at times. I totally get that its not everyones cup of tea mind...
Not the best indie game for me, far away from my list of best of, I actually liked Flower, from the same developer, a lot more.
@themightyant and it's true on much newer, much more active games too, so there's even less faith for a ten year old game to have an active online player base. Take Team Sonic Racing for example, a current PS+ title, and the online was already completely dead a week into it being available to all PS+ players.
@Milktastrophe I get what you are saying but there are a few differences. Journey you only need one player to play with not a grid of players. You also don't need PS+. Lastly it's considered a masterpiece by many and people go back and play it frequently. All i'm saying is i've never had any issues playing with someone else at some stage during the game in the 10 or 15 times I've played it. Regardless it seems an odd reason not to play it, but each to their own.
I bought it when it was released but never actually played it until last year where I completed it in one sitting.
Awesome game.
Awesome game indeed! Very relaxing atmosphere/soundtrack (like Flower)
I never liked it.
I never saw the big deal with this game. I played all the way to the end and a couple of people jumped in and out. Someone please explain what's 'beautiful' about that? Flower was a much better and more interesting game.
There was nothing quite like it on its original release. I played it first on PS3, couldn't put the controller down, and ended up finishing it in one sitting. The last leg of your journey? Magnificent.
@Milktastrophe pertaining to trophy hunting?
@eM1x029 Yes I do, I play it almost everyday since I got it and I've probably well surpassed it's price in game purchases 😅
@misak192 It's strange, since ABZU is from ex-developers and in my eyes was a cheaper Journey rip-off, that disappointed me. Their next game The Pathless was a triumph though!
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