It's official: Devil May Cry 5 has been yet another modern blockbuster for Capcom. The excellent action title, which first launched for PlayStation 4 back in March 2019, has now topped 5 million sales worldwide. We assume that this figure includes sales of Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition, which released for PS5 roughly 20 months after the original, in November 2020.
Devil May Cry 5 still comes highly recommended, as far as we're concerned. It's a superbly crafted action game, boasting some of the most brilliantly designed characters you'll find on PlayStation. It's also going cheap right now through the latest PlayStation Store sale, if we've managed to whet your appetite.
Are you a big Devil May Cry 5 fan? Whatever you do, don't drop your combo in the comments section below.
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[source twitter.com]
Comments 28
Bought it on PS4 day one, then the Special Edition for PS5 on day one. It's a fantastic game to be sure, hoping DMC 6 isn't too far off.
I still gotta pick this up. It’s the only main DMC game I haven’t played.
I bet I know what Square’s reaction would be had they released this.
“We expected 50 million sales! The game only sold 5 million! Close the studio.”
I am the cash cow that is approaching
Provoking capcom in denial
I am reclaimer of my name
This game is the alpha and the omega of hack & slash games
Just finished it this past weekend funnily enough. It is fun in its purest form
Looking to pick up the special edition of this one soon!
Very good to see. To me Devil May Cry is still the king of this genre and 5 was friggin awesome. A truly Smoking Sexy Styled game!
Fantastic game especially the SE version. Glad its done well and once Dragons Dogma 2 hopefully happens they do DMC6 after.
Recently got into the series and I am now on DMC3. Will definitely eventually pick this up
Picked DMC after 3rd part, and played everyone since. Was quite disappointed with this one: felt very similar to DMC4, with minimum of impactful new ideas. DmC (by Ninja Theory) was much more bold and refreshing, even if not all ideas worked.
@Vovander Being unique doesn't make it good. DmC was just annoying with how edgy it was trying to be with characters cussing and making terrible one liners, "Haha I got a bigger pp than you." With DMC 5 being more of the same was great and having 3(and now 4) characters to experiment from with their combos like DMC 4 and expanded upon made it have so much more replayability compared to the other titles.
Im hoping this comes to the new now service, as Id like to try this.
Good to see its done well...
Bought this today for ps5 in the games under £20 sale. Bargain! I'm going to play all 5 from start to finish and maybe go for the plats...
Played it on ps4 but kind of wish id skipped it and was playing it frosh on ps5. Not a game i think i could play through again although i really did like it.
Cracking game - sits comfortably in third place behind Dante's Awakening and the original for me.
Got this for XBox One X back then and bought the PS5 version later.
I like it, even though I think, it could have been better. The early levels were the best and Nero had the best part in the game.
The 2nd half of the game was a bit annoying it felt like the half game is in brown bio levels.
For me, the best DMC games are the original from Shinji Mikami and DMC Devil May Cry.
Cool, but have they fixed the censorship in Europe yet?
That is good, but the article doesn’t say how these numbers compare to past entries. How many copies did those sell?
Glad it sold well but as a huge fan of the series I think it's pretty meh overall. The combat system is top tier, as it should be. With that said, the enemies and bosses are completely forgettable and most of the level design is straight up atrocious.
Character design isn't great either. New Nero is pretty good but Trish and Lady look like a pair of junkies and Dante looks like a subway tramp. The less said about V the better.
Yay! More DMC when?!
DMC1 - 3M (as of 2016)
DMC2 - 1.7M (as of 2016)
DMC3 - 2.3M (original/Special Editions combined, not counting recent re-releases)
DMC4 - 3M (original release), 1.8M (SE)
DmC - 3.7M
DMC5 - 5M+
Best sword combat of last gen.
@-Sigma- Probably after dragons dogma 2
This is great news, but still waiting for the physical Special Edition to drop down to $15-$20 New...
Hopefully it'll finally happen this November/December, during Black Friday or Christmas sales.
@thefourfoldroot you mean the butt?
@GeneJacket wow! So DmC was the best selling Devil May Cry game (before DMC5 launched), yet Capcom said sales were disappointing and threw the developers under the bus?
@Dman10 that's always my problem with articles like this. Some basic research would give the news some much needed context. Otherwise, you're just copying and pasting with a bit of paraphrasing.
@Nepp67 quality is very subjective. DmC is one of the most fun hack and slash games I've ever played. I know it had its critics, but many of us loved it. But yes, unique =/= good like you said.
In this case yes, or rather the lack thereof. Is it still offensive to Sony and unsuitable for my fragile morality?
In terms of gameplay and available characters, DMC5 is great (Nero's playstyle was the most fun, Dante's was okay this time but not as fun as his DmC counterpart imo, and V's was so-so), but I'm still pretty miffed that Trish and Lady weren't made playable somehow, not even in the Special Edition.
Still hoping for the return of playable Lucia one day in a future DMC game...
@thefourfoldroot definitely not offensive. It's just bizarre to me (both what they decided to censor and that people have an issue with it; I'd get it if it were an essential part of the game).
Yeah, I get that it would be weird for people, but I really get aggravated with platform holders (gaming or otherwise) trying to manipulate society to their own vision by gatekeeping ideas or experiences. It’s not right when they hold such sway over cultural output. The only acceptable censorship by a platform holder is that which is necessary to meet legal obligations. Platform holders in any form of media should not have the right (nor carry the responsibility) to censor for any other reason.
You are right, what is being censored here, in and of itself, isn’t important (well, not to me anyway, some would take offence at the idea that a woman’s body must be either altered or censored to be acceptable)
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