Nothing like the midweek, is there? Hump day, some call it. Most would call it Wednesday. We usually refer to it here at Push Square as the-day-where-nothing-usually-happens. Well, today, that trend is well and truly bucked, because Sony has just dropped a fresh PlayStation 5 firmware update on us, like a scoop of chocolate ice cream falling from a child's cone and splatting onto the gravel of a dingy zoo.
Daft similes aside, yes, there is indeed a new system software update for PS5, and it's ready for you to download and install right now. It's just over 1GB in size, so shouldn't take you long to get your console up to speed. You must be curious about a couple of things: firstly, what does the new PS5 firmware update do? Secondly, why did we stick with that whole ice cream in a zoo thing?
To answer the first question, here's the full, unfiltered patch notes for today's new firmware update:
"This system software update improves system performance."
It's like putting on a comfy pair of slippers, isn't it?
That second question about the ice cream in the first paragraph: not really sure where that came from. The trouble is, now we want ice cream, a day at the zoo, or both, ideally. We can all sit here on this otherwise unremarkable Wednesday and mumble something about updating our PS5 consoles to the latest firmware, or we can have a more interesting conversation about ice cream and zoo trips.
Sticking with the latter, then — what's your favourite ice cream flavour, and do you have any good zoo anecdotes? If you can somehow combine the two into one story, then we're really cooking with gas. Anyway, tell us your thoughts on the new PS5 firmware, or better yet, ice creams and zoos, in the comments section below.
Comments 56
@velio84 Pistachio is a very good choice.
I'm a vanilla guy. Can occasionally dabble with chocolate, but I'd rather have chocolate sauce with the vanilla ice cream.
One scoop pistachio, the other dark chocolate. Can't go wrong.
Salted Caramel for me.
Zoos are always good fun, I don't have any ice cream related zoo anecdotes though. Feel like I've never lived...
Stracciatella FTW!!
Especially with a second lump of mint choc chip.
3 words ... Butter scotch wallnut !!! 🤯🤯
I'm a cookies and cream man myself. I'd be in heaven if there was a cookies and cream ice cream with cookie dough as well.
Sony have introduced 'ALLM' (auto low latency mode) with this update, albeit secretly. This disables many of your TVs picture mode settings, if you have an LG, and automatically switches to game mode, if you have a Sony.
Go check Vincent Teoh's video on Youtube for an explanation (I don't believe I can post the link here).
@Woogy cheers. Came here to say the same thing.
@Woogy the last update already did that.
@lolwhatno Well, it isn't awful but, as VT explains, if you've an LG, it may be undesirable in some instances, game pending I suppose.
@dschons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdrfUpoMZok
Just got some lovely cream and honeycomb from Sainsburys. Can’t remember the make, but it’s on offer for £2. Highly recommended.
Edit: it’s called Mackies
Oh, and glad the system is going to have better performance, lol. I guess that 1Gb is not extra though, most will just replace what’s taking up space already.
No VRR no Good
I wondered what that “Instant game mode” message thing was on my LG.
@Woogy I know the video. But there's an even older one by Vincent. I've had ALLM since the update prior to the newest
I was once attacked by a Pelican at a zoo.
I wasn't eating ice cream at the time though.
@thefourfoldroot is there a way to disable that message? Bit sick of it popping up everytime I switch on the PS5.
It definitely appeared with the last firmware update.
@barffy194 I was attacked by a pelican on Nissi Beach in Cyprus.
Whilst laying down it clearly thought my head was edible. Bloody breathe stunk.
The pelicans, not mine.
ALLM was introduced in the last update, not this one.
Also PS4 also got a firmware update.
Hehe 😀 I'm on my way to zoo right now. 😀 And you know what? I'm looking forward some hazelnut or pistachio ice cream. And the joke?...
Two elephants are playing outside and suddenly huge truck, two times bigger than they are, arrives to the fence. Huge metal truck container slowly opens wide and suddenly... a one inch little stone falls out into their playfield. Container closes and truck leave... One elephant look at that microscopic stone and asks: "What that supposed to be?" second elephant replies: "Don't mind it, you will use to it. It is another Quality of life improvement..."
I hope they update the voice controls. They're atrocious!
Not sure. I assume there will be a setting to stop it happening, which will prevent the message of course. It’s a little annoying as my TV is already set to games mode on that source, but can’t say it’s bothered me enough to search the settings.
Just read somewhere else that this update causes lots of problems on certain TV's. I hope it's not a forced update so I can wait for a fix.
The latest PS5 system update has been frustrating some users who have had some of the settings on their televisions locked out. Due to the update adding Instant Game Response, otherwise known as Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), without a toggle to turn the feature on or off, those who own a specific LG or Sony television have found some of their go-to options grayed out.
@lolwhatno I'm working on making my real life avatar match my PFP!
@Woogy I saw his video yesterday but I swore this was added with the last update. My LGCX has been switching to game mode automagically since the last one.
Cool update. This update let's me play all my PS1/2/3/4&5 discs now on my PS5...then I woke up (it was a nice dream anyway)
I like turtles🙃
Yes, stable wednesday.
By my memory, it's an amusement park, not zoo.
There was so old, small-scale, and I dropped vanilla ice cream.
Whenever spring come, I'm reminded.
My favourite flavor is always passion fruit or coconut! There's just no way to beat that combo too
Gotta love that sweet sweet system stability.
That's quite a large scoop of ice cream....
Aka that's one of the largest updates I've seen for just system performance. Ones around a 1 GB are usually ones that actually include something.
Butter pecan da best.
If one update is 1GB, then that hard drive is going to fill up pretty quickly!
Tasty snacks for a gaming break.
Warmed pecan pie with a scoop of french vanilla ice cream.
Coke float: coca cola with a scoop or two of dutch chocolate ice cream.
I can't eat ice cream at the zoo with all those eyes watching me.
I remember this kid dropped his ice cream sunny side down on the ground ouside the monkey enclosure; splat right into a load of ants this monkey just reached out picked it right up and licked that shiznit. No fawks given
I love malted vanilla milkshakes.
@SONY Any news about 1440p resolution support on monitors? I mean, guys... Microsoft Xbox has had that feature for years
Mint chocolate chip all the way for me.
Also, best zoo days are rainy days. Less of a crowd and the animals actually come out from shady spots/hiding to cool off. Bring an umbrella and some boots and enjoy!
I once went for a walk in Rome with my rich aunt on a trip that she paid for. We walked to the Spanish Steps, we walked to the Colosseum, and we walked to this cafe and got gelato. I wish I could say that the real Italian gelato was something special, but, it was just alright.
There are no zoos in this story, but, when I was at the Colosseum, I do remember that I couldn't help but think what a good setting for a post-apocolyptic open-world RPG Rome would be. What kind of group could have set up shop in the Colosseum, what they would be using it for, the rest of the city with the modern structures mixed with the ancient, could be really cool.
As of this firmware update, there's a new issue with streaming PS Now games. Previously you had to wait about 5 minutes after coming out of rest mode before it would let you start (otherwise it says your subscription is expired). Now you cannot stream a game after coming out of rest mode, you need to restart the PS5 to be able to stream.
I don't mind a few scoops of some Buttered Pecan 🤤
The article is dated 25th March. And the youtube video explanation is only a day old.
I dislike ice cream (GASP) but I do recall going to the zoo a few years ago with a friend, we had a blast seeing all the different animals.
I do hope we can go again this year or next.
curious if this is about TheFlow's bounty. stability update at 1 GB? meh. usally those are smaller, right?
Removed - unconstructive
I went to the zoo on a trip to Rome. You didn’t miss too much. It was certainly better than London Zoo, but some of the smaller monkeys were in a shocking state. Some type of skin condition. If you like baby giraffes and baby elephants though it was good.
a blend of vanilla , strawberry , and just a little bit of chocolate 🤤
Mint choc chip or raspberry ripple
1gb of pure stability aught to be enough for anyone's needs.
I want local updates back how is it that newer generations seem to take options away instead of adding them.
"This system software update introduces flavour preference."
Mint Choc Chimp
Brown Chocolate Spider Monkey
Brownie Eared Pheasant
Water Melon Monitor
Pink Lemonade Pigeon
I clearly have too much time on my hands, apologies, I'll get my coat...
In my younger days, I visited Edinburgh Zoo with my family. We were at the Elephants area and I had just gotten an ice cream.
I recall that I turned round to look at something that I had caught my attention. When I look back around, an Elephant had it's trunk in about my ice cream. I was soon left holding the empty cone, as the Elephant made off with it's prize!
@ThomasHL I want them to fix it so that you can turn off auto uploads from PS4 discs
When the f*ck did we get ice cream?
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