SEGA is sitting on a mountain of beloved gaming franchises and IPs, and it feels like the Japanese publisher is doing almost nothing with them. Aside from Sonic, Yakuza, and Persona — and Total War for the PC crew — it's relatively rare to see the company utilise its treasure trove of beloved games. Some fairly recent exceptions, and this new report from Bloomberg, suggest things are changing, however.
According to the report, which cites "people familiar with [SEGA's] plans", the publisher has greenlit reboots of Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio. This pair of Dreamcast classics is surely on every SEGA fan's wishlist for a comeback, so to hear that both are allegedly making a return is music to our ears. While this initially sounds very exciting, there are some details that might make some a little apprehensive.
The report goes on to talk about SEGA's Super Game initiative, which will see the company publish several large scale games over the next few years. Apparently, the Crazy Taxi reboot has been in development for about a year, with the aim of releasing somewhere around 2025. The catch may be that these upcoming games will take the form of live service akin to something like Fortnite, potentially including microtransactions, crossover content, and NFTs.
None of this is confirmed, but SEGA has made mention of utilising new technologies in these Super Game projects in the past. Obviously, we'll need to hold tight and see what happens before we can make any real judgments. For now, it sounds like fans may finally have their prayers answered with new Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio games, but even just that is up in the air. Bloomberg's sources say the titles are still in the early stages and could be cancelled, so who knows what'll happen.
At any rate, are you excited at the prospect of new entries in these iconic series? Would you be put off by a new Crazy Taxi or Jet Set Radio that takes the form of a game as a service? Bounce down those San Francisco hills in the comments section below.
[source bloomberg.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 41
I want remaster of both, with 4K and 60 fps, not some live service with ntf games 😞
Crazy Taxi is a very limited concept and is not a good basis for a "supergame" it could be a minigame in a Yakuza supergame. Maybe they should just make a new IP set in Japan and make that their supergame.
This is some real Monkey's Paw sh*t.
Super Shining Force? The large roster they could pull from would make it easy to ruin by making the characters NFTs.
I think I'd rather buy Crazy Taxi from the PS Store for my still working PS3 rather than some vile live service %&@$ - before they shut the store, obviously!
Offspring and Bad Religion for Crazy Taxi or no deal
Why would they waste their time with Crazy Taxi. Gaming has moved past games like that and I just don’t see it doing well at all. The same would go for Jet Set maybe slightly less so in that games case
Dear Sega, instead of waiting for these games to release and fail, maybe just remake the originals or direct sequels that people actually want to buy?
If they are sequels to those games in the proper sense, I'll pick them up. If they are GaaS, Microtransaction filled BS... then I won't bother.
A better idea is they should Remake or reboot Comix Zone in the same vein as they did Streets of Rage 4. The art style would be great for Comix Zone as well.
@TheTominator007 It's all I want.....
I want my reboot of Skies of Arcadia. I will die on that hill. But only graphical reboot, and maybe a direct translation instead of the rewrite we got in the West....don't get me wrong, I love the Whedon-inspired style they wrote in for the translation, but I think I want to see just what the original game was like, now that gaming has grown up enough that we don't need to censor alcohol and smoking to get an audience.
Most people don’t understand the true quality of these two titles.
Crazy Taxi back on the PS2 was incredible.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk looks like the Jet Set Radio 3 we never got. As a massive Dreamcast fan i'm kinda scared Sega will ruin their iconic IP with nft/mtx nonsense but we need new games in these franchises full stop! Hell i'd settle for a HD remaster of Jet Set Future for PlayStation consoles as that one was xbox exclusive. Don't really see how Crazy Taxi + Jet Set fit the live service model though, well see I guess
Crazy taxi.....what a load of s**t.
@Jvoors sorry for your poor taste in games.
@shadow2k I'm not.
This shows us once again why big corp is scum. People really want to play your classics and you want to bring is this what a waste.
Binary Domain 2.
This is like the PS360 era where every Japanese company tried to make western brown shooters to try to win the CoD market and lost their entire niche in the process.
This is gonna' be a loooong generation. And not in a good way.
I mean... explore live service games to your heart's content, Sega... but why would you do that with these specific IPs??
I GUESS you could do something competitive with Crazy Taxi, but... why? Just release a new title with all its arcade sensibilities. It'd prolly sell like hotcakes.
And Jet Set... as a live service? How?? I just don't see how it'd work. Maaaaaaybe as some sort of ongoing living city sorta thing with actual tag battles and stuff, but... that's not what people want. Good thing we have Bomb Rush Cyberfunk coming.
@lolwhatno Look I understand this game is liked by alot of people but thats the thing with crazy taxi you either love it or hate it for me there is no inbetween but I honestly couldent think of a worse game to remake and to add live service elements to it is even worse that said if people like it and are stoked for a comeback then good on them there are plenty of games id love to see remade that you may find are a load of s**t.
I love the originals. The latest Crazy Taxi was a terribly disappointing mobile game. Please just stay true to what made those titles great in the first place.
I never played Crazy Taxi so it would be cool if it would get a reboot.
Love Jet Set Radio.
@lolwhatno it was my intial thought when I read this article although not very constructive I think the game is bad and thats why I dont like it.....however I dont know why you would think I dont tolerate others opinions Im all for them the gaming world is one of the most diverse places after all....not everyone will dislike crazy taxi Im well aware of that its one of segas most popular game franchises.
If Sega actually does go that route with any "reboots" or remakes after literally making us wait for DECADES, then it truly would be a deliberate and unforgivable slap in the face to their fans. They'd better tread carefully or what little is left of their once esteemed reputation in the hobby will go up in smoke.
No Offspring, no buy.
I enjoyed Crazy Taxi but I'd rather have a reboot of Virtua Tennis and Sega Rally 🤷🏻♂️
If this is their plan, I hope both games fail miserably.
Where is my powerstone? that game was built for online back when there wasn't any. with the plethora of items you could create, that has micro transaction written all over it.
@TheTominator007 YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!!!!
@lolwhatno yeah I know what your saying. To be fair I should have actually conveyed a constructive opinion....thanks you have a great day too.
2 of my favourite sega games but the fact that fortshite is mentioned makes it sound like they'll monetize them to death & try to turn them into battle royales 🙈
@TheTominator007 I bought it on my Xbox one because it's backwards compatible but it's not the same without that song 'god of war , god of war yeah yeah yeah yeah'
I'd really like them to do something with the Outrun IP, or even just a remastered version of Outrun coast to coast for PS5
Dude, Crazy Taxi was one of the biggest sensations in the early 2000s. I would go to the arcade on weekends and wait an hour for a turn on the machine. When I got home, I played it on my Dreamcast.
The game was absolutely amazing. That other poster is right, your taste in games is terrible.
You’re really missing out. It’s an experience.
Nothing will ever beat playing it on an actual arcade machine, but you can use MAME on a good PC or pickup the Dreamcast, GameCube, or PS2 versions.
The game is a ton of fun and it oozes late 90s coolness. Plus it’s just a ton of fun to play.
Also, Jet Set Radio Future was one of the first games I bought with my Xbox. And it’s an absolutely fantastic title. The same things from Crazy Taxi apply to JSR. It oozes that late 90s atmosphere and the entire gameplay loop was hugely innovative. Plus a wonderful soundtrack.
The Dreamcast/Naomi era was Sega at its best. Mainly because SOJ corporate took a hands off approach to its studios and let them do whatever they wanted. I don’t know why they did that, but I think the fact their hardware division was coming to an end played a role. So many great absolutely weird unorthodox games were released on Naomi arcade machines and the Dreamcast.
The Sega of today doesn’t even hold a candle to the Sega that went out big with the Dreamcast and the Naomi arcade board.
@OrtadragoonX likeing crazy taxi is definately not an indicator to good taste in games..... However I have said that you either like this game or dont I would say personally its awful thats just an opinion.
But you loved it and still do is this because of the memories it gives you? Would a remake give you the same buzz as it did in the early 2000s? I dont think people shouldent love the game hell its done really well for sega but that dont mean its good taste to like it and I dont think its bad taste to like it...
Would love to play a new jet set but not as a live service game. Nope.
It may be remembered by gamers (or parents of gamers) aged 35+, not necessarilly meaning it would be enjoyed/bought by players aged 20+ #fortheclassesnotthemasses
I have zero nostalgia for either of these games, but know some friends that will be excited.
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