The Last Of Us Factions was one of the biggest multiplayer surprises to ever grace the PlayStation platform. The fact that you can still easily find filled servers on PS4 a full eight years after the The Last of Us Remastered launched on the PS4 is a testament to its unique fusion of traditional multiplayer and tension-filled gameplay of the critically acclaimed single player title. The thing is: Factions was so popular among its fans that a second iteration was all but guaranteed to accompany the eventual The Last of Us: Part 2 when it launched in 2020. Except it didn’t, and two years later we are still waiting.
So, what gives? Where is The Last of Us Factions 2? Well, for those looking for some more in depth knowledge into what we know, what we think we know, and some finely picked theorising, then head on over to the Push Square YouTube channel, where you can find our full thoughts on the matter.

However, if reading is more your style, here is a rundown of what’s going on with The Last of Us Factions 2.
As PlayStation enthusiasts nervously awaited The Last of Us: Part 2, Naughty Dog dropped the bombshell that the highly anticipated multiplayer component wouldn’t just be delayed, it would be released as its own standalone title. However, the flow of information stopped there, and didn’t continue for another two years.
With persistent questioning from fans on when they could expect Factions to show up, Naughty Dog gave us a morsel of information in its Last Of Us Day blog post: it’s still working on it.
And that leads us to the present day where Factions fans are still left hoping that someday Factions 2 will be revealed. Thanks to job listings, we know that Factions will have some emphasis on live service elements, which is really to be expected for a standalone multiplayer title. But even with all the rumours of battle royale modes, and leaked code assets, we still know very little about when we expect to get our hands on some shivs and blue bottle supplies.
Take a look at the video above for plenty of theorising, detective work, and, if we're being honest, plain wishful thinking!
Comments 59
I would be very surprised if this wasn't locked behind the new Premium option of Plus, "free" access at least.
I'm willing to bet Factions 2 will be included for free in the director's cut of Part II and like $20 or $30 for the standalone version.
I’m sure this was initially reported to be a free download coming soon after the main game? Anyway, enjoyed the multiplayer for the first, so hopefully this will be good …there’s plenty of potential there. Unfortunately there’s also plenty of potential for Sony to try and screw us…so with their eagerness to push more live service games this gen I reckon this could be used as a litmus test…test things on the strength of a popular IP - hopefully this means releasing day1 on their subscription services…rather than copying what they did with GT7.
How Sony play out this gen is going to be very interesting…certainly not predictable as I’m not even sure they know what the plan is fully yet. Least that’s the impression they give.
Can't wait for this. The original was the best PvP experience I ever had. It was so well put together.
I'm half expecting this and other first-party live service games to be what the new PS Plus is all about.
Great video and completely agree it’s odd we haven’t heard a word from Naughty Dog. Really looking forward to the single player aspects they include. Hoping we get more info closer to the release of the new ps plus!
Hundreds and hundreds of hours, platinum on PS3 and PS4 and soon PS5 if they remake it with factions (don't think so)...
So pleaaaseeee release it and for the love of God, don't ruin it Naughty Gods!
As much as I love Factions, ND does have a tendency to make unbalanced online games. Even factions is full of OP weapons. Doesn't bother me that much cause I'm a nolife in it, but still.
Just make it like Apex or something. Lots of weapons that all feel a bit different. They all are useful though and nothing is too overpowered. That combined with the AMAZING and basic maps factions had, along with the incredible stealth and tactical gameplay... Dear lord my pants need changing rn
Imo this started out as a mp companion to the main game and now is just a multilayer game though apparently there's a fair bit of content for single players. I will be day one hooked to this I just know it.
Patience…just be patient
Seems at this point they'll wait to release it before the TV show like they did for Legacy of Thieves and the Uncharted movie - for the hype.
Maybe with a possible remaster of the original.
I have a feeling they are going to do something along the lines of Vigor where it's a more scaled back BR experience with a large focus on survival, management of resources, and some sort of communal meta game where you work to sustain a community by taking part in matches.
I'm worried it's going to be too ambitious for its own good at this point. I like how simple and straightforward ND's previous multiplayer efforts have been but that doesn't seem to be the case here. We will see I loved the original Factions until all the pay to win nonsense came in.
Uncharted 4's multiplayer was half assed in comparison to the 2nd and 3rd game. I'm guessing they are listening to the pissed fans from that and ensuring they don't have another scar on their reputation.
I'm betting it's either canned or moved outside the LoU universe to be a standalone multiplayer title. Probably 2024 release.
Theirs no telling when will ever hear about it with the mute version of Sony we have nowadays. Hell even the BIG PSplus announcement was lacking. They didn't even give us a list of games we can expect, and I dont believe for a min they don't have the list locked down. They just don't want you to stop buying games between now and June.
They need to take their time, all they want. This could easily end up being the next halo infinite, if naughty dog isn't careful. Halo had a strong launch, but is so starved for content, most players are sick of it and season 2 isn't even out yet. Naughty dog needs to have a clear line for multiple seasons of content, if they go the service games route.
I'm expecting it to be more like The Division, open areas to loot and do missions with PvP stuff as modes. I'm also beginning to doubt that it'll be day one on Plus. Jim Ryan ruled out first party games but made no mention of the live service games. Tbh I'm expecting it to be full price with Sony banking on TLOU IP.
Couldn't care less about it the original tlou game ended perfectly for me & I'm fine leaving the IP on that high note
My biggest concern is that Factions 2 won’t even resemble Factions 1.
Factions best mode was the 4v4 single death with rounds mode and Factions 2 probably won’t even have it. I think it was called survivors.
Sony is generally extremely quiet about the projects of their first party studios.
And I agree that Naughty Dogs absence feels weird. They always had something concrete for us to look forward to.
Now we're pretty much guessing more or less if their project Faction 2 is even a thing.
Sony bless us with a Future of Gaming 2 or something like that.
Nothing is going on so far and they don’t get any flak because it’s ND.
@JJ2 Why should they catch flak, they don't owe us anything. If they promised and couldn't deliver it's on them. Y'all should channel your rage on these awful stick drift on just about every controller out there.
Every studio get criticised. No need to get emotional.
The best multiplayer of this gen takes time.
No free to play or ps plus fodder is being done by these guys.
It will make third party question if they should go free to play.
@JJ2 😄 Actually don't care if ND gets criticized or not, I'm saying people be raging on the wrong things. I don't see PS, Xbox, Nintendo catching that much flak on these stick drift issues, buying new controllers because of that it's like buying the same game 3+ times.
I’d rather they work on something else tbh. I feel like TLoU2’s time came and went and is long gone now. I’m not sure what to expect from them next. They went from being Sony’s most exciting studio to… I don’t know. They’re a very talented studio but Insomniac and Sucker Punch have left them in the dust.
Probably releasing with Directior's cut so is fine if they want to release everything together, I will purchase it but after that I will only support a new IP from ND.
They need to show the world that they are indeed Sony's very best (personally think Insomniac are the current best) and are more than just a TLOU and Uncharted factory.
I mean, that’s completely off topic and diverting my comment for no reason.
Nobody is raging here. I just stated facts.
@AdamNovice Like the division? Hell no!
@JJ2 Your original comment was implying you were expecting gamers to give ND flak for not releasing factions. And I'm saying that's a laughable thing to rage about when it's costing people real money replacing controllers and they're not even raging about that. You don't lose money not getting Factions, facts.
Haha man I have no idea why you keep talking about rage and controllers. Don’t take it the wrong way please.
I mean it’s clear ND have a communication problem about this game. No need rage to talk about the obvious.
asking about multiplayer on pushsquare ? that’s funny 🤣😂 but i’m with you
@JJ2 Because my controller is stick drifting and I want you to pay for it!!! 🤣🤣🤣
I don't know what's going on but after all this time waiting either they make the best mp game ever or it won't be good enough lol
No problem.
Let me know if your details and don’t forget security code. 👍🏻
It was obviously a joke. 😵💫
Don’t 😅
If it's f2p with microtransactions, I expect it to be on PC as well.
Perhaps Factions 2 will coincide with a PC-release of TLoU 1+2? Sounds like a big moneymaker for Sony.
It's coming, but at an additional $15, because...
Or not, who knows, not i.
@TheArt I haven't heard anything widespread about drifting on the controllers at all. Not saying it hasn't happened to some, but clearly not everyone. Not like the Switch's Joy-Con drift. Now THAT was a huge widespread problem. More than half of Switch owners experienced it, including myself.
@Rafie many people still don’t have a PS5 yet
The game was ready ages ago, unfortunately the team dedicated to designing 6 million mtx hats are still hard at work...
@Rafie Well even if it's happening to some, it needs to be addressed because it's costly buying new controllers just cause of drift. I tried opening up my first DS4, fixed it, but ended up messing up the touchpad, the next time I opened up, messed up the charging system, next time, whole controller died. You give up and get a new one which costs money, it's not a like a bug that can be fixed with an update for free, for now I'm stuck with the blowing air technique which can be a chore. And no not everyone can deal with the hustle of sending to Sony for a replacement, not enough Sony centers around the world. Plus like @nomither6 said, a lot of people still don't have a PS5 else we probably might hear more about it. So far I know it even affects costly Xbox ELITE controllers, so it's a real problem.
I wonder if ND is developing a Destiny-like multiplayer set in the TLOU world.
I didn’t have a PlayStation at the time, but I’ve got a couple of friends who spent over 1500 hours in Last of Us multiplayer, the most they’ve spent in any game.
It seems to be an original take on PvP so I’m definitely going to try this out.
If they just updated Factions from p1 with p2 gameplay and added some new maps, I'd be happy.
It was fun because of the co-op you had with your team mates. If it is a battle royale where the last team left standing wins, then I am in, but if it is one where last man standing wins, then I am out.
I called it being a battle Royale game from the start.....The game just sets itself up to well for one. I believe the rumor
@Shepherd_Tallon I couldn’t convince any of my friends to try it. Thought it was sooo good too. Felt so balanced right out of the gates
@TheArt had the same problem!!!! What fixed it for me was a full power down after one of the controller updates. Never happened again. I had always just put it in rest mode.
@colt3211 Naughty Dog can take all the time they want and have as many delays as they want in my opinion. Deserved
The MP is being developed by another team, right? If so I'm assuming the main team is working on a new game?
@MasterEMFG Full power down? Resetting the controller or something...
i feel like it went from just being a mulitplayer game , to a full mp with a story attached to it. i know some people dislike live service games, but i feel like a last of us game like that could be interesting.
@MasterEMFG Super well balanced.
I could never get anyone to play it either. I would always end up playing it with random people, but it never once spoiled the fun.
@Kriandis I feel like it could have a battle royale mode for sure, but that won't be everything it's about.
Cynical view: Syncing a launch with TV show and TLOU2 Directors Cut with TLOU1 or other DLC in premium pack.
Optimistic view: What started as a simple add-on mode grew and grew to the point that they went back to the drawing board to re-evaluate the scope.
Reality: Who knows?
about two more weeks
@Happychocobo you forgot to add an "/s" after your comment..
@Kriandis they already have that in tlou mp its called "SURVIVORS" and its the most NOT played version of all of the modes.. "yawn"
@TheArt not sure its as widespread as you say, I got two controllers with my launch ps5 and no sign of this stick drift issue and thats after over a year of heavy use
@reddog Well my original DS4 that came with my PS4 lasted about 3 years before heavy drifting, before that there was a slight issue with the left stick where it wasn't registering inputs efficiently, like turning cars in GTAV was slightly difficult. Then I bought a midnight blue DS4 that started drifting after a few months! Just hope your DualSense is a good one because drifting is quite common with every controller as they're all using the same generic sticks.
@TheArt yeah… power off vs just rest mode. Fixed the drift for me. You might also try to reset the actual controller and re pair it. But I just did the power off thing vs rest mode once and it fixed it. Was shortly after a controller update too. So I’m thinking that had something to do with the drift in retrospect.
I’m sure there are other reasons people are getting controller drift.
Now I’m dealing with a sticky triangle button on one of my controllers. (And there’s no reason for it to be sticky). I blame Ubisoft and having to collect all that junk in AC Valhalla though.
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