Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal, and Square Enix Montreal will continue to make "very sizable AAA experiences" after the Embracer Group bought the three developers and a long list of gaming IPs from Square Enix for $300 million. A new Tomb Raider title is already confirmed to be in production, and other large games based on "beloved franchises that we will own as well as original IPs" will follow.
The comments (transcribed by Push Square) come from CEO Lars Wingefors in a presentation hosted yesterday, where he described the pipeline for the three studios as "very interesting". Wingefors then added: "There will be a few years now where there will not be as many new big games coming out, and then there will be some amazing things coming through the studios looking further ahead."
The new Tomb Raider game out of Crystal Dynamics is perhaps the project furthest along from the three developers, but the California based team is still working on Marvel's Avengers and lending a hand with Microsoft exclusive Perfect Dark. Eidos Montreal put out Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy just over six months ago, while Square Enix Montreal has been focused on the Go series (Hitman Go, Lara Croft Go) in recent years. As a result, it's likely going to be a number of years before any of the three studios are ready to share what they've been working on publicly.
Up until now, the Embracer Group has generally put out games just below what many would consider the AAA tier. Some examples include World War Z, Generation Zero, and Remnant: From the Ashes.
The Embracer Group gained access to the Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and Legacy of Kain IPs along with many others as part of the acquisition, but it appears the company also wants new IPs to be part of its future. What do you hope is in the pipeline? Give us Deus Ex in the comments below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 46
Good. Glad they're trying to give the perception that things will at least appear to be on track to those of us fans of the series they just acquired.
I really hope we see a Legacy of Kain game. Heck, make it an "from the ground" remake of Blood Omen to test the waters. I'll bite. (No pun intended)
Just a reminder to folks that a lot of AAA games take 4-8 years to develop, so we're going to need to be patient with stuff that isn't already in the works (which will be part of why the valuation was so low)
Full remake of the first Deus Ex and I'd be very excited.
Or a new one but with a bit more thought in it (like the first one).
They have a history of remasters so I'm hoping for a PS4/PS5 version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution before a new game can happen.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver has been the most forgotten IP. I would love a full remake with the original voice actors as their performances are still top notch today. As for Deus Ex, this series is top 5 for me. We need a final chapter to Adam Jensen's story arc. A remaster of Human Revolution in there Dawn engine would be a welcome surprise.
I Wonder If They Might Revive Franchises Such As Gex Akuji Pandemonium And Fighting Force
I would l🖤ve a remnant from the ashes 2.word up son
Man... I can't wait for any visuals from new Tomb Raider!!
Sounds good! I'm definitely rooting for these teams. Show Square what they missed out on!
I’d love to see the legacy of Kain and soul reaver games remastered.
@Boucho11 Same. I used to love them
I assume they got the Fear Effect IP as part of the deal. Would love to see a new entry in that series, the first two games were amazing back in the day.
Damn, I just realised we probably won't get Guardians of the Galaxy 2 now😥 But I love me some DEUS EX LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Deus Ex needs more games! Hopefully with more Adam Jensen. Fantastic series.
It would be great if these studios could dump the licenses and put out some of their own games without having to fit the latest trends. Dumping these studios to pursue block chain and NFTs is such a terrible waste.
@GorosBat Much better they bring back Sleeping Dogs!
I'd love for Deus Ex to be included in this but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Do the Embracer group release games? They have bought all these franchises over the last couple of years but what have they released? Like Timesplitters they keep saying they will do something with that but nothing has materialized to date. Feel a lot of these IPs will disappear now.
I'm interested in their AA mid-tier titles as well, not everything needs to be AAA.
Hopefully their management has new ideas because I’m personally not a fan of the vast majority of their work
If we get Deus Ex back then this has all been worth it.
@Apfelschteiner To this day I haven't played that gem, I need to remedy that!
@bindiana - Anything from THQ Nordic, Koch Media etc is Embracer Group.
It couldn't get much worse tbh.
Deus Ex sat on the shelves and TR games were just meh.
Would love new and interesting visions for those games
Yeah I know but what have those studios released in the last 2 years Metro, ELEX 2 and re releases of Destroy all Humans and Spongebob not exactly setting the world on fire
@Gatatog yes definitely human revolution on ps4 version cant believe thats stuck on ps3
@Perturbator exactly not everything has to be AAA to be a good game.
@bindiana - Amalur Re-Reckoning, Wreckfest, Biomutant, Desperados 3, Darksiders Genesis are all from them.
@bindiana From what I'm aware Embracer group is like how Zenimax is the parent company to Bethesda, I might be wrong on this but I'd imagine games would be published under THQ Nordic.
Yeah I get how the embracer group works I just meant with these 100 plus studios they have there output is very poor. I think they purchased wreckfest just before or after it launched. Amular another remaster, Darksiders Genesis was very poorly recieved. Biomutant least had something going for it but as I said there output for 119 studios is very poor and lacking.
Mankind Divided needs a conclusion and I’d be off the wall excited to see it happen.
They'll have to rename SE Montreal studio haha
@Futureshark This my favourite order of events, since I'm dreaming:
1. Re-release 8th/9th gen versions of Human Revolution directors cut and a new DC of Mankind Divided as a double pack with all DLC integrated.
2. Release one more Jensen game set a few years after MD to wrap up Jensen's story and set up Deus Ex 1.
3. Remake Deus Ex 1
4. Remake Invisible War (good ideas, flawed execution makes this IDEAL remake-fodder)
5. Make a sequel to IW that bookends the whole thing.
This was probably for the best, given where Square seem to want to be going (Blockchain). Hopefully these titles remain multiplatform and Blockchain free.
I love both Deus Ex HR and MD, I really hope we can see more of Adam Jensen's story again!! And a remaster of all 5 Legacy of Kain games, and even new instalments, would be ver welcome too. Pray!
@winnipegborn1984 We lost Tony Jay, the Elder God, years ago (2006), but even so, I think most of the cast is still alive.
@bindiana They have released/re-released a ton of games. They mostly own A and AA developers, nothing they gonna release is exactly gonna set the world on fire. But they own Aspyr which is the studio working on the knight of the old republic remake.
A Deus Ex on modern consoles targeting 40FPS/120Hz to l would be sublime. They could kick start it with some next-gen updates for Mankind Divided. I'd pay for that.
There are alot of young gamers growing up these days with very little to no knowledge of the amazing games from back in the days. I'd love to see legacy of Kain back: Soul Reaver in the scene, so much that I believe newbies would also enjoy such a game like this.
Fyi that's Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1, 2 and 3 defiance... Classics
Deus Ex remake or remasters would be very welcomed...also looking forward to the next Tomb Raider.
If a new Deus Ex is announced, I will literally cry tears of joy.
A new Deus Ex would be great. They do need to keep the same composer though, Michael McCann, loved the soundtrack of both HR and MD. I still play the main theme all the time. Also, it would be awesome to get a VR version of both games for PSVR2.
Please new Legacy of Kain and Deus Ex.
Pleeeease. I need more LoK in my life.
@freddquadros yes his voice was like a diamond in the rough. He had the deepest voice I had ever heard. Michael Bell (Raziel) is still working and so is Simon Templeman (Kain). We can only hope for a truly amazing remake.
@winnipegborn1984 To this day I can recognize their voices in any game they are. They work is this series is a landmark in gaming.
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