Remember when Genshin Impact was first revealed? It was received irately by Nintendo fans, resulting in a series of meme-worthy photographs where Breath of the Wild stans converged on a convention to ridicule the release! Chinese developer miHoYo is enjoying the last laugh, though, as it’s reported that the smartphone version of the title is raking in around $1 billion in revenue every six months. Keep in mind that this is separate from what it’s earning on PC and console.
Sensor Tower, who crunched the numbers, explains: “Following its worldwide release, the title took 171 days to generate its first $1 billion on mobile, not including spending through third-party Android stores. It then took an extra 195 days to accumulate a further $1 billion – resulting in the title picking up $2 billion in its first year alone. Genshin Impact crossed the $3 billion milestone 185 days later, meaning the game has averaged revenue of $1 billion every six months, making it one of the most successful mobile games of all time.”
While the figures on console are likely a lot lower, we’d hazard they’re still impressive, which perhaps goes some way to explaining why Sony is so obsessed with live service games at the moment. PlayStation chief Jim Ryan hinted last year that his company will be adapting some of its biggest intellectual property to mobile, and looking at these kind of numbers, that seems like a shrewd investment.
Of course, it’s important to remember that securing a hit like Genshin Impact is incredibly difficult, with a large chunk of the title’s mobile revenue coming specifically from China. Nevertheless, with dizzying statistics like this floating around, it’s easy to understand why so many companies are chasing a big pay day.
[source sensortower.com, via gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 37
I wouldn’t mind getting back into this but the game won’t let you start a new game without having to create a new account 🙄
Been meaning to give it a go actually. I haven't spoken to one person who has played it who didn't love it.
Yup, that’s horrible. That’s why traditional gaming is on its way out. I dread to see the state of gaming by 2035.
I prefer traditional games with traditional content at a traditional price.
@SplooshDmg I'm completely split on your comment. Completely agree on some parts, couldn't disagree more on other parts.
Agree there's many things to love.
Agree skins are expensive but they are in everything from Fortnite to Halo Infinite. It's F2P.
Agree it's a giant gambling operation just like FIFA, OVerwatch and any other lootbox or Gacha games.
But couldn't disagree more about needing to spend. I've spent about £40 on this game total, and didn't feel I had to spend anything at all, it was more I felt I should after playing so much for £0. Never felt the need to buy MTX/currency.
You get so much for free just by playing the game. Grated it is a grind and takes time, you're not going to get a 5 star every week this way. But i've amassed around half of the 5 stars characters, and every 4 star bar one just from playing the game normally. Seems hugely generous to me.
Interesting the different perspectives.
@Nightcrawler71 I created a second profile using my same email address. If you have Gmail* adding a dot/point in the email address makes no difference. So name.surname@gmail.com is the same as namesurname@gmail.com. Yet both PSN and Genshin see these as separate accounts.
*Some other mail providers also do this. you can test by sending yourself a test email with a dot/point and seeing if it arrives
@themightyant No job in the world is done for free. It’s a miracle we get games given us free in a playable form…let alone those rare cases of quality. There’s no force payments on any of them. And if grindings too much then just walk away…it’s literally cost you nothing. So I don’t get complaints about microtransactions in f2p games.
It’s when it starts seeping through to £70 games there becomes a problem. Where the argument may still be ‘it’s optional to purchase content’…but on the flip side the sudden extra grind forced in these games to unlock said content is not optional.
1 billion per 6 months though…it’s no wonder everybody wants to get into the mobile phone gaming business
Genshin is the definition of a AAA live service game, it irritates me when people compare this game to BoTW just because they think Nintendo created gliding and Wall climbing 😑, and then there's those who moan saying this game should of been single player story game yet of it was it wouldnt of even sold 5 million copies and not have been bringing in 3 billion dollars after a year an half.
This game will be supported for many years to come as well since theres still 4 maps and cities to be added.
Only negative I have about this game is that I still don't have Eula 😂
@SplooshDmg As I respect yours, I just find it really interesting how we all have different mindsets and perspectives on these things, absolutely not saying one is right or wrong.
For me I log in every day play for 10-20 mins to do the dailies and use the resin, and then log-out. When there's a big event on, or new content to explore I play a lot more, but then they give much larger rewards too. All that slowly adds up over time so that every month or two so I get enough wishes to get another 5 star guaranteed (75-90 wishes), though sometimes it comes sooner with a bit of luck.
To be clear it often isn't the one I want (I have C3 Qiqi for example) but slowly the account builds up over time and now I have C6 on most of the best 4 stars I want now. I think i'm just quite patient with it all, see the bigger longer picture, and don't get too worked up if I don't get what I wanted.
How is this 2 years or so on? I played this and launch, sank 50 or so hours in and got bored.
Now I am worried jumping back in and I'm going to not have any idea what's going on with the plot, and I'm going to have missed tons of decent characters. IIRC I'm still rocking Amber and Lisa
@AndyKazama Depends on who you ask honeslty. If you gave up then I'd probably suggest holding off a little longer till version 3.0 which should hopefully come in the summer this will introduce the 4th of 7 continents in the game, Natlan.
If you only played at launch you probably only played Mondstadt and Liyue. Since then they've added the third continent Inazuma as well as smaller, but brilliant, regions DragonSpine, Enkanomiya & The Chasm.
If you wait till 3.0 there's probably a lot of content to get through before you put it down again. Then again if you got bored before maybe you won't like it at all
@themightyant I LOVED the exploring, finding the fast travel points, listening to the ambient music. Might do as you say, wait till 3.0 and have so much to explore.
@UltimateOtaku91 Quite right. The reality is that this game could not have been made with many other business models, no publisher would front up that much cash if it were a full priced game, and you would never have enough players or money to keep it going. F2P or an ongoing subscription fee were the only options really.
Almost all (J)RPGS cut some areas to keep costs down like using average voice actors, or lesser art. Even FF7 Remake only used live orchestras for a few of their tracks many were synthesized.
Whereas Genshin it seems like there is no expense spared. They hire the best voice actors not just for one language but all of them English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc. Literally HUNDREDS of top anime and VG voice actors. The soundtrack is truly wonderful, all fully orchestrated and already over 200 tracks.
It's kinda crazy the scope.
SplooshDmg wrote:
That is 100% fair and accurate. I do at times feel like that about Genshin, but then like life I get the reward too which makes the chore/grind worth it. There are times I feel I should quit but the truth is I DO get enough enjoyment out of the game to make it worthwhile for me. I can see why others wouldn't.
Great point. TBH I don't usually play online or live service games and wouldn't want to play more than one at a time as it just eats into the other games I could be playing. It does scare me a little when I use the PS5 to see how many hours i've put in!
The last one I really got hooked on was Fallout Shelter until one day I just felt it was all a waste of time, deleted the app and never played again. Maybe i'll do the same with Genshin one day... or even give up gaming, sell my PS5 and become a Hippie 🤪
@themightyant thanks for the tips, but I don’t have gmail! I’m hoping they will simply add a “new game” option at some point - seriously, how hard can it be? 🙄
Bleachedsmiles wrote:
The crazy thing is that's just a portion of the mobile revenue, it doesn't include spending on third-party Android stores or through MiHoYo directly. It also doesn't cover PC or PlayStation.
@Nightcrawler71 Unfortunately the way it's set-up on PlayStation is that the profile is directly tied to your PSN account. I hoped for this for a while but in the end gave up and created a second account. The advantage of this is I can play on mobile or PC too and carry everything across from PS5.
@SplooshDmg Oh I do! Sometimes feeling trapped playing and wishing you could break out the cycle, but you can't bring yourself to do it. Enjoying it on one hand, but hating yourself a little for it on the other. They know what their doing with these dailies and FOMO. Fuelling addictive habits and mini-routines. Perhaps we should both give up, but we probably won't, not today at least.
Boring game, shame people tend to get addicted to gachas.
I play gems of war now thats enough of dailies thats why i dont like free to play stuff its always some way to make to keep you hooked. Free to play games always show you could have been. Something that need to be held back or needs to be monetized its always a thing. Gems of war simple puzzle game is great at this daily login that cool card that is locked behind a massive paywall. I rather pay full price and play everything without the feeling that you are always held back.
With how much money this game makes it makes you wonder how many people are REALLY F2P only. If I had to guess, a lot of people wind up caving and dropping money when all the gacha currency they saved up still isn't enough to get the waifu they want or there's this "great deal" going on that they just have to buy. All these little purchases here and there really start to add up.
@themightyant @SplooshDmg What sploosh described is pretty much my problem with the entirety of the gaas environemnt. It's designed around the "dailies" to "check in daily/weekly" etc. All of that is very much work, chores, things you're forced to do in real life.
It honestly shocks me that so many people find that "fun", and depresses me that now an entire generation has been raised from a young age to know only that as "fun" and gaming.
We'll descend into a morass of gambling and work-chores as video games over time simply because the majority of the population was raised to define that as gaming.
@SplooshDmg Lennon was also loopy on dust. It might be best not to think much on his words of wisdom.
@themightyant you basically just summarized gambling addiction, except without even a legit chance of winning anything of value, which gambling at least includes
@SplooshDmg I never saw that episode, but I love it already!
We really have reached a new low in gaming with these casino models. They're bad enough, but the real trouble is the phone games groomed a generation of kids that had no consoles but had phones that it's "normal" - that shapes the acceptance of it forever more.
This & splitgate are the only free to play games I've actually enjoyed & I haven't spent a penny on either of them
@NEStalgia yes, conveniently the people that say you don't need to spend money on games like this usually fail to mention that they need to put at least an hour minimum grinding out their dailies. How they need to make sure to set time aside every day to come to this specific game and repeat the same tasks over and over. To repeat a routine and then be compensated and if you miss a day you cut your login streak, or some nonsense like that.
I actually do this myself. It's called going to work. 🥴
@UltimateOtaku91 I want the girl with the super strength that was raised by the adepti I forgot her name
@Would_you_kindly there's a few adepti girls although I think the most popular one was Ganyu
@UltimateOtaku91 she's not an adepti she was just raised by one of them apparently she had a red ribbon tied around her or something 🤷♂️
I really tried giving this game a chance, but the combat is just so basic imo, and the enemies aren't all that special.
Not to mention the story...don't get me started about that.
I played it for 25 hours or so last year, and was shocked by how decent it was. Strong voice acting, gorgeous visuals (on PC, anyway), fun exploration, etc.
With that said, I never REALLY lost myself in it, because it's easy to see how, after you sink a lot of time in it, it'll start becoming increasingly aggravating unless you start emptying your wallets for it.
As good as many of the game's early hours are, they're primarily there to hook you on an endgame loop that'll suck you dry. And I'm not interested in that.
It mainly just makes me wish there was an offline or single-player version of it. But that's obviously never going to happen when they're dragging in whales and making insane amounts of money.
@UltimateOtaku91 GI copies a LOT from BotW. Attack animations, menu interfaces, enemy character models, the layout of enemy encampments, how gliding and stamina work, the feel of movement and attacking in general, etc.
You have to be in a pretty massive state of denial not to see how GI modeled itself after BotW, at least initially.
It is tons of fun (especially co-op) It is also beautiful.
I always tried to buy something when new content shows up (actual story content and lands, not a random new character) I feel guilty if I do not give something for their effort.
Now I know they do not need my $5 😅
But they a mess on handhelds. Switch version is in a development void... Android has no controller support... and it wont launch on SteamDeck. I just need 1 of the 3 🙄
@ATaco I don't think paying would really eliminate the grind. You can pay absurd amounts of money to get characters and weapons, but you still need to do the same amount of grinding for artifacts and other materials to level the characters and weapons. I guess you could also pay to get around the time gating, but it would still ultimately be the same amount of real time grinding, just spread across less days.
@Milktastrophe I mean if it weren't really necessary then one has to wonder how GI is making a billion dollar every six month. A billion...just typing that out is insane to me...
Thinking a bit on it though, the people that are spending are definitely the whales...and then those that play very casually. They don't grind, they probably barely even level the characters up. FOMO just makes them want it. Seeing their friends pull and manage to get the character they like makes them want it even more. Those are the mind games I went through when I played Fire Emblem Heroes anyways. Always seeing friends pull a character that I really wanted, the temptation to spend rising in my mind. That's why I dropped these F2P Gacha fests after that. They're just not good for the mind.
NEStalgia wrote:
And yet many get joy from Truck/Farming/Powerwash simulators, or speedrunning, or being frame perfect in fighting games. Or more widely train spotting, stamp collecting or golf! There are many hobbies that I can't fathom, but I don't need to, we're all different. Let people like what they like, you don't have to like it too.
That was quite deliberate I know exactly where I am with this game. But if this is my biggest sin, being addicted to a F2P game that takes 10-20 minutes of my day then i'm doing just fine on the broader scale. ❤️
Would_you_kindly wrote:
Shenhe. She boosts Cryo characters so is a beast with Ayaka but also good with Ganyu and others.
@ATaco South Park has explained it brilliantly. People who make F2P games don't care about 99% of the players. They only care about the individuals who spent thousands of dollars on it. Everyone else is just a bonus.
@naruball I take it Fortnite was in the firing line then.
I love mobile games and play them almost everyday. With that said, I have never pd for any in-app-purchase item EVER! How does a game like this make that kind of money. Who is paying for these things in a free game??? Game was fun but 1B every 6 moths? Ludicrous!
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