Update #3: News of PS Plus upgrades in Asia potentially eroding any historical discounts resonated around the world, and has forced Sony to release a statement, in which it claims this was a technical error that has now been resolved:
We'd argue the only error here is that the company got caught, but at least its response has been swift.
Update #2: After effectively admitting that it intended to wipe out historical discounts for those looking to upgrade their PS Plus memberships, it’s beginning to look like Sony has backtracked. The company, perhaps sensing a colossal backlash, has made some adjustments to its upgrade calculation tool, ignoring any previous deals that may have been taken advantage of.
A couple of images from one user in Thailand show the change:
Let’s hope that the company has seen sense and this is the last we hear of this, because this entire sorry story was sickening to say the least. Those of you with stacked subscriptions will still have to pay your full-term upfront if you want to upgrade.
Update #1: A Sony support email from a Hong Kong employee, spotted by ResetEra, appears to confirm that the platform holder will erode discounts on previously purchased subscriptions when users look to upgrade their PS Plus memberships. While some had argued that this may be a mistake and that the organisation would never stoop this low, the translated correspondence suggests differently.
The message, as Google Translated, explains: “If you need to upgrade to the second or third tier of the membership, you need to make up for the difference in the previous discounted price first to return to the normal price. For example: a one-year PS Plus membership was HK$308 and the discounted price was HK$187.60, so the difference is HK$120.40 divided by the number of remaining months.”
So, those with stacked subscriptions will not only have to pay the full term of their membership upfront to upgrade, but will also have any discounts previously earned eradicated. Flabbergasting! We contacted Sony yesterday to try and get clarification of whether this policy will apply in the West but have yet to receive comment.
We sincerely hope the company is scrambling to rectify this before next month’s rollout.
Original Story: Sony has roughly two weeks to avoid a sh*tstorm of epic proportions in the west, assuming news coming out of Asia will be consistent here. The new PS Plus launched in countries like Hong Kong and Taiwan overnight, but local gamers are absolutely irate at the way the platform holder is handling upgrades. Effectively, it’s wiping out any discounts that memberships may have been purchased with, and is also demanding an upfront fee to upgrade stacked subscriptions.
All of this is resulting in some users being quoted $100s in order to upgrade from the bog-standard PS Plus Essential to PS Plus Extra or PS Plus Deluxe (the alternative version of PS Plus Premium available in countries without cloud streaming functionality). It’s worth noting that instances like this will be limited as the frankly frightening figures only apply to people who’ve stacked subscriptions several years into the future, but the backlash will be enormous if this also occurs in the United States and Europe. Those who stack subscriptions are, after all, likely to be the most dedicated, loyal, and vocal customers.
To further expand upon what Asian players are angry about, those who have active PS Plus Essential memberships into, say, 2026 are being quoted the price of four full years in order to upgrade to PS Plus Extra or PS Plus Deluxe. There’s no way to upgrade for, say, one year and then return to PS Plus Essential once that term expires. Sony will charge you the difference to upgrade, but some of the upfront fees being shared are enormous.
To make matters worse, unfathomably, the Japanese giant is wiping out historical discounts on subscriptions purchased through the PS Store. So, if, for example, you bought your membership while it was on sale and then choose to upgrade, it’ll bump up the price difference to erode the savings you originally earned. This basically means that it’s retroactively eliminating any deals it may have offered on subscriptions in the past – unthinkable, really.
There’s enough evidence online to confirm this is all happening, right now, in Asia – but, of course, it’s possible things may be handled differently in the west. We’ll contact Sony and try and get confirmation of how it’s tackling this issue in North America and Europe, and will update when or if we hear back. If this is the route the company has planned to take, though, it’s perhaps a good thing it’s adopted a staggered launch, because it has a few weeks to course correct before it has a colossal uproar on its hands.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 245
This is insane. While I don't think this will affect a huge number of members, it will affect the most vocal and dedicated consumers. If this applies overseas they're going to get crucified.
Welp glad my sub ain't going on for too much longer then, am interested to see the damage however.
Sony-try-not-being-anti-consumer-for-once-Challenge (impossible)
Some people who bought discounted PS Plus through 2026 claims that Sony charged them 200$ upgrade fee.
That is ***** insane.
Player: "I'm willing to pay you huge amount of money to stay in ecosystem"
Sony: "That would be 200$ more"
I don't want to spell arrogant Sony, but this is "for the Payers"
Compare that to Microsoft which let you stack Gold and then convert that to Game Pass Ultimate for 1$.
What are you doing Sony?
Controversially I agree with the stacked approach - Sony never said that option could/should be used so people used it at their own risk.
As for the discounts that Sony have given, that’s just plain ludicrous.
Umm, how is this different from what they already announced the upgrade path was? They said before you can upgrade the duration of your current subscription.
Madness by Sony here. Take the financial hit that will only affect a relatively small number of users, and avoid the completely unecessary PR storm
how could they let this happen, wow
this is not shooting yourself in the foot, its shooting yourself in the head with a shotgun
Think it is something they have missed looked up and will fix in a day or two.
But we already see usual haters here starting their agenda.
@Milktastrophe They never said they'd eliminate historical discounts, though. And I think the reality of people being quoted upwards of $500 to upgrade is really going to hit home in a couple of weeks when this rolls out in America.
This is an unprecedented level of cheapskatery. It’s only going to be a small amount of people who’ve used this, therefore they should avoid the massive PR nightmare instead of welcoming it with open arms.
Chuck a few cosmetic items in to the mix and call it a deal
But seriously when can I play Tomb Raider on my PS5?
Sony didn't learn anything from the game pass This is Sony's biggest weakness
@jrt87 Theres no reason to believe that they will reverse this decision. Sony hasnt really been known for making Consumer friendly moves
@itsfoz @PenguinLtd They could have put a limit on it as well. I believe some subscriptions that allow stacking have a restriction.
@PenguinLtd Ah but they did stop it. Also, stacking the current membership so you have it for longer or utilising a discount on a site is different from stacking from a previous system in order to financially gain in the future.
That’s my view anyway.
Anyone know if there's gonna be 12 months plus premium cards to buy in physical stores
That is next level, wow
How come we can never have a non-controversial launch of something new?
If you are just subscribed to PS Plus only for the next 5 years can't you just buy a month of PS Now less than a month before the date the tiers go live in your country for the upgrade? Or was that offer only valid for people at the point they notified everyone and that loophole has been closed completely?
The way Sony's official article read,this had to be expected. It seemed they had NO way to offer an Upgrade for a 'month' if you had 2mnths or more of PS+ on your account. The 'only' upgrade option was to upgrade your 'entire' term - which will be 'expensive' if you have stacked PS+ memberships.
I guess you could cancel,get your money back for your stacked PS+ membership and then subscribe to the tier you want. Still should be able to pay the difference for a set time (1mth, 3mths or full term for example)
Personally, it makes me want to keep on my PS+ sub, not even tempted to try out the 'higher' tiers. I was struggling to see the point in upgrading anyway as I have ALL the exclusives I want, been with PS since Sony's PS1 so played the 'old' games I wanted (and still have Every PS console and games since the PS3 era so can play those). If I subscribe today, the first 'exclusive' that I would want to play is GoW:R which probably won't be on PS+ for a year or more anyway - by which time, I'd probably of bought it.
@Enigk Technically you could have done, but Sony recently blocked those codes from being redeemed so that no longer works.
@IonMagi why are you so anti Sony and PlayStation? Asking for a friend 😏
Yeah I'm logging off for the day.
@IonMagi I at least disagree with this. Sony has been known to, time and again, circle back on decisions they've made if said decision gets enough backlash. People should definitely be complaining about this if they don't want to see it implemented here.
While applying the upgrade to your entire subscription period is understandable (doing it another way would be a pain to develop, not worth it for the small number of users affected, honestly), the discount thing is super weird... and I guess it would apply to me as I believe my last extension was a Black Friday deal.
You need mindshare to start a subscription service up, microsoft practically posted advice about how to upgrade to gamepass ultimate when released and the best deal to do that. If they continue down this road, the service will never recover. Get people into the service at the higher level and then only a small number will cancel come renewal time. Now people will hold on to their stacked essential tier subs and not dip for their higher service tiers. Every time sony make a decision just now, it feels like your only ever 2 weeks away from a Jim Ryan "we are sorry and we hear you " post.
Can Sony stop ***** up for maybe 5 minutes? Please?
Surely, unless I've misinterpreted the situation, this is literally illegal. Utterly mind boggling - there generally seems to be a decent amount of goodwill surrounding this new PSPlus and Sony seem to be doing their damndest to screw it up
@get2sammyb what on Earth are Sony doing at the moment? Surely they saw this coming, they even had Xbox's example showing them. All they had to do was limit the upgrade to 12 months and all of this could be avoided. Instead we have this mess and many people who simply can't even subscribe to PS Now at the moment.
Sony have been doing so well on the hardware and software front but since Jim Ryan has been in charge they've done a very poor job with customer relations
@ATaco They still went through with their 80€ Games for PS5, even tho they make Billions in profits.
Seeing this cra# only makes me happier that my ps5 broke in December last year and I moved onto my PC and have never looked back, only subscription service I have now is spotify because I can't live without music!
@get2sammyb I think the vast amount of consumers will care about this at all. I know that I’m still buying new titles regardless of how others have been affected in their stacking. It might be harsh - but they made their bed.
Wow, this is flipping pennies Vs multimillion PR recovery and possible class action lawsuits.
And on top of that we're getting slower PAL versions of older games.
@Bagwag82 Bro, why do you defend a Billion Dollar company scamming their Players? Asking for a friend ☺️☺️
For anyone wondering how Microsoft deals with this.
I bought 3 years of Xbox Live Gold at a heavy discount.
I paid £1 to upgrade all 3 years to Game Pass Ultimate.
Sony needs to wake up.
You know what Sony why dont you just go the whole hog and charge everytime someone turns on a playstation ?
Next gen upgrades
No saving on plus
Take away cards to stop ppl
Mtx added to single player on release day
Charge for online saves
I don’t understand. I thought that only the length of the longest Now or Plus on simultaneous pre-existing subs were valuable?
What are the differences from now and a month ago with they released the voucher information for upgrades? If this is a different price scheme then I see a problem but if it costs about what they said, I don’t see the issue.
I guess their system, no matter how long they are subbed for, thinks its just one membership, rather than 3 or 4 stacked ones.
So therefore, is looking to get the difference without realising how much that amount is because you can only pay for a year at a time.
People tried to be clever and fool Sony, and they failed. The most normal thing in the world.
@munstre people who stacked PS Now (or even have stacked PS+ and Now until the new system goes into effect) are good. The FAQ says you get premium for the duration of the longest subscription, even if it's stacked.
So does this affect people that have both a long stacked subscription to PS Plus and a short subscription to PS now in hopes to get the conversion?
So presumably fairly soon you will ONLY be able to get ps+ cards from Sony directly at whatever price they deem appropriate and will not be able to get them from cdkeys, electronicfirst etc. Hmm.
You can complain all day about right-wing governments, left-wing governments, centrist governments, and supply chain issues, but the source of all price gouging across the planet is corporate greed. And if people find a way to alleviate it somewhat, the corporations shut it down. This d**k move by Sony is just another example of that.
Are we sure this isn't just a launch hiccup where is just not recognising stacked subs or something, we all know how bad sony has been with upgrade processes of games and that before so wouldn't be surprised. This is also why I didn't stack subscriptions or get ps now at a cut price as I knew they'd be problems
@Milktastrophe that's good to know. None of this commotion sounds like my situation. I have PS Plus stack till 2028 and a month of PS now lol
If they had a problem with people stacking subs - they should've prevented it.
Sony will have to eat ***** on this. They can't punish people because they were too incompetent to prepare for this eventuality
"The new PS Plus launched in countries like Hong Kong and Taiwan overnight..."
I admire the bravery here. This is the kind of line major publications (and other international companies) are afraid to say to avoid risking the loss of lots of Chinese money.
Hong Kong isn't its own country - just a special district in China, but I'm sure China is sensitive to the optics of that. As for Taiwan, China views it as part of China still, the "One China" policy, but Taiwan and many other countries do not, so this is absolutely a sore spot for China.
I commend you, PushSquare.
Fun Fact: if you post this in the PS5 Subreddit it only takes a few Minutes until it gets removed because Fanboys mass-report it haha
I need to get some popcorn, this forum is getting juicy today🍿
Christ Sony you just cannot stop dropping the ball on this!
On the first point I do have a little sympathy for them as they would have to allow 2 different types of PS+ subscriptions concurrently. Something they are trying to get away from and likely haven't developed for. As stated it will be a relatively small subset that will ever have this problem. But they should have been generous considering they will be the most passionate and vocal.
But the second is unthinkable. The extra work they must have put in on the backend to judge prior purchases and cost upgrades accordingly is so scummy it's ridiculous.
FFS Sony!
@lolwhatno Totally off topic, but what game is that featured in your nightmarish gif of a profile pic?
@get2sammyb Thanks. I thought they probably would have closed that loophole for new subs but with all the news about these tiers I am losing track of what can and can't be done currently. Time will tell if they change the policy over the coming weeks to limit the bad press when the service expands.
@lolwhatno Premium gets you add free music and offline play, it's worth the price for me as I always get new music and keeps me updated on bands that I enjoy that I otherwise wouldn't know even release new music because I'm not searching for music news like I do with gaming where I check for news literally every other hour.
Removed - off-topic
This whole thing has been a confusing PR gong show. So if you have a low tier stacked until X date in the future, you can't just upgrade to a higher tier for a month or two to try it out? You gotta buy in for the entirety of the stack? The classic games catalog is something I would fool around with for a few months, or dip in and out as titles I'm interested in revisiting are added. If that's not a possibility, I'll be pretty shocked and more than a little disappointed.
@Ssimsim Apparently customer service confirmed it.
I get what Sony’s doing, it’s just crap customer service though.
@get2sammyb I'm sure there was a limit at some point. (3 years I think) I bought a pre-paid card years ago and couldn't redeem it, had to put a date in the diary to redeem it later. Seemingly that changed at some point, and with it opened them up to this and other problems.
With enough backlash, this will be reversed. Truly insane...
Whoever made this decision should be fired, no matter their position.
I hope this gets enough backlash from fans where Sony reverses this decision as quickly as possible. Truly appalling they would dare treat people like that, especially the ones who have spent the most money on there platform.
The fact this topic is exploding in less than an hour is indicative of how ugly this is about to get if it holds.
The discount thing has to be an oversight though.
It's a crazy decision otherwise.
As others have said, a strong backlash will hopefully resolve it.
I wonder if this is even possible in every market or if there are laws in other places that would prevent it.
This has to be reversed. I can only assume they will come out and say it's a computer glitch that calculated the difference owing by looking at the purchase price instead of the standard price. They may just get away with it if they do it quickly. Let this linger though and the reputational damage will be done.
@lolwhatno Hehe. Well ‘most dedicated and loyal’ are subjective - but they are legit cheapskates for sure.
I'm glad I don't care and I'm just gonna roll with PS+ Essential when it become available in NA.
The bottom line here is that Sony will absolutely lose potential revenue going this route. Most that were on the fence will not even give any tiers above essential a try, especially considering the lackluster library well below what they promised.
To be so ridiculous to the players whom said with there subscriptions that they are dedicated fans and committed to playing on their console for years, this is just another greed driven, anti consumer slap in the face.
But hey at least we have a bunch of remakes, cross Gen games, retreads, and live service nonsense to look forward to...... Lol
So it sounds like they’re charging based on the price you paid for your current subscription instead of just a flat rate based on the remaining duration of your current subscription, if I’m understanding this correctly. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just make it like this:
Add a button to start the upgrade/purchase process
Add a scroll wheel for selecting the total duration of sub you want to buy
Subtract from the total price based on the duration of your existing sub
Show a total price that calculates on the fly as you make the above selections.
I work in software development. This really isn’t that hard and would take 3 people a week or two, at most, to implement with a functional UI. It might not look pretty, but it would work.
Well, we already knew that they would ask us to pay the difference for the new tier, which is all fine and fair. To not honour my discount though is horrendous.
@frankmcma Buying PS+ at a Discount is not "taking advantage". Stacking Subs for 2-3 years because it was made possible by Sony is also not "taking advantage"
@get2sammyb What @TheCollector316 said. Though I'm more worried about your personal well being. China isn't Russia, but maybe hire a food tester for a few weeks. And it's been 25 years since your country ran it, was HK even it's own country then?
Personally I'm ok w/ Taiwan but you put them both together like that and you might find yourself getting pushed in front of a speeding lorrie. You're a braver man than I, but watch your back.
@Shepherd_Tallon @JasonLee99 The trouble is I think Sony know that the backlash for this sort of thing is relatively small. Only a tiny percentage of gamers read websites frequently, soon it will be lost in another news cycle. What is it really a few thousand irate customers for a few days? I'm sure they weighed that up, just like £70 games, DualSense only and all the other recent anti-consumer decisions knowing most will vent and bluster but stay regardless.
Personally don't mind the stacking thing, though they could be generous, but the different upgrade fees based on past purchase pricing is truly scandalous and straight from the worst timeline.
For me the bigger trouble is the gradual erosion of trust that all these decisions make together. Isolated neither is good but all together it's like death by a thousand cuts and seeing Sony slowly haemorrhaging in slow motion.
Is this a robot system which detects only the price that should be paid and not Sony actually programming what should happen? Maybe an oversight on Sony's behalf.
@Ssimsim That's what my initial reaction was. We all know how good they are at pressing the launch button. Haha. Surely it's just another oversight on their behalf. I guess we will see over the coming days.
@get2sammyb If customer service confirmed it, that's a bit worrying. Although their customer service is about as competent as Big Smoke with a Tec-9.
@AdamNovice Exactly what I'm thinking. Although we might want to consider the rest of the week. Haha.
@TheCollector316 I was gonna say the same thing. Ignorance of the west, as I also thought of Taiwan as a country until a few years ago. Easy 'mistake' to make
Meanwhile MS have let and encouraged people to get a years sub to Gamepass for a £1 at times.
@themightyant I mean a lot of Players buy their PS+ Sub at a discount so this will affect more than you think lol. I myself bought it at a lower price last November on the PS Store and might have to pay more now if I want to upgrade
This is why it's a good thing that this is a slow roll out. I assume they will reverse this and once again this will be another massive overreaction.
@frankmcma I buy my ps plus from the PlayStation days of sale every year and sometimes stack them does that mean I’m scamming Sony? If Sony didn’t want this to happen they should of put a maximum subscription stack like Xbox does at 3 years
@Kienda That's different. First month of game pass is $1 so u can buy extra gold time then use that for cheap upgrade.
I myself had already done it for a year awhile back but was able to get 3 years for $110 USD even after the $10 for one month of game pass.
And this, all this right here, is exactly why I buy a ps for exclusives only.
I refuse to deal with Sony's service for any thing after my vaio had to be returned 3 times to get same video card change for half a year straight, at my own shipping expenses.
Even if this subscription fiasco was considered, for even a moment, they should have used their noggens and applied common sense. Maybe talked to a guy or two in the marketing or PR department.
This shouldn't have seen the light of day.
Reversal or no reversal, this shows what a greedy Sony is capable of.
@lolwhatno Very cool. I'm glad I asked.
@lolwhatno 10/10 would kill the last giant again just to hear that nice crunchy sound when you hit his ankles😆
The wording is slightly different in Asia and US, so I wonder if US won't have this discount issue. The Asia FAQ does specifically says you're paying the difference to the new level, which is not what the US FAQ says.
"To upgrade your membership plan to PlayStation Plus Extra or Deluxe, you just need to purchase a membership at that level. You will pay a pro-rated fee to bring your payments to the level of your new plan for the remainder of the paid membership period."
"When you upgrade you will be charged a pro-rated fee to level up the remaining time on your existing membership to the desired level"
Cool, cool. I’ll just keep buying my games on disc like I planned to then.
Ahhh, classic Sony! Well done guys
There's a reason why this is a slow roll out instead of a simultaneous launch.
Gives u 1 free game every Thursday.. no subscription at all
I have over 55 games so far.. dont own a gaming pc yet ..
If u want free stuff get over there. This week its borderlands 3
I will definitely let my plus run out.
Moral of the story… cheaters never win.
@get2sammyb Sorry but i dont really understand how will they get rid of products bought with discounts? You mean PS Plus bought with discounts?
They should have said it upfront you be able to atack more then 2 years or something.
But i agree its a really bad look. Im certain they will backtrack this stupid decision if they dont want to destroy any good will they had.
Em what “wiping out historical discounts on subscriptions purchased through the PS Store” means. So many of us purchased PS plus on discount for a year at Black Friday, they will ask us to pay extra extra money to upgrade? This is insane
@Flaming_Kaiser Basically say you bought PS+ discounted for 40% off or so in the Store they want you to pay the Upgrade price + the 40% you saved when you bought PS+ at that reduced price
@TripleKing333 Sam here and will untill its not a option anymore and i will probably buy a lot less or go retro.
Oof, recently it seems to very much be good things overwhelmed by very bad decisions. So like another thing being that while PS1 games being added is very good, giving everyone only 50Hz versions is very bad.
I wasn't going to subscribe to this anyway, and if my friends and family didn't all game on Playstation, and of course if I didn't have to be forced to play with cheaters 1/10 matches in online games, I would unsub.
The 60 dollars a yeah for Plus is for convenience. I can play EVERY other game I'd want to play for the extra 60 on PC for free, as I already own those games. And they will be better as well.
Don't stack subs. Buy a PC for emulation, or an Xbox
@IonMagi Did they really let you pay for the discounts of PS Plus thats insane.
I think they where stupid for letting people stack unlimited. They should have said you get 1 year for free for with the max upgrade and then let you choose if you wanted to keep it.
Im not going to stack for years anyway why give them your money upfront anyway let them work for it.
Sorry i really misread thanks for the information. Well sucks to be them i wont be doing that ever. Ill try a year and see if i like im not going to pay full price after getting a discount thats insane.
I think this will be illegal in Europe anyway.
Seems like folks who tried to stack and cheat the system are getting their just desserts. I feel no sympathy. Why did you think you could stack for years on end and then magically get Premium for a small price?
@GorosBat Thanks for asking @lolwhatno the question. Fascinating. I've even played DSII and don't remember that. Will keep an eye out when I do my Soulsborne rerun that is planned after getting Demon's Souls on PS+ Extra. Topical too!
@IonMagi I suspect those that stack for multiple years are in the minority, but it depends how deep Sony are going with this.
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk I also get the £30 PS+ every year when on sale, would be ridiculous and surely illegal in some territories to effectively change that price later. I suspect, and it's only that, this isn't what they are doing, more likely they are clamping down on people who they feel have abused the service by buying cheaper cards possibly even from foreign stores, but honestly who knows! It's effed up enough.
Thankfully I had 4 years stacked but also got PS Now recently so get the full 4 years of Premium
WOW! well done Sony. You launched and killed your service in one day. Impressive even for you.
Did anyone over there think this would go well when you need good will to convince people to subscribe?
Should have honoured it.
@Constable_What or get retroarch for Xbox then play emulated games on your Xbox cuts out the pc part , to see the PlayStation load screen while gaming on the Xbox for me is a bit of a buzz I have to admit
Er… have people forgotten that you can convert your stacked sub for a different tier at a non 1:1 conversion. 🤔
@jmac1686 Except those people are still in the clear. If you stacked PS+ and Now or just Now you’ll still be upgraded without any additional charges, at least according to their FAQ.
@IonMagi To be fair, for some reason that didn't seem to get as much backlash. In fact, a lot of people still seem perfectly happy to pay for the price hike. I'm not one of them but Sony definitely isn't going to listen if it's just the minority that complains. They did walk back the PS3/Vita store closures though, it really just depends on how much of a stink people raise over the issues.
@themightyant I agree.
I edited my comment to remove the part about the stacked subs. Like you, that one doesn't bother me so much.
I just mentioned it to a friend of mine at work too and she said she was expecting that so she doesn't care. (She stacked for 5 years).
Charging the difference on a past discount, that's the eyebrow raiser for me. I don't think that can even be done where I live. Not legally anyway. I need to look up some protection laws to confirm though.
Until I know more I'm assuming this is a mistake on Sony's end and they'll correct it before long.
Regarding the erosion of trust, I get your point but for me Sony have never done something I didn't like that they didn't either correct afterwards, or that I didn't really see as an issue.
And whenever I contact customer service they always go out of their way to resolve issues for me, even where they once offered me a refund to my bank account when I thought I would only be able to get PSN credit.
This should be fun! I have PS+ stacked until 2030😂😂
@themightyant Won't take you long either he's one of the first bosses, I'd consider getting both the OG and Sholar versions as the enemy layouts in many of the locations were changed in the remaster, not mandatory though and both versions are great. I actually haven't played any of the dlc in DS 2 either and I heard that it's great.
With enough backlash, this will be reversed. Truly insane...
Whoever made this decision should be fired, no matter their position.
Hopefully it was Jim Ryan. Two birds with one stone. 😏
Seems like some legal fights could be had here. Rolling back kn already purchased items is quite shady.
They should just convert the time from my current plan to the plan I want to change. I have Plus active until 2024, that's because I love the platform and because I like to have my saves saved. Going down that path I'll be penalized, a big fan, and clearly I won't do the migration until the end of the contract...if I do. Anyway...
Haha sucked in to all the people that tried to take advantage of a loophole and are now being forced to pay the actual price as they full well should be. Haha the taxman from The Witcher 3 enters the building 😆
@lolwhatno @GorosBat It has been years since I played DSII. It was my least favourite, but I love them all. It's a bit like ranking Zelda's for me, most FromSoft games are 9+ compared to most other games so it's hardly a slight.
I did try playing Demon's Souls couch co-op once but i'm naturally slow and methodical and know how to kite enemies so don't die that often comparatively. Whereas the others were running into rooms gung-ho, with predictably fast, morbid results. They got mad at me playing for ages - not the most peaceful of gaming nights. lol
Dear Mr Royal Hampton… 🤣
@themightyant yeah I got 3 months of ps now and should get premium when it launches. I must admit I’ve started using the ps3 game streaming and went back to play ratchet and clank a crack in time and nexus.
@get2sammyb I was wondering why under my subscription management tab on the ps app it now says PlayStation plus 12 month membership 25% off. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago, very shady
@Max_the_German You cannot speak for everyone. I piled up many years of Plus before any rumors about this new service surfaced. I love Sony's consoles and games, so I obviously wanted to secure my saves for as long as possible in the cloud, because I was pretty sure I wouldn't change platforms. However, this was gradual, I didn't do everything in a single day. I really wanted to play the classics on a modern machine, but I certainly won't if I have to shell out all that amount in one go!
@Shepherd_Tallon To be honest i've not had a bad time with them either over the years. They have refunded games the couple of times I've asked with no issues. They fixed my PS4 Pro once for free, (made me pay the other time when out of warranty, which seemed fair enough, though it was only out by a month) and back in the day replaced 2 discs that got badly scratched due to falling PS2 in vertical mode twice, which was entirely my fault.
Like you I can rationalise most of the recent decisions individually. Like £70 games, £10 upgrades, etc. but I think where we differ is it just feels to me like they have changed direction a little and these unpopular decisions seem to be coming far more frequently. Often they seem most targeted at their most longstanding or loyal players. In short it just feels like PlayStation as a brand has taken a bit of a knock recently.
To be fair much of that has nothing directly to do with them, it is more that Xbox is making so many pro-consumer decisions (£1 GP Ult upgrade, Game Pass, Back compat, etc.) that it makes everyone else look bad by comparison even if many of Sony's decisions are similar or even more pro-consumer then they were in years before. The context has changed.
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk Great games. How did they play for you? I played Nexus on PS Now years ago and was pretty happy, but streaming can be a fickle and subjective thing. Everyone seems to have a different experience.
@themightyant I'm one of those weirdos who'd put Majoras Mask or Skyward sword as my favourite in terms of SoulsBorne, my rankings would be:
Sekiro -best combat bar none
Bloodborne- British people and cosmic horror + fast combat
Demons Souls- This game literally inspired so many areas in all games to follow, has the best atmosphere in tower of Latria and worst swamp in series (which means it's the best one)
DS 1undead burg- up till gragoyles, Capra and Gaping Dragon in sewers is literally the best early game level design of any game period IMO
Elden Ring - oooft, thought it was going to surpass at least Demons but after 70 hours you kinda seen it done that, if From trimmed the game down and you could do all the best content in around 60 hours game would have been 11/10 for me in the end.
DS 3 Literally the throwback game, but definitely felt the best to play out of the trilogy but was really short as I remember beating it in about 23 hours completely blind when it came out, haven't played DLC though.
DS 2 Scholar I'd give a 9 but you kinda look at all the other games and say yep this is the worst but still a good game.
God now I wanna replay the series, except Elden Ring. I think I'd need 5 years before I go back to that as it burnt me out.
@lolwhatno My 10 year old gaming pc was still running everything fairly well. Gaming pc's are worth it. The only downside over console gaming is that PC ports tend to be really bad (looking at you square enix).
Also epic gives way more then 1 free game a week, it's over 100 games a year of wich at least 10 are AAA titles.
@GorosBat Great lists. Nothing wrong with MM or SS you clearly are a man of taste who also secretly likes alliteration aplenty
Still not got to Sekiro. I may have mentioned i'm slow lol. It's near the top of my backlog though but, back on topic again, I keep getting side tracked by games on these subscription services... and posting here. lololololo
It's a poor service looking at the tiny game selection compared to gamepass. Sony are finished this gen will be their last
@themightyant I don't think you're wrong with your observations here.
I was thinking about this earlier today actually:
It's not just revamping a 12 year old service or acquisitions, it's the streamlining of their entire structure. All of this done during a period with supply chain issues, a global pandemic, and all of the other issue in the world at the moment.
I think, and this is just speculation obviously, that they are making some difficult decisions now during this period, riding the good will from PS4, and when everything settles down again and all of the decisions have been made they'll steady the ship.
@themightyant they played really well only thing is my memories of tools of destruction had me believing they were Pixar quality titles like rift apart……… unfortunately my memory lied to me and they haven’t aged very well 🤣
At least give them a chance to resolve this before turning the dial up to 11 and start foaming at the mouth. It did only just go live, like, yesterday.
Obviously if they don’t fix it (In a reasonable amount of time), then by all means foam away 😶🌫️
Every single time Sony drops the ball like this, we all wonder how they could possibly be so inept, out-of-touch, and anti-consumer.
Then I remember who’s running PlayStation, and it suddenly all makes sense.
@GADG3Tx87 unfortunately, Jim Ryan seems untouchable, no matter how many mistakes he makes.
@itsfoz Thank you for a balanced opinion ^_^
Modern consoles are becoming hell for me, endless drifts and the like, unfinished games or in need of internet all the time, even in solo campaign... subscriptions to everything. I love modern games, but I'm getting old, time for fun is not so abundant and all these inconveniences that come up every day... I love modern games, but I find myself more and more motivated to finish winning my huge library and leave all that aside... just plug in an emulator on the TV and play my beloved classics 8/16/32 bits... no internet always, no damn drifts, no subscriptions and complete. :-/
@Grimwood do you also agree with the discounts?
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk Every Ratchet is Pixar quality, till the next one. Ah rose-tinted memories.
I can see people who have multiple years stacked just buying a few months of premium on a new account to try it out. Any account can play the games on the same device if the sub is under the primary.
@Shepherd_Tallon Much agreed. Sony doesn't want to be the next Blockbuster, Blackberry or closer to home Atari. They know they need to innovate or they'll sink but equally it's often hardest for the market leaders to do so from their current positions of strength.
But this is what they are doing, albeit less sensationally than the competition. It's why, back on topic, I thought New PS+ might be a little more than a rebundled PS+ & Now with a few more modern features. But all these numerous PR slip-ups aside it's a decent, if slightly uninspired, first day offering that has plenty room to grow.
I hope you are right, they come back around and 10+ years from now this wasn't all in vain.
My PS plus runs out in August, so it won't effect me, as I'll just do the monthly sub, but for those have stacked up that's a bit of an issue. Why do they always make it difficult?
This is pure madness from Sony. But they'll probably back-pedal if there's enough backlash. I highly doubt this is a back-end error or bug, since they could have release a statement to ease the worries of the subscribers instead of having them call customer support in droves.
@thefourfoldroot1 Very clever. Good workaround, like it.
@get2sammyb @get2sammyb Are you sure? My PS+ membership expires in early 2024 and I've never had PS Now. I just bought a one month PS now subscription and redeemed it two days ago and it went through. I'm in Canada. Thought I'd give it a shot and was pleasantly surprised.
@neitan So you will stay in the Essential tier with no extra costs for the whole period. Or am I wrong?
The defenders, the aggrieved...
@themightyant I had this conversation a few months ago with a CM in work. I said at the time that in a few years PlayStation will be in a very nice position, and nobody will be sure how they got there because nobody is paying attention to the over all strategy of what they are doing right now.
Hopefully I'm right, as you say.
One thing you touched on there - sensationally.
MS are sensational. Everyone lambasts acquisitions but there's always excitement surrounding them. MS thrive on this and on PR.
Sony seem to have lost interest in this completely since 2016, back when all of their current manoeuvring started. They've very much gone the Nintendo route instead.
@Max_the_German Exactly, but until an hour ago I wanted to upgrade Premium, just for the classics. But forget it, I don't care anymore. Not directly because of the "PAL" factor, but because of the evident carelessness with which this is being treated. Once again, Sony's disregard for its legacy is evident. My PSMini with a USB stick does this much better... unfortunately!
@Shepherd_Tallon re: "Sensational" again it goes back to being the market leader or not. It is much easier to be disruptive and change policies when you aren't succeeding, rip up the rulebook and throw caution to the wind. Even more so when you have the full backing of the worlds second richest company that wants to expand market share in the sector and offload some cash!
Whereas when you are in Nintendo and Sony's position - leading out front, both in different ways - it takes a very brave or stupid exec to rip up everything that is currently going so right. Hence it's RELATIVE baby steps by comparison. But make no mistake Sony is changing, and quicker than they would if MS weren't forcing their hand.
I honestly have no idea where we'll be in 10 years, but I hope MS, Sony and Nintendo are still all here making their own moves and we don't end up with homogenised services. I currently like that PS+ Extra / Premium ISN'T Game Pass, but maybe only because I sub to that too.
@themightyant Agreed again on all points.
Especially that last one - I didn't want PlayStation to make GamePass. We already have that. I've never subbed to it, but I have a Series X and GP is already there if I want it.
This generation Sony is all about taking big fat L so far.
Again the Jim Ryan effect
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@Bagwag82 Because Sony didnt have any News that werent bad for quite a while 😌
I'll still give it a look, if they tell me I have to pay a lump sum for the 18mths or so I've left on PS Plus currently they can jog on. I still have all my PS1 games that work fine with my PS3, although my PS2 doesn't hook up to my (perfect for PS5) main TV and the PS3 is starting to worry me every time I turn it on these days... Meh, I guess we'll find out how greedy Sony really are in the coming weeks...
@IonMagi @IonMagi ok I think you are on the wrong website. I think you should be on Pure Xbox lolz
@IonMagi Ignore him. Even the moderators doesn't ask anyone why they're commenting here.
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Seems a lot of people commenting here are confusing the PSNow stacking loophole that got closed with what's actually going on here. From what I've been able to gather on Reddit and Twitter, the people who did the PSNow stacking are unaffected by this, it's only people who stacked original PS+ subscriptions.
This is a ridiculous move on Sony's part — they're effectively telling their most supportive fans, the ones who would buy PS+ subs years in advance, that they have to choose between all or nothing. Either they upgrade it all or they upgrade nothing at all. That's just stupid and then they rub salt in the wound by removing/requiring the payback of historical discounts? Insane.
The model was right there with Xbox's Game Pass system: Limit people to 12 month subscription conversions, then limit the total number of conversion purchases to 2-4. Anyone who had more time than that would keep their unconverted time as "Essential" with the ability to upgrade it later as their originally upgraded time lapsed.
If Sony doesn't address this when the service goes live worldwide, media will have a field day with it similar to how they raked Microsoft over the coals in 2021 for attempting to increase Live Gold subscription pricing.
Having to upgrade all or nothing was expected, unfortunately. It's why I was going to have to move from buying Plus and occasionally Now, to not buying Now and just sticking with Essentials only. It sucks, but it was expected that makes Now much more expensive for non-year-round subs.
Retroactively removing discounts by charging essentially a tax? If they try that here they're probably heading for federal court.
I told so many people not to stack. It may iron itself out in the end or they will be screwed. Not saying Sony couldn’t have had better messaging about it but also we live in an era where everyone feels entitled and thinks if it’s an option they can get away with, they will.
I never understood why people stacked 5-6 years in the first place when they have no idea what will be a part of the program or if they’ll even still be playing games 5 years from now.
The sheer arrogance of Sony this generation is similar to the arrogance they showed with PS3. Think I might bypass PS6 for whatever the Xbox alternative is.
@Milktastrophe Thanks for confirming/reiterating (that stacked PS Now subs are safe)
I know I'm going to be in the extreme minority here, but I don't see the big deal about Sony asking for you to pay the whole difference up front. You can't convert a subscription to another one for only a fraction of the length. If Xbox didn't allow the pay for 1 month and it automatically converts your whole Xbox Live to Game Pass Ultimate loophole, there would only be two hypothetical options. You would essentially have to either convert however much your Xbox Live Gold is worth to Game Pass Ultimate, cutting your subscription length by a large amount, or do what Sony is doing and paying the difference for the whole time you had left up front.
Sure, having to pay hundreds of dollars at once can be shocking, but you dug yourself into that whole by stacking your subscription for that many years, especially if you did it before Sony stopped allowing it to try to cut corners for the new PS Plus. Their system has to convert it for the upgrade to work.
With that said, the rest of this is absolutely ridiculous. You would think it would be potentially illegal for them to cancel discounts they offered on your subscriptions you paid for. The sale should be final, so that's complete BS. That is where the uproar should really be, and hopefully is remedied by the time it releases everywhere else. If not, then oh my....
I got a year of ps plus & a year of ps now when they were 50% off but I didn't stack my subscription so I guess this won't effect me
If this is true then In won't be upgrading any PS Plus tiers until my stack subscription runs out on April 2023..
Sony seem to be walking from one dumpster fire to another at the moment, what next is Jim Ryan going to tell people that stacked discounted ps plus subs to ‘get a second job’ to afford the upgrade. I feel that Sony went from a PS2 level triumph of generation back to their PS3 narcism, in the blink of an eye.
@KilloWertz I don't know. I think Sony should have implemented the upgrade path before they presented the "loophole" and not after. They didn't place any restriction on the subscription stacking. So people will naturally take advantage of it.
Wasn't there an article on here a few weeks ago encouraging people to go ahead and stack their subs out for a few years??
I will be canceling my Now subscription and DEMANDING a full refund if they try to charge me extra in America when the service launches.
I have consumer protection rights and will fight to protect my savings/earnings.
Been over at the PS Blog & reading here.
Currently have a ps plus sub until about Feb/March next year. As near enough as I can make out if I wanted to trial ps plus deluxe by the time it launches late June would have to pay the difference at the more pricey monthly ps plus deluxe rate for 7-8 months worth. Annoying,but straight forward.
However,also have two unused 12 month ps plus codes bought from last year's Days of Play & Black Friday sales through brick and mortar retail promotions. If this is reading correctly,rather than converting to 191 days ps plus as advertised on their FAQ's (or 12 months ps plus Essential),that you'd need to pay an "upgrade" fee of the original 20/25% off they had at the time?!🤔🤯
Feels much like the Horizon Forbidden West fiasco. They really need to stop with the fine print legalese double Dutch promises. Like everything else during Mr Ryan's reign another Sony own goal of miscommunication...could they ship him off to Nintendo & rehire Shawn Layden?
Saw a lot of people get a 50% discount on upgrades to higher tiers from essential ps plus one. So the above is not entirely accurate or does not affect all regions. Or only affecting those recently stacked through loopholes.
@mrbone That's interesting, and good to hear.
This issue is starting to seem like a bit of a storm in a tea cup to me, as with almost everything else surrounding Sony these days (hopefully I'm not proved wrong), but I haven't seen anything about what you mentioned online.
Do you mind if I ask where you observed this?
@Shepherd_Tallon I saw in a Facebook group. They are from the Singapore region. One has 6 months, and one has about a year of ps plus left. Both of them offered half price for ps extra and deluxe (half of the normal upgrade price- 25 SGD for 6 months deluxe/ 18 SGD for extra tier). Shame I can't share a screenshot here. I agree. While Sony has to bear some blame, this site is now filled with a lot of haters who moan and blow up everything.
Seems it's true. What a screw job
@Shepherd_Tallon have you check the updated article regarding this issue VGC and Resetera has one but I don’t know if their article is enough.
Yay! good one Sony, as ever, every consumer-friendly idea, ends up being a sh*tshow generating high consumer cost and discontent. Just when you thought you had a comparable product to Xbox Gamepass you get a kick in the nuts from Sony Finance - thanks me ducks. Love the products, but Sony really is the worst at times (not as bad as Konami - but hell, who is?).
@get2sammyb Sony has fixed the issue and is no longer making users pay back the discount to upgrade.
This sort of thing is why they didn't roll out it to everyone at once.
@Milktastrophe Just updating again actually.
Wow. That's some serious douchebaggery.
I wonder if they'll now remove displaying the discount percent that some people are seeing on their subscription management page.
Ah thank feck for that update.
I was very disappointed reading all of this over the last 24 hours.
Back to being excited for the new service.
That still a lot of THB's
Having to pay the full term upfront is still a lot.
Good to see power of people once again making changes. However, Sony should really raise some management questions if all of their employers are up for the tasks they have.
The backtrack is expected as the original arrangement made no sense. Good.
Too bad some damage is already done - not a first for Sony either.
@awp69 they let you stack a different tier at the end of your subscription so I think it's just a matter of time before they let you upgrade a portion of your existing subscription.
I will never feel comfortable doing business regularly with a company that routinely tries to see just how abusive activity they can get away with and "backtracks" only when it blows up. The first time is a mistake. The 4th time is a strategy.
That applies to all of them, not just Sony. They're just the one doing it right now.
@Grimwood What’s even more hilarious is that those “cheaters” are completely unaffected by this. They’ll still be upgraded without paying extras.
Sanity returns.
Wonder how much of that was actually a bug and how much is just people trying to blow things out of proportion.
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Not surprised Sony likes to test the waters on what they can get away with. They couldn't this time. But they'll keep trying haha
Those last 2 days were expensive 😂
Its good this is fixed. I just wanted to try a month or two of premium, kinda sucks I can't do that
@Neverwild I don't think so. Companies will usually publish a statement saying there is an issue with their server or application, and they are doing their best to resolve it. Plus, subscribers did receive an email or response from Playstation support outlining the upgrade path.
Sony has been awfully quiet about this issue. Every report comes from the subscribers themselves.
To me this is all insane first off I'd never pay as much for a sub as I would a new console. On the other hand sony warned do not use the loop hole . It was all over Google news feed all over gaming sites such as this one and people kept trying to beat the system and get somthing for nothing to those people they get what they deserved for being greedy I don't feel bad for them at all. For new subs the service is not even worth it to me that's my opinion . I'll keep my my original ps plus on my ps5 and Xbox gamer pass on my pc.
So, it was intentional?
Oh wow, Sony what were you thinking? You want your GamePass competitor, your all digital future and your live service dream and your greed literally almost killed it in one day?! The future is scary.
Who is making the decisions over there? They must be a complete moron, I mean are they actually trying to destroy PlayStation? How can you go from the dominance of PS4 to being completely clueless?
I'm just flabbergasted, how is this possible!? Have they just simply become too greedy and complacent? Is it all Jim 'idiot' Ryan?
Sorry, ranting but these are the thoughts swimming in my head right now.
In trying to compete the only thing they're going to achieve us giving Microsoft more customers. Idiots.
@jrt87 This didn't affect the people that intentionally gamed the system by stacking Now. They got converted automatically. This only affected the normal people that bought a long duration of regular Plus direct from Sony during a sale. I usually buy a year or two during their Black Friday sale or Days of Play sales, though fortunately, I usually buy through Amazon/Target/GameStop/Bestbuy, not direct from the Sony store. They can't retroactively charge from the above because they don't know what price you paid for the cards, they were only punitively up-charging people who bought directly from them. So in a twist of irony, it was the most up-front and least "game-the-system" customers they were gouging. Only people who bought the basic service directly from them while at sale price.
Where is the mail telling that previous discount wouldnt count?
It has always been that you pay differrent for upgrading to next step.
This is why service gets out small so they can fix things before all get new service.
@NEStalgia that's horrible this generation had been a struggle and a awful experience for people who are still trying to find a console that's enough right their. Gaming has turned in to a headache of a Hobbie and it shouldn't be.
@IonMagi They seem to listen to their customers more than anyone else
@Neverwild Read this: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/sony-support-email-reportedly-confirms-that-players-have-to-pay-back-ps-plus-discounts-to-upgrade/
Nope. Sony did said that they will upgrade existing PS+/PSNow subscription to Premium.
@Lexluther23 stacking PS+ subscriptions is not a loophole. It's actually encouraged by Sony (acknowledged and not discouraged).
The people who would've been affected by this are those without PS Now, since people with Now wouldn't need to upgrade.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the insanity following my recent comment but upon reading #Update2 again are they seriously charging people their full stacked term in advance?
So if you have say, three years of essential and want to try premium you have to upgrade to three years of premium? (I am actually asking)
If that's the case, Why? Why can't you just select a term, pay the term fee and allow it to revert back to essential and continue your time limit until you want to upgrade again?
*Three years of Essential stacked.
*Want to try Premium for one year. Pay the remaining £50
It can be done simply by it asking "how long would you like to upgrade? Please select your tier."
[One Month] [Three Months] [One Year]
Seriously Sony it's not hard. I'm sorry if my understanding is correct then your service is going to fail. You've already lost.
Btw, can you still stack PSplus cards bought from shops? Or have they blocked that now?
@Irae too true that 😁😁😂😂👍👍
@GADG3Tx87 "So if you have say, three years of essential and want to try premium you have to upgrade to three years of premium? (I am actually asking)"
Unfortunately, that's correct as things operate right now.
Wow. People in suits sat in board rooms just don't get it do they?
They're so out of touch that they need to find a way to liaise with their customers and understand how things work for 'normal' (for lack of a better word) people.
So, do we know if they have stopped allowing us to stack subscriptions? I buy the cards from shops, normally during a little sale and for years I normally buy about 3 or 4 for a little saving. In 2018 I bought four years for £139.40, which through Sony would have cost £200.
@GADG3Tx87 As far as we know stacking is temporarily halted but will resume on, I think June 6? But that can always change, and, we don't know how prepaid cards will work with the tiers, and how sales will be handled (if at all.)
@Lexluther23 So true
Man, Sony is f***ing up this generation. They literally blew the competition out of the water last generation and now they're sinking like the titanic.
@get2sammyb here’s an official statement from Sony: https://twitter.com/AskPlayStation/status/1529554382014103559?s=20
I think that's a bit disingenuous.
.... The Titanic sank much more smoothly than this.
...And the Titanic still has a respected reputation. 🤫
Thanks for the clarification. Still all confusing as hell and it makes me worry about purchasing and stacking cards in the future to save a few quid. I'm not trying to cheat or take advantage of a loophole but when the shop sells them on a sale it's okay to buy them, it's reasonable. I only ever buy the PSplus and don't bother with PSnow.
I think this is the most anti-consumer thing Sony have ever done, and I've never actually called them that before but it's outrageous. I'd say it's probably the second most anti-consumer thing I've ever seen in gaming since I started playing 30 years ago. They need to watch out.
So they fixed it in less than 48 hours? Seems like everyone lost their minds over nothing as usual.
I’m sure they’ll fix the stacking issue too if we actually allow them some time to do it before devolving into Twitter.
As Sammy alluded to, this probably was intentional since users were reporting that they were even seeing the discount they got on their subs highlighted on their accounts (like 33% off). But they got caught.
Either way, glad it has been reversed.
Its pretty hilarious people are saying this was Sony doing this on purpose and their proof is one customer support person saying that's how its supposed to work. As if customer support knows anything about the technicalities of this stuff and is right 100% of the time.
As someone on Twitter posted "The system was supposed to charge for the difference between actual prices of old and new suscription
But instead, it charged the difference between the actual amount of money you've been charged for the old suscription ans the price of the new one"
It was obviously a technical error.
"an error" muhahahahahaaaaa and now another fairytale...
Just PlayStation being PlayStation....for the players haha
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Of course. It is a technical error. Their upgrade and discount calculation tool was probably made by accident and the long detailed response from Playstation support outlining the upgrade path was certainly a mistake.
@NEStalgia Lets hope they block future stacking so nobody will get overcharged again. I think thats the best thing they could do and no more free upgrades in the future.
Microsoft can back track on things and get praised for doing so, but sony can't make mistakes and back tracking brings even more hate.
How many anti-consumer practices are Sony going to have to backtrack on? There are the new Microsoft of last gen.
@mucc We have a massive support team on our project, and I can 100% confirm from experience that an email from a single support team member should not be taken as gospel.
Always wait for the official statement.
There we go. Fixed again. Nintendo, take notes.
@torne This Isn't Over People Will Find Something New To Rage About.
@UltimateOtaku91 Was thinking this exact thing 😂
The double standards on the internet are painfully real.
For the record, if this wiping of discounts thing had been the path forward PlayStation was taking, I'd have been completely stunned. Mind blown for all the wrong reasons.
But it always seemed like it was either an error or something that they would do a 180 on once they heard the feedback.
@CupidStunt Right. They will be given a credit instead of a refund. So, Sony will still get their money anyway.
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Okay let's try this again...
People turned this into way more than it needed to be. This whole launch people have complained about every single aspect of it.
Not enough games listed right away
Not enough classic games
They promised over 700 games and only announced 250!!!
And now this...
I will say this again for everyone in the back to hear.
No service has ever launched without issues. This is a tech industry. Tech issues happen.
Having worked for an industry that relies heavily on tech I can say with 100% certainty that sometimes the wildest thing you never thought would even be an issue pops up on launch day and causes chaos, or some sort of malfunction.
When that happens you then have to look for the solution... these things take time. It's not a matter of just flipping a switch like some people here seem to believe. It's also certainly not an issue where Sony deliberately did this on purpose to try and sneak more money out of people just to be greedy.
Things happen. It's not the end of the world.
@GADG3Tx87 You can still stack, you just won't be able to add them to your account until the new service launches now.
@torne While you make some fair points, and I agree with some of it, I'd also argue that Sony's consumer relations has been so poor it's led to situations like this.
If they were a little more upfront with enthusiasts, rather than leaving us all to clutch at any scraps of information we can find, these misunderstandings may not have occurred in the first place.
That's great and all that they won't make us pay extra for discounted PS+ subs, but if they think I'm paying the difference for the PS Now subs I stacked, they be crazy.
I wonder how big the lawsuit they were approached with was? Because let's face it thats why they backtracked. Sony only care about money and getting sued isnt good for the company image.
@StylesT payers*
@get2sammyb maybe the solution is to stop clutching at every scrap of intel you get until you have a full picture.
Listen I LOVE playstation. I have since I got the PsOne all those years ago when it launched.
I agree that the launch hasn't gone smoothly, but that being said, all the negativity about the list of games was unreal. Sony literally said we will add more games soon and users were losing their minds because it wasn't the 700 games promised.
I get that as a news site you have to report on it, so my comment isn't REALLY directed at pushsquare overall and more to the overall community.
At the end of the day these things are not as big of an issue as they are being made out to be. Especially now that this billing issue has been resolved.
Whether it was an accident or it was intentional (I'm 99.99% sure it was not intentional) it doesn't matter anymore because it's been rectified.
Maybe as a community all of us, journalists included, we need to look at things more holistically and say, "hmmm is this really the hill I need to die on?" Or "is this really THAT big of a deal now?"
Just saying I've seen this community turn SO negative lately, every little thing is scrutinized to the enth degree when it doesn't need to be.
@KidBoruto it sounds like it was only the ps+ upgrades , and not the psnow sub.
@Flaming_Kaiser I swear I remember a time when they did limit stacking. Long ago, PS3 era maybe, I'm pretty sure I had a code I couldn't add because it would extend it too far. They'll probably do that.
That said, I'm not sure that's a good solution. You can then buy physical code cards at stores that you're not allowed to add. It gets kind of messy that way. What they really need is just a way to upgrade it downgrade at will, for specified time. Like, for me, even without stacking I usually buy the whole year at the 12mo rate, but then sometimes buy Now. With the new model I couldn't upgrade to premium without upgrading the whole year, which I'm not going to do, so I'll just stop getting the rental library at all.... If they let you upgrade for shorter duration, I'd spend more.
@twitchtvpat Yes regarding buying PS+ subs at a discounted rate.
However I'm stressed out since I stacked five discounted 1 Year PS Now subs thru the digital store ($60 each, $300 total).
@KidBoruto you should be fine since its the psnow , but tbh i think you went over board lol. i did 2 years and i thought that was too much .
@torne but if they did that they wouldn't get the clicks they desperately want - even if it's misleading and ill informed... They don't care, they know what they are doing and it's sad in my opinion.
@twitchtvpat I really love PlayStation and use my PS5 the most.
Also am really excited about being able to play PS1, PS2, and PSP Classics.
Just a shame my PS5 won't be able to read my PS2 discs, I still have a decent selection.
To quote a disappeared WeChat post that made the news rounds regarding propaganda/fake state news:. You can fool me, just please don't do it too often.
@KidBoruto ouch, if you intend to upgrade, that's going to be like buying a new console... I don't think they have a plan to not upgrade the entire sub... (Edit, actually now should be fine.... Plus would suck badly to upgrade that long...)
@Enigk you can't buy PS now anymore from anywhere, from my understanding.
Everyone can sleep a little easier now that the “crisis” has been averted lol.
@NEStalgia Its easy to counter put on the cards that you can stack for a limited amount and maybe a 18 month time before the cards expires. With a max of maybe two years.
And ofcourse upgrade for amount of time sounds great but i dont know how easy it is to keep track of that with millions of customers.
@NEStalgia I only have PS Plus until November 19, 2022, versus my PS Now sub which I stacked until April 3rd, 2027.
I'm hopeful that complaints and press (places like here) helped change Sony's mind on this one. It was a ridiculous policy.
Will this mean I pay for the upgrade from Essential to Extra for the year+ remaining on my subscription? Maybe. Certainly it's more likely now than it was immediately after this news broke.
I've barely ever used GamePass, I own about everything on it that would interest me already, but to get ? years of GamePass for a single $1? (I had 3 personally)
That was the best deal ever in gaming.
I just wish I didn't already own everything of interest so I could have taken more advantage of the deal. 🤷♂️
Sony on the other hand? 🙄🤦♂️
Seriously, all the big 3 are on an endless cycle of for the players, screw the players, make it up to the players, ad nauseum.
On generation they're on top, then they get overconfident the next generation and spend the entire generation trying to get back into the good graces of gamers/consumers, and then boom! The dunces pull a 180. 🤦♂️
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