As we already know, the new PS Plus Premium tier will offer classic PS1, PS2, and PSP titles, but Sony's only just revealed how these games will be enhanced on PS5 and PS4. According to Sony, "select" PS1 and PSP titles will have features like save states (allowing you to save the game at any time) and rewind functionality (letting you...well, rewind the game to do something over). These enhancements will be available through a new user interface.
What's more, "some" titles will be blessed with improved frame rates and better resolutions. Not bad.
Honestly, we almost didn't expect Sony to go the extra mile with these old games, but it sounds like it's put a decent amount of effort into all this. Hopefully the selection of titles that actually have these features is fairly robust.
Oh, and if you're looking for an actual list of confirmed PS1 and PSP games, be sure to click the link. Sony should be expanding on this in the relatively near future. If you already own some of these games digitally from previous PlayStation platforms, then you'll even be able to download them at no extra cost.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 49
ONLY IMPORTANT QUESTION: Is there trophy support?
YES! This is fantastic news, I'm so happy!
This is exactly what I was hoping for with the classic games.
PS1 Hagrid in 1080p/60fps!
This is excellent. I’d really like some trophy support as well. That would be the icing on the cake
I seriously thought Sony was going to just dump games on the service with no added features so this is great news!
Too bad I can only enjoy this Feauture for 10ish Games...
The only thing I want to know is if these games have trophies.
Stardust PSP is the only PSP game on the new overpriced service.
No trophies = not wasting my time or money
How can people be even remotely excited about this abysmal line up of PS1 Classics? Most I've never even heard of. Where are the games I grew up with? Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis 1 and 2, Tomb Raider Classics 1-5? This is what they are going with? A total joke.
Absolutely correct.
Any news if the PS1 games can be stretched to widescreen?
@jmac1686 It's not the full list.
@Vivi-Gamer No word on that, just that some games will have better resolution. We'll have to wait and see, it seems.
I know I’ve said it on every article now, but without additional trophy challenges I have zero interest in replaying old games. Huge missed opportunity to breath new life into old games.
Also, rewind? I find that just cheapens games. Yes I could ignore it, but I wouldn’t. So little time. Save states are a good feature of course; really no time to be trudging to a save point whenever I need to do something else on the PS these days.
This is great news here's hoping the actual line up of games is good and not filled with shovelware
@sanderson72 it isn't.
This is nice and all, but can I just buy all these classic games without the stupid subscription?
lol ive the games i love bought and kept i was 15 when the psx came out ive all the PlayStation games i want to play on my shelves , gaming library is important whats the alternative digital library no thing physical. nope i like something not in the suits control.
Well at least they've learnt from the PS1 classic and hopefully this emulator is much better
@jmac1686 Whilst I'd love to see Blood Omen Legacy of Kain, (& dare say others would like to see the Crystal Dynamics Kain games too),like Tomb Raider they're likely part of the recently announced sale to Embracer/THQ Nordic group.
Given their past history with the ps2 classic on ps4 Destroy All Humans games (& remakes),might be some hope they show up down the line,but guessing until things are finalized any of the old Eidos IP's will be in transition meantime more's the pity.
@Resi32 what is wrong with you? just play the games! and have fun! trophies does NOTHING! thropies has no story to tell, trophies dont have gameplay, trophies does NOTHING! just to boost your ego that you have more points. Just play the games. what is next. trophies when watching movies. god!!!
Wow, I didn’t think the extra stuff would be added in. Just straight out ports was what I was thinking. That’s pretty cool.
I'll take better performance, rewind, and save states over trophies any day.
@kenshin4ever i played this crap when it released, im not wasting nearly 100 quid a year on old games like those when they can't even be bothered to add trophies. Jog on
@kenshin4ever I’d argue that trophies do have a story to tell. I enjoy earning trophies, but I don’t care what my trophy level is or how many platinums I have. To me they tell the story of my gaming history. It’s just nice to have a record of all the things I’ve achieved.
@BoldAndBrash some of them will be, yes
I mean it is just ridiculous that there's no trophies, and that these extras are for select games. Always the bare minimum with PlayStation on the service side 🤦♂️
@IonMagi It's not going to be 10 forever.
They don't have trophy support, so I could care less.
The amount of pettiness because there isn't trophy support baffles me. "I'm not playing or subscribing because a digital trophy won't pop up on my screen." How about just play the old ass games y'all were complaining about and just be happy.
Trophy support don't bother me for the older games . I do wish they would put the true golden oldies of that area on their thou.
Hexen/ war gods/loaded/reloaded /dark stalkers/ legacy of kain/ revolution x/mortal Kombat trilogy/ ridge racer/
@DavidKleinfeld All I agree it's this generation man. Give me give me is all you hear. When I played those games back in the day all we had was our word that we beat it or self knowing of doing so. I don't need a trophy to know I beat the dam game.. I'm more content with the upgrades done to those games.
@Lexluther23 and there’s no special trophy that means you beat the game, it’s just another lame trophy like all the others. Maybe if there was a Diamond trophy or something that you got when you beat a game I might glance at my trophies every now and then.
@Orpheus79V That's the only one I could see on the list. Which other ones are available?
Cool but the list so far is pretty BAD tbh. You're really giving us an extra tier just to give most games that were already on PSNow with a bunch of new games that are not that good/wanted.
@sanderson72 No clue what else will be there, but they specified around 350 classic games at launch. I'm sure there will be more than one PSP game in that list. We do know from ratings boards that the PSP Ridge Racer and Syphon Filters are coming, maybe they'll be part of the launch.
Guess there’s no way to play the PSP games on the actual PSP if they’ve been “enhanced”. Was hoping for a second lease of life for the old thing. Ah well, still got Chinatown Wars on UMD!
@Ken_Kaniff @SeanOhOgain @thefourfoldroot @Resi32 @johncalmc @Mhoney @GorosBat Fingers crossed for you guys that the PS1/PS2/PSP do have trophies, but they just aren't making a big deal about it.
@KidBoruto I suspect they won’t include trophies or else they’d be making a big deal out of it. Which is a shame because It’s a missed opportunity- trophies would make me play a lot of different games plus I do sometimes enjoy the challenge.
@Mhoney Fair point. I'll still play them, trophies don't mean everything.
@KidBoruto No their not, but for me to go back to these older games that would be the incentive. Its all good ive amassed a huge backlog over the years and it gives me the reassurance I need to stay with the Essential tier, so all and all its probably a good thing they don't have trophies. Because if they did I would 100% sub to Premium and I really don't need anymore to play.
@Ken_Kaniff I feel your pain, my gaming backlog is massive just with PS4 games...add on PS5, Switch, Xbox franchise etc @__@.
@GorosBat Unpopular opinion but I honestly hope they don't. While i try and platimum certain games, other I got bored of after grinding for trophies or others that were roo difficult.
Let the classic games be as they are.
Plus with the rewind feature it would most likely affect trophies if they did have them
@KidBoruto Yea, I have to stop the bleeding eventually. Sounds like you need to as well. Haha
@Ken_Kaniff Unlikely lol, whenever I see sales or just games I want in general and have the money, I go crazy with the spending.
I recently had to force myself to stop though, ended up in debt again. Hoping to be fully paid off by mid July though...
@KidBoruto Yea, its definitely not worth letting yourself get into debt for. I was just like you, the sales would always get me. I eventually realized I owned almost 500 digital PS4 games and thats not including my massive collection of PS3 games both physically and digitally and said that's enough. Im never going to be able to play all these games. Plus being a trophy hunter really slows the process down. One day you'll do the same.
@Ken_Kaniff Crazily enough I still think I'll be able to play all of the hundreds of games in my backlog before I die haha XD.
Maybe if I could pay off our house and win the lottery, so I wouldn't have to worry about money.
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