PSP title Resistance Retribution has received a new age rating in Korea for PS5 and PS4 versions, meaning it could be included in PS Plus Premium in the near future. The Game Rating and Administration of Korea board issued the rating for Sony Bend's third-person shooter, as spotted by Gematsu.
The title now joins PS2 RPG Shadow Hearts as games with new ratings and trademarks that aren't yet part of PS Plus Premium. Or, at least, they're not part of the launch lineup in Asia. It's possible there could be variations between regions — we'll learn more once the selection of games for the US is shared. Just three PSP games are part of PS Plus Premium for now: Echochrome, Ridge Racer 2, and Super Stardust Portable. The full list of All PS Plus Games so far can be viewed through the link.
Released in March 2009 for PSP, Resistance Retribution was a third-person shooter set in between Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2. It was fairly well-received at the time, with PS Vita title Resistance: Burning Skies being the significantly worse portable game. Do you want to play Resistance Retribution on PS5, PS4? Fight off the Chimera in the comments below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 26
I’d have hoped that the complete resistance saga, plus Killzone, Motorstorm and god of war would all be present with all their games and versions. Plus Wipeout. These Sony exclusives should have been a given and on the first marketing wave.
I enjoyed it and will give it a look
One of my favourite PS3 franchises. Will 100% replay and hope I am able to play the PS3 trilogy through streaming if its available for me on PS Plus Premium
@Netret0120 Agreed. Can't count the number of replays and hours spent on split screen and co-op in those ganes.
I do really miss Resistance in general. Always thought it never got enough credit for how interesting the lore was and Retribution in particular had a really cool story. My personal favorite of Bend studios work.
Very cool. Btw, I hope the PS3 games are also included - I never played them and totally would.
Excellent. This is exactly the kind of game I'll be signing up for.
Insomniac is hiring for a multiplayer project too 👀
I LOVE this game!
@Stocksy The Whole Killzone Saga Minus Liberation And Mercenary Are Already On The Old PS Now Service The Same With God Of War So I Can See Sony Moving Them To The New Service When They Hit Europe And America.
Hope it will have platinum trophy. One of the best PSP games
The Resistance games would be so cool in VR. Just imagine exploring that grim world with those inventive weapons in hand on PSVR2. C'mon Sony!
@Bamila hopefully it has trophies
I really enjoyed this game back when I had a PSP and would like to play it again. Would be nice to see it have trophies if so. Heck I really enjoyed the entire Resistance series. Would love to see Sony put RESISTANCE: Fall of Man on the service too with trophy support, if for no other reason than to finally have the whole series listed on my profile.
@Bamila I wouldn't get my hopes up. I thought atleast all the first party games would get them, but Ectochrome and Super Stardust Portable didnt so who knows. Im with you though im hoping most of these games will have them.
Do yall think will ever get The Getaway, or will we just be stuck with what PS2 games are on their now?
Easily top 5 psp games ever made.word up son
I’d give this a try, but I really hope they do something with Resistance 1-3 soon. 3 has been a streaming game on PS Now since forever, but 1 and 2 never made it, probably because they ran terribly on the original hardware so streaming them would be even worse. I’d definitely buy remastered versions of all of them if they were to go that route. Same with Killzone and most other first party IP honestly.
This is awesome news. I always wanted to play this but not with the PSP's single analog nub and button movement/aiming. Hopefully Vita games show up eventually too, like Killzone Mercenary
One of the PSP's greatest games. Sony Bend did an outstanding job as usual. I replayed it on my Vita about a year ago and had a blast.
I really wish PlayStation would make an initiative to bring remastered PS3 collections to PS5 the way they did for PS2 games on PS3. Like others have said, I'd be happy with just Resistance, Killzone, inFamous, Motorstorm, and Ratchet & Clank. I would actually take good remasters of those over PS3 backward compatibility. Just add MGS4 to that list and maybe the aforementioned PS2 remastered collections. Most other games from that gen are available on PC for cheap and can be played at high settings even with weak hardware. Why would we want to play the PS3 versions at 720p with choppy frame rate?
I'd love to see some kind of modern day re-release/remaster of the Resistance series. I own all 3 on PS3 but haven't played this.
Also, bring back Motorstorm!!!!
It'll be a much better experience with a right analogue stick. And burning skies was pretty good too. It's just the forced touch controls that let it down.
seeing all this news is getting me excited , to see psp games be playable like this is pretty cool. i guess i could hope for the same treatement for vita games even though i own a vita and own a good amount of games for it , still would be cool to see the vita games for resistance , killzone and uncharted for the ps4/ps5.
@xDD90x they kind of did , i mean they brought last of us and the uncharted games and a few others from ps3 to ps4. from the sound of it though , a lot of developers said it wasn't easy to port a game from the ps3 era to the ps4, its a shame they made the ps3 so difficult to develop for , because it had some great series during that era.
Happy for the fans, I never got into this franchise personally.
Never played any of the Resistance games, so would be down for this. I would dig a remastered trilogy of the PS3 games too.
Looking at the PlayStation Store in Asia, I found 17 classic games. 17. Oh, and that was in the PS1, PS2 and PSP category. Just 17 games. I think I'm gonna wait.
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