Not only will Sniper Elite 5 reward you for killing Adolf Hitler in its day one DLC package Wolf Mountain, but it will also hand you a Trophy for targeting his private parts. Revealed in the game's Trophy list on Exophase, the Das Familienjuwel gong all the way down at the bottom is the one that really captures the imagination. The bronze Trophy unlocks when you kill Hitler with a testicle shot. You'll also pick up Trophies for eliminating the Nazi leader five times, killing only him and then exfiltrating, and landing the killing blow from over 300 metres away.
This presumably small expansion is bundled in with pre-orders of both the standard version (£54.99/$59.99) and the Deluxe Edition (£79.99/$89.99), which also contains the season pass and a suppressed pistol.
"While a bullet will suffice, HQ have tasked you with dispatching the alpha of the Third Reich as creatively as possible to bolster the Allied propaganda campaign. Set in a vast map crawling with Hitler’s heavily armed personal guard, and a slew of collectables for eagle-eyed sharp shooters, join the hunt in this hugely replayable campaign mission for 1-2 players," the Xbox Store listing reads.
If you're looking to unlock the Platinum Trophy alongside blowing Hitler's balls to smithereens, you'll also need to complete the campaign on the authentic difficulty mode, compete in a spot of online multiplayer, and master every weapon. In fact, developer Rebellion seems to really enjoy testicle related destruction. Here's another one, named Die Nussknacker Sweet!: "Get a testicle shot with a rifle from a distance of 100 meters or more."
[source exophase.com]
Comments 57
A similar trophy existed for Sniper Elite 4 but it was a DLC trophy called "Albert Hall". There were a few others such as "Down Periscope" where you had to kill Hitler by dropping a submarine on him and "Hot Pot" where you had to kill him with a casserole.
Great that there's so many ways to kill Hitler.
Bad taste is not forbidden. But I find it sad that many people (especially kids, they know how to get these games) regard such games as „normal“. Shooting dogs in games „What a monster!“, maiming human beings in games „No problem, it‘s just a Nazi“.
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@Apfelschteiner Sorry, I wasn‘t precise: I find it sad that shooting at people is such a no-brainer in games these days. I understand that shooting makes fun because the human brain is great at ballistics. But most gamers even stopped noticing that they aim on virtual people. And in the case of Sniper, rewarding gamers for maiming is just very very bad taste to me, and Sony supports it. Waiting for a Trophy for shooting Bear in TLoU2.
Think this was a trophy in sniper elite 3 aswel. At least they are consistent XD
@Max_the_German I mean… it is Hitler. I get what you’re saying in theory but it’s Hitler.
As a father of 5 young children, I could do with a little less testicle sniping in my life…
@nessisonett O yes, it‘s a dictator. They ignore human rights, so everybody is allowed to kill them. Thanks god there is the International Court of Justice.
This sort of thing never really appealed to me too much personally. Don't get me wrong if anyone in history ever deserved such a fate it was Hitler of course but using it as a marketing beat is just kind of...I don't know just weird.
@Max_the_German He murdered over 6 million Jews plus many more disabled, LGBTQ+, Roma people etc. Unless they released an Ace Attorney spin-off where you prosecute dictators, your counterpoint doesn’t really hold water as this is a game, Hitler took care of shooting himself rather than being shot in the balls. Like I said, I get the whole anti-violence thing and I don’t agree with games which actively encourage murdering innocents but it’s Hitler. It’s basically a power fantasy and I just don’t really see any reason for defending Hitler’s balls from their virtual fate.
@Max_the_German I'm sorry but pure evil like him doesn't deserve a court ,put him in some cushy prison .... Nope
“In the ball” surely?
According to the song he only had one anyway.
@Martsmall So he is a perfect victim for games glorifying violence and self justic with an almost pornographic depiction of killing and maiming? To make it clear:
1) I cannot stand this whole game concept of celebrating violence and maiming.
2) I hate that Sony rewards it with Trophies.
3) Even dictators have human rights, despite they ignored them when treating other people. What the people did with the corpse of Mussolini was disgusting in my eyes, and it shows a lack of a civilized mindset to me.
4) Using real dead people as projection surface for violence fantasies is a cheap move.
5) I find it sad that PushSquare makes an item on a bronze Trophy for such a bullsh*t.
I'll shoot Hitler in the balls for fun.
@Max_the_German While I get your point, this is a sniper game. The point of the game is literally to kill people IN A TIME OF WAR - it's the beginning, middle, and end of the content. It's not about going on a bloodbath murdering innocent civilians or mowing down waves of zombies, it's about contributing in a very specific way to fighting a war, where you are one small part of a larger team you may never see, saving lives you will never meet.
I'm more concerned about glorifying war in general than I am about whether you kill Hitler in a video game with a headshot or a balls shot, or get special rewards for creative assassinations. I would argue a game like this doesn't desensitize people to killing a fraction of the amount something like Fortnite does - despite its effort at increased realism. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd worry about battle royal games before I'd worry about this.
I discovered this series when version 4 was free on Plus, and will absolutely pick this up - and now that my kids are older, I might even play it in front of them. When they were little, games like this were only for well after they were tucked in.
@Max_the_German omg do u play sonic and say thats not how fast hedgehogs run ? Lol
Jokes aside I hope he's burning in hell knowing that ppl are getting amusement from shooting his balls ,yes he is a human being ( barely) but he is a pure evil human being
Experience my 618m groin shot in Sniper Elite 3 right here, really just pure luck. https://youtu.be/ZJAKmv9qlNY
I always enjoyed busting the "wolves" balls in this franchise. Oh and I would've also love to shoot Stalins, Maos, PolPots and whoever warmongers balls if I could (in a videogame that is...).
@Max_the_German I think it doesn't really matter because people in video games are not really people. I'm totally fine with killing any game character who is trying to kill my character. It's the same whether they are Samurai, Yokai, Nazis, or Communists. I actually like the idea of games that make you feel bad about it.
I get what you are saying. I definitely find it weird for PushSquare to set the tone and then be censorious of similarly appropriate comments.
@lolwhatno It's ridiculous how easy it is for kids to get hold of games compared to other things deemed not to be appropriate, but games being interactive are particularly inappropriate and should be more restricted rather than less restricted.
@Korgon The boring thing is that you have to watch the same animation over and over again. I really enjoyed it the first few times, but after that it is incredibly dull.
@Martsmall You don't understand the concept of justice. Justice isn't for someone like Hitler, it's for the public. By the standards of the day he would have been hanged anyway after a trial.
@Apfelschteiner Germany doesn't have the death penalty so he wouldn't have, Iraq does that's why Saddam Hussein got hanged
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@PushSquare It would be interesting to hear your response to Max's criticisms. That's a really good topic as gaming is very biased towards violence.
@Jimmer-jammer With FIVE sproglets, perhaps a little more testicle sniping in the form of a vasectomy
On topic; these trophies add quirky fun to a series with an often gruelling trophy list.
How did I know this headline was Liam's before clicking?
I guess it's a game about ball istics in every way....?
@nessisonett Notice there's no games about shooting Stalin, even though he killed far more than Hitler enough to make Hitler look like a saint, though....
I know what you mean. But, weapons are the worst invention mankind has ever done. For then there would never have been talk of all the misery that the world now knows.
@Max_the_German better aiming on virtuele People then buy real Guns at Walmart and shoot a complete school. As i said before. Guns are the worst thing mankind has ever come up with.
@Warspite2901 😂 Fair point!
When people make the argument that gaming is a mature hobby… but we still have juvenile crap like this lol
I mean yeah, it’s Adolf (shakes fists at the sky) but still…
The people did what they did - I’ve never liked the idea of putting the blame solely on one individual. Taking the blame away from everyone else that allowed it to happen.
But yeah, it’s kind of embarrassing to get excited about something like this - even more so for the studio selling their game off of it.
@NEStalgia Because the Allied powers included Russia. It’s a World War 2 game and you don’t play as a Nazi. A game would essentially have to create a fictional conflict or make you a Nazi sniper in order to be in a position to assassinate Stalin. While yes, Hitler wasn’t assassinated, he was the leader of the Axis powers and so it’s much easier to write into a scenario. Besides, this whole ‘Stalin is worse’ argument is really silly, what is the point? Is it an attempt to turn a blind eye towards Hitler of all people? It’s possible for more than one leader to be a piece of crap, you might as well make a game with an Indian sniper assassinating Churchill at that rate. You’d be hard pressed finding a leader during WW2 that wasn’t involved in a cheeky genocide.
Disgusting propaganda, very sad
@nessisonett I didn't say this game, I said no games. It's still kind of strange there's endless games about shooting Hitler, but zero I'm aware of about shooting Stalin.
Though that's also a curious turn of history where in a war between two mass killers we allied with the most murderous of the two. Yes, it's connected to who was invading allied countries at the time and who had treaties with whom, but it's still a moral gray area common history ignores. It was "realpolitik" at the time, yet a weird piece to ignore nowadays. But in an era where we have video games about shooting nazis, you'd think Stalin's even grizzlier regime would be the subject of more content. Especially with many Eastern European game devs around these days. I'm sure many would love to take a shot at that theme (pun intended.)
Plus, EA tried to make a "fun" Battlefield by distorting history and putting women on the front lines and the internet had a field day with it. But no hunting Papa Stalin?
It's not about minimizing Hitler, it's about pointing out the very obviously bizarre omission in most modern period media, and really even historical telling unless you go into the deeper historical studies, of the even WORSE killer hardly anyone talks about, like he's protected. There were two mass killers, at the same time, and one was even deadlier than the other, but we have endless imagery of the horrors of one, and the other is kind of swept under the rug like it was a B-roll and unimportant.
Even weirder it continues invisibly while the history of it is directly connected to current events. Tell me GSC Game World doesn't want to make that game
@NEStalgia It’s whataboutism at its worst. The new Modern Warfare attributed war crimes that the Americans committed to the Russians and there was barely a whimper from Western press. And they’re apparently going ahead with that Fallujah propaganda game too. All of these conflicts are a matter of perspective so you’ll probably find some neo Nazis out there offended by them letting you shoot Hitler but he’s easily the most widely hated man in recent history if not of all time. I’m sure people could make a game about shooting Stalin if they want but the point is that nobody has.
I would, but I’d have died from boredom due to all the repetitive and underwhelming gameplay long before I got up to that bit
You mean ball
@nessisonett Right...but...that's kinda my point....
@TommyNL Weapons are the reason we are even here today.
@BritneyfR_ee One example is not representative of a whole. You are going to find examples of juvenile stuff in every art form.
@NEStalgia The main reason is that the Nazis were more stylish and we fought the Nazis in WW2, so culturally they are a natural enemy in games too.
@Apfelschteiner lol there's a humorous irony to that, "The soviets weren't stylish, so we forget their presence".... Truth, though...
Should make for some amusing trophy videos.
I’m just here to read the comments to see who’s mad over shooting Hitler in the junk. Didn’t take long to find lol.
@AhmadSumadi. LOL i was thinking the same thing. It touched a nerve for sure.
Don't you mean in the ball. HITLER only had one gonad. You should get a trophy for this it's a great shot..
@AhmadSumadi No one is defending Hitler. Just one guy has a consistent belief that we shouldn't fetishize violence against even the worst people.
Thank you for sharing this information, though I doubt I'll ever play this game. Not my kind of genre.
Some have clearly forgot this is a game.
@Max_the_German "don't do violence, even to bad guys" is a great way to get every game, that isn't a farming sim, banned.
That's a Jack Thompson future, and I will not live in it.
@Richnj It‘s not about violence in general, but violence just for fun. If you want violence for fun, then shoot Hitler‘s balls. This would probably not kill him. A real sniper with the task to stop war and terror with high reliability would aim on his breast. But Sony will not reward you with a Trophy for such a „boring“ act, it rewards you for unnecessary violence. This whole game with X-ray slow-motion bone-breaking close-ups is a violence fantasy porn and serves a special fetish. This is okay for me. I just want to make clear that most of us aren’t aware of this any more, which is a shame in my opinion.
@render Don't forget The Eagle Has Landed - crush Dolfy beneath the giant stone eagle.
@Jimmer-jammer You could always not buy the game. That's an option.
I'm a big fan of this series, I have my copy of the Deluxe Edition on pre-order.
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