Our very first look at Sonic Frontiers gameplay footage is here, albeit in a very brief teaser video. At only 38 seconds, the above clip is just a taster for what's to come next month, when IGN will showcase the game in more detail.
In the video, we can see the hedgehog running through idyllic pastures, as well as using unknown technology (that appears to reveal nearby points of interest) and destroying strange metallic enemies. One of these machines is an enormous robot that Sonic can run up to attack its head. It also appears there are grind rails suspended in the air all over the place.
Again, this is a precursor to more information and footage from IGN First. "Look forward to seeing everything from world-exclusive gameplay reveals to the first ever hands-on impressions, to interviews with the game's creators and more," reads the official blurb. This coverage is set to start on 1st June — tomorrow.
Are you excited to finally learn more about Sonic Frontiers? Speed into the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 34
Excited for all of the very positive and well-educated opinions on Sonic from the Push Square comments
Very odd. Barely even feels like Sonic but that’s probably a good thing!
Why am I getting Death Stranding vibes from this?
(at least from 0:10 - 0:15)
Rubbish teaser with very odd choice of music. But the game itself is looking promising. Just give me breath of the wild set in the sonic universe. I’d say maro odyssey but it looks to be taking itself way too seriously for that.
The trailer looks great! I can’t wait for it.
Cautiously optimistic about this. Not hugely thrilled with the art direction of the open world — it just doesn't match the characters at all! — but wide-open expanses could finally provide the basis for good 3D Sonic traversal.
Some interesting mechanics teased here, too — looks like Sonic encircles one enemy to lift them in the air. Some kind of Qix-style wrinkle to the combat system could be really cool.
Looks interesting. As someone who loved Sonic on SMS and MD then fell off quite hard shortly after it went 3D any change is a good one. The only new Sonic game I've bought in the last 2 decades, since Adventure, was Mania! Hopeful for this without getting hyped.
Looks interesting. Like get2sammyb, I'm also cautiously optimistic about this but not so impressed with the look of the open world seen so far, hope that changes soon. The combat also looks a bit stiff but that will hopefully be improved.
I'm cautiously optimistic, if the open world isn't just full of useless stuff it could be great fun blasting around as Sonic, I'm excited to see more
And so the cycle of cautious optimism begins once again, followed by crushing disappointment. Lower your expectations guys - remember Sonic Forces (and just about every other 3D instalment).
As long as they fixed the acelaration jumping and homing attack from forces, it will be good.
Did they finally learn after falling 382 times? Seems like it. Still looks pretty cheap though, but this could be fun.
I'm no Sonic fan, but this could be fun. These companies need to realise that good games sell, not IP's.
DBZ Kakerot was also cheap as hell. Single A at most. Put some resources into these games for once damnit!
Haven’t been interested in sonic games since the Sega Saturn but this has actually piqued my interest, surprisingly.
Looks good, i'm getting hopeful for this one as i think a open world will suit Sonic.
It looks ok. Not bad, not great. I think it's gonna be an average title, which for Sonic team is considered a great achievement.
Looks really good even from that little snippet of gameplay! I'm also really digging the soundtrack if the music on display is any indication of the direction they are going. You certainly have my attention Sonic Team. I'm rooting for ya!
@JB_Whiting The one thing I'll say in their defence is they've spent a long time developing this one and letting it cook. Hopefully that shows in the final product.
Looks great, really looking forward, it´s nice to see they are trying something different with the 3D Sonic. For the purists, myself included, they should release Sonic Mania 2, everyone will be happy that way.
I’ll wait for the reviews on this one maybe, just because of how lackluster Sonic games have been, but I liked every second of that teaser. All 38 of those seconds.
Way more impressed than I thought I was gonna be. It seems like combat is more in depth than just the homing attack, it looks to be a good combination of the boost and adventure styles, and there is an amazing sense of kinetic energy.
So far, this is looking like the best Sonic game in a long time. I can’t say for sure until the full trailer and gameplay is out, but it looks way better than Forces. I have high hopes for the story considering Pontac and Graff are gone and Ian Flynn is writing it. My main hope is that it will be full of that classic Sonic style and charm, like the Adventure games, Unleashed and even Colors. I’m still not getting my hopes 100% up, but they’re higher than they have been for Sonic in a while.
0:18 reminded me of sackboy even the sound effect is similar lol
It could be fun but I echo the statements that it doesn't look like a Sonic game. I wish the environment was more stylized and less naturalistic.
Looks cool! I'm excited and will probably pick it up day one (I'm a big fan of sonic). But man, Sonic looks so out of place in the world. If they wanted to go this style with the world. Maybe they could have made Sonic look similar to his movie version, and give him a nice fur shader.
I can't be the only one thinking the realism of the scenery mixed with the cartoony Sonic and enemies graphics makes for a pretty weird and somewhat creepy experience.
Can't tell much at this point.
But, i didn't like that purple tower and whatever was happening at the end. It looked buggy.
I liked the music and open world. Was very soothing. Even though i agree with others that it looks like a realistic world and not Sonic's "cartoony" world.
do they any idea where they wanna take this game ? lol . i like what i see though , i’m just praying that it can top unleashed in terms of quality , i seen the boost at the end and i’m really glad they got rid of those ugly effects from forces , it looks more like unleashed now
hoping there’s a level in the game where it takes place entirely on the ocean or some sort of water and you have to maintain boost by collecting rings and not being hit to stay afloat . that was always like a dream level of mine .
@Nem so glad they went the semi-realistic stylized route again.
sonic adventure 1 & 2 , 06 , and unleashed all had it and i love it! i don’t wanna get hyped just yet tho
@AFCC i don’t think so at all , it enhances the immersion for me
you wanna talk about creepy , the sonic movies exists
@BoldAndBrash that’s what i’m on the fence about as well . the last time sega/sonic team whatever put a lot of resources and big budget into a sonic game , one was crapped on (06) and the other was under-appreciated (unleashed) . segas been shook ever since
This is basically FF15 with Sonic.
Hard to get excited from such a small teaser, will be waiting for bigger gameplay segments and launch day reviews.
@nomither6 Just imagine if we got the Sonic movies with the other original Sonic then lol
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