PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium are launching in Japan right now, and just like the Asian release, the complete list of games included in the service is being pulled from an official website page rather than a promotional push from Sony. While we still wouldn't use this as a definitive list of All PS Plus Games for the US and European launches in the coming weeks, the Japanese lineup does give us a taste of the sort of PS3 titles we might be able to stream.
This wasn't possible until now, since the highest tier of PS Plus in Asian territories is PS Plus Deluxe — essentially the same as Premium but without the ability to stream PS3 titles. Here's a selection of some of the most noteworthy streamable PS3 games included in the Japanese launch, although you can find more in our All PS Plus Games guide. Please note that, while some of these games have been confirmed for the US and Europe, others have not and may not make the international journey. We'll provide you with the most accurate information possible for Western territories once Sony makes it available.
With that said, here are some of the PS3 highlights:
- Biohazard Operation Raccoon City
- Biohazard Umbrella Corps
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
- God of War HD
- God of War II HD
- God of War III Remastered
- MotorStorm RC Complete Edition
- Ratchet & Clank: FUTURE2
- Ratchet & Clank Galaxy Squadron Q Force
- Ratchet & Clank: INTO THE NEXUS
- Ratchet & Crank: All for One
- Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
- Resistance 3
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- The Legend of Heroes: Sky Trail FC: Kai HD EDITION
- The Legend of Heroes: Sky Trail SC: Kai HD EDITION
- The Legend of Heroes: Sky Trail the 3rd: Kai HD EDITION
- Tokyo Jungle
- White Knight Chronicles
To check out the full list of PS Plus Extra, PS Plus Premium games for the Japanese launch, click the link. There's a lot more listed, but we'll need to wait for more information from Sony to determine whether they'll also be available overseas. One thing that's worth noting as an interesting aside is that there are no new PS1 or PSP games included with PS Plus Premium in Japan. It's the same selection as in Asia.
With all that said, would you be happy with these games for the US and European releases? Let us know in the comments below.
[source playstation.com]
Comments 45
Think most of these were on PS Now so not too surprised by any of these.
So basically games that were on PS Now? Hope not too many are lost, there were some great games on there.
So it's basically the ps now library as was expected 🥱
Decent list, including a good number you didn’t decide to highlight. It’s still likely to be the case that streaming is poor though, so I likely won’t bother. Too many current and last gen games I still need to get to.
The best part about this is Google's auto-translation.
(seriously though, there's enough there for me to upgrade my remaining 6 months for sure)
Psplusnow.. well done Sony, you must think we're daft
Very small list as well.. we should have every single game that was released on PS3, bet they'd get a lot more subscribers.
A lot of games were not going to get though. Would be pretty great if we also got all those legend of heroes games.
That's a delicious selection.
Most exciting on this list is the Sky trilogy. But I believe these have only been released in Japan on the ps3.
@Steve30000 didn't see the infamous games on the list but they're on ps now 🤔
@Jayslow Yeah they’re 100% not coming to the west, these versions were never localised.
Oblivion 😂 Clearly this is meant for new customers because anyone that remembers the PS3 port of that game would unsubscribe upon seeing access to it. Amazing game... Just... Anywhere but ps3...
Castlevania, NINJA GAIDEN, Resistance
Combined with what I've seen of the other tiers so far this is looking like quite the backlog for me.
Why not have the whole Resistance collection? -.-
Way to rub the trails in the sky HD remasters in our faces.
@NEStalgia I actually made it through Oblivion on my PS3 somehow, one of the worst optimized games ever, but 70 hours into Skyrim it could take no more. After the 100th system locking glitch it finally YLOD’ed. pretty sure my copy of Skyrim is still in the disc drive.
"streamable PS3 games"
I feel bad for the people that will be playing some of these great games for the first time in Stadia style but worse 🤢
As a long time subscriber to ps now I better see more and not less PS3 games on the service.
@Juanalf streaming a game isn't much different than playing a game online. Same amount of lag, so not really noticeable in most cases. Only real difference is you don't get the full resolution on streaming, I think they only go up to 720p.
I wonder if the PS1 PAL problem is present for Japan too.
@Milktastrophe in truth many PS3 games only ran at around 720p sub 30fps anyway.
It’s one reason why steaming older games makes more sense right now than the latest titles.
@themightyant 720? For lucky titles, sure. 540 was all too common....
@Niktaw Oof. "It just works" 😆
@Grumblevolcano It's not.
I already have Hakuna Matata (Afrika in Japan version), All Ratchet & Clank PS3 games in physical media so I don't even need and bothering PS PLUS.
Just get a PS3, games are cheaper and play better on it.
Can’t wait for Tokyo Jungle!
What about Resistance 1 & 2?
why are they always ignoring the first ratchet future : tools of destruction ?? is it just because it has no trophies ? come on now , please don’t tell me that’s the reason , because it’s easily a top 5 ratchet and clank game .
Going Commando
Up your Arsenal
The first game
Tools of destruction
crack in time
God of war 3 remastered is a ps4 game.
No ressistence 1 2 and killzone 1 2 3😔
The most interesting here is oblivion because 1 I didn't even know it was on ps3 and 2 it's owned by Microsoft which could mean they will be open to porting more games in the future.
@Croman_Marko27 resistance 1 and 2 wernt on psnow but killzone 1 2 and 3 were so they will probably be added at a later date
Does the games get an FPS and Resolution boost?!
No complete Resistance, no complete Killzone, no complete god of war and no complete Motorstorm or wipeout. Bizarre choices.
The complete back catalogue of Sony exclusives should be the VERY bare minimum
Ratchet & CRANK: All for one
I know its a typo but it made me laugh way more than it should've
I hope they add the other Resistance games someday and put the servers back on while they are in the service
If they can honour Ps1 classic purchases by checking your download list, the same should be possible for digital Ps3 games. Let people stream the games they bought digitaly without a subscription and we'll forgive the lack of native cell emulation!
In Japan, PS3 game streaming was so busy at 21:00.
My queue was about 260.
@Yayoi_KISARAGI wow that's crazy! I guess the rebrand away from Now definitely worked to get more people into the higher tiers. I've never been queued trying to stream in US before.
Wow, no Tools of Destruction - possibly the best R&C game? Motorstorm though - oh, it's the crap one!
So glad I've still got a working PS3 Slim.
White Knight Chronicles??? Woot! I loved that game when it first came out. Now hoping they will eventually add the second one that is: if they add those same games to the NA release on the 13th of June.
Decent lineup of PS3 games, though hopefully they will add more over time!
Yes, I agree and queue was surprise (never heard).
Probably, Sony's severs are so so busy on this weekend.
I don't like waiting (oh, everyone too!).
Uh, GoW III Remastered is for PS4; I think you mean God of War III Classic. Or as it's known for short, God of War III.
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