Would the inclusion of a stamina bar have affected your enjoyment of Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End? It's an interesting question and one that was discussed by Josh Scherr (co-writer of Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy) during a recent appearance on the Couch Soup YouTube channel.
Scherr had the following to say on the matter (as transcribed by Eurogamer):
"A lot of the stuff that happens early on are prototypes of design things that eventually make it in [to a game]," Scherr said. "We were looking to do some interesting things with the climbing mechanics [in Uncharted 4]... the long story short version of that is that we did all these interesting things with a stamina bar, trying to make it feel more challenging."
Ultimately though, the Uncharted 4 team scrapped the mechanic as it "got in the way the way [of how Naughty Dog] liked to blend [its] platforming and gunplay".
Uncharted 4 did see some innovations to traversal, although how well implemented they were is in the eye of the beholder. The grappling hook was cool and all, but we recall a few too many winch/jeep puzzles sprinkled throughout the game as it was.
Would Uncharted 4 have been enhanced or hindered by the inclusion of a stamina meter? It's a pretty exciting what-if to ponder. Unspool your thoughts in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 11
Would still love a game like Uncharted/ Tomb Raider to have challenging climbing again.
Instead we always get games where you just push the stick and press a button and that's it. Insane heights near death moments are made boring as hell. Spider-Man also suffers from this
Grow Home and Grow Up are also the best 2 games Ubisoft has released the past decade
Somehow this game from 2016 almost found a way to copy BOTW. (Just making fun of the fans who say anything with a stamina bar, open world, and the color green is copying BOTW)
Would have made an already disappointing sequel borderline unplayable for me to be honest.
A stamina bar would've made it a day one pickup for me.
I think it would ruin it for me. Really hated it in Zelda BotW and I really love Zelda games. There was a couple things that I disliked about the game and the stanima bar was one of them so I was quick to abandon the game for Horizon Zero Dawn instead. Even in Shadow of the Colossus it did my head in
Glad they cut it. I stopped holding my breath for Sony to announce a new Uncharted game. A shame to see my favorite series fall away into oblivion.
No bueno on a stamina bar.
No bueno on breaking weapons as well.
No bueno for Zelda BOTW for me. Bounced off those mechanics hard. Mainly the breaking weapons shenanigans.
Glad they left it as is. Nothing breaks the the thrill of a climb like having to stop and wait for an arbitrary bar to refill.
Yeah great it did not... Stamina Mechanic are annoying in my book.
Ehhhh, the only way I would have been ok with a stamina bar is if it worked similarly to his health during combat. Just as the color drains from the screen as his "luck is about to run out" and actually get shot, it would be interesting if his luck ran out while climbing and when he falls they showed a hand hold or foot hold giving out resulting in his fall.
i dont remember this much never bothered with the dlc.
have to play from the 1st game til the latest one again still have my ps3 and discs.
loved the first game played it like crazy ,2nd one was class and the 3d of the third was crazy good.
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