Sucker Punch’s samurai smash hit Ghost of Tsushima has surpassed 9.73 million copies sold in the two years since it launched, making it one of Sony’s strongest selling first-party releases. The impressive sales number – accurate as of 3rd July, 2022 – means that the title will almost certainly cross 10 million units when all is said and done. We imagine a PC port will bump the numbers significantly at some point in the near future, too.
In order to celebrate the game’s anniversary, the Seattle studio released a number of stats, confirming that 75.18 million foxes have been petted and almost one billion standoffs have been performed. Cumulatively, fans have spent 6,437 years on horseback, which is a staggeringly specific snippet. Sucker Punch, of course, is widely believed to be working on some kind of sequel – and with these kind of numbers, it’s no real surprise.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 79
Wow what an amazing story and game. I don’t think anyone thought this would become one of the best ip PlayStation has ever made. Keep up the great work Sucker Punch
Laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind
The intro of 👻 ghost of tsushima is probably the greatest intro in a video games ever.wow.amazing game.congratulation to sucker punch.word up son
Impressive and well deserved! Takes me back to that Summer insanity when TLOUII & GOT released just 1 month from each other. So fun!
Incredible numbers for a new IP on just two platforms. What a success story!
10m for a new IP, very close to what tlou 2 did.
And will get millions more players on playstation plus
I didn't buy this at the time, no idea why.
Playing through it somewhat slowly on plus, fantastic game and really glad it has sold well.
If/when the sequel comes out that will be a must buy for me.
Brilliant! A great single player game, deservingly successful!
Great news, love the game. I just had to explored every inch of the world. It is simply stunning.
Amazing talent over at Sucker Punch. And a fantastic job by Sony in making the hardware to show it off.
My personal GOTY in 2020. Loved this so much and I'm glad Sucker Punch is getting some recognition. Seriously considering playing it over again even though I've I've platinumed it.
Really great game that I consistently still play, really happy for Sucker Punch. While I do want a new infamous I would actually prefer they first give us Ghost 2, really want to see their interpretation of the mainland and ninjas!
Truly a masterpiece and love letter to classic samurai films. Long wait for the sequel but atleast we got God Of War Ragnarok in the meantime
Currently got back into the PS5 version finishing off everything on Iki Island ATM.
@JSnow2 and Final Fantasy 7 Remake not long before
This is the real Game of the year 2020. The PS4 is a beast in terms of candidates for the best game of all time. This and the beloved Bloodborne are my personal picks.
Fantastic game. Very fond memories of this as it was my first platinum trophy! Congratulations Sucker Punch, very well deserved. Can’t wait to see what they do with the sequel!
Fantastic game and easily one of the highlights of last gen, very happy Sony allow games like this to made.
Crazy numbers for a exclusive new IP. RE2 Remake sold the same amount but multiplat with 1,5 years more time
so has days gone sony.
bring us days gone 2.
Not sure if anyone else is in the business/ e-commerce world, but when I see specific figures like this I always wonder what the ROI is. It has to be pretty healthy for Sony, but then you see other studios ship double that and call it a failure, also makes me wonder what their ROI’s are too.
So no one questions the fact everyone's talking about 9.7 million instead of waiting for 10? Wtf is up with that number lol
How is the multiplayer?
And people wonder why Sony won't put their games day 1 on a service. When your new ip's are capable of selling well over 10 mil copies, that is why.
@AFCC It's like you're so excited that you can't stop yourself from opening your prezzies on Christmas Eve. That's all their joy gone now from 'unwrapping' 10 million copies. 🤣
Such a great game. Top 5 on the ps4
9.73? I'd me more impressed if it was 9.75...
Impressive for a new IP for sure, but it did get a re-release already on PS5 with improvements, also got a DLC Iki Island expansion, plus a free coop multiplayer update in Legends since release. So it had the PS4 version and PS5 version sales combined to total that number.
TLoU 2 received no director’s cut, no re-release, no expansion, no added coop, nothing to really boost sales post-release like Ghost of Tsushima had and it still managed to outsell Ghost.
Congrats to Sucker Punch nonetheless, but the comparison to TLoU 2 seems a little unfair when the post-launch support has been so drastically different between the two games.
Easily one of the best games i've played on any platform and probably the best intro too..i have to admit that the first call of duty game that was on the xbox 360 where you stormed omaha beach was for the time utterly nerve wracking so i'm torn between the opening of that and ghost..bloody brilliant..
I'm currently playing this from PS Plus and it is indeed a spectacular game. The style, the art, the music, even the writing is very well done.
@AFCC because these are the stats of the 2 year anniversary, not some sales milestone.
@Mad001 Before or after the game went on discount. Selling several copies at €15/20 is not as impressive.
This is roughly on par with H:ZD which sold 10m+ at 2 years.
However GoT has never been significantly discounted yet, in fact the re-release put the price up and discontinued the original. The PS5 version has never been below £52 on PSN.
It was a thing of beauty in hindsight can’t lie. Took me to a good place heck I still have it installed, couple flags I couldn’t find might go back there.
With his mind on the monguls and the monguls on his mind.
Impressive figures for a very good game.
Not much else to add!
Played recently, and it's one of those games where you are playing it thinking, yes this is a really great game I can see why it gets 9's and 10's. The visuals, the gameplay, the story, the feel, the emotion. And then you get about half way in and it kicks up a gear and it blows you away beyond your expectations.
Wish I'd have played it earlier with zero expectations, can't imagine how that would have felt then 👹⛩️👺
@Mad001 Days Gone has never sold 10 million. It had around 8 million players when the Director left the studio. Players ain't sales. As Days Gone was already on PS Plus it increased the player amount but not sales.
@DeepSpace5D tlou 2 sold only slightly more, but it was a massively hyped sequel to a beloved game. Millions bought tlou 2 on the back of their love for the first one. If it didn't sell more than a new ip it would have been a big failure for Sony.
Also tlou 2 was massively discounted early in its life cycle, much faster than it should have been (and ghost). If anything I'd say tlou 2 under performed. I reckon the "controversial " storyline cost them a good 5-10 million in sales.
@JAMes-BroWWWn shhhhh 😂 and im still trying to find bigfoot 😂
@Flaming_Kaiser if i made a game and sold a million units for a pound each that would be impressive. and i haven't the first clue , does typing out code to make pixels appear on a commodore 64 screen 😂
have a good one 👍
Well deserved indeed
I don't think it's unfair. It's a new ip, and tlou 2 had like 10 points above in score in metacritic and it's a sequel to one of many's game of the century. So I'm surprised, but 10m is 10m. Both did great. Def getting a Ghost of tsushima 2 or Ghost from Hong Kong or something like that
@Agramonte That's a silly comment. Why are you congratulating Sony for making PlayStation hardware???
@AFCC I think it's because its sales have peaked and may not actually reach 10million. However for most people, 9.73 million is the same as 10 so basically they're telling the world they've sold 10million.
@CapGod Yeah agreed, both games did very well.
But I do think my points regarding post-launch support are valid. One game received a massive amount of support since it released with additional content, and one didn’t.
Every time a game gets a re-release, or an expansion, or added online multiplayer, those are the types of things that will renew interest in the game and boost its sales.
If TLoU 2 received all those same additions after it came out, no doubt that would have further increased its sales beyond its current numbers.
Both games received the same amount of discounts after they came out. The difference being that Ghost re-released on PS5 with a Director’s Cut with an included expansion that put it back to a non-discounted price.
But all fair points. I just think it’s an apple to oranges comparison between the two games because they were each handled so differently after release.
I don't think the re release does much. Tlou 2 has a patch too.
Nobody talks about ghost multiplayer. It was average.
Everytime new content gets made for a game, there is renewed interest and it boosts sales. The online coop may not be a huge thing, but it was 100% free and no doubt added value after launch.
But the online coop Legends was not the biggest thing. The Iki Island expansion was huge for Ghost after release, it had all new story content and was about 1/3 the size of the main game. Stuff like that definitely gets people playing and buying your game again.
Then you have a new port on a new console (PS5) sold at full price with a re-release. That is incomparable to just releasing a free patch, like what happened with TLoU 2.
Agree to disagree. Ghost is too close to tlou 2 sales.
Rel releases barely sell (you never see sell figures for those)
Expansion are bought by people who bought the game already. Doesn't make people buy the game.
The multiplayer is kind of the same thing and it's not a must play one.
Maybe it adds 1-2m, but 8m is still too close lol.
Yup agree to disagree. If TLoU 2 re-released on PS5, with a new expansion, and free online coop, it would be much further of a gap between the two games than it is currently.
Ghost of Tsushima was at or near the very top of the sales charts as reported by NPD when the Director’s Cut re-released on PS5 in August 2021. So if you don’t believe having multiple SKUs of a game across two different generations of consoles will increase its sales, then we can just call it a day and move on.
It’s the very same reason why comparing sales of TLoU 2 with TLoU is a trivial pursuit. TLoU was re-released barely a year after it came out remastered on PS4, and was selling on two SKUs across two gens of console and it provided a massive boost in sales. You’re trying to say that a re-release doesn’t affect sales much, but we know that’s not true because the PS4 version of TLoU sold extremely well and is the only reason the first game has reached around 20 million copies sold between the PS3 and PS4.
I am actually surprised this game didnt sell more with its hype.
I did platinum the game, but I must admit by the end of it, main story and side missions alone, I felt the same open world burnout associated with a ubisoft game. to the extent that I just wanted it to be over. Much like the feeling I got more recently with Forbidden West. It' just becoming too much retread in gameplay mechanics like playing the same game over and over with just a different coat of paint (which is exactly what Naughty Dog Games have been since Uncharted).
GOT used so many open world tropes already well-worn that I am surprised that it still gains so much reverie.
I remember the story and main protagonist feeling very forgettable and emotionless despite the urgency/drama suggested in the story. The combat was novel at first but soon became just automatic feeling aside from the duels. The other open world stuff was just meh. I think this game would have been far better with more focus on the stealth side of things and better and more indoor areas and more verticality with it.
I think the most disappointing thing for me was the widely marketed follow the wind and smoke to explore the world as the game ultimately included a map laden with icons of busy work and pointless cosmetic collectibles to gather like any other open world game. For me GOT was good in it being a new open world IP, but far from great and even further from doing anything new or groundbreaking.
Iterative is becoming the norm, and it's not a great norm.
@DeepSpace5D I mean sure but tbf, GoT is a new IP that had to prove itself. TLOU2 had the advantage of being a sequel to a gaming classic that sold incredibly well, received a ridiculous amount of awards and was raved critically. It's not out of nowhere that TLOU2 sold 4M copies in 3 days vs the 2.4M GoT did. The hype was huge for TLOU2.
Yeah for sure, I don’t disagree with anything you said. You are basically saying the exact same points that capgod and serialsid made with slightly different wording.
Now imagine if Naughty Dog released a free online coop multiplayer mode for TLoU II 3 months after it came out. Then imagine Naughty Dog releasing a DLC story expansion at the 13-month mark to coincide with the PS5 release of TLoU II: WLF Ultimate Edition on PS5, remastered and released for the new gen.
Do you not think this type of post-launch support has a massive help with the sales of a game?
My only point from the beginning is there’s a night and day difference between the way these two games were handled, making the comparison trivial in the first place.
@DeepSpace5D I didn't see what other people's responses were to you. Overall, I agree with your take but it's hard to say how much of an impact both of our arguments have on sales.
I wouldn't be able to quantify how much of an impact post launch content would have on sales just like I wouldn't be able to quantify how much of an impact a pre-established IP would have on a sequel's sales figures.
I can definitely see how adding multiplayer for free could make new players interested in the game. On the other hand, being a sequel to a highly successful game helps a ton. We saw that with GoW which sold like +10M copies in 1 year.
@__jamiie Not silly at all... 1st party studios are trapped behind whatever their hardware maker overlord decide to make. Thankfully Sony understands that Hardware matters. They always make a great piece of tech their Studios can show off on.
True, we can’t put a number on exactly how much of an increase generous post-launch support has on a game.
But like I was saying to cap, we do know that when TLoU Part I was remastered and re-released on the PS4 it had a massive impact in overall lifetime sales of the game. TLoU 1 was at 7 million copies sold on the PS3 at the 13-month mark of release when it was remastered and re-released on PS4, and we know that lifetime sales of the game are at or near 20 million. A huge portion of that 20 million are PS4 copies.
The first game also got the story expansion DLC in Left Behind which did very well. This type of support can only be a positive for a game’s sales in the long run.
But this…
“I wouldn't be able to quantify how much of an impact post launch content would have on sales just like I wouldn't be able to quantify how much of an impact a pre-established IP would have on a sequel's sales figures.”
Is pretty much precisely my point and why I think the comparison of sales between the two games is silly. So I think we agree ultimately.
An amazing game. Didn’t even need to read any review before purchasing, one of my favourites ever
@KundaliniRising333 I agree with your sentiment of it being a very safe open worlder.
The game was objectively good, but not ground breaking in any regard. In my opinion comparible to Horizon; beautifull open world, fast flowing and decent combat, high production value, but very "by the books" in regard to it's side content.
I actually find Horizon the better of the two because the story was more suprising and it was carried by a more interesting and likeable protagonist.
But like I said it's still a good game and I can see why many people (perhaps with a higher tolerance for open worlders than you and I) like it so much.
The sequel will sell better. A beautifully crafted game with fantastic gameplay. I have spent over 100s hours on Legends mode alone.
im sorry i know im in the minority here but while the settings nice its a clear icons off a map game Ubisoft style the story was fine its a 7/10 game for me
@Texan_Survivor You say that, and yet Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut was at the top of the NPD charts in sales when it re-released in August 2021 🤷🏻♂️
There’s no reality where the Director’s Cut didn’t boost software sales when it was at or near the very top of the NPD charts when it came out. That’s just silly to try to say.
And it’s not just about a $10 upgrade path for people who already owned Ghost on PS4. There are others who got or will be getting a PS5 that never had a PS4, and the Director’s Cut is the definitive version of the game for PS5 that many will pick up.
Are we really trying to act like the Director’s Cut didn’t sell just because some people have access to the PS4 version? Are you really trying to say that if TLoU II had come out with it’s own Director’s Cut that it wouldn’t have reached the top of the sales charts just like Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut did? If so, that’s nonsense.
@Agramonte Apart from one generation, Xbox has been more powerful and easier to develop for. Sony have now agreed that bespoke hardware causes problems. The hardware for the original Xbox was better and more dev friendly than PS2. The hardware for Xbox 360 was better and more dev friendly than PS3. The hardware for the original Xbox One was worse than PS4. The hardware for Xbox One X was better and more dev friendly than PS4 Pro. The hardware for Xbox Series X is better and more dev friendly than PS5. Stop talking about hardware.
@__jamiie Are you sure about that? We haven't seen any significant differences in performance. Maybe both platforms are equally weaker than PC?
@DeepSpace5D Ya, I wish publishers shared in greater detail information regarding sales for their games. I hate when they tell us "this franchise sold this much". I wish they could tell us how much each game did individually.
Like the most recent numbers we have for Spiderman PS4 is 13.2M copies by Aug 2019 and for Miles Morales 6.5M by July 2021 (19.7M). But both combined sold 33M.
Same with The Last of Us. First game on PS3 sold 7M, PS4 version sold 1M, then whole franchise sold 20M. It's like ok, but how much for each.
I like it more the way CDPR did it with W3. Game sold, as of April 2021, over 30 million copies, while the series as a whole sold over 50 million. At least we know 60% of sales are W3.
@Rubssi In the case of TLoU, we actually do know roughly the split between the PS3 and the PS4 versions because Sony put out a graph during one of their financial reports that displays the split:
As you can see, The PS4 version actually sold more than the PS3 version. A little over 10 million copies on PS4, and a little under 10 million copies on PS3.
@DeepSpace5D Oh didn't know, Thanks
Do you have a link to the full article, looks like an interesting read
@Rubssi Sure, here you go:
My bad, I thought it was from their financial report but it actually came from Sony’s 2019 Investor’s Day briefing.
Buying an Xbox to play Ghost of Tsushima is not an option. SO none of that matters. Why again - good thing Sony delivers hardware that lets Sucker Punch show off their talent.
@Bismarck Xbox is a more powerful console. Digital Foundry spend their lives analysing all aspects of performance and have recently started that around 90% of multiplatform games perform better on Series X.
@Agramonte Re: Sucker Punch "Sony delivers hardware that shows off their talents." This is such a bland, nothing comment.
Re: Monolith Soft "Nintendo delivers hardware that shows off their talents."
Re: Playground Games "Microsoft delivers hardware that shows off their talents."
If it's an exclusive game you'll never be able to see how well it can perform on other platforms.
@DeepSpace5D All good, Thanks
@__jamiie you mean differences that it takes experts to spot and that most people won't even notice? Sure.
That’s straight misinformation propaganda haha
‘Most powerful. …90% of multiplatform games perform better … blah blah’
I get that s in the media and not from you though. (Not completely your fault)
Well they can tell that story next year (again) 😅
All good for everyone haha
@Grimwood Ok I think I explained why. Both first party, high production value, open worlders with melee combat and a largely by the books open world design and light RPG mechanics..
Let agree to disagree.
I'm playing it through PS+ Extra, and it's a work of art.
Switch is garbage - and a clear example of what happens when exclusives are trapped behind awful hardware. Just seeing what Atlus had to do to get their stuff working on it makes it clear we have zero idea what Monolith Soft are capable of.
And YES, Forza/Gears fans should be ecstatic that Microsoft made them an XSX so they are not stuck either spending 3X more on a PC or picking a cut down XSS.
@Milktastrophe @JJ2 makes sense!
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