The comparisons will get more complex come launch, of course, but we’ve seen more than enough of The Last of Us: Part I for some pretty good side-by-sides. YouTube channel Analista De Bits has been brilliant at putting together these types of videos, and has done a superb job of contrasting all of the footage available from Naughty Dog’s slightly controversial PS5 remake to the 2014 PS4 Pro version.
Some of the details are massive, others less obvious. For example, the video demonstrates how pretty much all of the animations in the game have been redone – even down to one largely meaningless NPC who now actually uses the handles of his chair to prop himself up. This is minuscule stuff, but it’s there.
The bigger changes relate to the overall revision of the art direction, which looks much more like concept art in the remake, and feels more consistent with the sequel. Explosions have more motion to them – even down to the way details in the scenery bob and sway from the impact. Naughty Dog already discussed the improvements to the physics, which means objects fall over and roll around the ground.
There are even changes to the way some cutscenes have been framed, with new camera positions used to help heighten the sense of tension. There is a lot to dig into here, but there’s no escaping from the fact that, while the new version looks significantly better, the original does still hold up in direct comparison.
And when you consider that the transformative gameplay mechanics from The Last of Us: Part II – like the ability to go prone and dodge – are completely absent, it leaves a lot of heavy lifting for the raw visuals to do. We’re looking forward to playing the game and putting it through its paces ourselves, but for now, the jury’s still ultimately out.
You can find pre-orders for The Last of Us: Part I through the link.
Comments 75
I kinda think the original giraffe looks better. 🤷♀️
@get2sammyb I do too. And, more concerning, I think they infringed upon the original art direction in some scenes.
I've really not been positive about this remake since it's announcement, but I'd thought it'd at least prove to be the indisputable way of experiencing the game. Buuut... I can see purists arguing to the contrary.
We'll see what happens.
Naughty Dog must lower the price even now.
@get2sammyb I 100% agree lol Also the water at the dam looks better in the original.
This clearly is a ton of work but it's not worth a full price of a new PS5 release. You can't tell me an asset flip and changing systems to other systems you already have in the sequel (so everything was pretty much developed already) takes as much work as doing a game from the ground up (story, sounds, animation, visuals) yeah, I'm still not convinced!
While I'm a fan of studios being whatever they they wanna be, I'm afraid there's just no justification for comments such as "X looks better". It objectively doesn't and you're pandering to those who think who comment contrarlily. Push square should be better than this.
I will say I am glad to see the shattered glass effects make a return from Part 2. That was one of my favorite little touches from that game.
Visual upgrades, new character models and animations, improved audio and performance, dualsense implementation, improved ai, excellent new accessibility options.
All are valid positions.
The point of this product though is that there's a new TV show coming, and when people new to the plot watch it and then go looking for the game, ND will want them to see the best possible version of it.
Besides, if Skyrim can be released three times across two generations and do well, The Last of Us can do it too.
Personally I can't feckin wait to play it again with the new gen upgrades.
Like I said with FF VII and Battlestar Galactica, sometimes something comes along that's ahead of it's time, even just by a few years. Why not give it a second chance to be the best version of itself?
Not being able to dodge, go prone, jump,.. really bothers me tbh. If they are going to go for a remake when the game still looks fine, might as well have gone all the way. I might pick this up at some point down the line when it's dirt cheap.
I had to watch this comparison several times and pause when he released it hrs and hrs ago because I was genuinely shocked at how many of the scenes were yes different but in my opinion not always better.
Im concerned even more now at just how little this really changed. Some textures on buildings, walls, and columns look unchanged other than resolution. Some environs look like they actually just slapped more foliage everywhere and called it good.
If anything this just shows how great the remaster already looked and how unnecessary this 2nd remaster is, especially when what needed updating the most was its game play.
This looks to be more and more like something that should have been under 40 dollars(less if I'm being truly honest).
This in my opinion more than all other videos solidifies its place as a shameful cash grab at its current pricing
@Amusei Cause jumping was soooo useful in Part 2 wasn't it? Lol
@get2sammyb totally does not just lighting either, it's texture was more realistic looking in the previous version
"corporate wants you to find the differences between these two pictures, Intel says there's at least 7..."
"They're the same picture"
while I'll agree that it does look a lot better, i still think 70usd is too much for this. 50 like miles morales would have been a better choice
actually scratch that. its not going to include the multiplayer, is it? 10 bucks tops or released day one on ps plus
@Nepp67 Maybe not the most useful, but jumping of stuff and assassinating people is fun. The overal fluidity of combat in Part 2 is just way better than it is in the first one. Kinda was expecting to get it back in the remake.
A sale of this game is gonna come fast.people can wait if they dont want to pay the full price.i will wait backlog of games is huge.i got a lot of games to play.and you got kratos the 🐐 g.o.a.t. 👑 in another masterpiece in god of war ragnarok and the callisto protocol etc. Its gonna be fun.word up son
I honestly think the original and remaster is showing its age. I certainly appreciate the moody look and darker scenes as I always thought it was overly saturated before. If you can Check out the digital foundry comparison. Its brings to light that alot of people seem to be comparing the pre-rendered cutscenes from the remaster with actual In game engine from the remake. I am Looking forward to this more than ever. Perhaps the premium price is high but I appreciate the work put in and its a good introduction for ND to cut their teeth with the new hardware before going in guns blazing with bigger projects like LOU3 or a new unchartered.
@Texan_Survivor I consider this a way of them getting to grips with new hardware and next gen graphics. New engine and I.P could be years in development hell. If They want a killer app back on the market this is a sensible approach.
It's sad how fashionable it's become to hate this game series.
It's most likely gonna be the best looking PS5 game so far (I don't always judge a game's graphics by it's compressed Youtube videos) and if they can nail the 3D audio and do some really cool stuff with the Dualsense, like what was done in games like Plague Tale (rat horde vibrations eeeek), I think it could genuinely be a next-gen experience. We've only seen a few minutes of dozens of hours of gameplay. I think this thing is gonna blow people's minds. The price tag is wild though..
I’ve had a negative attitude regarding this remake since I first heard about it, and damn, after watching that video I feel even more negative about it.
Honestly, I don’t mind remasters or remakes mostly, but I am not a fan when one of the best studios in the industry, ND, is assigned to work on one. It’s seems like a damn waste of talent to me. We wait years for NEW high quality games and one of the best studios had to spend their time on this.
I’m not in the argument of costs. I don’t care. If Bluepoint was doing this, I wouldn’t like it, but it wouldn’t sting as bad as ND doing it. I know ND is working on multiple projects, but I despise one minute of their time was wasted on this.
Looks amazing, though I will agree the giraffe scene looks a little too bright here. The rest of the improvements are really impressive and easily worth the price tag. Yes, I said it. People worked for hours to get this to look like this and they deserve to get paid. If you don't want to buy it, don't. If you can't afford it, wait for a sale. If you're concerned about 'dangerous precedents' in remakes- look around you. This gen has been anything but standard and I doubt it will ever be like that again (with lots of new and varied games coming out).
@get2sammyb and the £70 will look better in my wallet too haha.
Jokes aside, this is for sure a no brainer, wait until its heavily discounted purchase.
The key point here for me is that this is clearly a lot of work from the developers and they feel passionately about it, but none of this stuff delivers me any value. After about 5min of playing the game I won't notice the extra bushes in the background, or an NPC pushing himself out of a chair with his hands. I'm not so cynical to call it a cash grab, but it just feels pointless. Remasters and remakes have been good at restoring access to games lost to time on old systems, or modernising archaic game mechanics. For a game I can already play on my PS5 and that plays largely the same, why would I spend any money, let alone £70? It feels on a par with the legacy of thieves collection that I got for £10, and half of that was to get the free uncharted movie ticket. Call this a £10 upgrade for owners of the original TLoU, and throw in a 1 month pass to HBO / Sky TV to watch the new TLoU TV show and maybe we'll talk Sony...
Wow, that looks so good!
...Oh wait, that's the original. Sorry.
Don't worry about the price..uncharted the legacy collection can be found as cheap as 20 Euros in retail. The price will drop quick.
“ The point of this product though is that there's a new TV show coming, and when people new to the plot watch it and then go looking for the game, ND will want them to see the best possible version of it.”
Exactly this. I don’t understand why people can’t accept that not every game is made for them. They are not “being asked to pay for the same game again”, they are not expected to buy the game in particularly high number for that very reason, this is for people new to the franchise.
Maybe I just don’t have the same emotional attachment to the original (or original remake) version. I could only play it through once and had not motivation to go through it again for the trophies even. It was OK, but stealth games were never my thing.
If I squint my eyes I think I can see the difference......
£70? Yep, that's the difference.
Looks better but adds zero to the game for me. Completely unnecessary remake
@dasd2 nah I think they should increase it.
Looks amazing. Easy GotY. Naughty God at it again.
If this sells well at the premium price point I expect original games on the PS5 will creep up over that price. No matter how much better this looks and plays let's not let them set a precedent with this pricing.
All they needed to do was slap in access to the mp and not charge £70. That's it. No outcry.
Not even saying redo the mp, I mean literally the same as the one that's in the ps4 remaster.
@Shepherd_Tallon I couldn’t have said that better myself, I totally agree with everything you said! 😊
I for one can’t wait to play this again, and I’ve played the original and the remastered ps4 version to death between them!
What is it? Where is it? How will it affect me?
The Remake clearly looks better and its not even for debate.
But that Giraffe scene change should be a criminal offence and arrests need to be made.
This is like the difference between a Pixar movie from 2005 and a Pixar movie from today. The original still holds up, but the advancements in tech are apparent when you see them side by side. The remake isn’t really necessary, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy the new shiny version for years to come so I’m all in.
The last of us is still one of my favourite games, I've bought it twice already, I'll buy it again, but I'm gonna wait till it's been out a while or get a second hand copy, money is too tight these days. I was a bit shocked when I saw it was going to be full price, I know a lot of work went into it, but I can't pay bring my self to pay full price...I can't wait to see what it's like though, I don't really trust these leaks and compressed YouTube videos.
@jrt87 was he not already in the operation room at the end of original one, I didn't look at the doctor's faces as I was gunning them down??
The volumetric lighting and bloom in indoor scenes in the Remake definitely look better but the outdoor scenes seem to have a bit of lackluster look to them.
I love the gameplay of part 2. Part of me hoped it would be in this. However will it be realistic if it does. I mean Ellie in part 2 is young and agile. Joel is older and probably not that agile any more. if you look at it from that point of view the gameplay makes sense.
@Texan_Survivor indeed... capable of 25FPS in the Demo. Lol
THe biggest 2 differences are No Multiplayer & $70 price tag.
@BowTiesAreCool So they should pander to those who THINK it looks better? You can either be "objectively" blind or use your own eyes. To me they ruined the whole atmosphere of the game and like others have stated it's way too bright. And yes if you've ever seen a giraffe the original looks better.
New graphics doesn't equal better. The ps4 arkham "remakes" look terrible. Just becuase something gets a new coat of paint doesn't mean it's 100% better than what came before.
Looks nicer imo.
The nerd rage is strong with this one. I guess if one doesn't like it or doesn't like it for 70$ then there's always the PS4 version or slum it with the PS3 copy? I'm sure that one is basically free now.
Those added bay windows alone warrant the $70 price tag.
Well done Naughty Dog, well done.
I don't understand why anyone is saying "you can't wait to play this."
Can't wait for what? Lol you can play it RIGHT NOW. This video just shows the original was already fantastic.
Bring on the horrible swimming controls when dragging rafts around
@playstation1995 common sense award PS1995! If people are upset at the price they probably played it already! So just wait… naughty dog deserves their money and for folks who haven’t played the remaster, since ps3 or at all I’d say it’s worth it. One of the better games of all time from a solid dev!
And you’re absolutely right!!!!! Who doesn’t have an insane backlog nowadays?!
Lots of complaining going on about a compressed YouTube video lol.
@RedRiot193 I’m sure some of that brightness can be tweaked on the TV side. But I have to agree in some regard… I always liked deeper blacks, less washed out scenes, less light and softer edges in some cases. (Which I know lighting can do too) Always played pc stuff with AA off… never liked the sharpness in most games. Felt more realistic to me a little smudged over. Personal preference I’d assume.
Slap it on ps plus ,I really don't see the point in buying this again
@MasterEMFG. They should definitely wait for sale.the reason this remake is coming is because of the last of us tv many games coming.and play your games that you got.i got a lot and even brand new games.word up son
@MasterEMFG. Some of the people thats complaining and bitching about the last of us remake are gonna get the game. Some people are hypocrites.i will wait for a price drop.i got to many games to play and other games is coming.and plus have fun.go out.or spend time with your girlfriend or wife or chill movies 📺 tv show.etc etc.word up son
I'm no fan of endless remasters, but wow, it's clear from this video that the devs really went the extra mile on this one. Practically every environment looks like it's been rebuilt from the ground up, even to the point of near-absurdity (like, there's no reason why even the layout and contents of fictional business signs had to be changed up).
If anything more than this had been changed, it'd be a different game from the original entirely - which I'm sure some fans not-entirely-unfairly would've liked, but which just ain't the mission of the project at hand. We're still empirically 1-2 generations too early on the endless-remaster train for full-on mechanical overhauls ala FF7 or RE2, after all.
Sony’s/ND’s “it’s good bro, trust us” psyop continues.
I mean it looks dramatically better most of the time.
But $70? That’s been my problem with this Remake since they announced it. If this had incorporated all of TLOU2 gameplay changes and reworked the level design to accommodate it then fine. But they didn’t do that.
It’s just not worth that kind of money.
When it gets down to 30 or less, I might pick it up. I’m suspecting GameStop will do it’s yearly “Buy 2, get one Free” deal around Black Friday. I may pick it up as the third game at that time.
I think it’ll be great. For me it’s the details in the rubble being blasted away and attention detail. I buy most of my games used to no I won’t pay $70 for it, but I will definitely get it some day
Don't know about anyone else, but my biggest takeaway from all this is how different Ellie looks.
Her childlike appearance in the previous versions adds to her vulnerability and gives great depth in that regard.
Making her look like a slightly younger version of the character from part 2 isn't a great move.
The bumps in res, lighting, framerate, motion capture amongst other things is great but this is a sticking point for me.
Does anyone feel the same on this particular point?
@Texan_Survivor how can you say it’s not next gen when it looks much better than last gen??? That makes no sense, if it’s not next gen it’d look identical to the PS4 version.
@MasterEMFG Well problem with that is it doesn't correct the lack of atmosphere from the original. Remember Dark souls 2? The brightness setting didn't help much and making it darker made it look terrible.
@Shepherd_Tallon your comparison doesn’t hold. Skyrim upgrade was free and only if you wanted certain items you had to pay 10. Even GTAV was priced much better.
You Play a game, Finish the Story , Move on to the next game in an ever increasing Pile.Why would you want to replay a game again when you have already beaten it and understood the story ?
If They put bells and whistles on Witcher 3 , i would not return as i know the stories and how they played out , if they created a new expansion with new stories i would play those. i missing something Here ?
@Casco Fair point. But then Skyrim was a remaster where this is a remake.
As I said, you either see the value in the work they've done or you don't. Both are valid positions. There's nothing wrong with either.
@Jaberwocky I’m the same. And no you’re not missing anything, sounds like you have a functioning brain which is why you don’t get it. Neither do I
It's just so....unnecessary
Naughty Dog MUST have better things to be busy with? Either that or the PS5 generation is going to suffer big time.
A prequel with Joel and Tess would have been better. But we all know they remake TLOU1 because of it's upcoming TV show adaptation.
The show would attract new players for the game. However, TLOU1 already sold 17M. Majority of the people who will buy the remake are already fan of the game. Despite of the upgraded visuals, nostalgia is the main selling point of this remake.
@sanderson72 don't worry they've been pretty busy , they were working on this , the last of us mp game , and a 3rd unannounced project. the studio is bigger then ever now.
I think this will be a PS Plus title in September. And that would be perfect. But I really wouldn't pay $70 for this. It looks great, but not mind blowing.
I get your point, but remember that there are a lot of people who have never played this game. PS5 newcomers for example. And that is a great opportunity because this is really a top game.
@get2sammyb I agree and there are some parts that seems to have less itens in the trailer (like people in that scene when Joel is running holding Sarah in his arms).
Add a mode that lets you play the whole game without sound effects and with this music, dynamicly synced to the action and they can have my money!
@NeuralDeclan Exactly, so many are following a corporate framing of the conversation around how much effort was put into it instead if talking about how much value was added to it.
If it isn't a cash grab it's at best a vanity project.
Gamers can make their voices heard so much more with the power of their wallet. If you disagree with the 70 dollar price for this game, do not buy it. That’s going to speak volumes to PlayStation. It will show them what the expectations are from them as gamers. It’s going to sell, but I don’t know if it’s going to put up the numbers that Sony is expecting. If it doesn’t hit those numbers and customers continue to not buy it, the price will come down. You as the gamer have the power, and it’s your money that’s going to show them that.
@EvilSilentFrame at first I was going to say this thing cost little to make, so I don't think it needs to sell well to make serious money, but I suspect nd actually spent more money than they should have on this. That having been said, they had to make it for the PC port so if 100 ps5 owners buy it it's more or less pure profit.
Still, a social media/pr problem is a thorn in their side even if they make profits on it it comes at a pr cost they may not want, while wallet voting just let's them count a net gain as a pure gain...
Not worth 70 dollars to me. I played the ps4 remaster and was happy with it.
@NEStalgia I agree that it’s going to make a profit for them and probably very quickly. PC players will want to play as soon as it comes out. Even if it makes a profit and PS players still hold out, I think it will still send a message to those higher up that 70 dollars for a remake this fast with content cut from it is not okay. Though I doubt PlayStation players will stay away from this one. Gamers will complain online and then run out and buy. So no lesson learned for Sony.
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