The remake of Resident Evil 2 has smashed another sales milestone, with an impressive 10 million units sold across all platforms, since its initial release back in 2019. The PS5 version of the game launched just last month on 13 June, and sales from current-gen platforms pushed the title over the line.
To put that in perspective, the Resident Evil 2 remake is now in the same territory as the original Resident Evil 4, perhaps the most beloved title in the series, which has the benefit of having been on the market since 2005.
The best-selling title in the series remains Resident Evil 5, which sits somewhere north of 13 million units sold.
The remade Resident Evil 2 set a new benchmark for remakes in the industry, with its slick visuals and enhanced gameplay. The reimagined Mr X remains one of the most terrifying enemies in any video game franchise, relentlessly stalking players through the deserted halls of the RCPD station.
If you still don't know what all the fuss is about, we have reviews for both the initial PS4 and the enhanced PS5 versions of the game.
In other RE news, the Netflix small screen adaption is available now, and reviews are all over the place.
What do you think about this impressive feat, does it surprise you? Remain human in the comments section below.
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[source capcom.co.jp, via gematsu.com]
Comments 29
Well-deserved sales and might want to change Leon and Ashley's to Leon and Claire's. We'll talk about Ashley in the RE4 remake next year. LEEOOOOOON, lol.
It's great when a game reaches the 10 million sales mark which is rightly seen as a measure of success, unless it's a PS exclusive of course and the deluded PlayStation haters crawl out of the woodwork telling us it it's not.
It should be Leon and Claire if I remember Ashley is a daughter of a President you need to rescue in Resident Evil 4.
I hope capcom don't delete the contents in re4 The absence of the zapping system of re2 was very disappointing
@colt3211 Good catch, not enough caffeine this morning apparently
You love to see it, I'm still hoping that we get a sequel to RE3 remake given the teaser at the end of the credits
I played my part and bought RE2 for Xbox One & PS4. Give me physical releases of RE2, RE3, & RE7 for Series X & PS5 and I'll buy them again!
Imagine what RE4 Remake will sell... Probably 10 million in the first month 😁
Hoping to try these once its put on PS Plus Premium
"10 million sales in a 100 plus fan base? Omg exclusives do not sell consoles. It only sells to a minority, what a failure".
Yup I heard it multiple times. Yet their games barely sell 3m, and that's their biggest ones. Now the excuse will forever be gamepass. 20 million downloads is more impressive for them lol.
As a celebration they should release a classic collection for modern consoles
Im guessing like 6.5-7 mil on playstatiob 2-2.5 on PC and remainder on xbox
Well deserved , it's very high quality.
Congratulations to Capcom. The remake was very enjoyable to play. I’m surprised Resident Evil 5 is the best selling title in the series.
One of my favorite ps4 games ever.im still Playing this masterpiece.the graphics looks amazing on my ps4 pro.gameplay.story.is really good also.congratulations to capcom for this remake masterpiece and sold copies.word up son
Is it counting all the free upgrades as fresh sales?
@CapGod To be fair it goes both ways and Nintendo fanboys are just as bad as well. End of the day fanboys are bad no matter the console, even Stadia has its fanboys believe it or not.
I wasn't talking about fanboys in general. Just that comment I keep seeing.
Thoroughly deserved and my favourite game of the last generation
I still need to beat it but I'm too chicken sh*t to even leave the police station lol. So I'm taking it 15min at a time then I run screaming for the hills.
@BobbyDG In my opinion, RE5 gets a bad rep because it did co-op and Sheva, the perpetual ammo waster lol. But it's a highly enjoyable experience and delivered on a storyline started in the first game, Chris vs Wesker. I think Chris vs Wesker has been the best rivalry the series has had.
@colt3211 I enjoyed it too and recently played several play throughs on PS4. I never tried the co-op with anyone though. I always wanted to see more with Sheva. I liked her as a character and would have loved some extra DLC or for her to be in another RE game.
@BobbyDG The co-op is a good time. I play resident evil 5 way too much, have all the weapons maxed out and unlimited ammo. Even have the unlimited ammo rocket launcher, for beating the game in under 5 hours lol.
Nice!! As a casual RE fan that's great to hear.
Hopefully the show doesn't deter ppl from the games.
@colt3211 Nice work!
Congratulations Capcom on the success of RE2 remake. It’s an incredible game and the sales are well deserved.
@dasd2 delete what? And get over it
@Decoy_Snake you sound stupid
Might be my top three favorite PS4 games. Such an amazing experience. Even looked great on the base PS4. It’s the way I want RE games, in third person with buttery smooth controls. I can’t wait for the third person add on for RE 8.
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