It's Thursday, everyone, and you know what that means. That's right, it's Friday tomorrow. However, before we concern ourselves with the future, let's focus on the now, because the now is quite exciting. Sony has just pushed out a brand new firmware update for PS5, and you can download and install it right now.
It's just over 1GB in size, and would you believe it, there's more to it than improving system performance. Here's the official word from Sony:
- If you're using a TV that supports ALLM (auto low latency mode), you can adjust ALLM settings in 'Settings' > 'Screen and Video' > 'Video Output' > 'ALLM'.
- If you select 'Automatic', your TV will automatically switch to low-latency mode while playing games.
- If you select 'Off', ALLM won't be enabled, except during VRR (variable refresh rate) output.
- This system software update improves system performance.
So, if your telly has ALLM, you can set it so your PS5 automatically recognises that and applies it when you're playing a game. If you're not sure whether your TV supports ALLM, an easy way to tell is by navigating to the setting on your console and trying to select Automatic. If it works, you have ALLM, and if it doesn't, the PS5 will tell you — same as VRR.
That's spiced things up a bit, hasn't it? Will you be making use of this new feature in the latest PS5 firmware update? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 38
A decent ease of use feature, though it seems a little over due!
I should imagine most core gamers have set their telly to game mode and low latency, but an auto feature will help casual users no doubt.
Ah nice! This will be very welcome by a lot of users.
What a fantastic week on PlayStation. Ragnarok Release Date, Horizon VRR/40fps Patch, nee system update. Fire!
This feature is important if you are using your ps5 for blu ray playback.
ALLM is what Samsung calls „Gaming Mode“ (or so), right? My Samsung TV supports automatic gaming mode activation for my PS5, but not for my Switch. So I always assumed that PS5 already supports ALLM. Does anybody can help me to better understand this?
I will be honest I don't know what any of that means apart from the system performance part 😂 but you seem excited about it so I am guessing it's a good thing
I'm glad they still said the thing
Yep, another hint from my PS5 that my TV is out of date. XD I am running on a....2017??? 4k Sony Android TV, and have been wanting to go OLED for a good long while now (not just to make my PS5 sing, but also to make my retro stuff look incredible through my OSSC) - this is just another reminder that literally the only shiny my TV has is 4K and HDR. (But, my TV is not going to go to waste when I go OLED; my parents want it, seeing as they have a 2014 1080p 30in Sony that is in sore need of an upgrade. One of those "room is too big for the TV" deals.
@Titntin @Max_the_German ALLM was always there, this just enabled people to turn it off it they want to…
Digital Foundry are going to love this update. One of the caps there wanted to be able to turn off ALLM to allow them to use black frame insertion again
@Wolfie_Pie gotta say as a day one ps5 user I have never seen what you are talking about here. Literally never.
I always love reading firmware articles. They’re so hilarious. 😂
@zebric21 also with ALLM on like it was all the time before the patch, the tv switched to non-game mode when you play a Blu Ray on the console.
My LG TV automatically switched to 'Game' mode for both PS5 and XSX. What's the point in this setting, to tell 'stupid' TVs to switch to Game mode?
@skaarj217 pretty much, it's for stupid TVs and stupid people. My Sony has always switched to game mode without any issues, and as already said most hardcore gamers will either have TVs that do that, or will be doing it manually when they game.
@skaarj217 Game mode for games and then switch to a different mode for movies. That’s the intention behind it.
It works for Blu Rays but not for streaming services.
@Matej if you are skipping frames i guess you should check your disc drive..
1GB seems big for this, no? Seems like a 28mb thing. Oh well, something else to do this morning I guess.
@Wolfie_Pie if i were you I’d probably rebuild the database. But yeah could be luck of the draw. I have always kept my console in rest mode too without issue.
Had to turn my PS5 off at the wall after this update. It became completely unresponsive.
Rebooted now though and all seems well. Update is installed too.
This is a good update even though it means nothing for me, but please start adding things you should have never taken out from the PS4 and fix other issues.
The PSN store on the PS5 is a disaster in some areas, like the file size for games being completely off. An example being Life is Strange: True Colors being 14 GB, but the store says it's somewhere in the 20's. The amount it lists for friends who have played a game can also be off as well. I've seen it at least a couple of times where it says more friends have played a game than the number of people I have on my friends list. So, in other words the store on the PS5 is kind of a mess.
Also, the Games page on the PS5 is kind of a mess as well. It's already well known the the hours played tracking is off, sometimes being many hours off of the game's own tracking. Also, for whatever reason you can't compare trophies with people on some games even if you've played them. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is one I've noticed where somebody has recently played it, but it says I have to play it to compare trophies. I don't know if it's because there's a PS4 and a PS5 version along with a demo for the game, but I played the game last year, so obviously I should be able to compare trophies.
Not huge deals, but things that shouldn't be messed up nearly two years into the console generation, and Sony not seeming interested in fixing issues with their UI.
Needs more stability and performance....
I'm really hoping for folders some of those times. Especially now, where the amount of games on a lot of consoles multiplied due to the new PS+. Or at least that the system remembers my preferred sorting order when browsing my library...
Anyone else have a problem finding turn off auto renew for ps plus?
@Rjak Yes! Haven't been able to find it since the new Plus Tiers launched.
Thank god I can’t turn off the notifications that constantly pop up telling me I’m switching to game mode. I already know this!
@rjejr it’s always the complete firmware file that is being downloaded.
How can you judge about the file size? Probably there are even security fixes and more changes under the good. We live in 2022, 1Gb of data is not much.
I am absolutely cockahoop about this news.
Finally themes and folders!!! ...ohhh wait... sorry... not happening... again...
This bloody update just corrupted my hdd external drive. Ffs
@AndyKazama that's exactly why I'm over the moon about this. I love playing my 120fps games with BFI so that ALLM update was a pain in my booty
No idea what benefit. Was hoping it might reduce the “instant game response” banner that keeps triggering on my LG at every turn but nope…..
@Max_the_German yes it already did. The change here is that now you can toggle it off.
I thought PS5 already supported ALLM. I have Game Optimizer on with low latency active for my PS5, Switch, & Series X on my LG C1 OLED. I still don't fully understand what BFI does. I hear a lot of praise about it from Digital Foundry. I have my PS5 & Series X set to PC mode for the hdmi ports, so I'm assuming that's why it doesn't give me the option to turn on BFI. However I can turn it on when I use my Switch (not set to PC mode) should I not use PC mode for my PS5 & Series X so I have access to BFI settings for those? BFI being OLED Motion Pro.
All I want is to be able to disable those stupid spoiler cards that pop up when you press the home button. I have it set to no spoilers, doesn't make any difference. I only ever use that menu to enter rest mode so I just have it in muscle memory and close my eyes.
@Reeneman Well since it is firmware I suppose that makes sense to do it with a full new one rather than a patch, makes sense.
I just got Samsung AU9000 and it does have ALLM, VRR and 120hz. Tho 120hz only work with 1080p mode. It's really damn good TV. Got it super cheap too. The worst and only part of it is the sound quality so I had to get Creative Stage Soundbar to compensate it. Latency is pretty impressive with under 7ms majority of time. My previous TV had it around 24ms, so it's like day and night 😂
@KingSimba and pointless too, apart from a inconvenience download 🙄😤😤
@zebric21 Blu-rays sound like crap on my PS5 for some reason. Voices are too low. Never happened with my PS3 or PS4. So I use a 4K Blu-ray player instead.
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