The PS5 is fast approaching its second birthday, and the bloody thing is still difficult to track down — but there are signs that things are finally starting to get better. Over the last month or so in particular, PS5 stock hasn't been selling out almost immediately, like it was before (through most websites, at least). Instead, we've noticed that some queues — like the ones that Sony hosts on its official online store — can last a few hours at a time. It's clear that either consumer demand isn't quite as rabid as it was, or PS5 production has improved to some extent. Or both!
Of course, we've still got a long way to go. You can't, for example, just hop on Amazon and grab a PS5 at your leisure — and you're probably not going to see the current-gen console casually sitting on store shelves anytime soon — but we may have hit something of a turning point. It'll be interesting to see if the stock situation continues to improve over the coming months, as we get closer and closer to the holidays.
Sony itself also expects PS5 stock to become more readily available in the relatively near future — as noted in the company's latest financial report. This is something that the Japanese giant predicted back in May, so it would seem as though that prediction is starting to come true. Let's hope it stays that way, eh?
Dare we ask if you're still looking for a PS5? Have you noticed if the console is a little easier to find? Get your basket ready in the comments section below and remember to keep an eye on PS5 stock with our handy stock checker guide.
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Comments 48
If you live outside of the USA or UK stock hasnt improved at all. Too bad Sony doesnt seem to care about their Fans outside of those Regions.
The PS5 HFW Bundle is available on Amazon UK for hours because no one wants it and in other European countries there issnt a drop for weeks. Ridiculous
Let the total domination of the ps5 begin.
@IonMagi In Poland it's not hard to get one, as long as you're willing to pay for a bundle with 2 extra games, or a controller and headset, or even the LEGO Tallneck.
Surely it’s got to be reduced demand due to cost of living increases?
I’m definitely starting to see more consoles out in the wild now, especially bundles. This worldwide economic situation we are currently going through is not helping though.
@kyleforrester87 Almost certainly a factor, but like the article says, Sony did predict that production would improve a few months back. So it's most likely a bit of everything.
My brother told me he has been waiting for it to get easier to buy one before he would try. I can't blame him it's annoying as heck constantly being on the lookout for stock. I lucked out when a buddy of mine texted me when it was available at Best Buy and I was able to snag one.
Hopefully this is indeed a sign it's getting easier to get one.
@IonMagi The Horizon deal, and other PS5, are available for hours because Amazon have started to vet buyers and 'invite' you to buy one to deter scalpers.
From what I can glean some of the checks they are making are: you need to have had an account with a buying history, not have bought one already. This is to stop scalpers just creating a new account.
@kyleforrester87 Possibly. Though in the past when life outside the home has gotten more expensive people typically spend more IN the home and are willing to spend money on things like this to occupy their time instead of going out.
@IonMagi I live in the Uk & have not seen a boxed PS5 since launch.
Scalped units in resale shops (CEX) go for £555 no controller included.
@themightyant Doesnt change the fact that most European Regions didnt have a single sale on Amazon for weeks lol
UK is getting a bit better if you don’t mind the HFW bundle with the disc or digital console.
Obviously there are still scalper shops as I call them that make you buy £600 bundles etc.
which sometimes is nearly all of them now in the UK and some given point.
And they go on about helping with the cost of living and make you buy expensive bundles.
What utter hypocrites these shops are, and these are the main big branded shops across the UK.
@themightyant I dunno, combined with life after lockdown I think it’s more likely people might be fed up spending money on indoor purchases and want to get out in the sunshine.
And £500+ once you have the games (at up to £70!) etc. is no small amount to spend on a console that, let’s face it, does not have huge amounts of essential exclusive software at the moment.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Retail maybe, online sellers have it for sale frequently
im very luck to of got the series X and ps5. bloody scalpers spoilt the generation for a lot of gaming fans.
The disc horizon bundle is still up on PS direct and has been for more than half a day! Getting ridiculously easy to get the in the US, hopefully it improves worldwide by the end of the year!
Been available for months tbh, just need to stop turning away from FB Marketplace and eBay even when they’re selling at RRP
In the US. My handful of friends that play games already moved on and don’t plan on getting a PS5. The stock issues are getting better, but they’ve all either found other hobbies or bought an Xbox. Tried explaining to them last weekend that there are ways of getting them online like going through PS Direct, but they don’t care anymore.
@kyleforrester87 I priced up a PS5 a little while ago and with an extra controller and charge dock and a game, you're at £600 already!
On a console with 6(?) exclusive games, including a PS3 remake of a game I hated and a clearly PS4 capable platformer, I just couldn't justify it. Still can't.
I'm sure eventually something will appear to entice me but at the moment, the SSD Pro is doing the job just fine!
@PlayStationGamer3919 Think that's a non story that some will blow out of proportion. They were just asked the question about whether they would increase the price. And of course he can't say either way because such decisions aren't made lightly.
@PlayStationGamer3919 They could do it - New Sony does seem obsessed by the $$$ signs - but they would be at risk of pushing more people to XBox and Switch.
Sony should be able to offset any increase in the cost of materials and shipping at least in the near future.
They'll be back. I got infatuated with XSX at launch and thought I wouldn't go back. Fast forward two years and I'm disillusioned with Xbox. No AAA first party games besides Forza Horizon 5 and Halo (again) and any other worthwhile exclusives have been pushed back till God knows when. Xbox Series sales are starting to reflect that as well.
@sanderson72 I think if you really, really wanted a PS5 by now most people would have got hold of one somehow, but alot of people will be in your position where they are kind of interested but when it comes to pulling the trigger they understandbly can't quite justify it.
I was the same with the Switch to be fair as I was essentially only getting it for BOTW and £300 was a big ask. Put it off for ages. Glad I ultimately got one mind you as BOTW rocked, and I discovered I loved Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2!
Anyway, you've waited nearly 2 years, what's another 1. It's only going to get cheaper with better software.
I actually got a PS5 through PlayStation Direct a little over a week ago. I had signed up several months ago and seen friends get invited to purchase opportunities but only finally got an invite myself to this most recent round. It was annoying that I couldn't buy a disc-based without Horizon - which I already pwn - but oh well.
I just hope it will be available when PSVR2 comes out. That's when I want one!
Maybe I can even get a PS5+PSVR2 bundle...did they do that with the first PSVR?
I got extremely lucky last November when I was invited for the PlayStation queue on the official site and somehow was checked out in just minutes of it going live.
If it wasn't for that I don't know if I would have a PS5 even at this point. Glad to hear the situation is improving though.
I was able to buy a PS5 around a year ago from PS Direct via invite, but I sold it to a neighbor who was more desperate for one and anyway I was still playing through my PS4, PS3 and Vita backlog. I figured I would get another one in a few months when they were more readily available. Boy was I wrong. I refuse to subscribe to those memberships that are required to purchase one from the big retailers and I've had no luck with Amazon. I'm no longer eligible to get one via PS Direct invite since it's limited one per household (I guess I could try with another PSN account and ship to a different address). I'm also not interested in hunting one down online using stock alerts and competing with bots.
I think at this point I'm just going to hold off until they release a new model—either a Slim or Pro if they do that again. My backlog is still massive and I've been enjoying playing some PS3 and Vita games I've been wanting to get to for years. I can hold out another year or so.
@kyleforrester87 I somehow have never pictured you as a Nintendo owner for some reason. You're kind of part of the wallpaper for PS in my mind.
@themightyant In the past things like this weren't quite so expensive, and everyone didn't already have a PS4 that plays almost everything or a Switch which everybody has and isn't a new $570+ expense. I think people are largely just sticking with what they have and waiting. Same for TVs. TV sales are rock bottom atm.
@NEStalgia Well, there you go - I bought a 3DS purely for Bravely Default and then a New 3DS purely for Bravely Second. I regret nothing! Looking at my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 right now :')
The bundles that the major retailers in the UK are selling are an absolute disgrace - just a way to squeeze even more money from customers. £600+ for a PS5? Get out.
I bought mine about a year ago for ¥55000 which was about £350 at the time - I’ve been playing stuff constantly for a year and have spent about £550 including games and peripherals.
@kyleforrester87 @NEStalgia You're probably both right, just the bubble i'm in people are buying and bunkering in.
@themightyant In the US the markets are just erratic. Consumer spending on discretionary goods has completely tanked. But then there's the spend-happy group that are pretty much 100% in on "revenge travel", and all spend is going into tourism and entertainment, and I'm not sure if it's "revenge" or if it's "getting it all in before it all falls apart (again)."
The economists keep saying "we don't get this maybe-non-recession because consumer spending hasn't pulled back at all!" while the retailers keep saying "nothing is selling and the warehouses are backed up". Obviously most of the spend is on food and non-discretionary, and the prices jumped on all that stuff so much that the consumer spend in dollars is the same as it was 4 years ago, but all they're buying is food and gas for the same amount of money that they used to spend on food, gas, Playstations, and TVs. But the economists seem to have no idea about any of this because they make $500,000/yr and don't see any difference in their wallet as their assets appreciate daily
Obviously there's still a big market with money and desire to buy a PS5, otherwise they'd be on shelves (and Dezzy would declare PS5 doomed ), but it's not really surprising there's a slump in industry sales. I'm kinda surprised it hasn't slumped much harder, lending credence to your bunkering outlook.
3 years after it came out people can finally walk into a shop and buy one. Lmao.
If Sony were smart they would delay production and sale of ps6 until all customers have their ps5s, pros etc. But they won't and the same thing will happen again in 5 years time.
Yeah the trick is getting the digital console these days. Disc edition (HFW bundle) is basically getting stocked every week at several different retailers, staying in stock for hours or more. In the US anyway.
Even then I still got a Digital Edition just yesterday from PS Direct but it is bothersome, imo, to be forced to shop via Twitter alerts. Especially when your job isn't conducive to you dropping everything to tap away on your phone.
Still it does seem a bit like a turning point. Feel like I can actually tell people in my day to day life I own a PS5 without worrying about being burgled later.
@NEStalgia "But the economists seem to have no idea about any of this because they make $500,000/yr and don't see any difference in their wallet as their assets appreciate daily"
Lol, this.
@Shstrick I have a few coworkers like this. I think some people are just more geared toward picking stuff up when they see it in a store. Like a premeditated form of impulse buying.
Okay, I'm gonna stop posting now lol.
UK GAME has stock today. Went to add a disc edition to my basket and it says out of stock even when it's not out of stock. Still a bunch of awful made up bundles that are just controllers and tatt added on to a standard console delivery, you can add those to your basket fine. Getting bored of it now to be honest
If I was desperate for a console, I'd go for it, but I'm not. Still frustrating 😤
@NEStalgia GUILTY!!! I'm definitely in the get the travel in before it all falls apart again category. lol
@IonMagi HFW isn’t exactly a game I wanted, but to g it $20 off in a bundle isn’t the worst thing. Beats having to buy an extra controller and two other games I don’t want, cough, GameStop…cough, cough… u could sell the code or just play it for a few hours to at least get something out of it. Glad I got it.
@Reyren Switch owner here as well. there’s something to be said of the psychology of scarcity.This happened to me with Amiibo. Started buying some bc they were hard to find in the wild.
I think I pulled the trigger a bit early bc I couldn’t get one easily. Signed up for both Sony and Amazon. Didn’t get through on Sony. Amazon came through. New thing tho….I didn’t have a PS4, so I can play some of those that I missed last generation here.
I walked into a GameStop in the states the other day and finally got one! When I went back to the same store two days later they still had stock.
Well, we should be glad that good hardware is the popular choice for another generation.
Now can sit back and let developers do their thing.
I would like to buy a second 400 euro digital PS5 for my family but I am in no rush. Locally I can only find 700 euros bundles with games I already have or don't want.
There is no way yet to literally just go and buy a 400 euro or 500 one. TBH PS5 has no exclusives at the moment. The only think I cannot play in my PS4 is the Yuffie episode from FF7...
I got mine from best buy a few months after it was release, i hardly play the bloody thing. Im still waiting for the games.
For at least 3 to 4 months now i can find a ps5 available at stores but only in bundles with games and periferials that I don't want witch is so annoying because the price is up to 650€+. The 399€ and 499€ consoles are always out of stock for a reason only Sony and retailers knows, people have stop buying bundles that's for sure and waiting for a single console.
I mean just common sense (and decent information) tells you the production just started to improve and will go up in the next few months while demand is at least as strong and snowballing too as a consequence.
People pointlessly pushing narratives are funny 🙄😅
I've been trying for 5 months to get one but can't find one to save my life. What piss's me off is that every day i get notifications from stores for the stock of the bundles with 2 games and the headphones..i'm not gonna pay 744€ for a 500€ console😑😑. They could stop with this stupid bundles and putt out only the console. That's a cash grab scheme..i have been buying most consoles from Nintendo and Sony since the PS1 and i have never seen a console with so much bundles..and so expensive as this ones.
I still know alot of friends that don't own a PS5, and sadly they are refusing to deal with the online hunting.
They'll only get a PS5 when brick & mortar stores start readily carrying them again.
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