The Square Enix blog is currently running a retrospective on Final Fantasy 7 Remake in which, chapter-by-chapter, the developers are asked about their memories, thoughts and feelings concerning the game's development.
In the latest post, which focuses on Chapter 5: Dogged Pursuit, battle director Teruki Endo revealed that everyone's favourite martial artist, Tifa Lockheart, was the hardest character to design in terms of combat:
"We wanted to create a fun battle system where the player would get enjoyment in lots of different ways from changing between characters as they fought, so we were very particular about differentiating the situations when each character would come into their own."
"It was comparatively easy to differentiate Cloud, Barret, and Aerith, but we had to think extremely hard about what defining characteristics we should give Tifa. I think that we managed to add depth to Tifa's mechanics by tying her abilities to the burst system that is one of the core pillars of FF7R's battles."
Tifa's style of hand-to-hand melee combat is incredibly fast and fluid and offers exceptionally high damage potential for players skilled at taking advantage of the burst system.
Endo and the rest of the team succeeded in differentiating Tifa from the rest of the group, as her particular combat style remains a standout in a game full of fantastic combat systems.
The entire retrospective series is well worth a read if you were a fan of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and remains ongoing.
What did you think of the way Tifa played in Final Fantasy 7 Remake? Who was your favourite character to play? Duke it out in the comments section below.
[source square-enix-games.com, via thegamer.com]
Comments 14
In the original game, i barely ever used Tifa
In the remake, i almost exclusively used her and especially in the combat simulator
tifa was in my A team in the original, i leveled each member and paired them, when i get in to ffvii i really get in to it lol
@Netret0120 She's absolutely crucial for some of the harder battles isn't she? I don't think I could have beaten that final simulator boss without her.
She's really awesome! Always kept her in the team as much as I could.
I mostly played as Cloud but I did do a lot of switching between characters. Aerith is amazing too, especially against the chapter 9 boss on hard. Beat it like it was nothing
Aerith was my choice simply because I like mages. Plus she was ace at taking out those annoying flying enemies.
Tifa was a monster in remake. Absolute beast. And tbf all the characters were viable choices, even aeris (I refuse the th) was really useful in this one.
Wonder how they're going to differentiate Nanaki though, he basically runs at things and physically pummels them too 🤔
They did super well at making the characters feel different from one another. It really felt like you were playing a completely different character for all of them.
I'll never forget that Bahamut + Ifrit battle 🤣 I spent at least 3 hours trying to beat that fight and the way I screamed at my TV when it finally happened, scared my dog 🐶
@Netret0120 I know your pain 🤣
3 hours would have been nice 😂 I think that took me a weekend to get through. I went even more bald during that fight.
I completed this on ps4 but need to get back on it for ps5. I started it then dropped off for something else.
Tifa felt like a real glass cannon, at times. Super good dps, especially quick, but slightly fragile- which makes sense, I guess! Mostly stuck with Cloud, as I really enjoyed using his block/counter approach- hard hitting, but slow. Aerith was a solid mage with her ward to double cast spells and Barret was a beast for tackling certain enemies as well, especially the larger/slower ones with his concentrated fire. Each character really felt distinct and had some utility... can't wait to play as Cid and start jumping everywhere!
I had the most fun with Tifa’s play style. To me her abilities and basic combat flow fit the game’s mechanics the best.
So when she was in the party she was the character I controlled the most.
I agree. The combat system was far and away the best part of the game. And it feels like the culmination of what Square has been working towards since Final Fantasy XII completely discarded turn based combat.
It feels like a combination of Final Fantasy XIII’s battle system mixed with Final Fantasy XV’s free movement. And it does a better job than either of those two games.
This checks out, I remember Tifa being very OP in the remake.
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