At some point, you have to wonder how Rockstar can possibly follow GTA 5. Take a step back and think about this for a second: the fifth instalment has sold 170 million copies – the pressure to improve upon that must be unfathomable. Nevertheless, we know the label is effectively all hands on deck right now, with rumours of a Bonnie & Clyde-style sequel storyline emerging recently.
According to overlord Take Two’s top brass, we should be excited about the project: “With development of the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series well underway, the Rockstar team is determined to once again set creative benchmarks for the series, our industry, and for all entertainment, just as the label has done with every one of their frontline releases.”
By the time the title launches in 2024, it’ll have been over ten years since the last game in the series. Obviously in that time, GTA Online has grown immeasurably and Red Dead Redemption 2 released – but that’s one helluva development cycle. We just don’t see how it can possibly meet expectations at this stage – and yet, you’d never rule out Rockstar, would you?
Comments 71
Just sorting the controls out would go a long way for me, I don't care about realistic movement, not that there is much realistic about smashing into each side of the frame before passing through the doorway anyway. At the very least I hope I can just hold a button down to run. Chuck in a double jump for good measure
I am sure they know they have a lot to live up to with GTA6, good to know they are not taking it lightly!
Agreed, hold button to run would be very nice.
Will never happen but I wish they would do one set in the UK again (if we can count GTA London as a main series game. It was more of an expansion pack for GTA 1)
@Member_the_game this gets asked for a lot, and I guess it might be interesting, but the more I think about it, I dunno. I mean, you could, but should you. GTA works better set in America, I think. The simple fact that there are bloody guns everywhere makes a big difference alone. But then I am not a game designer.
Does anyone else get powerful Cyberpunk vibes here? Long hyped game in development for years with absolutely outlandish promises of "redefining the industry" which ends up being a bit of a let down on release because nothing could possibly live up to the hype the developers/publishers have built...
I have no doubt the guys at Rockstar can create something special. I’m not sure when they really kicked into gear, but I do not see this releasing in 2024 😂
They ALWAYS set benchmarks.
@get2sammyb @kyleforrester87 I mean you hold button to run in RDR2, plus you can even set it to tap X just ONCE to run in the settings. Y'all don't even check settings.🤦
@TheArt You have to tap to sprint.. I know you like the game, but it's just silly. (Talking about GTA5 last time I played - maybe it has been patched, don't know about RDR2!)
Creative Benchmarks for shark cards probably.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah you need to exercise those thumbs 🤣
@NeuralDeclan cyberpunk got fixed and is a great game now. Time we move on.
Doubt it but I'd love them to prove me wrong.
Red Dead 2 was brilliant and definitely pushed the industry forward, to the point that I couldn’t name a game that came close to the levels of realism and immersion outside of VR. I’m not convinced that GTA VI will hit the same heights, mostly because they have too much of a good thing going with GTA Online, but let’s see them try.
@kyleforrester87 @get2sammyb
I like tapping X to sprint in third person. Especially with GTA rag doll physics. I prefer it than clicking L3 once like an FPS game, although I'd not have tap X to sprint in a first person game, no no.
You shouldn't be sprinting around everywhere anyway, walk and jog to as you admire the city, sprint from the law or an angry gangster, and simply Grand Theft an Auto to rest your thumbs 😅😁
@tameshiyaku I'm very specifically not talking about the bugs in Cyberpunk. CDPR promised a revolution in terms of game design for years, and once the bugs were fixed we still didn't get that in the finished game. It was a good game, and one I enjoyed and played a lot of it, but in the end it was never the game changer that they hyped it to be. That's my point here, not that GTA 6 would release in a poor state technically.
@nessisonett I felt completely the opposite. The over reliance on realism over fun game mechanics made it a chore at times.
Still a REALLY good game, but also a bit of a disappointment and ultimately other than a few key moments the game was quickly forgotten in my mind.
Really hoping they go the other way and return to the fun that was present in GTA VC, SA and RDR.
Too much controversy on running in GTA apparently. They should just sell running as a microtransaction so everyone can play how they want.
@Member_the_game This. The getaway series although flawed was so good to have an open world game set in London. Would love to see Rockstars take on the u.k
To be honest my expectations for this game have gone down over the years. The longer the wait goes on, the more games rely on online services and the more key Rockstar people leave, the less enthused I feel about the next GTA.
They've a lot to prove imo.
@Ravix Personally I just prefer the immediate response and movement in games like Nier, Elden Ring, Zelda, etc. It's not that I need to be going quickly all the time, though.
@themightyant I prefer games that at least try to stand out. Rockstar’s insistence on realistic movement sets them apart from the other open world devs out there like Ubisoft and Sony this past gen. There’s always Saints Row if you want the OTT janky fun so I’d prefer if they made the next GTA a bit grittier, which III, IV and San Andreas all are in their own way.
@nessisonett I take your point, just felt controls were needlessly fussy and unfun. Mostly play games for escapism from real life, if I want to ride a horse and talk cowboy with realism i'll go to the local rodeo
III and SA were grittier in terms of story but gameplay was fun and OTT (within reason) IV was not and while it certainly was a 'creative benchmark' felt like a backwards step with it's realism. Hoping GTA6 is a return
@themightyant I tend to agree, it doesn't have to be hyper realism or Saints Row. But horses for courses, a lot of people love RDR2 for what it did.
I love GTAV but Red Dead 2 is not jiving with me. Too slow and cumbersome. The bad movement/control didn't bother me a whole lot in GTA but in Red Dead it's just massively worse at least imo.
It's a game; realism can get out unless they can make me a holodeck.
@kyleforrester87 I always hoped for the Berlin of 1977, with (corrupt?) soldiers from UK, USA, France and USSR, hippies, May 1st riots, David Bowie, the Berlin Wall, RAF terrorists etc.
"By the time the title launches in 2024, it’ll have been over ten years since the last game in the series"
Get use to it. With the expectations of gamers getting more and more out there, and the Devs wanting to create ever larger and more detailed worlds than ever, a handful of studios working ten years to create one game is going to become a lot more common.
@NeuralDeclan to be fair they've got previous. Redefining the industry not once or twice but three times. Arguably close to four with the Red Dead Redemption games. But yeah following the biggest entertainment product of all time is... well I don't envy them let's say that
@nessisonett Tell him @themightyant
"Mostly play games for escapism from real life, if I want to ride a horse and talk cowboy i'll go to the local rodeo ."
This argument defeats the whole purpose of benchmark settings and video game advancements. We're better off playing those square polygon looking characters from the PS1/N64 era, Geralt getting laid isn't necessary cause we all get laid according to your argument. All games don't have to be the same, why can't we have both wacky and realistic ones... I for one can't understand how the Yakuza owns no cars and hails cabs, run around like idiots in that series, but people like it.
It's just beautiful when you realize your horse wags its tail a lot more to drive away flies when you've stowed a dead carcass on its back in RDR2. It's clever little detail programming and design like that that drives the medium forward.
@TheArt I agree, the "I play video games for escapism from real life" is a poor argument. I am being careful to say it is not the realism that they are striving for in RDR2 that annoys me, but it is simply the reduction in overall "fun" as a result of that effort to be realistic. Tails batting away flies, that's a cool touch that I can get onboard with. Lots of inertia when I am trying to position my character, less so. In some cases, realism is fun - certain driving simulators for example. But then, they can become too realistic and they lose me. Mileage will vary on this one, person to person, but I still respect the intent.
@Max_the_German oof, pretty specific but very interesting!
@BowTiesAreCool agreed - I'd say that for what RDR2 tried to do as a hyper realistic slice of life, it still is yet to be beaten. However, I'm not convinced that the R* of five or ten years ago, with the genre-redefining pedigree, is the same now that Dan Houser is away. Equally, when they have moved the bar for games, they didn't go "hold my beer, I'm about to redefine the industry" which invites nitpicking and haters to drag it down
@NeuralDeclan absolutely right! i would say cyberpunk is the most "disappointing" game in history all things considered. the marketing frenzy around that game has no equal and the story of cdpr and its fall from grace also has no equal.
@TheArt You've focused on my deliberately ridiculous quote AND taken it a little out of context. You'll see I also mention FUN in each of the posts. I just felt this was lacking in RDR2.
Though I agree that not all games have to be the same and realise i'm likely in the minority here. But it was also something that seemed to be discussed a lot after the initial honeymoon period of the game was over, I'm not alone either.
@NeuralDeclan Did you just describe Cyberpunk as "a bit of a letdown"...???? Lololol
Understatement of the year.
I'm probably gonna be avoiding this game after they said that they were gonna be more "culturally sensitive." They even got Rockstar :/
@kyleforrester87 Honestly the movement for GTA and Red Dead is something I loathe.
WOW!!! GTA6 will set 'creative benchmarks' for ALL entertainment. Say what? There has not even been one trailer released yet.
My hope for 6 is for a story as good as 5, no back stepping in fun like 4 was to SA, mooore interiors, lots of quality of life improvements, and lots of fun surprises. Also options for motion blur, dof blur, and fov.
And yes, toggle to run. Crouching. First person play that feels natural like Fallout, Borderlands, and Far Cry, and not all wobbly like GTA5, lots more good clear weather, a good photo mode, and a car/garage system like GTA5 online. A short list of improvements I hope to find in 6 over 5.
It's probably gonna be more of GTA V with a different skin, which in turns means it's gonna be praised and sell the same of even more than GTA V.
@themightyant @kyleforrester87 Well I dunno but I find hyper realism fun and satisfying. Though I loved 3, VC, SA I wanted a bit more of that TheGetaway realism at the time. Maybe they can make 2 sets of playstyles available, arcade and simulation. It's not beyond them, they took out the looting animation from RDO which annoyed me so it's definitely something I'm sure they're looking at.
Will there even be a single player? All the money seems to be in the online part, oh maybe it will be online only and you need to opt into playing alone but still need to remain online.
Personally i'm pretty much done with the gta series..gta online was fun at first but it just got over run with kids screaming in your ear about what they were going to do to your mum (god knows where their parents are) and the cheating scumbags..yeah real good fun 🙄. And i really didnt like the red dead games too much either..i'd rather have a totally unpolitical correct remake of manhunt..gimme a murder 'em up please..
Gta 6 will sell a lot of other Games will sell like it. And it will be a masterpiece.word up son
Miami is going to look ridiculously good. I'm tellin' ya.
Not feeling the excitement personally. I’m sure it will sell millions but GTA just isn’t my kind of game anymore.
I really like the HD series. IV and its DLCs are where I want Rockstar to go regarding tone and gameplay. But I know that many people hated it and wanted more fun arcadey gameplay, which is what we got in V.
Personally I think they'll double down on the absurdity in a realistic context (i.e., drug trips, wacky characters, larger than life world). I can't see them forgoing more physics in favour of arcadey fun. GTA V was already missing a multitude of physics compared to GTA IV. Another thing is we know Rockstar don't tend to touch their games much after release, so if they're releasing all these statements and leaks now, I'd say its not close to but is almost near completion and they're polishing it up.
"Creative benchmarks" means how much woke content possible that can be squeezed into the game.
'the Rockstar team is determined to once again set creative benchmarks for the series' ... The people that made the previous games have all left this isnt the same team lol
@Member_the_game I keep saying Sony should revive the getaway & have it basically be the UK equivalent of GTA
@Would_you_kindly the getaway, always wanted to try it.
@theMEGAniggle agree 100%, i loved gta4 physics, controls, and tone to an extent.
The physics is what made the gameplay fun, challenging, gta5 is a dud for me, a waste of time mostly, for mindlessly passing time, and so scripted missions, no leeway for experimenting much.
How they completely disregarded RDR2, will definitely see more of that and its "benchmarks".
@Jtheripper it's really good why Sony haven't added it to the classic collection is beyond me considering its a cult classic Sony first party game
I'll believe it when I see it. Until then it's all marketing lies
Rockstar can make great sandbox games but I hope they learned a lot on how to put the perfect control scheme on it because I hope that GTAV had an overhaul buying i for the third time but the joke ws on me ;-(
dont fix it if its not broke. I like the more cities in one game. do your online stuff but give new offline dlc content for us fans thats been playing grand theft auto since playstation 1.
brucie and t revor road trip! call in to the Fernando show option??? trevor still hung up on Patricia that was a really funny bit in GTA 5.
Im looking forward to hearing more about this.
I'm hoping for a better story in VI. I thought V's writing was adolescent and the humour felt stale. I've been playing Mafia III recently and the fact that the game's script and the radio stations aren't constantly trying too hard with the gags just makes the world feel a little more immersive.
A story with the depth of feeling, and undercurrent of tragedy we saw in RDR I and II, plus a world as vibrant as GTA V - that would be a dream for me.
@ROBLIVION you'd rather the game be as racist, sexist, and discriminatory as possible?
@Milktastrophe no. Just want it to be a freaking game without a stupid agenda
2024 would be lovely, here's hoping they land that date!
As always. Proof is in the pudding. Heard so many devs claim this over many years and it rarely is true upon release.
The most fresh and unique AAA game in recent years is Death Stranding. Like it or not, that's the truth.
@Milktastrophe it's a game. What makes games entertaining and fun is to be void of political *****. Jokes and humor are not a representation of actual thoughts and feelings.
Too many people are so weak. Games are an escape and elements of the day to day real world should not come into play. GTA thrives on its humor , jokes and taking the piss in a light hearted way...taking that away kills the soul of the game are an escape, fun and should never cross with political agendas and nonsense.
@Mezzer exactly, games are meant to be fun. I don't think it would be any fun to play a game where the main character is a racist (and the game isn't about them learning the errors of their ways). Thankfully I'm not aware of any games like that. So I don't see why it should be so controversial to be respectful of others. Being a decent human being has nothing to do with politics.
The last time R* did anything boundary pushing was GTAIII, so we'll see.
Not expecting anything more than an average, overhyped, clunky, unfunny if pretty open world game, so basically more GTAV.
Imagine trying to map the U.K.s road for a video game. Yeah the states is easy it’s all straight roads or grid sections. Where I live in the moorlands we have 7 lanes that all lead to the same road lol
@clvr I’m not so sure. The realism added to the physics in GTAiv blew me away
@Jtheripper the world was just so interactive. The way characters moved, the way gun physics worked, the glass, the cars, the deformation, parkour, the AI, I could go on for years. The way you'd shoot a cop in the arm and he'd drop his shotgun which would then fire off as it hit the ground 😩
The online was perfect too! GTA IV has cops and robbers and all sorts. Then they whisked it away for GTA Online . Gameplay wise I just had way more fun with IV than V. It just looked very drab and colour palette was lacking, my main complaint.
@theMEGAniggle too bad can't play 4 on ps4, it must work on xsx i guess with back compat if have the 360 disk version?
How hard is it for rockstar to make rdr2 60fps
@Jtheripper yeah I think it does. I play it on my PS3 from time to time, gonna jump on it again later!
I think GTA IV was way ahead of its time. Has better mechanics than many games released today! Including its own successor 😂
I don't know how to feel about 6. On the one hand RDR2 was phenomenal and the idea of a GTA take with that kind of production sounds great. On the other hand GTA by its nature is very satirical. That causes two problems, one is that modern life almost makes it feel like we're post satire. The second is that being bombarded with satire from the likes of Rockstar might be a bit too much to stomach. Will the expect me to laugh along while they lampoon consumerism after they just spent 15 years milking GTAV? My eyes might roll too much while playing for me to see the game....
After how meh gta 5 felt and the whole let's get rid of things that might be offensive with the gta trilogy remaster. I'm not going to hold my breath somehow. I think rockstar and gta games have gone past thier prime now.
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