Sony has announced the PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium lineup for August 2022, which contains 13 games across PS5, PS4, and the Classics range. Some of the heavy hitters this month include Metro Exodus, Bugsnax, and a selection of Yakuza titles.
The complete list of titles joining All PS Plus Games on Tuesday, 16th August 2022 is as follows:
PS Plus Extra: August 2022
- Bugsnax (PS5, PS4)
- Dead by Daylight (PS5, PS4)
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PS4)
- Metro Exodus (PS5, PS4)
- Monopoly Madness (PS4)
- Monopoly Plus (PS4)
- Trials of Mana (PS4)
- UNO (PS4)
- Wheel of Fortune (PS4)
- Yakuza 0 (PS4)
- Yakuza Kiwami (PS4)
- Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PS4)
PS Plus Premium: August 2022
- No classic PS3, PS2, PS1, or PSP titles are part of the August 2022 lineup for PS Plus Premium
Following up on the inclusion of Yakuza: Like a Dragon in PS Plus Essential (available to redeem until 6th September 2022), SEGA and Sony will put Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, and Yakuza Kiwami 2 on PS Plus Extra as part of their joint effort to bring the entire mainline series to the service. As the first three titles in the franchise storywise, they're the perfect place to start. Here's what we thought of all three:

One PS5 launch title returning to the PS Plus service is Bugsnax, which we awarded a 7/10 in our PS5 review. "Bugsnax delivers a good time regardless of platform, but it excels on PS5. It benefits from much shorter loading sequences, improved performance, and the DualSense's unique features. All this makes for a more enjoyable excursion to Snaktooth Island. If you play Bugsnax at all — and you absolutely should — do it on PS5."
If you're into open world games playable in co-op, Ghost Recon: Wildlands will be right up your alley. It's come a long way since our 6/10 PS4 review, so we recommend taking it for a spin. It's better than Ghost Recon: Breakpoint at the very least.
More PS5, PS4 reviews for PS Plus Extra, Premium August 2022 games:

In addition to the monthly PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium games, subscribers to the service's highest tier will be able to download a free Time Limited Trial for Rollerdrome on the same day all these titles become part of the membership. Which PS5, PS4, and Classic games will you be playing first? Share your list in the comments below.
Comments 127
Everspace was so fun I double dipped on it. And it turned me on to Chorus, which I am enjoying.
No Classics? Sony dropping the ball so early for their "BC" huh. Premium Tier smells like a scam
Some fantastic games here (Yakuza is always amazing, Trials of Mana remake is a great little action RPG), but you've got to start questioning the value of Premium. No PS1/PS2/PSP games again this month.
@ShogunRok again? July had 2 new ones
No additions for PS Premium. These comments are gonna be good lol
It's a good update for Extra, but I've no idea what they're doing with Premium. What a mess!
Unless Sony can do better in September and October I’ll be dropping Premium and going to Extra from here on out. I have to resign in late November.
Extra is great so far. Premium is trash.
@IonMagi Oh god, we've actually gone backwards then!
@Waluigi999 Kiwami 1 and 2 are Remakes so probably go into Premium
Crazy good line up for Extra.
I still have a lot of stuff to play from the Premium tier but gotta agree the lack of meaningful updates does look disappointing.
Agreed. Extra is great value for money
Wiah i had the option to downgrade from premium to extra before the subscription renewal date
@IonMagi I think they said these go to Extra but Yakuza 3 & 4 remasters will be on Premium later this year
Everspace is already on Extra in US. But not the DLC if that's what they're adding (I don't see a galactic edition, but do see a stellar edition).
Played all the Yakuza games. Phenomenal, but I have the plats and won’t play again. Others I might be interested in have already been given with original PS Plus or Now.
Only Mana left of interest. So one more added to the list I’ll play once it’s worthwhile me getting it.
I don't know if licencing is such an issue that's preventing PS1 and PS2 games coming out but Sony still have plenty of their own games they could release on premium.
Sony should delete the premium
Those are some good games for PS Extra. I get that people want to play PS1,PS2 games but I don't see the point of playing those games(unless their updated) on a PS4/PS5. Playing dated games just doesn't seem fun to me.
I do love that Rogue Galaxy is part of this though, even though I bought that game years and years ago.
The Extra games are really quite good again. Premium is an utter utter mess.
@AdamNovice They dont care about their legacy or preservation tho lol
I cant believe this... There's no classic games for this month? The purpose of the premium tier is for these classic games, that why I have it for. This is the problem with the whole thing, they're not focusing enough on the classic games.
Thats a pretty awful line-up for me, no interest in the Yakuza games at all, and the rest seem pretty meh
Extra lineup is a good list but between July and August the Premium lineup is looking even worse than NSO Expansion Pack (at least the expansion pack got a guaranteed 1 N64 game per month).
@Voltan Yeah, 3-5 is Premium while 6 is both.
This list felt pretty meh of me til it got to Trials of Mana. That’s one I’ve been waiting for a deep sale so I’ll definitely give that one a shot 😁
@Grumblevolcano The remasters of 3, 4, and 5 are for PS Plus Premium only. Yakuza 6 is PS Plus Extra.
Definitely not renewing premium.
Sony really needs to rename Extra tier Premium and just have two to choose from.
@LazyLombax Same bro. It's bullcrap. Sony should definitely be scrutinized for this abysmal premium service. Absolute gutter trash.
Good list for extra, but unacceptable for premium. Give it 12 months and you have to imagine Sony will merge extra and premium into a single tier (you know...a la PS Now) to simplify the whole thing.
Only way i can see that premium makes sense in the long term is if they include access to crunchy roll or another service in the top tier to add value
@Rob_230 Crunchyroll is not available in many regions so they probably wont do this. Also Sony Music rarely works well with Playstation for some reason haha (they literally made Deals with Gamepass)
This has officially sent my graph of games I want to play against time available into the stratosphere.
Dont care about classics or premium tier, but the extra tier additions are very good, two months into the new service and so far its outdone gamepass each of those months, off to a solid start
Your link clearly says 3,4,5 remasters only on Premium.
@LiamCroft Oh right, my mistake.
Metro Exodus. Delighted to see it in there. Will definitely be downloading that and giving it a try.
@LiamCroft wait...
...between the two tiers, that allow for downloadable games(extra crispy and original), they both don't get the same games? The remasters of 3, 4, and 5 are for PS Plus Premium only. Yakuza 6 is PS Plus Extra.
@QBGaming12 I mean the point of playing PSX/PS2 games on your PS4/5 is likely that you don't have a PSX/PS2 attached to your television right now. I don't have Premium, but I also don't own a PSX or PS2, and if I did it would probably be in a closet and it's ability to be played may be questionable at best.
Man I really should not have upgraded to premium if they were only going to focus on extra...
@PhhhCough You get everything if you're a PS Plus Premium subscriber. You'll need to upgrade to Premium from PS Plus Extra if you want to play the remasters of 3, 4, and 5.
Ahhh another month with Nintendo Switch Online... Oh wait?
Another month, another reason to be happy for having Extra and shunning Premium.
Gheez this is slightly terrible, two different monopolys and already had bugsnax before, ok so maybe some people new to extra may not have had bugsnax but seriously poor show this month.
@AdamNovice not just that but there's a bunch of ps2 classics they already remastered on PS4 that's not included like twisted metal black
Not much for me. Love the yakuzas but i own them lol same as bugsnax and exodus. May try Wheel of Fortune for a giggle XD
Where are you getting the info that Wheel of Fortune is part of the lineup? I'm not seeing that anywhere but would love for that to be true.
@LiamCroft I thought the only difference between extra and premium, would be the streaming retro games. But there is a difference in downloadable libraries, as well?
@RudeAnimat0r I was mainly referring to not seeing the point in playing those old games nowadays when you have last gen and new gen games coming out constantly.
I do realize it's for Nostalgia's sake but I feel like Sony is like "Yeah their old games so we'll release a couple every few months".
Now if the streaming was actually consistent that would be perfect but it's terrible, depending on when and if your internet is good enough.
@MFTWrecks I love both those games. If you are looking for another after Chorus I'd recommend Rebel Galaxy Outlaw (rebel galaxy is awesome too but uses a more AC ship styled combat).
@bpomber PlayStation UK has it listed on Twitter.
@PhhhCough Yeah, PS Plus Premium also has downloadable PS1, PS2, and PSP games.
Sony are making great strides with Extra, really competing with Gamepass, but unfortunately with the spectacular way they have dropped the ball with Premium that good will frankly counts for naught
Pretty weak line up for me. Either already own them, or in the case of the Monopoly games, don’t care. Oh well..
Metro Exodus looks incredible on PS5. I think Premium should be dropped because so far its a disaster and a waste of money, clearly Sony have no interest in making it good. Extra though is actually pretty damn good and worth subbing too.
@QBGaming12 What's the point in playing new games? Other than they're new?
I'm mostly just playing devil's advocate here, but I just bought a PS5 and the upcoming release calendar for fall is pretty uninteresting to me personally, with the exception of Tunic. Just because there are new games doesn't mean they're necessarily worth playing.
I don't think PSX/2 games need to be a priority for Sony, but I do think if "Classics" are part of their Plus strategy they need to keep a steady drip of them. No one on Switch likes the sporadic drop of classic on Switch Online - it feels unplanned, random and ultimately unsatisfying.
Besides Metro Exodus the whole lineup is pretty trash.
Trials of mana is a good game.but wheres the ps1.ps2.and ps3 and psp games.word up son
@RudeAnimat0r that's what I mean when it comes to Classics. I feel like Sony just tacked them into the new PS Plus because people kept complaining about not being able to play their old games on their newer systems(or because they don't have the old systems). So when they complain about them not updating the list frequently Sony is probably like " I mean your getting them as they come, not a big priority to us".
Also I mentioned last gen(PS4, even throw in PS3) and new games as stuff people mainly play now. I mean I might play the few PS2 games I own a few times a year and I have them on my PS3 or PS4/PS5(Rogue Galaxy). I never sit down on my PS5/PS4 and say "Oh I'd love to play a PS1 game". But to each their own.
Starting to regret subbing for a whole year now, should have gone for the 3 month option.
@LiamCroft Wheel of Fortune must be UK exclusive then. I can't find mention of it anywhere else.
Shouldn’t have bought 6 years worth of Premium. OH WELL.
Extra is doing well though, not particularly interested in this lineup but the selection itself is solid. I have tried to like Yakza games many times before, but eh guess it’s time to give ‘em another shot.
If I would only play one of above Yakuza titles, which one should I pick?
That's a pretty bad list after a fairly good month last month
Hmm can’t say I’m impressed with neither extra nor premium this month. I guess it doesn’t help that I already have metro. And the yakuza games/ubisoft titles are already on gamepass. And bugsnax I already got via their cheapest tier.
This is why subscription exclusives are going to be so important as we progress in this gen - there’s going to be so many third party cross over games.
Hopefully they’ll sort out how cumbersome it is to just navigate to the ps extra games - I’m sick of being asked to upgrade to premium constantly
Not a bad Extra offering, couldn't care less about Premium (Sony probably pulled data that only reviewers started classic games over last 2 months, so decided to invest budget into current gaming).
@MFTWrecks Chorus is an under rated little gem.
Said it before & I'll say it again the premium tier is a complete joke & Sony clearly doesn't give 2 s**** about it's legacy content
Ps premium was a lie god damn it. No new additions just a few months in?
Any word on how long Miles Morales/gotg/stray will last? I'm moving home soon and won't have chance to get through them all too quickly.
@PhhhCough there's the few ps2 games that have been available to purchase for years (minus GTA 3 , VC & SA because they got delisted) & then a very small & weak lineup of ps1 / psp games
This is a joke now - anyone should be offered a refund for the collection they are putting out. It’s a farce. Not even any classics. Honestly I am fuming at this and shows what a poor service this is. If I could cancel and get ten months back I would
I already own UNO and none of the rest look any good to me.
Objectively spoken, Extra has some strong games but as they're strong, I already bought them when they came out. I feel like Extra should have a brand new game on it every month like Stray. Some smaller A or double A game in it. I wouldn't mind a triple A game either. Otherwise it isn't meant for hardcore gamers but rather casuals who are skipping most games.
@Americansamurai1 those aren't remasters they're just emulated ROMs that are upscaled through the emulator & added trophies
Trials of mana had been on my wishlist for a while. The rest I ready own or played. Sorry for the people who took premium for the ps1 ps2 psp games that there are no new games added.
@QBGaming12 the entire point of premium is the classic games other than those it's just a few 1 time demos I don't think anyones complaining about extra which is pretty good value
Really? No classic games again? Starting to wonder what the point of being on the Premium tier is. Extra is great and well worth the price, but this complete lack of new content in the Premium tier is starting to make it feel like a scam and I'm just paying more money than people on the Extra tier for the same content. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect at least one new PS1, PS2 and PSP game every month, more would be even better but come on Sony, what the hell are we paying Premium for if we can't even get that?
Maybe there are some new demos being added this month as a Premium update. Just hoping there is something being added to justify those extra few pennies per month.
@Would_you_kindly yeah I know , but my point is they consider them classics and include them in premium. They have games available to add with no work needed, but still there's nothing on premium this month.
A small handful of good games mixed with a bunch of throwaways for the Extra tier, IMHO, but NOTHING for the Premium level?!?!? Not so ‘premium’ is it Sony?? At this point, I’m still glad I’m on the Essential tier. And with updates like this, I don’t see myself upgrading any time soon.
@Would_you_kindly oh I think Extra is perfect. I got Premium hoping that the streaming would be worth it but my Internet or just the streaming in general(My Area or whatever else) is awful lol.
The trial's are worth it if you get access to them. I mean Rollerdrome next week is going to be great to try out.
I would like some classic PS2 games(Battlefront 2, Sly, etc) but that might take ages. If they would just let you download the classics and stream games to play as long as you have your premium subscription that would be perfect. I know that's what everybody wants.
I’ve got faith in Premium - I reckon there’s a reason it’s quiet on classics. They’re closer then we think to PS3 emulator I reckon and it’s about to go tip top for classics.
I don't care about classics as I find old games appalling, but extra is really delivering, I'm impressed. Can't wait to try Metro
@itsfoz I doubt they'd get native PS3 emulation working on PS4 (atleast to an acceptable level that they could charge for it) so premium would still be crap for everyone that doesn't have a ps5
I really hope this has something to do with the patents for the "new emulators" maybe a bunch of premium titles coming out in 1 or 2 months at once. Personally I don't care about premium I have everything for €60 for a year.
@PhhhCough in addition to what Liam said, there's some PS4 games that are only on Premium and not Extra, like Uncharted collection, Mafia 1 & 2, Lego Harry Potter. There's like 100 extra downloadable games on Premium.
Where's the premium update? It'll provide new games to buy. I also just want my copy of Twisted Metal 2 on my PS5.
Resigned myself to buying PS1 games outright. Feels like the right choice.
And even if PS3 emulation was what is holding back content, I own most of those digitally anyway.
@Richnj alot of them can't be bought unfortunately the ones I'd be interested in buying are Tekken & resident evil & neither of those are available to purchase although someone said they were so maybe it's a region thing
Already enjoyed and completed every single Yakuza (and both Judgment) games available. Missed out on Bugsnax when originally came to plus. Metro Exodus been on my PS5 wishlist for ages but never got round to grabbing it yet so that's nice. Wildlands I dunno but I might dip my feet in the story see what happens if I'll get on with it or not. Can't complain much when recently Crash 4 and Tony Hawks are on plus too. The premium situation right now we just have to be patient and like Liam said if true you'll need premium if you want to play Y3, Y4 and Y5 remasters. Premium only been around for 2 months, give it time to get better and grow into the service we've been expecting. Maybe some of those PS1 classics ain't ready yet cause trophies and other improvements are being worked on by the devs so we can have a much better experience when we play them? Patience
@Would_you_kindly I got RE1 from my ps3 RE bundle purchase. So I can download and play RE1 for free. No sub.
I don't know if it would be possible to circumvent still.
Glad i didnt plump for premium as its not looking too attractive at the mo..very good for extra subscribers though and with this extreme heat keeping me indoors as my asbestos based sunscreen has run out these came at the right time..
Bugsnax has been on my wish list for some time (more for my daughter’s benefit than mine) so pleased to see this included. Yakuza games sound grand but I’m not sure I’ve got the time to really get into that series.
I was hoping for a launch day game like rollerdome, but alas.
The Yakuza series is fantastic and I hope more people will play it.
I'll be going for trials of mana and maybe metro.
Saw the update on another site, but they'd clumsily neglected to show the classics being added. Came here to find out what they are. Oh dear...
Glad I'm only getting premium because I tried out PS Now when it was on sale.
Premium feels like such a rip-off. Truly pathetic offering from Sony.
Feel so premium
Almost seems like the extra tier should have been for the classic games, and premium should have given the large game catalogue?
I’m just thinking about it from a business perspective, not through the lense of us as a consumer.
But I have no idea what their strategy for the Premium tier is at this point. I thought for sure there would be at least 1 curated classic per month. Is that so hard to do? My premium tier runs out next January and I see no reason to keep it so far.
I'll be giving BugSnax a download, why not 😁
What kind of horror/game is Metro Exodus? It seems interesting but I never play horror titles.
Still don't know why anyone purchased Premium, Extra is premium enough without the headache and disappointment. Maybe one day if it has stuff like MGS to try out, but nothing good or exciting was ever shown for premium, so there was no point in getting it. Never buy things if there's no guarantee or footage.
clearly sony didn't do its homework and have a slate of ps classics ready to be rolled out on a steady schedule. this is turning into a disaster. their marketing plan worked, but the execution is a mess. maybe by the end of the year they will add a dozen classic games to the catalogue... at this rate, they might match the ps3 classics library in about 4 years
@PaperAlien totally agree I don't like Yakuza and rest really don't give me any enthusiasm. My ps plus and now run out in December, cannot see me renewing, during last year had very few games that have interested me and I could have got them on disc.
For all those that leave comments like "who cares about classics or retro games" or similar sentiments, you are being extremely self absorbed. Just because you can't handle or don't like the graphics doesn't mean there aren't just as many that are ok with it. Me personally I want to replay my entire childhood and have the platinum to brag about them. Which a lot of the classics being added have trophy support. I would love to have a platinum for every Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy through X personally. As well as many other RPG's from PS1 and PS2 as well.
Trials of Mana is fun! folks should try it out. Lots of replayability with the different character/team stories. good stuff. I should get back to it and see the other characters' perspectives.
I'm definitely gonna play UNO (Draw) too (2).
Well...this is fine! But two months already and nothing that impresses! Was hoping for more
@OrtadragoonX I can't believe how ***** this update has been
Lmao everyone hates premium white me and my fiance both are getting great value having all extra games and trials and old games she likes like frogger and more. Yeah just leave premium to me haters Im having a blast
@Ravix metro isn't horror. It's like fallout in the sense of post apocalyptic but its also fps
Tried telling you guys but you wouldn't listen. No classics added? Membership is trash and going to stay trash as long as you fan boys continue to blindly & biasedly feed it!!
@SerJosh97 okay, cool. As it's FPS are we shooting people, monsters, irradiated people-monsters? Or is it survival where you don't really shoot much because there is not much to shoot and not much ammunition? I'll maybe watch the first part of a walkthrough or download and see what it feels like at some point.
I've heard it's a great story or well written, and never really seen anything of it as to what it's about other than the 'end times' kind of feel.
I like the idea of a slow paced, slow burning story of desperation, but FPS always makes me think it will be fast paced horror/action ha ha
Well all I can say is this update is
Not a terrible month for people who haven't played the Yakuza games/Metro Exodus. All are really fantastic games. I don't really care for the rest on the list but damn, Sony is really fumbling with Premium lol. If they can't improve it by the time my sub is up I'll most likely just switch to Extra next year.
I'd like to think maybe they're holding back, but maybe it's just they don't know what they're doing lol. If Legend of Dragoon really is coming to the service maybe I'd rather just buy it in the long run. 🤷
Hopefully they actually improve the service otherwise more people will not resub to Premium.
So the top tier remains a staggering waste of money in regions that don't allow game streaming? Nice.
@IonMagi It's only 10 days in this month. Be patient.
@SerJosh97 Count me in! People have lack of patience or somehow are unsatisfied. All of these games like different series (Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Fallout, Trials, Star Wars, Saints Row, Yakuza, Jak & Daxter, Uncharted, Batman Arkham, etc.), hidden gems (No Straight Roads, Giana Sisters, Rad Rogers, etc.), classic games from PS1, PS2 and PSP and talks about a PS3 emulator for PS5. How is that enough gaming? People can have opinions, but they need to stop overpraising Xbox Game Pass. I can barely find anything to play on Game Pass vs. on what I can find on PS Plus Premium. Only reason why people just overpraise Xbox Game Pass to death is because of Day 1 releases which some of them don't even work when they released (Surgeon Simulator 2 and I Am Fish for good examples).
It's month two folks. Chill, christ...😂
At this point we're paying for Premium tier just to be able to say that we pay for the Premium tier.
The Premium tier is a joke already. Why didn't they have a backlog of games ready to go? Why didn't they foresee the PAL/NTSC problem? (which still hasn't been sorted) Why are they not doing anything with first party titles where licensing isn't an issue? The answer? Sony being Sony I guess.
More Yakuza is A-OK with me.
no no no that 300 PS1 games had to be there by yesterday already!!!
"No classic PS3, PS2, PS1, or PSP titles are part of the August 2022 lineup for PS Plus Premium" You what Sony?! Jeez.
Looks like a good selection. The mrs is happy with the party games . Whats goin on with premium though, maybe they will be announced in a couple of days
@MetalGear_Yoshi is it though? Regions without streaming are extremely cheap, like their top tiers are almost cheaper than our bottom tier. In Korea Extra costs about $57.75 USD for a year and Deluxe is $66.40 USD for a year. An extra $8.65 for like 100 extra downloadable games seems like a pretty decent deal. Or you can think about as an extra $6.40 for Deluxe compared to getting Essential in the US is a steal.
@Milktastrophe if you're on a 12 month plan it's around $20 dollars more than the second tier here in Australia. Not that much really but you're already paying $135 for the second tier. There's also just over 50 games in that tier and they're not exactly world beaters for the most part. I'd rather have the $20 tbh. Especially given that they haven't seemed overly concerned with adding value to the tier to this point.
Removed - flaming/arguing
I will be happily claiming Dead by Daylight, Ghost Recon: Wildlands, and Trials of Mana.
Already own everything else from the list I care about.
@Ravix it's based on novels but yes look into it and it's more monsters and stuff from being radiated over the years, exodus tho I haven't played yet just the first 2
Also some clarification plz your the only site I see that has wheel of fortune listed. I've seen everspace on another and the rest of the sources have the same but don't list those 2
@streetzman exactly!! I got game pass cuz of my fiends telling how God tier is was and after I played the Xbox exclusives its a bunch of indie games and some are good but that's it. Ps has way better exclusives imo and better catalog and more on premium/extra plus they haven't released on xbox a first party next Gen game yet in 2 years there all cross Gen. And halo infinite isn't that amazing God tier. But I 100% agree with ya bro
@SerJosh97 Only game I really played on Game Pass is Rare Replay, but it makes me want to buy Rare Replay instead. I played more on PS Plus Premium vs. what I played on Game Pass. Enjoying games like Toy Story 2 (Had a blast playing as Buzz Lightyear), Descenders (It's on Game Pass as well, but now I get to play it on the console I mainly play), Serious Sam Trilogy, Tetris Effect, Luminous Remastered and others. I am even considering buying them if they ever left the service and other ones will take their place. Excited to see what other games they'll put and also what Classics they'll put in. Honestly I want to see Mega Man Powered-Up, Battle & Chase, Maverick Hunter X, both Sonic Rivals games, DarkStalkers Chronicle: The Dark Towers, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max and more Star Wars like Episode III, StarFighter, both Battlefront games, Demolition, Dark Forces, Jedi Power Battles, The Clone Wars (Not Republic Heroes, but something I would like to see if they used the PS3 version and figure PS3 emulation on PS5), Tekken 1, 3, 4, 5 Dark Resurrection (PS3 with DLC), 6 (PS3), Tag 1 (PS3) and Tag 2, OG Resident Evil 2 and 3 (So both the remake and original counterparts can be playable on PS5) and maybe even older Dragon Ball and Naruto games like Budokai Tenkaichi 3, older Ultimate Ninja games and Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations and Revolution. Mouthful, but unless they make rereleases, then the Classics would be the next big thing.
Bugsnax and Mana are the big ones for me. That'll keep me busy for months. I already got Yakuza 0 and got very bored pretty quick. Not understanding the appeal. Not bad, just mediocre and repetitive.
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