The Gap is a first-person narrative thriller that follows a neuroscientist's journey into his psyche, dealing with the exploration of parallel realities, and unreliable memories. It's coming to PS5 in Q1, 2023.
Joshua Hayes suffers from a rare genetic disorder that has begun to eat away at his personality, his academic ability, and even his own sanity. He takes part in an experimental neuroscientific program run by biotech company Neuraxis and quickly becomes embroiled in corporate intrigue, unable to distinguish the truth from the lies.
What do you make of The Gap? Are you a fan of narrative thrillers? Seek the truth in the comments section below.
Comments 4
Probably the best looking game from the Future Games Show, for better or worse, in my eyes
Looks cool I love psychological thrillers
Went to wishlist the Gap and I typoed the fap 🥴
Glad it's just for PS5 (and PC)
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