Developer Remedy has provided an update on its current slate of gaming projects, of which it currently has five in development. The news comes to us from the company's latest earnings briefing, from which several tasty tidbits can be gleaned.
Let's start with the juicy stuff, the two in-development Control projects known as Codename Condor and Codename Heron. Condor is spin-off of Control, currently in the "proof-of-concept" phase, and Remedy notes that they are "giving the team time to work on a multitude of important game design elements and finalize the key pillars before moving the project to the next development phase."
Next up is Heron, which is in the concept stage, and progress is being made, with Remedy stating, "based on the well-progressing early development, the team size has been gradually increased." Heron has been described as a "bigger-budget" Control game, likely some kind of sequel.
The next two titles are the Max Payne 1 + 2 remakes which are being developed in partnership with Rockstar Games, and finally, we have Alan Wake 2, the long-awaited sequel to the once Xbox-exclusive Alan Wake, which in turn was remastered and released on PS5 and PS4. Alan Wake 2 is still on track for a 2023 release, although no word yet on a firm release window.
Are you a fan of Remedy's games? Which project are you most excited about, and which do you think will be most successful? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source investors.remedygames.com]
Comments 21
I love the max Payne games so be interesting to see where they go with this. Control was interesting but bit too hard got about halfway through the game but couldn't best thst obstacle course to get thst shield power so gave up may go back to it at some point. Never played Alan wake but may get the remaster in December
I adored Control for its creativity, aesthetic, and gameplay - so much that I platinumed it twice (PS4 and PS5 editions). I would 100% be “shut up and take my money” on any future extensions to its bizarre and captivating world. 😺👍🏼👍🏼
I would love more director Faden explosive action. Quality game.
I loved Control and would no doubt go for more.
They’ve got the remedy alright it’s all good
I know playing Max Payne and having a lot of fun with them but time hasn't been kind to these games. I hope for a good re-imagining that captures the mood but improves on everything else. Control was an amazing game and I'd love to see a new story in that universe. Alan Wake was fine but didn't live up to the hype it got on Xbox. As with most games from Remedy the control of the action is a bit clunky and could be smoother in all of their games but the Twin Peaks like atmosphere and stories keep me going for sure.
Titbits! One day, one day...😁
I Managed to get through and complete Control,except for two of the Boss fights.Tried to go back to both of them after finishing the main game but after dying numerous time , I couldn't be arsed anymore and uninstalled it to move on to my next game in the list.
Weird game.I think i know where Remedy got the Idea from.
It was the Lost Room Mini TV series 2006 starring Peter Krauss.Take a look and see if you agree !
Cannot wait for the Control sequel; a great developer, looking forward to see how their other projects come together!
A friend of mine works on the game engine for Alan Wake 2 and he is always going on about how it is going to be the best game ever haha.
No Quantum Break sequel though, huh? Pity… But seriously Remedy’s got a fantastic line-up of IPs. Can’t wait for the next game in the Remedy-verse!
Control was so so good. Made me wish Renedy was given the keys to a Star Wars game. One of the best titles to capture Jedi-like powers.
Loved Control. Also one of the best early implementation of RayTracing. Lighting is fantastic.
The world is also so much fun. Cant wait to see the next one.
weren't they working on an exclusive ps5 game? or was that rumor not true.
Excited for all if these but the mp Control game.
@XanderTigerclaw couldn't agree with you more, I 100%ed it twice on PS5 & PC - incredible lore, world & gameplay. Can't wait for more!!
You do know Control has difficulty and accessibility options right? You can make your character invincible or have unlimited powers with no cooldown. Should allow you to finish the game if you need it.
I didn't really like Control, and interestingly it was the controls themselves that I disliked the most, character movement was terrible in my opinion and felt like something from the 90's.
@XanderTigerclaw It’s crazy fun, I ended up platinumed it on PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X 🤣
Finally some much needed updates! I'm looking forward to playing all five games.
@somnambulance I'd rather they focus on bringing Quantum Break to PS4/PS5 first, it's still stuck on Xbox and PC.
I really wish they would have made a Max Payne Trilogy Remake instead of just 1 and 2, I know they had nothing to do with the 3rd entry but since they are working with Rockstar they could have remade tge 3rd one too
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