Great news, PlayStation fans: God of War Ragnarok has gone gold, meaning that the game has finished development and is ready to be shipped. We had been anticipating this announcement for a while now, and it's arrived at a good time, with the game set to release in just over a month, on the 9th November.
It's weirdly hard to believe now, but just a few shorts months ago, we were all questioning whether Ragnarok was actually going to launch in 2022. You may remember that we had saw next to nothing of the PS5 and PS4 title, and developer Santa Monica Studio was keeping super quiet. But here we are, with the highly anticipated adventure just 33 days away (at the time of writing).
How hyped are you for God of War Ragnarok? Give us your best menacing Kratos grin in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 126
Is the first time in like forever a big AAA game hasn't seen a delay? Either way can't wait.
I know this may sound as bait and trust me, GOW is one of my favourites, but...
Why should I want to buy a game that's been held back by the previous generation, because Sony heads are too greedy to make it a PS5 exclusive, at full price?
I think I can wait until I have a PS5 and just get it on sale lol. What's the point of "next gen" anymore
I was certain this was coming out in 23
I've never been more happy to be wrong
Well at the PS Showcase just over 2 years ago, they told us 2021 (which nobody believed).
However, since communicating a specific date in July, they've stuck to it. So fair play to them.
"God of War goes gold AHEAD of November release date"
It's always good when games goes gold before they release. Can't say that for every game
Btw I'm currently replaying GoW and I can't wait for GoWR, definitely one if not the best exclusive series on PS
@WallyWest It was originally sheduled for 2021 though
I still can't believe Sony killed my hype for the sequel to a 10/10 game by making it seem like it would take advantage of the PS5 only to show it was a lie, and then charge more for the PS5 version that held back by the cheaper PS4 version.
@BoldAndBrash You complain about cross gen being a thing, yet you yourself don't own a PS5. Lmao.
Cool, but I can wait, I know will go down in price eventually, but I'm looking forward to playing it
I will buy it. Sorry bank account, and thank you.
@Jaz007 it's the norm now, 60 70 quid for a ps5 game, my backlog is huge I can wait and buy when it's cheaper and patched proper when it's ready😁😁
@jimbouk absolutely hilarious isn’t it 😂😂😂
I'm so excited for this - unfortunately don't have a PS5 yet so will probably hold off playing this until I do, but as soon as I get one this is the first game I'm playing. I've just got no doubt it's gonna be a masterpiece!
Great news. Roll on the 9th.
Like Elden Ring earlier this year another round of review scores of 10’s pls. Wow this look awesome this game does.
Never in doubt! October State of Play here we go!!
N.i.c.e. another masterpiece coming. 🐐 👑.game of the year contender.word up son
Calling it now. Boy becomes man.
I can do without the mini game though SSM.
its coming , i can't wait to see this come out.
@BoldAndBrash Have fun not having fun.
Release it early I don't care if there's bugs I wanna play it lol
Sony yet again showing others how to manage their developer studios and games.
Honestly sick of people crying about games releasing on PS4 here's some advice if you don't like it don't buy the games or play any of your PS4 library on the ps5 you cry babies
@jimbouk yeah cutting off his nose to spite his face lol
I am so ready!!! I took the day off work. I'm 39 years old, but you're never too old to take a day off for a game.
@Dezzy70 Shame you wont be playing it , cause you dropped Sony, as the console needs a stand and you have to plug a controller in to pair it. Remember? Really valid reasons, bad sony
Or was that fake rage to buy friends on pure Xbox? Edit.. That reads harsher than I intended, but im genuinely interested in if your going to drop your objections to Sony to play GOW? Its fun on the dark side......
@BoldAndBrash PS4 games don’t hold back PS5. You think they make the game for PS4 then boost it for PS5? Like a remaster? Does the Series S hold the Series X back? No. If a game comes out on PS5 an Switch does the Switch hold it back. The best lookin game to date is TLOU Part 1, a PS3 game. Then there’s Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted 4, both PS4 games. Returnal is Ps5 exclusive an loks great, doesn’t look as visually impredsive as the games i mentioned tho.
Can you imagine Kratos in the Elden Ring map. It be like a walk in the park for Kratos
🥳🥳🙏....already preordered. Super happy.
Have to admit that I was expecting a last minute delay, so this is great news! 🙂
@BoldAndBrash facts , last gen is ruining the ps5s potential so much
@Would_you_kindly you must be stuck with a ps4 💀 what a selfish ass mindset to have 😂
Went back GoW'18 for the umpteenth time for exploring not for a 4th run. Heck I'm still finding stuff. Just realized there's still hidden trials for a gold trophy in Muslpheim when I went out looking for Greater Scale Fragments to upgrade my Ivaldi Curass to be a force to reckon in the ever changing unforgiving mist of Niflheim, to seal the 3 tears so I'm powerful enough to go whoop Queen Valkyrie once and for all sigh. Dunno how levels are generated in Returnal but it's impressive how Niflheim changes on the fly with no load screens pfft SMS managed that with no SSD. Plus I forgot how artistic this game is overall. Indeed it's simply one of the greatest games ever made!
@sjbsixpack um yes it does
@TheArt The reason that the changing maze of Niflheim works so well is that it doesn't change. All that changes are the traps, chests and enemy spawns. The actual structure of the maze remains the same.
@Peterchu Yeah but still impressive stuff on the PS4. You gather mist echoes, run to the entrance, echoes get stored run back at full speed and everything's changed again, no lag, no loading, nothing. Plus with all that graphics going on, SMS are just talented like the typical Sony Studio they are, no wonder we're stuck with PS.
@nomither6 you're the selfish one crying that people that aren't as fortunate as you get to play new games because you chose to buy the latest console us peasants shouldn't be allowed to play the same games with lower graphical settings & longer load times 🤣
Is kratos playstation's longest serving active character/mascot at this point? I can't think of another one.
@WadeIsInsane I was thinking as one specific game character. Crash bandicoot has definately been around longer, but he's not really a playstation mascot anymore, and had a long break anyway, god of war games have been fairly regular.
The franchise that started it all for me. The sequel to one of the greatest ‘soft reboots’ I’ve ever played. One of the games I’ve been waiting for years to play. Yet………… I only play one game at a time (for various reasons) so since this is being released 2 weeks after I’ll be in the middle of Gotham Knights, and then RE: 8’s Winter Expansion, and then The Callisto Protocol (which I’ve been eagerly awaiting since it’s announcement), it looks like this is going to have to wait until I’m done with Callisto Protocol and before Dead Space remake. Poor COD: MW2 is getting bumped until after Dead Space. 😉🤣 Oh well, hopefully I’ll be lucky enough to catch GOW or MW2 on sale! 👍🏽💪🏽
@Would_you_kindly i have a ps5 and i love it. I also enjoy playing my ps4 games that run in pro mode on the ps5 and the ps4 games that have have ps5 upgrades. I dont agree that games made for ps4 and ps5 are holding back the ps5's potential at all and i hope you get your mitts on a ps5 soon so you can enjoy your ps4 games all over again. I'm all for ps5 only games but theres still room for the ps4 guys too..
@nomither6 From your past comments I didn't expect such a comment from you lol. You could say either the PS4 camp or PS5 camp are selfish. But if we reeeaally should judge this, the PS5 camp would lose in court. First off, the PS5 still can't be found readily on shelves, still too expensive for some. The PS5 has ALL games available and some, PS4 is lacking Returnal, Deathloop etc, it's not like the PS4 has games the PS5 can't play. I mean this is basic, a guy with $100 calling the guy with $70 selfish for wanting $10 more. It's not like @Would_you_kindly went into Sony offices and commanded them to keep making every game cross-gen, if anything blame Sony not someone who hasn't done anything but own a PS4.
@DETfaninATL why would you play what is looking to be a poor gotham knight over GOW? why not put the worse one to the back
@TheCollector316 i'll be 50 years young at the end of this month and i wish i could take at least a month of to play pga2k23,gotham knights,modern warfare 2 and god of war lol..
@TrickyDicky99 by the looks of it i dont think the ps5 version is going to be just an enhanced version of the ps4 game. I'm sure its going to have a lot more going on under the hood rather than being a simple enhanced version. But i suppose we could argue that every ps5 game that also happens to have a ps4 version could just be a enhanced edition..
@mariomaster96 You CAN say that for every game that has a disk version, at least - they need to have a version to put on the disk, and the "gold" version is what gets on the physical media. This doesn't mean there won't be a day 1 patch for Ragnarok - in fact, I'd put money on there being a day 1 patch, because there are always day 1 patches these days.
I bet the team doesn't even get a real break between now and November 9, they're probably still hard at work finding/squashing bugs and building another layer of polish for that day 1 patch.
Horizon Forbidden West went Gold January 2022. The game was released in February 2022. Guerrilla fixed the graphics "shimmering" issue in June 2022 after I had completed the game and got the Plat.
I have pre-ordered God of War Ragnarok. Really hoping Gold means Gold this time...
@WadeIsInsane that's true, gran turismo has always been around.
@TheArt PS4 has more games made for its gen , PS5 doesn’t . around this same time with the ps4 gen , how many were still cross gen with ps3? last gen is taking away from the investment people made with current gen . it’s useless right now . 8th gen is over , let the 9th gen players have their time , it’s still gonna be here when other people can get a ps5
@nomither6 at least wait until the game is out so you can tell everyone what the ps5 is holding back from.
@nomither6 'how many were still cross gen with ps3?' You're comparing apples to oranges the PS3 was very unique with its cell processor
Can I assume this is $60 on PS4?
I'm not ready for $70 games, might never be...
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@GamerDad66 i agree. $10 more is. huge difference. sony is greedy
What on Earth made you think this wasn't coming this year?
@nomither6 I get your point but there wasn't no pandemic at the launch of PS4. And like I said it's Sony's decision to keep going cross-gen not PS4 players.
So now they can work on day 1 patch to fix everything they havent fixed yet.
@playstation1995 Don't even think contender is part of it's vocabulary. Definitely a PS5 GOTY, if not overall.
@warrenflatt can't tell if serious...
@TrickyDicky99 Well, and Sony is partially to blame for that. There are a million ways to cut out scalpers and they have barely even tried.
@stvevan Honestly, I don’t think it looks all that bad but we shall surely see. The real reason though is my kid is a HUGE Nightwing fan so he and I are gonna co-op the whole game together.
@tselliot definitely i agree word up son
@sjbsixpack Games having to work on a PS4 have an effect on world building, animation and AI. Don’t think otherwise. The PS4 hinders the PS5.
GoW Ragnarok in November. Callisto Protocol in December. Dead Space Remake in January. Hogwarts Legacy in February. RE4 Remake AND Jedi Survivor in March. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom in May. I'm going to be very busy for the foreseeable future.
@TrickyDicky99 except it will support 4k 60 fps,full hdr and much better effects etc,superior loading times..yeah it will be the same as the ps4 in every way. Every game thats cross gen is going to be fundamentally the same game except obviously the ps5 versions are always going to be the better ones..we can argue this all day but there is merit to both our views..
@jimbouk I own a PS5 and I find it ridiculous that it's cross gen. It's stupid.
PS5 games are fundamentally being held back by PS4. That's a fact. If the only difference between PS4 and PS5 is faster loading and higher resolution then Sony should be slapped in the face for charging £480+.
Sony is trying to milk every penny out of the PS4 and PlayStation fanboys will tell you all day long that they're fine with it. Just like they're happy with £70 games. I bought a PS5 to play next gen games. Not to improve my load times or have more impressive rumble in my controller.
Sony will never justify the price of the PS5 while they continue to half bake games to accommodate the PS4.
@Dezzy70 By making games for past gen consoles? 🤣
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Would_you_kindly Next gen should be next gen. Sony have never done this before and it doesn't benefit any PS5 owner who has actually shelled out a lot of money for the system. If you don't own a PS5 I don't think you should be expecting brand new first party titles. Were PS3 players crying when the PS4 launched? No. We accepted the fact there was a brand new, powerful console that we needed if we wanted to play the new gen games.
@BoldAndBrash If you only see value in a game that pushes every facet of your hardware, then you are not a gamer at all.
GOW will be desirable because it will be a brilliant GAME, not because it will be the pinnicle of technical achievement possible.
It will still be technically excellent and deliver all the major upgrades you'd expect from new gen: tempest sound with 100s of point sources, haptic controls and feedback, instant loading, high refresh rates at high res etc etc.
To try and pretend its been compromised in a way you will notice or in a way that makes it less enjoyable is absolute poop. Shade throwing for the sake of trying to find something negative to say.
Try enjoying a game for its gameplay for a change, eh?
Only on push square could an announcement of the imminent arrival of a goty contender be greated by so much negativity, and it clearly shows many people are here to simply throw shade or be negative, attracted by the sites negative editorial policy.
@sjbsixpack So are you saying that the PS4 can do everything the PS5 can do? Then why does the PS5 even exist???
The PS5 is absolutely being held back by the PS4. Or do you believe that God of War Ragnarok is the best it can possibly be? In which case, Sony should ramp up production of the PS4 because they can't do better.
Your Series X|S comparison is stupid because they are part of the same generation and linked by the same chip design and CPU. And Xbox introduced smart delivery whereas Sony charge £70 for a higher res PS3/PS4 game.
@Would_you_kindly Well what about the 150 million PS2 owners??? Why should they be excluded??? Grow up.
@Would_you_kindly Okay, PS1 to PS2? PS2 to PS3???
@Titntin Oh of course, your opinion is right and everyone else is wrong. Why should PS5 owners expect games that genuinely impress and justify the hardware purchase???
It seems like you believe there's no point in the PS5 existing.
Beautiful! I can hear the sound of tears falling onto cheap plastic already...
@__jamiie At least I dontt need 9 posts to say 'im a troll' and 'no one else can have an opinion'.
You need a serious look in a mirror.
I pointed out the advantages that playing on PS5 provides. If you dont value them thats up to you , but trying to pretend there is no difference is clearly a false narritive and makes you look silly.
That a design for a ps5 title only might allow for differences in approach is undoubted, but for a title thats a sequal anyway, thats a very minor consideration and all the other benefits of a next gen title will be in place.
Its quite clear you have zero knowledge of game design and development.
There’s no pleasing some people, honestly. How many people are crying about Elden Ring releasing on and being ‘held back’ by PS4 / XB1 as well as PS5 / XBX/S? No one. They’re all too busy enjoying a great game, regardless of absolute bleeding edge graphics.
Makes me laugh people here thinking a game for ps4 and ps5 doesn't hold it back, it's an actual fact it does, if you think otherwise its just ignorance,
@Titntin Calling me a troll is pathetic. I'm a gamer that is sick of Sony's disingenuous behaviour.
You're a game developer right???
I have been a gamer for 30+ years so I'm absolutely confident in my ability to understand design and development. I also understand that previous hardware constricts the process of design and development.
Older hardware holds back new hardware.
That's a fact proven over many generations.
What is it you find difficult to understand about that???
@Uromastryx it depends on how much stock one puts into what is supposedly being held back with regards to core gameplay innovation and experience. Bleeding edge graphics and AI? Yes, I agree for sure, but maybe that doesn’t ultimately matter for some kinds of experiences? More isn’t always better - unless we’re talking about CyberPunk crowd density etc. yikes! I think the real issue is that these games have been in development for at least 4-5 years, sometimes more when you count pre-production. They’re massively expensive to make, with thousands of people working on them. This is unprecedented. The economic reality is that they need to recoup money, no matter the developer / owner. The PS5 will be pushed to its limits in due course, that much is obvious. In the meantime, games like GoW R will find ways to differentiate the experience for early owners. Maybe it won’t be as big a differentiation as you want, but I’ll bet the gameplay will be amazing.
@JaapV well of course no doubt they are still making for ps4 because of the income, ps4 is still their biggest user base currently, so I guess overall kinda sonys fault no.meetong supply and demand for ps5, but as you say I'm sure overtime ps5 will get its full power used, but we're 2 years in now so in about 2 more ps6 will go into pre production,.
No I’m sticking to my guns Sony are gone for me.
I don’t get as much time as I used to gaming wise as well.
Catching up with Switch at the minute playing Splatoon 3 when I get the time. Being honest enjoying it more than I thought I would.
I do sometimes get the hump that we have not moved fully new generation yet.
I’m old school when a new generation meant a new generation.
But, the world has changed from long ago, and the cost of making these massive AAA games must be staggering and it’s all about return on investment and business.
Because Sony want's to make a profit on It's AAA games , just PS5 Sales won't cut it at the moment.With 100 Million PS4 user base , they have a good chance of achieving that.
Give it another couple of years, where the PS5 user base increases and the PS4 user base shrinks, then there will be that tipping point for developers to indentify and go PS5 only !
Just pre-ordered this
In this case Ragnarok should get a pass because development began almost the second GOW2018 wrapped up.
It was always a PS4 game first and foremost. The PS5 version is the port. Not the PS4 version.
But Sony should have been more clear with the messaging.
I agree but not Ragnarok or Forbidden West’s case.
Those games entered development in 2018 and 2017 respectively. They were always primarily PS4 games, with the PS5 versions being significantly enhanced ports.
Now if Spider-Man 2 releases on PS4 I’m going to be pissed to a certain extent. That game didn’t enter full scale development until Rift Apart was finished. So the game should be designed for the PS5 first and foremost.
Which is to be expected considering when those games started development.
The PS5 internal design wasn’t even finalized in 2018 when Forbidden West, GOWR, and GT7 entered active development.
They were always PS4 games first and foremost.
Not just the money but the time scale.
Back when I was a kid in the 90s, the average AAA game took about a year to a year and a half to complete. Some took more but that was fairly uncommon.
Now the average is 3 and a half years. With some games like FW taking almost five years to finish.
Considering that the 8th generation and 9th generation are the first series of consoles to run the same architecture for the most part, cross Gen, despite its problems, makes a lot of sense from both a financial and time investment standpoint.
@OrtadragoonX And that was 2-3 years away from the PS5 releasing. Second Son started a PS4 game right after inFamous 2 was done, and that was about as far from the PS4 as finishing GoW was, and I also came out much closer to the start of the PS4. Ragnorok could have easily been developed with the PS5 in mind and Sony deliberately made it seem like it was. You can develop with next gen in mind without the console being out yet, or even finalized like Sucker Punch did.
It does but the current dynamics of console hardware make this line more blurred than it was in the past.
From a logic standpoint, the PS5 and PS4 (as well as all the Xboxes) are basically the same. The only difference is the performance of each machine. Much like the PC market.
Development for multiple x86 machines, even for drastically different performance levels, is much easier than it was in the past where from console to console you saw complete changes in the logic.
That’s true but considering that this is the first console generation where both the previous and current consoles are on the same basic logic (x86 to x86 versus Cell POWER PC to x86) it made a lot of sense just to develop it for both platforms. It’s a pretty small investment compared to prior cross gen attempts.
Basically they treat these games like PC game development. From a financial standpoint it makes sense even if it does hold back the game’s potential to a certain degree.
Plus we can’t ignore just how scalable current game engines are. For the first three years it honestly makes too much financial sense to release the game solely on the newer platform.
But that should be coming to an end. I’m disappointed with Hults’ statement the other day about extending PS4 active support to 2025.
I’m hoping that applies mostly to multiplayer games and not the upcoming single player games like Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine. He did say “on a case by case” basis but considering Sony’s current communication problems we don’t know what that really means.
@__jamiie i have no clue wat you’re talkin about??? You know they make games for PS5 using PS5 tech, then cut back for a PS4 version right? We have never had games stop being made for previous gen on the day next gen comes out. Yes Ragnorok is as good as it could be. If they made it in 6 years time for PS5 yes it’d look better. Compare a game from 2 years in to PS4 life to say The Last of Us 2 and there’s a big difference. Nothing to do with them making games for PS3. Take Returnal, a great looking game an PS5 exclusive. Uncharted 4, Ghost of Tsushima, both PS4 games an both are more visually impressive on PS5 than Returnal. The best looking game to date imo is The Last of Us Part 1, a PS3 game!!
@stvevan ummm, no. No it doesn’t. 🤦♂️🤦♂️
@TrickyDicky99 so you think they make anew game using PS4 tech, then remaster it for PS5? No, they don’t. They use PS5 tech, then make cut backs. Name me a PS5 exclusive that is more visually impressive than Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted 4 an The Last of Us Part 1?
@OmegaStriver see my above comments.
@TrickyDicky99 how??? They use PS5 tech fo make a PS5 game. What exactly do you mean by game design? You want bigger games? This has never been complained about in past gens. No one moaned that PS1 held PS2 back, PS2 held PS3 back an so on. Sony have approx 120 million PS4 customers. About 22 million PS5 customers. Lets assume everyone who owns a PS5 owned a PS4, so that’s still approx 98 million PS4 customers. Would be rather silly to abandon them at the mo.
@OrtadragoonX The issue I don’t see how scalable GoW design is. Let me explain, all the rubble and elevators in the first one were to let the game load. The games entire design philosophy and levels were made around the limits of the PS4’s HDD.
During the PS5 presentation, Mark Cerny talked about the SSD fundamentally opening up game design because all of those rubble such loading spots would be gone, and areas could be more open.
The first game my mind went to was God of War, I got really excited about how much it would benefit from the SSD. Then Sony made it look like a PS5 only game using the SSD, then when it wasn’t I was so disappointed.
That the longer explanation of why I don’t give it a pass. I’m glad you’re still looking forward to it, but Sony switcharoo killed the hype for me sadly.
@sjbsixpack Read my above comment to directly see how PS4 would hold back game design. It’s all over the first GoW, the PS4’s limitations the PS5 does not have.
Future Game design goals (such as advanced AI routines) was held back by the Jaguar CPU in the PS4 and Xbone. It was an underpowered ultra book processor and it plagued the 8th generation. We saw a big graphics bump from the 8th generation of consoles, but we didn’t see much of a fundamentally different approach to gameplay and design from the 7th generation because the PS4 and Xbone’s CPUs were actually weaker in some ways than the 360 and PS3’s CPUs.
What the 9th generation brings is two things that could fundamentally advance game design. The return of high wattage desktop class CPU cores and the new SSD paradigm.
What’s holding these consoles back from a game design upgrade is the fact that most games are developed for relatively old PC builds as well as supporting the Xbox One and PS4, which had gimped CPUs plus slow pokey harddrives and low data bandwidth.
If you remember Cerny gave a presentation about how so many games are designed with “loading corridors” to compensate for the reduced bandwidth of the PS4, XBO, and older PC builds. With the high data bandwidth, CPU grunt, and super fast SSDs of the newer platforms you could technically make those go away. But developers haven’t because of the need for the game to run acceptably on the 8th Gen consoles and older PC builds. We haven’t seen a real advancement in enemy AI. And game worlds haven’t become more dense with interactive objects. All because of the need to support older hardware.
It’s not really about graphical fidelity. That’s not what the prior poster is talking about. That can be scaled easily. What is much harder to scale is fundamental game design.
Oh I agree. Sony misled everyone about these games.
But I’m still pretty convinced that Santa Monica always intended for the game to be built for PS4 first and foremost.
We were always going to have the loading corridors for GOWR. Most early games (first three years of a consoles life) don’t really take full advantage of a console’s capabilities.
With PS4 I’d argue that we didn’t get to see what that architecture could really do until Uncharted 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn released. They blew the doors off of all of the previous exclusives released from 2013-early 2016.
@__jamiie yep I'm a fanboy because I'm not crying that this game can be played by millions more playstation owners get a grip you baby
@__jamiie 'Were PS3 players crying when the PS4 launched? No. We accepted the fact there was a brand new, powerful console that we needed if we wanted to play the new gen games' you guys clearly have no clue about technology if you think PS3 → PS4 is anywhere near comparable to PS4 → PS5
@Uromastryx yep people are so ignorant that the Nintendo switch held doom eternal , dying light etc back 🤡
From a complexity standpoint it was arguably a worse transition.
Dropping PS3 fast was the right thing to do. Programmers have a hard enough job. Asking them to code millions of lines of code for both x86 and POWER would have been far too much for most studios. High level language works but it does require translation as the lower layers. Usually works on its own but coders often have to go back in and fix errors. And those errors can number in the thousands.
That’s not the case with the PS5 versus the PS4. Logic is basically identical between the two.
But I take a middle view on this because they have a point. The PS4 does hold the PS5 back in several fundamental ways. Namely the need to support sluggish harddrives (meaning loading corridors and limiting the amount of large data that can be loaded in at one time), poor bandwidth, and most significantly a very weak CPU that limits what you can do with the enemy AI, interactivity, and object density.
So I’m in the middle on this. I believe that we are approaching the point where the PS4 needs to be dropped. If it was up to me, I would mark Ragnarok as the final PS4 first party single player title. All future single player games should be PS5 only. So that developers can actually stretch its legs and implement new gameplay ideas.
@BoldAndBrash Well I don't know about you, but I buy games based on whether its a good game - not on whether the company who owns the console wanted to maximise sales in a time of economic troubles. But then I do own a PS5.
Different situation. The Switch conversions would be better compared to Street Fighter Alpha 2 on SNES. The games were developed for far more powerful hardware but through creative workarounds they managed to port it to significantly weaker hardware.
And neither conversion was done by the original developers so it didn’t increase their work load and force changes in gameplay during original development. Instead outside studios found ways to port such games to the Switch without altering the gameplay loop too much.
@Jaz007 your comment is wrong. The PS5 version has nothing to do with the PS4 version. They make the game using PS5 tech for PS5. They don’t make the game for PS4 then boost it a bit for PS5. Like i already said but you fail to respond the best looking, best designed PS5 games are TLOU Part 1, Ghost of Tsushima, Demon’s Souls, Uncharted 4, Ratchet an Clank. Only one of those is PS5 exclusive, the orhers are on PS4 an even PS3. Answer my question, did PS1 hold PS2 back?
@OrtadragoonX but they make 2 versions, PS4 an PS5. The PS4 version is the same game but with lower quality visuals, lower fps, lesser enemy ai, etc. look at The Last of Us remake, the world is much denser, more interactive objects, plaster an wood flying off walls as guns are fires, enemy ai is much improved. In the PS4 version say you’re fighting 20 enemies, only 5 enemies are active at any one time, the others are loaded as ya focus on them. In the remake all 20 enemies are active simultaneously an can woork together to flank you, get behind you, cover each other, making it much more realistic. It’s the same principal. If The Last of Us was a new game and came out today you’d have the PS4 version as it is an the PS5 version as it is.
@TrickyDicky99 yeah, i get wat ya saying. My point is they make PS5 versions using PS5 tech. A lot seem to think they make a new game using PS4 tech then basically remaster it for PS5 meaning the game is held back due to tech limitations. They don’t. They make the PS5 game using all the mod cons a PS5 game can perform. The only thing that hold PS5 games back is technology and dev expertise. In 6 years or so games will look and play better. Games that come out in the run up to PS6 release will be pretty much the best a PS5 can do.
@TrickyDicky99 for example, say The Last of Us was a new game, due out next week on both PS4 an PS5. The PS4 version would be the PS4 remastered version available now, the PS5 version would be the remake version available now. No way could you say the PS4 version of TLOU held back the PS5 version.
I honestly cant fathom out what the problems are here..the ps4 had a lot of the ps3 games remastered (uncharted trilogy,dark souls,gta v,skyrim etc) and everybody was happy as hell..it wasnt really until hzd,gow and red dead redemption 2 that the ps4 showed what it was capable of..i can remember a time when there were coin ops like space harrier,outrun and afterburner and what did we have to use to play those at home? A spectrum 48k or a c64 and we (the people ancient enough anyway) were well chuffed we could play them. So i guess my point is we have never had it so damn good as console gamers but we are still moaning about cross gen games..come on guys you could still be using a spectrum..
@Northern_munkey I think there's just an oddly high amount of people who just dislike sony/playstation who post here, usually hiding behind the 'I like all systems but..' excuse.
Hard to understand the mentality. I mean I don't feel the need to visit the sites of things that I aren't interested in. And certainly not post my disinterest.
@Balosi good lord its almost a pandemic in itself..i personally thought £450 for the ps5 was a damn good deal for the tech..hell even if it goes up to £480 its still bloody good value but £70+ for the games? I'm not down with that at all..this month i'm buying pga2k23,modern warfare 2 and gotham nights which is the only native ps5 game..next month god of war and i have not paid more than £59 for each of them..i'm happy with that.
@Northern_munkey I can 'kind' of understand the increase, inflation etc, the people making the games need increasing wages just like the rest of us. Not that I agree inflation is a healthy ideal,bbut its one we live in.
That said, I'm on the lower end of the income bracket and rarely buy games day 1, so the argument has passed me by a bit.
@Balosi yeah i can understand it too..everything is increasing in price..but at least with games i can shop around..not everything else is that easy to do at the moment 👍
@freddquadros Oh definitely a day 1 buy for me. I may even pre-order it depending on my finances.
@BoldAndBrash The 'held back by cross-gen' narrative really needs to put in perspective. This is a sequel to the 2018 game coming out just 4 years later, it was always going to be built on the engine of the previous PS4 game. With that as a foundation there is very little that can't be scaled graphically between the two SKU's and as we already know the broad gameplay loop already there is very little that could be added that wouldn't work on a PS4 either, this isn't a new game built from the ground up.
Even so they don't have to behave the same on both systems. Look at something like Miles Morales where on PS4 you have a loading screen to enter and exit buildings yet on PS5 you seamlessly fly through a vent and websling through the city.
@__jamiie jesus , you need to get out more , thank god there is a block button here , i wonder how long it will take you to realize i won't see your response if you do respond lol
@twitchtvpat Yet you feel the need to respond?!?!? 🤣🤣🤣
@mariomaster96 every game goes gold before release, the whole definition of "going gold" means the game is completed and ready for release.
If a game didn't go gold, it would never be released
@Northern_munkey if the price is the same i go digital. All £70 games i buy physical, you can get them from £50-£60.
@Yusuo "means that the game is completed"
Tell that Cyberpunk, BF2042, Fallout 76 etc
@Would_you_kindly No need for name calling. People with money have invested in a PS5's with the "promise" that Sony believes in generations when they obviously believe in what every other company does believe in, making money. People are allowed to feel fooled by Sonys statements regarding the PS5.
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