A new PS Plus Essential monthly update has arrived, bringing with it three brand new PS5, PS4 games for subscribers to download and play. Available now across Europe and rolling out to the USA throughout the day, members can claim Hot Wheels Unleashed (PS5, PS4), Injustice 2 (PS4), and SUPERHOT (PS4). They're available until 31st October 2022.
In a Push Square poll conducted over the weekend, 32 per cent of you voted to say "it's a crap selection" for the month of October 2022. Normality resumes, it appears. A fair number of users think it's either an okay list or fairly good, so some are satisfied at least. Hot Wheels Unleashed is what you're most excited to play, taking 31 per cent of the vote.
For more information on what you can get out of your PS Plus subscription, check out our All PS Plus Games guide. Is this a decent month for the service in your opinion? Get redeeming and share your thoughts in the comment below.
Comments 31
Nothing wrong with this selection at all.
Compare this with the rubbish MS gives in its 'games with gold' equivalent and no one could deny that Sony's offering are definitely superior.
Extra vs Game Pass is the real comparison and not so easily picked!
This month all gd ,haven't tried any of them before ,I'll add them all to library and try them all at some stage.
@Titntin I very much agree. Extra v Game Pass is the one that matters in my mind when it comes to value from the sub services.
@Titntin I have one in mind who would happily deny it
@Kairu oh that would be fun! Feel free to add me anyone who fancies a race. My PSN is Boucho11
I bought Hot Wheels when it first released and really enjoyed it. The only reason I haven't played it recently is because I'm getting lazy and can't be bothered to get up and change discs so this will be a good opportunity for me to download it and start playing again
My aim is to get the Delorean from Back to the Future as I never quite managed it the first time around
Edit : as an added bonus I can now trade my physical copy in and put the cash towards something else
So much this - I'm getting old, and getting up and searching for discs is no longer fun
That's why I bought mine digitally - I really enjoyed hot wheels, especially once you are further into it and get the better designed tracks...
It's not so much having to search for them, it's just the effort of getting up and changing them.
I think I've been spoilt by Xbox Game Pass because obviously everything is download on there and you can seamlessly switch from Game to game
@Member_the_game I hear you. COPD and a back condition mean I've been digital for years on all platforms. If I stand up, its because I need tea!
Just me who thinks it’s a decent selection then….
“Can’t be bothered to get up and change discs!”
That made me laugh mate.
We’re all so bloody lazy nowadays. Sometimes I feel like playing a game but as it’s not in my PS5 already I give it a miss! lol
What's the reason Sony doesn't announce the line up for Essentials and Extras together? Wouldn't that display the higher value of Extra much better and therefor might influence only Essential subscriber to upgrade to Extra?
@naruball 😂😂
@naruball only 1?
Hot Wheels is a really good game - just the right balance of physics and fun. Anyone expecting another Mario-kart-clone will be the only ones disappointed. Might try the others when I get some spare time.
Removed - trolling/baiting
I never got this naming plus thing. It is worse that Microsoft's consoles names. I always get confused. Would, I don't know, Tier 1, 2, 3 etc. work better?
In any case I always wanted to try Hot Wheels so I guess it is about time.
Injustice 2 is a good game, got it on release date, played it a lot, very fun for both casual and competitive gaming, however I still don't get the art direction. Some characters, especially some female ones, look off, for a lack of a better word.
To be honest though I don't have time to play online these days. If they weren't the cloud saves, which I use a lot, I would have stopped my plus subscription.
@Member_the_game Glad to hear I am not the only one too lazy to change my discs out that just ends up playing something else
Removed - flaming/arguing
I do it all the time, I'll be playing one of my ps plus games and I'll quite fancy a game of Gran Turismo but as it means having to get up, 9 times out of 10 I just don't bother and end up switching it off instead
@Hurblyburbly sometimes if a game is on sale that I already have, I get tempted to buy it for that very reason. First world problems….
Hey, I felt he personally attacked and clearly trolled, I responded in kind. Your right though, I should not have done so as a moderator has had to remove both comments and I shouldn't be generating that work for them - sorry guys.
Of course people can clearly discuss different ideas here and nobody expects a consensus of opinion, but to put that you wouldn't 'lower yourself to play the games on offer here' is clearly trolling, but I should not have responded. Slow day.
For the record, though I do think this is a good selection, I would also not rate it more than 7/10 either, but I think that's a good rating!
... and the 'shorts' comment was supposed to elicit laughter rather than be nasty. Obviously ill judged
I tried the Hot Wheels trial. It was OK I guess. May download that again. I like Superhot. Not bothered about Injustice though.
I'm ready for Hot Wheels!!!!!!
I'm going to see if I can multitask and play on both my systems simultaneously... Ready for some SuperhotWheels!
@tomassi just tried HWU myself, glad I didn't buy it back in the day as pretty underwhelmed. even if you ignore the crass 'lucky boxes' thing the gameplay is just a bit meh tbh.
i tried it, have uninstalled it. no harm done. superhot is fun though.
@Titntin i don’t even know what happened , or saw your response , but it was no shade towards you . i was dissing the weak selection of games in my opinion
So, I like the Hot Wheels game, but it feels kind of...slow? Not in framerate or anything, but seems like should be about 15-20% faster. It's competent enough, and I kind of like the drift mechanic. I appreciate the "freebie" because I may have been disappointed with a purchase of this.
@Gamer_Guy yeah I thought Hot Wheels would be really good fun but that trial was the definition of 'meh'. Maybe now I haven't got a time limit hanging over me I'll feel different though?
Can't claim them because the service is undergoing maintenance apparently
Thanks for letting us know that they're out! I'll download Hot Wheels soon enough.
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