Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently trending at the top of the official PS5 sub-Reddit as fans continue to hope Rockstar Games will throw them a bone with a PS5 patch. Nearly 6,000 users have handed the post an upvote, which notes how the company's share price has dramatically increased, how many employees it has on staff, and how much its parent company Take-Two is worth in general. User Jazzlike-Note3111 is essentially asking: with all this money and staff, why can't Red Dead Redemption 2 get a PS5 patch?
At the moment, when played on a PS5 via backwards compatibility, the game runs at a locked 30 frames-per-second at a 1920x2160p resolution, which is exactly the same as what the PS4 Pro version can put out. While the Xbox Series X version runs it at the same frame rate, it enjoys a native 4K output (3840x2160p). Therefore, PlayStation players have the inferior version.
The problem is it's unlikely Rockstar Games will ever grant the community's wish. The developer has already confirmed it's all hands on deck with Grand Theft Auto 6 and doesn't plan on updating Red Dead Online in any meaningful way henceforth, never mind the single player offering. Fans of the multiplayer mode went so far as to host an in-game funeral for the abandoned online portion. Therefore, the chances of a PS5 update to implement 60fps support seem slim. Still, fans will continue to voice their wishes in the hope one day Rockstar Games will listen.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 44
If they did create a PS5 patch, they would sell it to us as a new game as they did with GTA 5.
I don't understand how the Xbox version is superior. Aren't 2160p and 4K the same thing?
@Atreus97 It’s 1920x2160p on PS5, but 3840x2160p on Xbox.
Even more than others, they are all about the money. Online games to push Microtransactions and engagement, cash-in “remasters” with as little spent as possible…don’t expect them to do anything to earn goodwill but little immediate cash. It’s not what their Directors and shareholders are interested in.
Hang on. What's that I see !? Is it... pigs flying ??
I hope the people who want this get their wish. I just (finally) finished the PS4 version on PS5. Game still looks and plays great, even with no patch.
@Atreus97 as @LiamCroft says its half resolution on the horizontal axis on PS4 Pro, so it's noticably less sharp when playing but yeah the article is a little misleading saying 2160p which would just mean 4K
As good as Rockstar are at making games their support of these new consoles is so poor, both PS5 and Series X would easily be able to run this at 60fps, perhaps not 4K but certainly 1440p
I earned thousands of gold. Millions in money and all pointless as there's nothing to spend it on. So given up and moved on. I briefly looked in to see the Halloween pass was a rehash. Such a shame and waste.
Here's a story about how Rock$tar operate, and how there won't be a 4K60 patch for the PS5 without paying.
GTA V still has long load screens even when playing on a Series X or PS5. But why, I asked myself as I waited, this isn't the PS3 era any more.
And then I realised. It was obvious - the loading screens were billboards to sell you more "content". That's why it didn't instantly load the game. They wanted me to buy more digital content. They needed me and everyone else to see these lame little bits of overpriced DLC for this decade old game, and go buy them with an unreasonably high amount of real world money.
Because that is their business model.
RDR2 got abandonded as soon as they realised it wasn't generating as much revenue as GTA5 and never would. Chances are they're only making a GTA6 because the income from GTA5 has either plateau'd or is slumping so they only invested in a new one to get it to rise again. Otherwise - and you know this is true - they'd happily have kept it running for another 10 years with that same 720p30 thing and by now very dated version of the Rockstar Advanced Gaming Engine underneath.
Post-Hauser brothers Rockstar as run by Take-Two is just a shell of itself now. The golden age is long gone.
I miss PS3 era Rockstar
If this was PS2/PS3 era Rockstar i'd say its probably reasonable to ask. But this is post GTA5 Rockstar. Absolutely no chance.
I'd urge caution not to get carried away on the hype train for GTA6. I am currently thoroughly unconvinced it will live up to the hype - particularly given the exodus of talent since RDR2
@Westernwolf4 It's noticeably blurrier than the One X version due to the checkerboarding. I have both versions and have played both - the One X/Series X version is noticeably better.
Same with The Witcher 3 actually. Plays like crap on the PS4/PS5 - locked to 30fps, poorer visual fidelity in general, horrendous input lag. One X version is 4K60, responsive controls and in fact the places where it used to drop below 60FPS (Novigrad for example) on the One X it's rock solid on the Series X, I'm guessing because it's no longer CPU limited. Those AMD Jaguar processors of the previous gen were glorified laptop CPUs after all.
@zekepliskin there is no checkerboarding, its just half resolution on the horizontal axis, if anything checkerboarding would have made it look better
@carlos82 There is checkboarding. Go watch the Digital Foundry two part tech review from release time. It's most noticeable on trees and hair I think they said, and zoom in to demonstrate. Almost all PS4 Pro era games used checkerboarding in some way shape or form to approximate a 4K image.
It's just really sad how many old 360/One games have been patched to take advantage of the hardware on the Series consoles, and how many PS4 ones haven't on the PS5. And don't get me started on the fact you can't play PS3 titles natively...
I too have moved on. Just from Rockstar. The handling of RDR2 and it’s online has been awful. And with the main founder and writer having moved on too I can’t see myself getting interested in much going forward.
@zekepliskin they did but I don't recall many only doing it on one axis and if I'm wrong on that then fair enough.
I do agree that it looks significantly worse on PS4 Pro than One X and actually it looks worse from an image quality standpoint then Sony's first party games using checkerboarding
@zekepliskin You are giving the Hauser's too much credit and blaming take 2.
The greed started well before any of them left.
@solocapers well yeah you're not wrong, just that them both leaving was the final nail and a good signpost of the actual end of an era, finally.
Move on with your life and play something else. I'll never understand gamers that get so stuck on one or two games and whine when it isn't getting support 4 plus years later.
@Rob_230 Yep,let's not forget the tight fisted Take-two that shuffled off the classic GTA Trilogy to be "remastered" by the hacks known as Grove Street Games,(& cheapened out on renewing several of the OG music featured in them!😔).
Never did hear if the patches made it mostly playable on ps4!
Nevermind the rumoured stories of the backlash over their lazy efforts reportedly then saw Red Dead Redemption or GTA IV ports get abandoned!🙄
But yep it hurts we're unlikely to see RDR/Undead Nightmare be natively playable on PS platforms.
It's a gosh darn shame. I still fire up Red Dead Online now and again just to chill out in that beautiful map.
Quite the shame this will never get a next-gen patch. I still need to play it but I shouldn't hold out hope for a next gen upgrade.
@Deadlyblack This is what I was doing as well, in addition to waiting for a RDR1 remake/remaster.
However it's clear they have truly abandoned the RDR series for now, to focus on the next GTA game.
I’m not playing this game in 30fps at 1920x1080. I know I’m missing a masterpiece but I prefer to wait or jump into RDR3 PERIOD.
I'm still holding out to play this game at 60fps. My backlog is big enough so I'm in no rush. If not via a patch or a native PS5 version, then on PC when I eventually build one. If Ubisoft can patch AC Origins, Odyssey and The Crew 2, and Sony can patch all of their titles from the late PS4 gen, and Techland can patch Dying Light from 2015, then there's no good reason Rockstar couldn't do the same for RDR2 which sold better than any of the aforementioned titles. The same can be said for Activision and their Crash and Spyro titles, especially CTR Nitro-Fueled.
@zekepliskin To be fair, as someone who LOVES RDR2, It's probably my 3rd favorite PS4 game behind AC: Origins and Days Gone. But I'm also an idiot who bought GTAV 4 times. To be fair, one of those was as a gift, but still. And in a way, if I had a product that literally just printed money for me, I would probably prop that up a whole bunch, too. It sucks for those of us that just want AAA companies to make really good games, but I also get it.
I never finished RDR2 on PS4 because it was just so slow. I would add my voice to the chorus here. Would love a 60FPS patch. I only bought the game at launch. Not like I haven't supported Rockstar over the years or anything.
@GamesVanDerBeek well yeah but just this one time they could do a free patch. But they won't reward loyal fans like that when they know they can make money from them again. They used to make really good games, it's just sad that for a couple of devs doing a couple of days work both the PS5 and Series X could have 4K60 versions of RDR2
Just give up on this company doing anything that doesn't serve their bottom line. They've become the embodiment of the companies they used to lampoon in their games.
I am still waiting as well. It's a shame Rockstar doesn,t give a *****
I used to be so sure this would get a PS5 version. Of all the games, this one deserved it. But of course, GTA Online ruins everything. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the next GTA SP isn't as good because they rely on online.
I was hoping for a PS4 pro patch for GTA 5 for the longest time didn't happen though lol
@zekepliskin at least the Witcher 3 is getting next gen upgrade meanwhile nobody no matter what console will be playing RDR2 at 60 unless they get a pc.
@Jaz007 it won't be as good even anyway because houser left
Considering the Xbox One X runs RDR2 at a native 4K or close to it then I don't see how they couldn't do it 4K 60 on the PS5 and Series X at least using the exact same settings. Series S might be a different story though.
@PegasusActual93 the One X does have a 6tflop GPU and comparing to PS4 Pro version then you're talking about doubling the resolution and doubling the framerate for 4K60FPS. I mean they could probably get closer than the 1440p I suggested on the Series X and PS5 and definitely make it look better than the PS4 Pro version
@carlos82 Because they refused to use a middleware engine and instead cobbled together a proprietary engine from the ancient midnight club Los Angeles engine and it's so old it doesnt play nice with modern tools which is why they had to rebuild the entire game for current gen.
@Jaz007 If the next Cyberpunk has multiplayer then Take Two might as well go to Microsoft and resume the buyout Activision interrupted showing up hat in hand after hilariously stupid Google turned them down.
I would 100% buy a ps5 version. Not played it yet and am holding out in hope.
I’m sure some will tell me I’m part of the whole remaster problem but if I’m being honest, I don’t really care - I’d just love to play a “proper” ps5 version of rdr2
@zekepliskin only one of the brothers left
Is it bad I haven't played this game yet because I was holding off for a 4k/60fps patch?
Sometimes we don’t just get everything we want and just have to accept the things we do. When I was a kid we didn’t even have consoles and computer games were frequently bugged, uncompletable or broken with no incoming patch or update in sight so we just shrugged and moved on to something else. Yes, I’d love a native PS5 version of RDR2 even though I know I’d be compelled to spend hours hunting squirrels, woodpeckers and all manner of easily damaged carcasses until my eyes were literally bleeding and my brain slowly spinning inside my skull but if Rockstar don’t release one I’ll just have to move on or make do with replaying the original. But I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it or feel compelled to troll the developers and issue contracts on their heads. So I’ll just be content with what I do get. After all you can’t always get what you want but if you try sometimes you might just find you get what you need!
@Robocod I have the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition and yes, the patches did fix those games. I've already completed GTA 3 and Vice City with no issues. Currently playing through GTA San Andreas and that also has zero issues.
@Acurisur Thx for the reply!👍 What little I'd heard of later patches related to the Switch performance, so was curious about ps4🤔....do own the "ps2 classics" versions which were the older mobile versions,but if I found a cheap physical or something might dip my toe in if only for future ps5 compatibility....still annoys about the soundtracks but meh,its Take-two, nothing new there!
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