There are still PS4 games that need a PS5 patch. In this PS5 guide, we're going to list some of our favourite PS4 games that haven't yet been optimised for PS5, meaning that either their frame rate is stuck at 30, or their resolution is in need of enhancement.
To be clear, a lot of PS4 games have been updated to run better on PS5. Check out the following guide for a list of PS4 games that take advantage of the PS5's Game Boost function:

And for more information on PS5 Backwards Compatibility, be sure to check out these guides: PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS4 Games on PlayStation 5? and PS5 Backwards Compatibility: All PS4 Games That Don't Work.
But yes, we're here to highlight titles that could do with a boost of their own, allowing them to run better than ever on Sony's current-gen console. We consider most of the games on this list to be top-tier PS4 titles, and so it's a real shame that they haven't been updated.
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- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- 1080p
Let's start with the obvious, shall we? Bloodborne is a certified PS4 classic, and quite frankly, it's a damned disgrace that it still hasn't been updated for PS5. Rumours of a remaster or even a remake have been doing the rounds for years, but honestly, a relatively simple 60fps patch would suit us fine. Now listen, we know that Bloodborne has some weird frame rate issues — problems that mean simply uncapping the frame rate isn't an option — but modders have already found ways around this. It would take a bit of effort, then, but come on — Bloodborne at 60fps would be a dream come true.
LittleBigPlanet 3
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- 1080p
While you could argue that the rather good Sackboy: A Big Adventure largely fills the LittleBigPlanet-shaped hole on PS5, it would still be nice to have the expansive platformer fully updated on Sony's newest system. Even today, LittleBigPlanet 3 has a lot to offer in terms of user-made content, and being able to explore such a rich tapestry of levels at a higher frame rate would make it all much more appealing. A resolution boost wouldn't go amiss, either.
Alien: Isolation
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- 1080p
A fan-favourite horror experience on PS4, Alien: Isolation can still be an incredibly tense affair — but the whole thing would be that much more horrifying at 60fps. As with just about every game on this list, an improved frame rate would mean more responsive gameplay, and having extra control over Isolation's terrified protagonist would be a huge help during the title's hairier moments.
Concrete Genie
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- Up to 1440p
Concrete Genie is an overlooked PS4 exclusive. While it's unlikely to blow anyone's socks off, it's a lovingly crafted adventure bolstered by a fair amount of whimsy and wonder. It looks lovely as well — its magical graffiti popping against realistic environments. Quite frankly, this is a game that deserves another shot, and a solid PS5 update could be the catalyst. All of those neon monsters would really pop at 60fps, don't you think?
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- Up to 1440p
What a shame it is that Spyro: Reignited Trilogy doesn't run at a silky 60 on PS5. This collection of gorgeous remasters deserves the improved performance, because they're pretty much perfect otherwise. There's no question that the original Spyro games are absolute classics, but the work that went into the Reignited Trilogy shouldn't be ignored, and we should really be enjoying these lovingly crafted revivals in their best possible form.
Fallout 4
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- Up to 1440p
The biggest problem with Fallout 4 on PS4? That often dreadful frame rate. The game's busiest areas can tank performance on last-gen hardware, but playing through the open world title on PS5 actually removes a lot of the drops. It's a good start, but uncapping the frame rate would be a welcome next step, assuming, of course, that the PS4 version of Fallout 4 can hit the hallowed 60 in the first place. It could also make the sometimes sluggish combat feel much more responsive.
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- 1080p
This is a bit of a strange inclusion, but bear with us. DriveClub was (and maybe still is) one of the best racers on PS4, but it was retired long before its time. The game was delisted from the PlayStation Store in 2019 and its multiplayer servers were abandoned in 2020 — but what a joy it would be to get back behind the wheel on PS5, even if it was just for a couple of sessions. Deserving of a 60fps upgrade, but out of all the games on our list, this dream update is the most unlikely.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- Up to 1440p
A best-in-class remaster of a superb RPG, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age has it all. Vastly improved visuals and excellent gameplay tweaks make for one of our favourite Final Fantasy titles of the last decade — but it's a real shame that it's still capped at 30 frames-per-second. Obviously Final Fantasy XII isn't some fast-paced action game that needs a higher frame rate, but silky performance is just about the only thing that this near perfect re-release is missing.
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
- Frame rate
- 60fps
- Resolution
- 1080p
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection hits a rock solid 60fps on PS5 (hooray!) but that 1080p resolution is a bit of a kicker. Granted, the first two Uncharted games don't look particularly amazing these days, but nice resolution boost would still work wonders on a good 4K display. Ultimately, these are three classic PlayStation titles, and having them right up to speed on PS5 would be cool.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- Dynamic 2160p
Action games are always better at 60fps. There's just no getting around that fact. And while Shadow of War isn't quite Devil May Cry, it still feels far too sluggish capped at 30fps. The game itself proved divisive at launch in 2017 (mostly because of its microtransactions, later removed entirely) but we'd argue that there's still a fantastic and addictive gameplay loop here, revolving around the all-important 'Nemesis System'. The bottom line is that beheading orcs will never not be fun — and that fun could easily be amplified with a PS5 patch.
Until Dawn
- Frame rate
- 60fps target
- Resolution
- 1080p
Another game that was often let down by poor performance on PS4, Until Dawn is a memorably camp horror title. The game can still be great fun to play through with a group of friends, but as a cinematic experience here in the current console generation, its dodgy frame rate and 1080p resolution leave a lot to be desired. A boost in both departments would be a welcome upgrade.
Watch Dogs 2
- Frame rate
- Capped at 30
- Resolution
- Up to 1800p
Let's face it: Watch Dogs Legion isn't that good. We think Watch Dogs 2 is still the best entry in Ubisoft's hacking series, and so it's a shame that this colourful open world outing is capped at 30fps. A return to San Fran would be on the cards if the game was patched on PS5, purely because pissing around with NPCs is so much fun.
Comments 130
Is Until Dawn really needing a patch? I thought it runs fine with 60 fps on PS5.
Is this a list for me, or a list for devs? There’s not much I can do about these games not having 60fps.
As much as I love Persona 5 Royal I don't think it needs 60fps (but it would ofc be welcome). Persona 5 Strikers on the other side only runs at 1080p60fps on PS5 if I remember correctly, that game would be nice in 4K60fps
edit: 1440p60fps it seems, but still not 4K
Red Dead 2 definitely needs 60fps. I booted it up on the PS5 the other day, but it now feels desperately sluggish compared to the likes of the patched HZD and Days Gone
Also patch in the faster item pick-up from Red Dead Online.
Great list and I agree with most picks. I have to add that Grid works way better on PS5. The stutter that irritated me to no end on PS4 is gone.
Red Dead 2 for sure but you know Rockstar, they’ll treat us to a $60 remaster and we’ll lap it up 😂🐴🤠
The Ezio Collection would also be nice
I wouldn’t even worry about it. Focus on the new and stop trying to make the wrong size piece fit in the wrong sized hole. Time to move forwards cos it won’t be long till that gen isn’t even having games released onto it anymore. It’s already the past
Two Point Hospital in 4k would be nice. Then I won't have to zoom in so often to see the wacky patient symptoms & Freddie Mercury clones.
I hope we will be having the same conversation about which games deserve to be ported to PSVR2 in about a year or so.
DriveClub ist still one of the most beautiful racing games of all time.
I’m still impressed how they managed to realise these graphics on PS4 and even so early in that generation.
Unfortunate a PS4 Pro or Ps5 Patch won’t happen.
I honestly didn't know some of these games were capped at 30fps, played through Concrete Genie & the Spyro Reignited Trilogy a few months back, the frame-rate seemed smooth to me, but I recently went back and played Bloodborne, and yeah I can see now why it really does need a 60fps patch.
The Crew 2 desperately needs a 60/120fps update. Please!
I was about to start playing some of these next as i’m slowly getting through my backlog.
Games like Alien, AC Origins and Bloodborne being capped at 30fps is really putting me off
I'm not sure how much point there is in patching most of these games. 99% of the people interested in playing them already have done, and for those who haven't, they were great when they released. I'd prefer development effort went to new games.
A game called Visage residing in my small enough wishlist I’d like to see get it too.
Does seem to be an element of 'moon on a stick' going on here - if there's no PS5 patch at the moment, it probably means the devs are busy on something else or it's difficult to rework the rendering engine to give 60fps 4K visuals.
Just out of interest, how do some of these work on the PS4 Pro in Boost mode? Thinking mainly titles that haven't been patched like Driveclub (R.I.P. Evolution) Though how much noise you get from that is down to how lucky or not you've been with the old beastie.
@SZRT_CIC_Ice YES to the Crew 2 needing 60fps and HDR
Red Dead 2 needs it the most, and unfortunately may have the least chance of getting it
Also would like all Watch Dogs games and all Fallout games 60fps. And Far Cry New Dawn
I’ve been meaning to try LBP3 on the PS5. I had to stop playing it because the load times were just so ridiculously long.
Uh Until Dawn doesn't have that bad of frame rate and it really doesn't need much of an upgrade since it's all about being an interactive movie.
Bloodborne should just get a new release with polish, Driveclub could be even more brilliant at 60 FPS the game looks stunning already, Yakuza sounds brilliant. Turnbased games getting a 60 FPS please let the developers use their time in a better way.
@Slippship I agree. Watch dogs 2 was pants with annoying and stupid characters.
The Crew 2 is still being updated seasonally, is surprisingly active, but to my knowledge there are no plans to make it 60fps on PS5, which is mad because it's all the Twitter replies on their account ever talk about.
This is REALLY minor and is never going to happen, but I would kill for a 120 FPS patch on Project Diva Future Tone (and maybe some other rhythm games like DJ Maxx Respect).
Concerning DriveClub it would be great if they just brought back the DLC at the very least on PS4
Crash Team Racing, DriveClub, Watch Dogs 2.
RDR would have been included, but I hardly played it, fittingly, due in large part because of how sluggish the game played ...
Would love to see 120fps modes for some of these (Bloodborne and Driveclub) (I realise this would require a native PS5 app)
Good list. In my opinion it's absolutely nonsensical that many developers of games in the 'PS+ Collection' - which are included for any PS Plus subscribers with a PS5 - did not push out a performance patch. I got my PS5, downloaded the Crash trilogy, Bloodbourne Persona 5, The Last Guardian and Until Dawn and was bitterly disappointed at how unimpressive they look/run considering the PS5's power.
Crash Team Racing
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Last Guardian
I would love for the other games on the list to be patched as well, but I believe these 3 are most deserving.
"Look, we're probably never getting a sequel to Sleeping Dogs, and that absolutely sucks. But wouldn't it lessen the pain knowing that we could play Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition at 60fps on PS5?"
No it wouldn't. I still feel a twinge of sadness every time I see that game on a shop shelf
Are we sure bloodborne is 1080p? It dosnt look like it sometimes so maybe its adaptive? There are sections when it looks like its dropping the res or maybe its the really ***** frame pacing..i dont know..the uncharted games look great as they are..increasing the resolution would require the textures to be upped to and i think it would look really odd..
Shadow of the Colossus needs adding to this list. I'd be happy with Sony updating their 1st party games to be honest.
Got my hands on a PS5 at last in the middle of playing RDR2. 60fps would be nice, but for now I’m just pleased with improved loading times.
Several of these games got a free upgrade already on the PS5. The better hardware now holds a stable frame rate when it definitely didn't before. e.g. Until Dawn, Dying Light etc.
@Gremio108 I feel your pain. Some of the most fun I had on the PS3 (and then also PS4). Loved the Hong Kong setting and story.
Uhhhh I LOVED Driveclub! It was treated pretty badly imo would love a 60fps patch for that and Alien Isolation / AC Origins
@Perturbator I hope they are already working on PSVR2 ports now. So we have some games to play at launch. I didn’t mind Skyrim being ported for VR. Was great.
Would wet the bed if they ever ported GTA, RDR2, and RE8 for psvr 2 at launch. Throw in some Half Life Alyx to top it off. They would probably double their PSVR2 sales just with these titles alone.
GTA 5 should've got a PS4 pro patch that just increases the frame rate , Fallout 4 & Skyrim both look & play like PS3 games on my PS4 pro also I much preferred watch dogs 1 over watch dogs 2 the characters were just really unlikeable & 1 had a better story in my opinion
Red dead 2 100% needs a patch. Sleeping dogs I’ve literally restarted this week so would definitely be welcome. And alien isolation is just great, 60fps would make it amazing. Sleeping dogs is so much fun though, just a proper ps5 patch to run better would be nice. The lag can get in the way at times
Its sad to think inquisition is 1080p 30 fps
@PaperAlien drive club deserved better. Most complete and fun racing game I’d played in ages. Bikes was bloody tough though
@Slippship I found watch dogs 2 really grating. The characters were so forced ‘cool’ that it was cringe to me. Legion isn’t great, but neither is 2 lol.
@Slippship yeah I’ll agree with that, I ain’t finished bloodline yet, but its not bad at all
Snowrunner, Snowrunner, Snowrunner!
@tameshiyaku Same here. Had no expectations at all going in, ended up playing to platinum and never got bored.
I'd love a RDR2 60fps patch. At the moment though, Red Dead Online does play a lot better on PS5 (no frame dips in towns) and loads up much faster.
I've always been frames>res The worst thing about last gen was the 30 fps standard. This gen is looking like everything is going to target 4k with low settings. I'd much rather have 1080/High/60 than the current 4k/Low/60 or Dynamic/High/30 options that are becoming standard.
I don't think Bloodborne is ever getting that 60fps upgrade...which is a shame.
@MasterEMFG Yeah there's so much potential with the hybrid games plan Sony was talking about. Nothing would make me happier than if most new games had an option to play in VR. Well, games where it makes sense at least.
GTAV, Alyx, RE8 and GT7 - can't think of a more hard hitting launch lineup!
Asssassin's Creed Syndicate needs a patch more than Origins, as is one of the gamest that has big compatibility issues on the PS5, with lighting issues all over the place.
@Luigia I am not ashamed to say I would be all over it. I love Red Dead and starved for a slice of 60 frames goodness.
@Perturbator did you play RE7 in VR? Still one of the better VR games I’ve played. I own a PC HMD as well and it still stands up to PCVR.
Just took me a year to get through it. Because I could only play at night and not the kind of game that should be played before trying to sleep. Haha
@MasterEMFG Yeah RE7 in VR is just amazing. I sold my PS4 and PSVR earlier this year, but I finished RE7 on madhouse difficulty before I did.
It's the kind of game I really wanted to show when introducing friends to VR, but unfortunately the smooth turning and free locomotion made some of them sick, so I had to turn to Rush of Blood and SuperHot instead!
Gravity Rush 2 needs it badly
@Alan_cartridge_ I hear you Alan 👍🏻
Ok I know this game gets a lot of well deserved criticism, but I’m gonna add Fallout 76 to this list.
I don’t see how they can have the gall to have the cash shop be open in that game but not provide the best experience possible.
I would also love to see old games getting a psvr2 treatment. I would love to revisit, ancient Egypt (origins), Gotham City (arkham knight), the world of read dead redemption 2 in VR. Actually there are too many worlds I would love to revisit ....
@Gremio108 same here, one of my first PS3 platinums. John Woo's stranglehold was also a really good game with a similar setting. Gameplay was more like Max Payne though.
In fact what we REALLY need is a patched Red Dead Redemption 2 , with a massive expansion that recreates the original Red Dead Redemption in the RDR2 map and engine, plus perhaps a few missions to knit together the two games. Would be phenomenal.
Some of these are just plain weird, like ff12 ? The remaster is already vastly better and runs fine.
These posts just to drum up interaction and ad revenue are so obvious and yet here I am posting lol.
What a stupid list, games from 2014 that no one is playing, a game from a shut down Sony studio, a indie game that flopped, a controversial FF game, a cinematic game that dosnt benefit from high fps, a Fallout game with outdated engine that will break if pushed any further, and Spyro ?!!!.... i mean LOL
Bloodborne and Dying light are good games that are still played today, those make sense.
Nice wishlist, hopefully some of these end up happening.
The Last Guardian may run unpatched at 60FPS, but only for limited time! Quite early in the game there's a game breaking bug on PS5.. even with reddit threads couldn't worked my way around so 30FPS only guys.
Quite a few of these run at 60fps on Xbox Series X/S already and they have much more running at 60fps than PS5 which makes you wonder wtf are Sony up too.
Are they just going to keep remastering everything making everyone buy the same games again as I bet that's why Bloodborne hasn't been patched yet.
Ubisoft have been alright with patching their games compared to others that just don't care (looking at you WB) but some info on what's upcoming would be nice.
Persona 5 and Royal really should get the 60fps love as they are amazing games and there are still people starting to find out about them and 30fps just isn't doing them justice on the PS5.
Truth is that Sony is slacking compared to the competition and it is annoying me that much to the point that I now purchase multi platform games only on my XSX and just use my PS5 for the exclusives.
I do agree with some of these games definitely need a 60 FPS upgrade but there are some I disagree that doesn’t need a 60 FPS upgrade. it still baffles me why some people are obsessed with playing every game at 60fps some games don’t need it because slow paced games doesn’t need 60 FPS and I’m totally fine with 30 FPS when it comes to track racing games they definitely need to be 60fps because I am heartbroken that crash team racing is 30 FPS. Beenox should have focused on running the game at 60 FPS on PS4 other than that it’s actually locked at 30 FPS on My PS5. And The motion blur is not that bad on my 4K TV. But I would honestly say some of these games on this list needs a Serious resolution upgrade up to 4K that’s all I really want. Does anyone agree with me?
@Barryburton97 I agree that RDR2 needs a ps5/xsx patch to increase the fps cap to 60 and to tweak whatever other graphical benefits they can squeeze out.
The item pickup animation will never be changed thought. It's intentional just like all the other so-called time consuming "tedious" animations in singleplayer. Everything is supposed to take time because Rockstar intended it to be a cowboy simulator lite. Walking, running, shooting etc is all designed to be as realistic as possible while not making it too unfun like with dying to one bullet.
I can't see them changing the loot animation because it would open the door to fans demanding everything else get changed to make it more like online / make it more arcadey.
Bottom line is the Singleplayer experience is intentional, long animations and all.
@Commander91_YT Uh. Not sure why you would care about 60fps options being added to games you do not think need it. Adding the 60fps target will not impact you as you don't care. So why would you wish it not to happen or disagree with people? Why does it affect you?
Seems weird to try and gatekeep what updates come to games just because you don't think they need a fps cap change...
@Z390 I don't get why people like you post trying to gatekeep updates. It literally doesn't affect you if the games get fps cap increases.
Take issue with the article all you like but trying to dictate which games may or may not be better with a fps change is ludicrous.
Regarding Fallout 4, you are showing your own ignorance by trying to make the claim the creation engine struggling at 30fps.the Fallout 4 version of the creation engine for 1 is not subject to the same issues that befall the previous iterations. It can run above 60fps with no major issues other than some UI problems that are fixed with mods.
For console they would only be targeting 60fps so the aforementioned above 60fps issues are irrelevant anyway.
For PS5 and XSX, a 60fps cap would be the fps the max fps the game is designed to run at. There would be no issues and it wouldn't break anything.
Maybe you should do your research before claiming Fallout 4 can't run at 60fps lol.
Actually I do care about 60 FPS when it comes to fast-paced games They definitely need to be upgraded to 60fps but games like RDR2 does not need a 60fps upgrade because it's not a fast-paced game So 30fps is the ideal frame rate I can see you replying to many people In this comment section because it's clear to me you are addicted to 60fps And trying to shut everyone else down when they mention 30fps Which is truly Sad if you want to play every single game at 60 FPS go play your games on PC for all I care leave 30fps console games alone You've had your fun bullying other people who mentioned 30fps so get off of push square permanently and never come back.
Sleeping Dogs at 1% of the votes, that makes me sad
@SZRT_CIC_Ice The Crew 2 is getting a 60 FPS update in July.
Edit: Didn’t realize this was a bump of an older article so you probably already know that.
Jeez, I am hoping RDR2 is on the new PS+. I almost bought it on the weekend sale.
I'd love an improved Detroit become human, crash team racing and driveclub
@WizzNL this , basically . i wish the ps5 just auto-enhanced the games to 60fps and all the other stuff . even though it’s not dedicated HDR , the ps5 still shows ps4 games in HDR .
@nomither6 It can't auto enhance games what have a 30cap because the cap is a lock what only the Devs of said game have the keys for. Any uncapped game will be 60 though and any game with problems with just 30fps will be a locked 30 on PS5.
Bloodborne and RDR2 are my wishlist along with Arkham Knight and AC Unity.
Of all the games on this list, I'd love to see PS5 versions of Bloodborne, BATMAN: Arkham Knight and ALIEN: Isolation.
Stuff like persona I think is fine the way it is. The games I'd like to see get upgrades are Bloodborne (faster loading more than anything, 60fps would also be welcome), The Last Guardian could use the help with the Frame drops, gravity rush 2 as well but also greater draw distance for that one.
Red Dead Redemption 2 would be cool if they really went for it instead of Rockstars more recent next gen upgrades...
Crash & Fallout + Microsoft = Forget it! Did you forget about Senua?
@WallyWest so xbox needed a key too for old 360 games that run better on the series ??
I can't believe you missed Shadow of the Colossus:(
I feel that a bloodborne update would interfere with ps plans for a ps5 bloodborne remake, ala demon's souls. Why boost the framerate and resolution, for free, when you can charge $69.99 for it.
For anyone who also has a series X the following from the list run at 60fps with FPS Boost
I have a few of these in my PS4 library but am thinking of buying them again on Xbox if I can find the right deal
THEONE19 wrote:
Agreed and also Dishonored, Prey and many other classics
Arkham Knight would look incredible with an PS5 resolution patch/upgrade. Persona 5/Royal/Strikers deserve an upgrade. Atlus could offer an $10 upgrade to PS5 Royal for P5R users and $20 or $25 for P5 users to upgrade to the PS5 Royal. But, we all know they’d package a new edition out. On that note, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim PS5 patch/upgrade would be great. Other games I’d want: 1. Bloodborne | 2. Mass Effect Legendary Edition | 3. AC Origins | 4. Nier Replicant/Automata | 5. Final Fantasy XV (I enjoy this game despite the story flaws) | 6. Infamous Second Son/First Light. That’s all I can think of on the top of my head that a patch/upgrade (preferably upgrade) would be fantastic.
@THEONE19 the shadow of the colossus remake runs with 60 fps and a framerate above 1080p. I think it’s fine and there are games that need a further patch more as shadow of the colossus.
I wouldn't hold my breath with red dead as rockstar only seem interested in online these days. I don't think we will see gta 6 for many years yet. Maybe even next gen.
@themightyant the watch dogs series is one of the worst I have ever played.
Let's face it Rockstar would sell an RDR2 upgrade and never gave us a Pro patch for GTAV. As pointed out by @themightyant several of these have FPS boost on Xbox but I do feel Alien Isolation really needs an update to its AA solution as well, its kind of weird how the Switch version is often the best looking on consoles
Several of these games actually got a next gen patch on XSX, including fallout 4, the yakuza games and AC origins. Fallout 4 for obvious reasons, the yakuza games just released that way on xbox (60fps instead of 30fps), AC origins is the weirdest case here as there’s no reason for ps5 not to get the patch.
The worst thing about fallout 4 is fallout 4..horrible game..assassins creed origins,drive club and bloodborne are the essential games that need a ps5 boost..
@Reeneman it has two modes 1080p 60fps and 1440p 30fps. 1080p on a 4K screen is really blurry. a 4K 60fps patch or 1440p 120fps would be awesome.
I doubt Spyro and Arkham Knight will ever have a 60fps mode.
Spyro has movements and physics attached to framerate. On PC you can unlock it and Spyro jumps slower and sometimes slides on the ground.
Arkham Knight streaming was based on 30fps cap. On PC it was a horrible mess, and even after many patches, it still stutters like hell on high framerates.
Absolutely Fallout 4, RDR2 and Watch_dogs 2 need 60fps updates/graphical upgrades
Only RDR2 and I am happy.
1. Bloodborne
2. Bloodborne
3. Bloodborne
A number of these games have 60fps on Xbox Series Consoles due to the FPS boost - Sony needs to implement something like this
I think calling Dragon Age Inquistion a 'great rpg' is a bit of a stretch...
@CWill97 Some great recommendations, but worth pointing out that Mass Effect Legendary Edition already runs at 60fps / dynamic 4K on PS5. So glad BioWare included that support!
I know it's coming at some point, but I really just want The Witcher 3 to be at 60fps. I still haven't played it yet, and I've been dying to. Having a hard time not starting it, I've had it installed on the PS5 for months now 😭
@nomither6 MS had to get permission and do the work themselves, also most 360 games had unlocked framerates and no not all 360 games had this feature and in fact most don't.
A locked framerate means it can't go over the set number, only way to officially play Bloodborne at 60fps would be if Sony or From updated it with a patch.
@Darylb88 The framerate boost for locked games or older games is just a patch MS made themselves, its not special tech what makes every old game run at 60fps. It took them years just to get Fallout 3 for instance at 60fps. The framerate boost is mostly for unlocked games what the PS5 itself can do it just leaves out the fancy name.
No. Please focus on new games and spend less time tweaking old games. Thanks!
I bought and enjoyed DriveClub... But it's really time to move on now.
@WallyWest oh , ok , but what’s the point of locking frame rates though ? it seems unnecessary??
Bloodborne really should have one, but maybe Sony are up to something. Red dead redemption is owned by RS so they are probably trying to figure how to make money from one. They're the 2 games I think really deserve a 60fps upgrade.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate needs a patch to just run properly on the PS5 at all. I had to buy it on Xbox - it has no issues running on the Series X. It is still unplayable on PS5, sadly. But seems that Ubisoft just doesn't care.
@SZRT_CIC_Ice @get2sammyb It’s coming this summer. The developers already announced it along with other graphics tweaks. I got the game on sale but decided to not play it until it gets that 60fps update.
Games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or AC Origins can do with a PS5 patch.
But Bloodborne needs (and deserves) a proper Remaster.
@WallyWest But the fact is most of these games can't hit 60fps on PS5 because the framerate is locked.
Shadow of the Colossus on PS5 could use an update too to sort out the blurry / buggy textures - 4K at 60FPS would also be amazing.
@skaarj217 I thought about playing that again, and AC Unity. What's the problem with Syndicate on PS5? And does Unity run OK does anyone know? I heard the Xbox version of Unity runs really well.
@Barryburton97 I still don't know if I can tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps.
@Apfelschteiner it's very noticeable if you can flip between the two modes in the same game. For example, you can do it in Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4 pro and PS5) and Forbidden West, , Shadow of the Tomb Raider , and Spider-man & Miles Morales (PS5, not sure about PS4 or pro). In loads of others as well. 60fps is much more responsive, 30fps feels painfully slow in comparison.
However I actually often have trouble telling the difference in quality /resolution mode, so just tend to stick with the higher FPS modes. In Forbidden West you need a microscope to notice the benefit of the higher resolution mode, but 60fps is a literal game changer.
@Barryburton97 Maybe I'll have to fire up one of those, thanks. For me 30 fps solid will always be better than 60 fps when it's really choppy.
@tomassi AC Syndicate has severe flickering textures issues on PS5, to the degree that the game is almost unplayable because looking at it will make your eyes burn. This is the same bug that used to plague the game running on a PS4 Pro, but they made a patch for it. I believe that making 'the same' patch for PS5 is a no-brainer, but Ubi doesn't care about this game for some reason. They even removed it from the Store on PS5.
Last time I played it, I had to play it on PS4, even though I already had a PS5.
AC Unity is fully playable and has no issues on PS5.
@skaarj217 thats a shame, I quite liked Syndicate back in the day but never completed it (same with most AC games). I heard Unity runs really well on Xbox so, hopefully, if the same can be said for PS I'll give that a go instead.
Resolution is something I’m in general fine with but the 39 Fps cap hurts in some games.
For most of those games, a native ps5 wouldnt be necessary, a ps4 pro patch would do wonders.
That PS5 version of Persona5 Royal better be a free upgrade.
I've already upgraded from P5 to P5R, so really don't want to put my hand in my pocket again.
(Btw I have a feeling it won't be a free upgrade)
Are you kidding me with persona 5? This ps3 (!) Game ran super smooth and pixel perfect on my psrpro and also loaded instantly. They should utilize their money and workforce for a new game instead.
Persona 5 Royal really doesn't need a PS5 patch.
I mean, it's getting a PS5 version anyway, as you've pointed out - but it's really not all that obvious that it's a 30fps game when you actually play it. For one thing, it's a turn based RPG, rather than being in any way action oriented
There's also really not that much in terms of load times, even.
I'm sure if they threw in a 60fps patch, somebody out there would appreciate it, but to say it needs it is a bit of a stretch. Well, a lot of a stretch
That's what i thought. It ran at a locked 60 in those analysis videos.
I don't hold out any hope for WB to upgrade any of their games to 60fps. Shadow of War is shockingly bad on PS5 but WB don't care as they have washed their hands of it.
How do I put all my three votes on RDR2? 😁
4K 30fps for Persona is fine. I am curious to see what the PS5/Series X/S improvments will be beyond the free dlc.
I didn't play all these games myself.
Where is Assassin's Creed: Syndicate in this list?
Still none for Redemption?! ..damn rockstars must really be sleepin all day
Resident Evil Origins Collection(both REMake and Zero remasters) definitely needs a modern console patch so we can at least play them at 60fps like they should have been from the start of 2015.
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