With the God of War Ragnarok reviews from critics now in, the sequel from Santa Monica Studio is now officially Sony's highest-rated PS5 game so far. With a Metacritic rating of 94, it is also the second-best-rated game of 2022 overall — only Elden Ring has it beat by two points. Compare Kratos' latest adventure to other first-party titles, though, and God of War Ragnarok comes out on top.
Here's how it compares to other PS5 titles out of PlayStation Studios:
- God of War Ragnarok — 94
- Demon's Souls — 92
- The Last of Us: Part I — 88
- Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart — 88
- Horizon Forbidden West — 88
- Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut — 87
- Gran Turismo 7 — 87
- Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection — 87
- Returnal — 86
- Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales — 85
- Astro's Playroom — 83
In our own God of War Ragnarok PS5 review, we awarded the game a rare 10/10 rating and concluded: "God of War Ragnarok is phenomenal. Even amongst PlayStation Studios' typically stellar output it's a showpiece — a masterfully crafted game that smashes expectations at almost every turn." The game launches for PS5, PS4 next week on 9th November 2022, so these incredibly high review scores only make the wait to play more agonising.
[source metacritic.com]
Comments 49
And the hype just keeps increasing
Playstations best game so far?
Not sure why Astro is rated so low… that game was amazing
i thought sammy was gonna do the review since he previewed the game. does not make robert's review any less good though!
@UltimateOtaku91 It's up there, in my humble opinion.
@jdv95 Sammy very graciously let me review it because he's so busy with other things that'll soon become apparent. Was a pleasure to review such an amazing game!
@ShogunRok 2nd time ive seen this 'something coming soon' come on where are the hints?
@stvevan i think he's busy with The calisto protocol.
@jdv95 Review code for that isn't out yet, and I'm doing The Callisto Protocol.
Wait it's a Ps4 game though.... 😎
Well, most of the others listed above are as well. Makes sense in that context for sure, however if we are talking actual PS5 games, Demon Souls still reigns and in all honesty may do so for a while as the cross Gen trend continues to be the lingering friend that won't take a hint and go a way.
That has me THINKING... do we know yet if Spiderman 2 and wolverine are going to also double dip across generations. God I hope NOT! Otherwise potential PS5 native games in the future is looking barren.
Am I forgetting some Announced PS5 only games HERE, that I can't think of off the top of my head? Looking forward to seeing how Forspoken and FF16(only a timed exclusive) turn out though.
Now that's a pantheon of greatness!
@shogunrok @stvevan Sammy working on writing up his experience with GTA 6 before it's surprise March release and also being face scanned by Hideo Kojima before his appearances in Death Stranding 2 and other secret projects 😏
Comparing to the previous generation, PS4 had 7 games, not including remasters, ports, or rereleases, with 90+ metacritic scores:
Persona 5 Royal (it was exclusive at the time)
God of War
The Last of Us Part 2
Uncharted 4
Shadow of the Colossus Remake
and Astrobot's Rescue Mission
Additionally, the earliest of these game release was Bloodborne in 2015, two years after the PS4 launched. If the pattern of releases is retained between generations, Ragnarok may be the real start of this generation.
@koffing agree plus it was free and a lot of fun
It's unsurprising to see it rated so high. Looking forward to seeing if it really is as good as the critics say!
@KundaliniRising333 spiderman 2 and wolverine are PS5 only. I think after gow Ragnarok, the only cross gen titles will just be the live service games.
What score does The Last of Us Part 2 have? 👀
@KaijuKaiser Kratos dies after he farts so hard that he explodes.
@KaijuKaiser Yeah I didn't know rocket raccoon was in this either. Sick.
I think it will be Sony's best game until Cory's game is ready or if ND goes open-world.
@MrMeeeseeeks You could’ve googled this but it has a 93 & is a PS4 game.
No patch or native version for PS5.
Love the gnarly-looking squirrel next to Kratos.
Where the hell is the last of us part two in that list?
Edit. Nvm, it's out of ps5 titles only.
Playing Death’s Door then I’m debating starting God of War (2018) for the first time. If I fall in love with that, I’ll probably buy Ragnarok in December.
Can't wait knew it would be amazing just because god of war 2018 was one of the best games of all time for me but these reviews are getting me even more hyped & the fact that it's cross gen with PS4 means I get to enjoy it day one much to the salty user above me's dismay lol
@koffing completely agree
There are only three ps5 games on that list though, dudes & dudettes. And the best of them is, without any contest, Astro. I've said it. Don't @ me. 😅😂
Well deserved score for sure! I look forward to playing my copy next week.
@Doublecell @Americansamurai1 @JudgeDredd @koffing Astro Bot definitely deserves a better score. If I had the time would replay the game alot.
Off topic but does anyone know why/ how to fix push square forcing desktop mode on android. Desktop in settings is unticked. Its really annoying. 3 days now. All other sites work fine.
@KundaliniRising333 you mean Demon's Souls the PS3 game 😉
Astro's Playroom is rated too low, its still the best game I've played on the PS5
If I remember correctly, 94 was the score of 2018 aswell? Looking forward to playing it next year! Looks like Elden ring will stay on top this year with its crazy 96.
I thought Spider man 2 was PS5 only.
But you got me thinking, when you look at say HFW and GOWR then look at the competition consoles, Switch and Series S/X graphically they can’t touch either of those gross generation games from a PS5 perspective.
So Sony could well go cross generation with Spider man 2 and still by a long way have the best looking console games out there.
Now if the competition from a graphical standard was matching or better than Sonys top games then Sony might go PS5 only, but the competition doesn’t and won’t have at all this generation, even though Sony are producing cross generation games like HFW and GOWR.
Returnal deserved a better score.
@MrMeeeseeeks I believe there has not been a PS5 release its a PS4 game.
Highest rated ps5 game...unless you live in alternate dimension Bizarro world Eurogamer who could only manage a "recommended"...but you could virtually guarantee if it were a Switch or Gamepass exclusive would've gotten an essential without even installing it!🙄😅
Anyway,nice to see Sony Santa Monica haven't lost their touch,& what secret project they're working alongside this given Corey wasn't creative director this time around.
@Sil_Am 100%!!! Returnal was my personal GOTY 2021...
I firmly believe that if the game had included the 'Suspend run' feature from Day #1, this would have leant to better critic reviews...
The DLC and co-op mode is awesome as well. Such an awesome showcase for PS5 capabilities also
Personally, I'd rate Zero Dawn higher than Forbidden West.
I know there are remasters there, but damn sony for me is the best game maker today (Nintendo just doesn't make these kind of high budget games).
@UltimateOtaku91 there are a few, Playstation make the best games. For me The Last of Us 1 an 2 are the best.
N.i.c.e.G.o.a.t of war 🐐 👑.congratulation to sony santa Monica studios.94 as in 1994 nas 🐐 👑 the g.o.a.t.illmatic the greatest rap album ever.word up son
And then the one site out of nowhere slaps a 4/10 on it and drags the whole score down to 93 or 92. Quite silly how the aggregate system gives so much power to one site in cases like this, remembering that laughable single 4/10 that dragged Uncharted 4 down from 94 or 95 to 93.
@Robocod Eurogamer are just Sony exclusive games haters, everyone knows.
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But it is actually a ps4 port, which does not have 4k/60 fps. At $70.
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@UnlimitedSevens "But multiplatform titles on Xbox get a 1 to 2 point boost over their Playstation counterparts pretty consistently on Metacritic it seems."
Noooooooooo you got it wrong, the Xbox versions seem to be higher because they have LESS NUMBER of reviews, that's how the aggregate works. The more the reviews the more likely your score comes down so it's NEVER because the Xbox versions are better or some bias on Metacritic's part, no.
@UnlimitedSevens In most 3rd party cases PlayStation is the lead platform if the games are released at the same time.
More reviews=more opinions.
Some sites are weighted more heavily than others, which counters the click bait score a smaller site might give.
Using your example; Cult of the Lamb:
PS5: 8 reviews, 86 MC
XSX: 6 reviews, 88 MC
NS: 10 reviews, 79 MC
PC: 88 reviews, 82 MC
Unless there are performance issues a higher number of reviews will be a greater indicator of the general consensus. A handful of reviews will usually result in a much higher or lower score.
I suppose that makes sense, having more reviews approaches the "true" average and the score is less affected by outliers. So less reviews equals the scores varying wildly for the same game. Haven't thought about it that way 🤔
Great point. Though, if Xbox has less reviews and therefore more variation in the score, wouldn't you see Xbox underperform the PS version just as often (as the outliers could bring the score either up or down)? Why does it seem Xbox consistently has a one to two point boost? I was typing in random multiplatform games and every one I looked up, the Xbox version scores were equal or higher, never less. But again, I was just randomly looking up games, not exactly scientific. Might be confirmation bias on my part.
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