As per developer Falcom's latest financials report, it looks like the next Ys game — probably titled Ys X — will release before the end of September, 2023. However, it should be noted that this report only refers to the Japanese market — meaning that the West may have to wait a bit longer for a publisher like NIS America to bring the game overseas.
Still, it gives us some idea of how far along Ys X actually is. The title was first teased with debut artwork back in the summer, but Falcom's yet to fully announce the project. We imagine that'll be happening soon.
In the meantime, there's plenty of Ys to go around. The largely excellent Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana is getting a PS5 port in just a few days, and Ys IX: Monstrum Nox is getting a similar re-release in spring 2023. But if you want to play these slick action RPGs right now, both titles are available on PS4 through PS Plus Extra.
What are you hoping for from the next Ys game? Wonder what kind of mess Adol's got himself into this time in the comments section below.
[source falcom.co.jp, via gematsu.com]
Comments 16
Jungle and city, 8 & 9, fun stuff, although 9 is very repetitive, 8 is actually a bit harder than 9. 9 gets you super powers, 8 is exploration and time travel. So for 10 possibly under the ocean, in the sky, desert, snow and ice? Flying maybe?
Love that this series is finally getting consistent attention again. Hope those rumors about the combat style changing are false, though.
Man, would be good for Sony to acquire them and give them a proper modern engine. All Falcom games still look like upscaled Vita ports.
Im far into ys 8.its a amazing game.ys x is welcome.word up son
@Sil_Am I think there’s a certain charm to how their games look.
No heavy enemy scaling this time please.
Let's hope they have improved their graphics this time.
Well add another JRPG to play in 2023. Think my list is up to 8 now!
Only one I've ever played is the prequel with the tower but I forget which one that is called it's been awhile.
I do wonder when we will stop seeing "PS4, PS5" in game release headlines.
I had serious FOMO when it came to PS5 and...well...I really didn't need one. It's a great system, though - loved Demon's Souls remake, Returnal, R&C, and Deathloop.
I felt less so with the Series X because at least legacy games get significant load time reductions (PS5 had some, but not as big of a difference as Series X) as well as benefits like Auto HDR and FPS Boost. Even though it too is still in cross-gen land, I felt there was more benefit to getting a Series X over a PS5.
On topic: I really need to get into the Ys Series. It looks like something up my alley
@Sil_Am We Wouldn't have to wait half a decade to get their games ether.
@playstation1995 I am curious and thinking about digging in this series, starting with the PS5 port of 8.
What would you say are your main positive and negative points of the game so far?
For reference, I was in awe with Dragon Quest XI and finished it twice, but always have had trouble in finishing JRPG like the Tales of games because of the overcomplicated systems , the lacking graphics and sometimes simply the length.
@Olmaz. I got ys 8 lacrimosa of dana couple years ago on my ps4 pro.it plays amazing.the graphics is cool with me.and the story is really surprising good.theres some twist and turns.the only issue i have is when you kill some regular enemies they come back.not the bosses.the bosses in this game is excellent.and the music is really good also.word up son
@GamingFan4Lyf it's just the lack of games with Xbox, that's my only issue. Well, that and the annoying clucky controllers
@Corc11 One could argue the games issue. I mean, Sony and Microsoft get (mostly) the same third-party games. But, yes, Sony does do the higher quality exclusive titles.
Can’t argue with the controller. I know some people who only play the annual COD/Sports titles and they choose PlayStation solely because the controller is more comfortable.
I have been gaming for 35+ years now. A controller is a controller to me. I have no preference. Well, except the Switch. Those Joy Con hurt my hands after a while. I absolutely need a Pro Controller there.
Wow... they really started pumping these out faster.
I would like for them to alternate a bit with Tokyo Xanadu.
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