Sometimes you just want a classic JRPG experience, and One Piece Odyssey looks poised to scratch that itch from 13th January, 2023. While this trailer is an epic 11 minutes in length, we can summarise it in a sentence: this is Dragon Quest with a Straw Hat skin. Okay, that’s a little reductive as there are some fresh ideas on display here – like the gear system which works a little bit like the inventory in Resident Evil 4 – but by and large you’ve played this style of game before.

And that’s by no means a bad thing, because the presentation looks supremely polished and we’re actually enjoying the de-emphasis on grinding due to the Dramatic Scenes mechanic, which adds unique challenges for specific characters during combat. All in all, this is shaping up to be a rock solid game to start the year with, but you won’t need to take our word for it – a free demo is due out on 10th January, so you’ll be able to try it for yourself.
Comments 29
Don't really know much about One Piece, but I think this looks pretty great.
Can I enjoy this without ever watching a single episode?
It looks like a treat for One Piece fans, considering the best we’ve gotten lately are the Warriors games. One of my most anticipated games next year!
Also to those asking. You don’t watch One Piece, you read One Piece.
I've never played, watched or read One Piece but have always been put off by it's length (over 1,000 mange chapters / 1,000 anime episodes) and the main characters EYES! Stuff of nightmares. lol
But agree this does look really good.
Woah this is turn based?
Now I'm super interested even though I never watched One Piece.
I won't be buying as really don't like turn based combat. Also all the other games are trash.
I still need to get world seeker (which I plan to be my first One Piece experience). Just haven’t got time though. And with Harry Potter, Ishin, and PSVR2 on the horizon, I don't know when I will.
Still, definitely looks a great game.
Adventure gameplay is looking a whole lot better than it did on reveal. So glad they're releasing a demo but this is already looking like a purchase as soon as possible now
My only concern is that the writing for not only the main story, but stuff like side quests, might be super generic as a result of an extremely abridged and non canon version of One Piece's story. It happened with the pirate warriors games but those are just musous so I didn't mind it as much. This one looks like a massive rpg almost on par with DQ11
As a JRPG and One piece diehard fan, I'm EATING this January.
Not much of an JRPG-player nor a "One Piece"-connoisseur, but I thought this looked like a quality game right from the first trailer.
Yes, I only say that to show off what a prophet I am. Like I was absolutely right about "Tokyo Ghostwire" becoming a hit nobody had on it's radar... Well...
@themightyant Just the protagonist(?) in the pic above has nightmare fuel eyes. I've heard of this show but never watched it. Love a good JRPG, though.
It genuinely looks fun, but I'll also probably get it because my brother thinks One Piece is the dumbest thing he's ever seen & I want to see the look on his face when he walks in on me playing it, lol.
@themightyant, oh, the main characters should be the least of your worries when it comes to character designs in this series, lol.
It's a fun show, but man, it's hard to take some of these characters seriously during dramatic moments because they look so stupid (like Ivankov or Moria).
All the other One Piece games are trash, or just, like, all videogames in general?
It looks good. I’ve recently picked up the manga again & I’m pretty much at the end of the Wano arc so need something for my one piece fix.
Brook really should’ve been in this game though. I’m not exactly sure where this takes place in the timeline, but given the bounty’s that were shown (Sanji 300mil+) he should’ve been there at this point.
Yeah, if even the basic design of Luffy seems too goofy or weird to you then maybe stay clear of One Piece. He’s the tamest design compared to a lot of other characters…and even then, recent manga revelations have Luffy getting waaay more goofy and the series constantly doubles down on rule of funny over rule of cool.
Which I appreciate, too many Jujutsu Kaisen’s and Demon Slayer’s out there with next to no fun character designs.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Brook is in the game. It’s Jimbei who’s missing, and I agree he should be here.
@Sakisa Oh yeah he is. Completely missed him.
With everyone being an action hack n slash RPG nowadays it's refreshing that a bigger IP is giving traditional turn based gameplay a try again.
@RicebinBernacky Obviously just the One Piece games I actually like the anime. The games are poor and cheaply made.
Really looking forward to this more than the Crisis Core Remaster
Ah yes, another JRPG featuring female characters with ridiculous, and unnecessarily massive breasts for the thirsty fans.
I'll be avoiding this game until I'm caught up with the anime, but thankfully the game should be dirt cheap by then lol.
All this does is make me want to catch up on the anime, I have a solid 80+ episodes to get through now!
Looking at the deluxe version and cosmetics makes me actually consider getting that version now, I want the Soge King outfit for Ussop now 😭
I really like the art style. I don't think ill get the game, as Im not much of jrpg fan anymore, but I may watch some videos of people playing it for a bit.
To be honest, if you sit down and take the time with almost any j/RPG, one usually end up liking it. It's usually the first ten hours that can drag, where many fall away and make up their minds.
i prefer action combat not slow based wait your turn combat lmao sucks ass this is turn based. but ill play it cuz its one piece
@ATaco yeah no lol being slow, wait your turn to be hit by your enemy in turn based is stupid. being able to run around and fight battles fast paced and block/parry/attack in secs action combat is way better and always will be
To each their own. Some of us prefer to have the time to think and plan oout our strategies rather than everything being based on twitch split second reactions.
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