The Game Awards was a bit of a fever dream this year, wasn’t it? The stage invading Bill Clinton nonsense stole the post-show discussion, so it may be easy to forget Christopher Judge’s outrageous award acceptance speech. Having picked up the gong for Best Performance, the actor talked and talked and talked and talked – and then he talked some more. We actually thought the speech may be teeing up some kind of announcement or on-stage stunt it went on so long.
As it happens, Judge just had a lot of people to thank! And, in a tongue in cheek tweet, The Game Awards has pointed out he may have set a new World Record. “The longest awards show acceptance speech in history was actress Greer Garson at the 1942 Oscars. She spoke for 5 minutes 30 seconds. Christopher Judge’s speech at The Game Awards was 7 minutes 59 seconds.”
While it’s clearly become a bit of a gag among enthusiasts, Judge noted that organiser Geoff Keighley had been “nothing but kind” about the situation. “I have taken it all as good fun,” he said. “For those that have been successful in their lives all on their own, congrats. For me it took a village. And I will always be grateful to them.”
Fair play!
[source, via,]
Comments 38
I hope this isn’t a feat people try to replicate/beat at the next awards show…
I must be seeing the future as the time stamp for this article says “Tomorrow 00:00”.
Buy this game boy! 😉
@GravyThief We're all from the future.
It’s nowhere near the longest acceptance speech tough. Hall of fame acceptance speeches can take like an hour for 1 individual.
I’ll never forget Mr T’s WWE HoF speech. He spoke for 22mins, had multiple ‘time to go moments’, mentioned wrestling once & the entire thing was about thanking his mother.
I’m not even joking. Love your mother not only on Mother’s Day folks!
OT: Didn’t care for his speech much either, but I guess he was making up for losing out in 2018😬
@WillMerfi It’s now self-absorption to thank other people?
Needed Judge to make a 50 tweet chain thanking more people lol
** Teal'c
***Christopher Judge
Man was just embracing the moment he worked literal years for. That said I made coffee, took a dump and got a snack to eat in that time 😄
Kratos aka Christopher judge in his mind hes like no one cant stop me from saying what i want to say.word up son
That speech was ridiculous, you could see Geoff didn't like that one bit. Man got a show to run, poor Geoff 😢😹. When they started playing the music to wrap it up, amd the guy just kept going, too funny.
Teal'c, what's with the hair??
@CWill97 I could have listened to him ramble on for another 8 minutes happily. Love the guy.
I'm happy for him. Do you realise how few actors manage to escape their sci-fi typecasting? Most go on to never work again. The fact that there is a whole generation out there who now think of him as Kratos and not Teal'c is a remarkable testament to his talents.
Funnily enough, the last actor I can think of who achieved this is Jason Mamoa AKA Ronon Dex, his counterpart from Stargate Atlantis.
@Truegamer79 Don't need a game boy. Thanks.
@nessisonett when you take that long, yet it is.
Oh come on it's the latest craze! You can play mario in the palm of your hand! Oh crap i forgot. For a second there i thought i was still in 1989. Damn this faulty time traveling phone booth!
Christopher Judge spoke more at the Game Awards than he did in the actual game LOL.
And YES of course I'm joking.
Props to Christopher Judge for being able to talk for that long to a crowd of people, I couldn't handle that kind of pressure, not in front of a crowd, and certainly not for 8 minutes.
Loved the speech. Judge is a man filled with emotions and he's not afraid to show it. In a world where majority of men are told to suck it up and bottle it, Judge is an example to follow. Will never get tired of listening to this dude, he's also very grateful and wholesome.
He's worked DECADES to finally achieve these well-deserved accolades, the award was given to him by Al Pacino, who he clearly admires, & people are griping he enjoyed the moment for less than 8 lousy minutes?! SMH.
@XOF That is both very true and very sad. ''Toxic masculinity'' is telling a talented, humble and very happy man pouring his heart out to shut up.
There is also envy at work here, imo. There are those out there who would rather drag down a winner than to try and reach that podium for themselves.
Glad he is taking the hits in stride. But good lord please never again Mr. Judge! It felt like he was up there for thirty minutes at the time.
All this talk of the, ahem, Guest speaker makes me want to rewatch Stargate SG-1.
I liked it because he let a couple more people win some steam decks.
The guy single handedly made sure 8 people got a steam deck. What a hero!
@LifeGirl Exactly, and all that aside, some people make it look like they were going to solve the mysteries of the universe in those seven minutes that Chris Judge and TGA stole from them lol.
No one on earth should be up their own arse like that. poor old Al Pacino had to stand there that whole time
@tameshiyaku @ATaco my first thought exactly. All about the steam decks. Even Geoff said it on the night.
@donnyPS5 lmaooo Pacino was like any day now!!!!!
@LifeGirl actually life is much more nuanced than that. You can be genuinely happy for someone yet still think they should spend less time accepting their award.
Why does he look like a background character in The Fifth Element?
@nessisonett "It’s now self-absorption to thank other people?"
For 8 minutes it is yes.
There are lots of people who win lots of big awards, and they manage to be gratefull and thank people in a couple of minutes without hogging the microphone for 8 minutes.
Or do you think he alone of all the prize winners had far more people to thank than anyone else? Of course not - he milked it and you know it.
Didnt he tweet afterward that he forgot to thank his wife!? Imagine!!
@KidBoruto on a normal night, 100% agree. But I was too antsy that night to see any game news. He’s great though
@JbumiSandra To be fair he won a measley Keighley award and gave a speech like he'd just won the Academy lifetime achievement award. Kinda feel bad for him, he must have been starved for recognition.
I don't mind though, he's the only reason I play the new GoW trilogy, I really like the old series gameplay and world better than 2018 (haven't played Ragnarok yet), but I loved him as Teal'c and enjoy his Kratos as well.
7 mins 59 secs - that's all? I mean I get it, it's pretty long as acceptance speeches go, but I wouldn't have thought it was world record breaking. I'm pretty sure longer accptance speeches have happened, even on televised award shows. Maybe not the Oscars, but I bet there's evidence out there somewhere if anybody can be bothered to find it
The problem isn't the amount of time he took with his speach, it's the amount of time he took from other people who are also part of the show.
Valve was giving out steam decks per minute so it was a ploy to bankrupt valve 😅 and Judges way of giving back to the fans.
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