Overwatch 2 was released back in October of 2022, and ever since its launch, it seems like the sequel has stumbled from issue to issue. As its second season of content comes to a close, game director Aaron Keller has outlined plans to address community concerns going forward, chief among them the rather shoddy implementation of Ranked mode.
Ranked Mode has been a point of contention ever since it was implemented, and it all has to do with the way Overwatch 2 determines a player's skill. Publicly, players are assigned a tier, from Bronze to Grand Master, but there is actually a hidden rating system determined by their in-game performance, which governs who they would go up against. This means that players would find themselves matched with players of vastly different ranks, even if their actual skills are somewhat comparable, leading to confusion.
Keller acknowledged the issue in a blog post, noting that "the new Ranked mode suffered from poor comprehension. There was confusion around players’ real rank and how that translated to their skill level, difficulty forming groups with friends, and a negative impression of the matchmaker when players of different ranks were put in the same match (even if their skill levels were similar)."
Keller explains that changes will be coming in both Season 3 and Season 4 that are aimed at "creating more clarity in the system." He also discusses balancing, always a point of contention in a competitive hero shooter, and changes to the ultimate refund cost when changing heroes (which will be lowered by 25%).
Are you still keeping up with Overwatch 2? What do you think of the current state of Ranked mode? Bunch above your weight class in the comments section below.
[source overwatch.blizzard.com]
Comments 15
I was about to write, "I think it's time for this game to quietly die off," but I just looked it up, and, apparently, there are still over 100,000 people playing Overwatch 2 at this moment... I had no idea that Overwatch was still this popular. I'm honestly shocked.
I honestly forgot Overwatch existed for a minute there.
What a fall from grace.
game was a trainwreck when it released and has been ever since , it’s literally a half-assed update to a pre-existing and better game made worse . the only single thing this sorry excuse of a sequel did better was slightly update the gameplay engine , every thing else is BAD . Shills didn’t listen when gamers were saying the matchmaking for comp was broken , because the devs are always right until they admit it themselves , that’s even IF THEY DO and they finally did 4 months later .
@Jacko11 it’s really sad , this was a beautiful IP too & all the creative talent that made it happen are long gone and replaced by typical activi$ion fodder .
@B_Lindz It's real easy to forget that the internet echo chamber isn't real life, and the overwhelming majority of people do not follow gaming news at all. For every actual "dead game", there 10 internet proclaimed "dead games" that hundreds of thousands (if not millions) are still playing consistently.
I have not even started it the free to play killed it for me day one.
I’m a big OW player, and to be honest everyone agree on Reddit and in general that the rank mode is a fiasco. They destroyed it and just mention that there is a misunderstanding instead of agreeing it’s a poor concept…
Blizzard craps the bed and blames the players
Yea its a real sh*t show, me and my sister have been struggling to rank up for ages, we get to silver 1 and get matched with gold 1s & 2s
Win 7 games in a row, nothing changes
lose 2 or more games then expect a de-rank to silver 4/5 when it comes round
Its like it doesn't want us to get the gold rank rewards end of season
"It's not dead till they stop making porn of it"
@Perturbator junkerqueen , kiriko & sojourn carrying overwatch right now 😂 the next character is gonna be another female too , now it makes sense ! 😂😂
smart by them then
Played the first week or two when the game released. Dropped it after playing ranked cause I knew something felt off about it. It was horrible, and generally speaking the community for once agreed on it. And yet it took Blizzard till now to acknowledge how terrible it was. But the damage has already been done.
I picked up OW2 and I've been loving it. It's the first competitive multiplayer game to grip me since Rocket League.
Ranked is a lot less fun than QuickPlay however, and the experience of a newcomer getting ranked is utterly miserable. We started off with something like 7 defeats in a row with no idea of the level of our opponents and if the matchmaking was adapting. And you have to play a lot of QuickPlay games to even unlock it.
If the core game hadn't gripped me so much, my friend and I would have noped out of rank before we got our first win - weeks before we could see our actual rank.
The matchmaking problems in this game that I've been hearing from players mirror exactly the problems I've encountered as a heavy Splatoon 3 player. I mean identical. I'm starting to think there's a matchmaking middleware product both games are using that lead to the same exact chaos. (CHAOS!!)
There's just terrible matchmaking in both games where it's VERY VERY clear one player is supposed to be the hero player that's carrying a team of weaker players, and if that player isn't ACTUALLY good enough to carry a team of poor players against an opposing relatively competent team (or 1v1 the similarly assigned super-player on the other team) it ends up in endless miserable losses.
I pretty much cold turkey stopped Splatoon 3 for that very reason. I absolutely LOVE the game, it's the only online series I play, but after endless frustrating poorly match-made rounds, enough is enough, it stops being fun and starts being aggravating. What's worse is not everyone gets the same bad experience. Some players get endlessly assigned as the one that's supposed to carry weak players, others are assigned as the weak players that are to be carried.
Both games have the same "mixed rank but similar skill" matchmaking, as well, which is pointless and makes the rank pointless. If a lousy player makes it up several ranks playing similarly skilled lousy players, and a really good player has to fight a pool of really good players to get to the same rank, there's no actual purpose to the ranks, and you don't actually know what skill level you're playing because it's all invisibly assigned. Someone stuck in mid-ranks may be playing top-ranked players, while someone else coasting through mid-ranks might be playing mostly weak teams. A total mess.
OW2 sounds like they might try to fix it. Splatoon 3....well...it's Nintendo....they fix nothing, they'll just abandon it and Sell us a "fix" in Splatoon 4 on Switch 2.
As a shooting game fan, i wanted to like this game and almost did. I downloaded this for Series X, it’s my preferred controller for shooters. Bought the first battle pass and logged around 20-25 hours into it. I had to win 50 matches before i could join competitive ranked play. Season 2 battle pass i bought and tried to play and the game would crash in game all the time and count as a quit for me. It eventually banned me from competitive play. So i emailed Blizzard support and long story short they said they know of the issue but couldn’t do nothing for me. But told me that it could be my network and to make sure my network is good and to play non competitive matches to test my network before playing in ranked cause they will give me bad results and ban me from that mode. I replied back and told them i have a 400MBPS connection that is hardwired to my PS5 and Series X, i have 40 hours into Call of Duty Online, another 40-50 hours into Halo infinite online, 500 hours of Gears 5 online, and no game drops me 3 out of 5 matches. My response was they are looking into fixes and can’t do nothing for me at this time with my ban and to basically enjoy causal play mode. So i quit OW2 and probably won’t return. I find all that rude to take my money on 2 battle passes and then lock me out cause their network sucks. Throw in the launch of the game and it’s been black eye after black eye from OW2.
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