Ever wanted to quite literally level up your love? Probably not, but the games industry is so vast and eclectic these days, you’ll have the opportunity to do so in Boyfriend Dungeon. Already available on various other platforms – including PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch – it looks like the oddball romance/roguelike is coming to PS5, at least according to a rating in Taiwan.
As spotted by Gematsu, the indie is being primed for release on Sony’s system, and while this isn’t outright confirmation – well, look, it’s usually a pretty strong indication. We imagine an official announcement will follow shortly.
The game itself is fairly well acclaimed, providing a varied combat system and some amusing visual novel elements. “Take your weapon-babes on romantic outings, such as to the club or the beach,” the official press kit reads. “Date up to nine-ish weapons, from dancing swords to heart-piercing daggers.” Don’t mind if we do!
[source gamerating.org.tw, via twitter.com]
Comments 2
Wow, staggering resemblance between 'Sundar' and myself actually.
I might sue for using look my without permission!!
I... like what I'm seeing. Don't judge me.
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