Following the impressive success of Dead Space’s recent remake, EA is eager to know if you’re up for more. As shared on Twitter, the juggernaut publisher is currently conducting market research regarding “similar remakes” for Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3. Both titles originally released on the PS3, in 2011 and 2013 respectively.
We were big fans of the more intense, action oriented approach in Dead Space 2, but its successor’s co-op focus was a bit of a downgrade. As such, we’d be interested in replaying the second entry in glorious PS5 technicolor, but maybe not so much the third title.
One entry that no one’s talking about here is Dead Space Extraction, which was a really good rails-shooter, a bit like House of the Dead. The game originally released on the Nintendo Wii, but was later ported to the PS3 with PS Move support. That one would be particularly immersive with PSVR2, don’t you think?
[source twitter.com]
Comments 62
Well Dead Space 2 would be marvelous, a real classic.
Dead Space 3, well perhaps it could be redone a bit to make it better but it wasn't really a worthy sequel for me anyway.
Perhaps a whole new canon sequel instead?
Definitely remake them I will buy them, I brought Dead Space, DS2 & DS3 for my XSX on BC sometime again now on my XboxOneX. What is considered as a downgrade back when Dead Space 3 come out is still far better than some games today.
I wish all companies listened to their fans and their dev teams more often, so if even EA's doing it, that's great news
They should have just rebooted the series instead of remaking it
Just 2.
3 is not worth it unless you completely change it lol.
After experiencing the quality of the Dead Space remake, I’d be all for remakes of 2 and 3, but I’d much prefer an all new 4th entry instead.
2 yes. Three needs to a whole remake that pretend three didn’t exist. I was actually just talking with a friend about how a very faithful remake of three would be the biggest screw you in gaming of all time lol.
Firstly, I'd absolutely take a remake, in the vein of the first game, for Dead Space 2.
As for the third? Well, having played it through fairly recently, it is not a terrible game, as some would make out. Sure, it sucks to be locked out of some of the areas if you don't play it through in co-op, but ultimately, it is MORE Dead Space, which even when not up to par with the previous entries, is still a good thing.
Personally, I think I would prefer a completely different game for the third in the series. I would take a remake if that is all that is on offer, but would prefer a new game, and particularly one that would easily enable the series to continue to a fourth game and beyond. You just cannot have too much Dead Space...
A big fat YES. Dead Space remake is really good, thoroughly enjoying it. DS2 is one of my favourite games, based on what I can see, these developers would do a stand up job enhancing DS2 for PS5.
It surprises me that DS2 was a failure - I understand it did similar numbers to DS1, but with higher development costs I can see why a company like EA pushed for DS3 to go in the direction it did. It’s strange then, that a decade later, EA seem happy to give the series another shot like this. I suppose in many respects a lot of the work is already done though, so this could be a way for them to get more out of investments they made over a decade ago.
DS3 gets a lot of sh*t, and lot of it is justified. I’d love a remake that makes sweeping changes to large amounts of it - the focus on co-op, changes to the weapon system and of course removal of the microtransactions. But the actual story, including the DLC, is quite interesting. That framework should largely stay.
No, make a new entry. Doesn't anyone want anything new anymore?!
@kyleforrester87 You mean the girl from 2 magically having larger boobs and a really awkward love triangle need to stay? I think the story might be worse than you remember. Maybe some of the lore, but I think the story itself and the writing wasn’t very good.
@Ichiban We need to erase 3. 3 needs to be the new entry. It’s also a bout catching up newcomers for a new third entry.
Definitely 2 as it’s one of my favourite games, a reworked 3 would be great by removing the co op and terrible story but keeping the location
@Jaz007 why not just go straight for a new 2nd entry then?
Also, why do we constantly need to catch up newcomers? If they're interested they should do a little research, its not that hard.
@Jaz007 Obviously I don’t care about the size of her tits, but the aliens on Tau Volantis who froze the planet to stop the convergence and the Brethren Moons, which are straight up really cool, searching for earth. This is what the story was building up to with the markers and “making us whole”, it’s actually really cool in my opinion and I’d be happy for the third game to cover these points again. But yes, it needs to be quite drastically reworked.
Remake Dead Space 2
Reimagine Dead Space 3
Dead space remake 2 is definitely gonna happen.that game is a masterpiece.so its definitely gonna come.word up son
I liked all three Dead Space games but the first was the best. I’d definitely be up for remakes of 2&3.
No! We want a conclusion for isaac!!! Thats what we want EA!!
3 needs a Savior to save that mess. If they remake it it needs to be a survival horror game this time. 2 was the best game in the series it DESERVES one.
Dead Space 3 is the Spider-Man 3 of video games.
I haven't played the Dead Space remake yet but now that Motive has their feet wet I'd prefer they make an all new Dead Space game, whether that's unrelated to the remake or a brand new sequel - I understand that would be difficult to explain, but I'd rather a new game than another remake.
2 is a great game, but I just don't get too excited about playing remakes.
I know folk’s didn’t love 3, but for me, the weapon building made that one a lot of fun. Let me engineer my own limb-severing weapons please!!
They just need to just make a NEW game!
From what I can recall, DS3's biggest mistake was the implementation of mtx. If they stripped that away and reimagined it a little, it'd probably be an OK game.
Like most people a Dead Space 2 remake I could get behind but a Dead Space 3 remake I just wouldn't care about.
I also wouldn't mind them just straight up going in a new direction after the firsts remake. Re-imagine the saga completely.
Remakes for both would be amazing.
Dead Space 3 would need heavier changes, I agree with that, but it's not even close to as bad as people like to say it is. Pretty sure a bunch of the DS3 haters are phony bologna band wagon riders who have never even played it before. It's still a good game, and leagues above something like RE6. If you're whining about the 100% optional and unobtrusive microtransactions, then simply ignore them - problem solved - as again, they are 100% optional and unobtrusive.
I'd be open to a remake of Extraction, 2 & 3....As long as they don't F$#@ up the character models like they did with 1s remake.
Absolutely yes — remake for 2 and a new game for 3. 1 and 2 are brilliant games. The DS1 remake is simply fantastic.
My hope was that the remake was the beginning of a new series of games, that deviate from the brethren moons storyline of the originals. Take it in a different direction guys.
Dead Space 3 needs a total overhaul. Dead Space Extraction should be remastered and released with DS2 remake
Dead Space 2 is the best Dead Space, so i definitely feel a REMAKE is needed to keep it technically up to par with the amazing DS1 remake
However, Dead Space 3 NEEDS a well thought out remake that isn't a 1 to 1 remake. So a reimagining if you will.
Dead space 2 would be an easy one to remake, as the game was pretty awesome as it was and would definitely benefit from a Graphical Upgrade in line with the first one. The 3rd is a different kettle of fish altogether though, it would need a pretty massive overhaul. Getting rid of Coop would actually help and focusing on the loneliness of the planet would make it feel way more horrific. Don’t know what would happen about the story though, it was cool enough, but it might have to go with a lot of reworked areas, kinda like what Capcom are doing with RE4. I still did like the 3rd game in the series, but it was the weakest one. I would imagine how well the 3rd one gets on would be what would potentially lead to a 4th game.
@AnthonyStark86 there are already references to the moons in the remake, but of course there is still plenty of scope to change direction at this point if they want.
@kyleforrester87 it's quite possible that's why they gave the alternate ending, but the moon thing is kinda biggish part of it all so I don't see them removing it, and bring the story in a while new direction, which would be alot of effort and money I just don't see don't see them doing that, also I don't belive DS1 remake met their selling points, so.again possible budget for 2 and 3 remake will be abit more restricted
@kyleforrester87 it's all good, more Dead Space will always be welcome. I just think it would be a missed opportunity, if they didn't choose to deviate a little.
I still don't understand all the hate for the 3rd one. Besides the trophy list being atrocious the game itself I thought was pretty good.
No more remakes. Jesus. Such a cheap methodology to maximize profit.
Perhaps an original idea or at the very least a sequel/reboot.
Either end it with 2 (while including Severed) or scrap 3's narrative entirely and start over.
I'll take DS2 maybe chuck 3 in as a pre order bonus ?
None of them to be honest, since nither really had the same impact that the first Dead Space did.
It would be grand if they could invest all that talent and manpower into creating an entirely new IP.
As much as I like the Dead Space remake, no thanks on remakes of 2 and 3. New games, please...
@Shinnok789 2 absolutely had the same impact that 1 did. It's more recognized than 1 is.
@Ken_Kaniff Universal ammo, human enemies, love triangle, new characters being meatbags to be slaughtered instead of being well developed. All made to be a terrible dead space title.
@AnthonyStark86 100%!
the general consensus is yet to 2, no to 3.
A Dead Space 3 remake that puts in line with the first two, removes the MTX BS and gives the series a proper ending would be pretty sweet.
Remake 2, reinvent 3.
DS:Extraction on PSVR 2 would get me interested in getting one.
Also, remaster the second one and create a completely new DS 3 game. Unless they're going to make Dead Space 2 really scary.
Dead Space 2 yes please. Throw Dead Space 3 out the air lock and completely rewrite and remake it lol.
I hope I'm not being too greedy but I want Mass Effect quality level remasters of the trilogy along with remakes of 2&3, I think I'm being very reasonable 🙂
Dead Space 2 is fine as it is and doesn't need a remake. Only older games who were far more restricted by hardware at the time needs a remake.
@Ichiban because 2 is a great game already; it would make people mad if they treated like DS3 should be treated.. And research? Really? We want to play the games. Expecting people to look up let’s plays is stupid.
This is resurrecting a dead series that was killed by a horrible third entry 2 generations later.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, that wasn’t a dig at you, Just at how poorly it was told. I haven’t gotten that far in three yet, but the characters and how the existing being lore is as being used just was pretty bad from what I saw.
On a fundamental level, they made some of the worse use of the characters they could (which I think the boob size and love triangle exemplifies perfectly.)
I wouldn’t mind some of those beats being kept, but everything in between needs to be gutted. As my reaction was being horrified, but now the way a horror game out to horrify me lol. I am glad to see there some broader points to appreciate about 3 though.
Dead Space 3 was amazing until it got planetside. The large, open zero-G part was one of my favorite sequences in the entire series. I’d welcome remakes for all three as long as we get #4 and a true ending.
I'll take an all new Dead Space. I'm over remakes. Thanks.
Heaven forbid they develop a new IP...
Definitely want dead space 2 remake, but maybe make a new one for the third entry since the 3rd game isn't as good as the 1st and 2nd one.
Dead Space 2? Fine. But drop the ridiculous price point the first remake got.
Dead Space 3? Nope. That game was terrible. Pretend it didn't happen and make a brand new one instead then.
Probably not 3, people seem to have a bad memory. Saves me the hassle
Yes on 2. I would only play a remake of 3 if they dropped co-op and made it more like Dead Space and less like Mass Effect.
@Nepp67 Be that as it may. Me and my friend had a good time running through it.
Dead Space 2 & 3 remakes are highly likely at this point. I'd definitely pay full price if I could, but will be waiting for the game to hit $20 new or free with PS+.
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