Sony managed to ship an impressive 7.1 million PS5 consoles in the quarter ending 31st December, showcasing an enormous improvement in hardware availability. In the same period a year prior, it was only able to supply 3.9 million units, so it almost doubled stock availability. It’s since promised that the new-gen console will be much easier to find throughout 2023.
This means that, as of 31st December, the firm had shipped 32.1 million consoles. Speaking during a CES presentation earlier in the year, group president Jim Ryan announced that the company had surpassed 30 million units sold to consumers, so this statistic tracks with that. It means that the PS5 has now outsold the SEGA Genesis, and will soon surpass the Nintendo 64’s lifetime tally.
Obviously, the manufacturer has much higher ambitions than this, though, and is currently flooding the market with hardware. There are also rumours that a revamped, more easily manufacturable, PS5 hardware revision will launch later this year, as it looks to solidify the system’s status in the market. Expect this coming calendar year to be gigantic for the new-gen console.
[source sony.com]
Comments 24
Wouldn't consider myself a fanboy lol or some other derogatory term but glad Sony is around as there'd be either nothing to play or would have to put up with endless mario Zelda and Pokémon games glad they are also taking risks and moving things forward with the psvr2
@KaijuKaiser @JP80 I also have to agree when it comes to Zelda - the only good game in the series is BoTW and that's just "good" rather than any of the other accolades people give it. I think people will be very disappointed with the new game as expectations seem to be unrealistic all round.
I do love Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Metroid and most other Nintendo franchises though. The truth is that without either Sony or Nintendo the gaming world would be losing something very special (and I have a soft spot for the Xbox too of course ).
More on topic - it's great to see the PS5 doing so well.
@KaijuKaiser Couldn't disagree more. It's my favourite series. But plenty of room for other views.
I think what I love most about Zelda games is there is a real pure joy in all of them. From big things like the joy of exploration, to little things like jumping across stepping stones in a pond and you get a reward. No one said you would, it just does it, it rewards doing fun things. The games are filled with lots of little moments like this.
There's a real childlike quality to them all that I love, like Pixar, which I think transcends ages and demographics. That doesn't mean it's for everyone either, nothing is, but I understand why it's beloved by many.
May 12th can't come soon enough for me, have booked time off work. For everyone else there will be plenty to play.
Hopefully with the numbers of consoles growing rapidly, we can leave the PS4 generation behind! Don’t get me wrong, it’s been absolutely brilliant and definitely one of the best generations for amazing games, but I would really like to see what the PS5 is capable of without having to be constrained by the last generation. I would expect that Spider-Man 2 is going to look absolutely brilliant, but the more the developers get used with programming solely for the PS5, I can envisage some absolutely amazing looking titles to come!
I l💖ve the sega genesis.yo i miss the 1990s.its good that ps5 is back on track.word up son
My PS4 launch broke during the pandemic, I couldn't obtain a new Pro or a PS5 at the time, so I bought a slim. Then I bought an OLED Switch and somehow, despite the graphical limitations, it's become my most played console. Really enjoying all the retro games and it tends to do well with older ports like Dragon's Dogma. I'm not a big fan of Zelda myself, but PS5 just hasn't compelled me back to PlayStation yet.
@JP80. I agree with you.growing up i was never a huge Nintendo fan.my favorite Nintendo games are river city ransom and mike tyson punch out.but here in queens new york was sega genesis nation.almost everyone had a sega genesis and it was a legendary system.but i was a sony PlayStation 1 fan since day 1 in September 9.1995.i was never into zelda or mario like that.i had a sony walkman so i was already familiar with sony.when i found out they are making a video game console.i was really happy and my friends was also.i was a day 1 ps1 fan.and im still a PlayStation fan.playstation is the g.o.a.t 🐐 word up son
Weird how certain commentators can't just be happy for Sony's achievements without feeling the need to drag the competition. Be glad where we live in a world of so much choice in gaming.
@playstation1995 last console I owned was the GameCube from Nintendo that had some great games like resi4 and metroid prime series and have owned the original Xbox and the 360 but gaming tastes have changed..Sony aren't perfect I don't rate their TVs for example lol but their games have me covered
I’m a life long Sony fan (my first Sony product was a CD Walkman, got a PS1 shortly after that) but weirdly enough I only recently bought my first Sony branded TV.
I’ve owned Sony everything (my grandparents were big Sony audio fans) for my needs since I was a kid but I never owned a TV from them.
I’m absolutely loving this X90K. I was originally going for an OLED LG G2 but the X90K had a really good sale price at Best Buy. It’s a great set and it pairs perfectly with my PS5.
I still can't believe I got one as quick as I did! So stoked for other people to get their hands on this goodness.
@Rob3008 Detractors can say what they want, but it's telling that we're on an article about the PS5 having a strong year ahead of it on a Playstation fansite, and all people seem to want to talk about is Zelda, lol.
Glad their shipment woes have lessened. I haven’t picked one up yet. I am definitely interested, I’m just hoping for a slim version in the near future…that thing is way too big.
Of course, my next gen experience so far is an Xbox Series S and the Switch (probably barely counts…), so I’m probably in the minority of people who appreciate graphical fidelity, but hardly consider it the number one factor in a console. But! Those little machines are super convenient!
Same here bud.
I got mine at launch. It’s been a great console so far. Better than the PS4 was in its first two years on the market. Way better actually.
@KaijuKaiser As I said room for many views.
Personally BOTW is the best game i've ever played. It made me FEEL something no other game has, the sense of freedom of exploration was unparalleled when combined with an environmental sandbox people are STILL finding new things in.
I disagree the open-world was empty, it was filled with hundreds of small little distractions. As I walked around trying to get from A -> B I constantly got side tracked with little puzzles, things to see and do and would usually forget about B due to C, D, E and F -> Z. They didn't need to be big grand things, just short, enjoyable, FUN side missions / puzzles then back to trying to remember what B was. Where was I going again? I don't know I was having too much fun getting lost.
It also didn't need voice acting, not every game does, again I mention Pixar as I feel they do a similar thing expressing emotion with so little.
I agree the story was a little thin, but it didn't need to be anything complex, this game is mostly about gameplay and exploration.
That doesn't mean it's not without it's flaws. Yes performance wasn't great handheld, major dungeons were a let down (shrines were cool imo). Things I am hopeful they will rectify in Tears of the Kingdom.
You say they are stuck in the past but one of the things Nintendo is so praised for is evolving their main franchises so much. Most mainline Mario and Zelda games introduce new core concepts, or re-write the formula to keep things fresh, as they did in Mario 64, Ocarina and now BOTW. Just as GOW recently did so successfully.
But as I said room for different views. One man's boredom is another man's glee.
I love what you said about having too much fun getting lost. This is exactly the feeling I got from this game too. BotW and Elden Ring share the same feelings for me. These games show you a world, give you some tools, then tell you to go explore. The narrative is what you share with the world as its inhabitant.
Why is there people changing this conversation into throwing s*** at the competition instead of celebrating Sony’s (deserved) achievements?
It’s almost as if you can’t celebrate without bashing everyone else that isn’t PlayStation for some reason, every single brand has its highs and lows, there’s very good things about Nintendo as there’s many good thing about Xbox also, I honestly feel that all of them are in such good position that it’s worth to have the 3 consoles as in the seventh generation, remember that more competition is always better for everyone.
@Ralizah I will keep future references z**** free lol
@grapetrap Haven't got to Elden Ring yet (i'm slow, and have limited time) but it's one of the games i'm most looking forward to, and specifically within that the joy of getting lost. It's a wonderful feeling both in life, when comfortable, and video games.
But that's not for everyone, some like tighter hand-rails on journeys and AAA movie like blockbusters, and I do too, a lot, I just prefer the excitement of the unknown.
Again, I agree. If all games were like BotW or Elden Ring that style of play would get stale. It's why I also like Ubisoft with their tentpole-style blockbusters in Far Cry or AC. Or narrative-driven movie games from Naughty Dog like TLoU or Uncharted. Or action RPGs like Witcher 3 or Horizon: FW.
There are so many ways to play games now I would not want to stick to one genre.
Check out PS5 sales!
Comments: zELdA!
32 million PS5s sold and I’ve still never seen one in stock at a brick and mortar store. Ha. Got mine through PS Direct.
@Ralizah Zelda is not all people want to talk about. The first first comment was about it and naturally many commented on it, like it happens most of the time.
@naruball To be fair it was the first 3 comments that all said they didn't like Zelda, weird on a completely unrelated post. I felt the other side of the story needed telling, for balance, rather than just an anti-Zelda pile-on. But I probably also took it a little personally and was a bit defensive too. Stay away from my beloved Zelda. lol
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