In yet another story that suggests Final Fantasy Tactics really is returning, it sounds like the long-rumoured remake, or remaster, or whatever, could be next up on Square Enix's to-do list.
This latest hint comes from producer Ichirô Hazama, who, in an interview with Final Fantasy World about Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line, says that "the team that handles Final Fantasy Tactics is extremely busy with another project at the moment". Hmmmm.
Just to clarify, the team Hazama is referring to here is probably the same group of developers who crafted the recent Tactics Ogre: Reborn. Upon finishing up that project and launching it last year, it's fair to assume that this remastering team will have moved on to something similar.
And of course, we've been hearing about the revival of Final Fantasy Tactics for ages now. Word of a remake or remaster first spread thanks to 2021's infamous Nvidia leak, which included a whole bunch of unannounced games that have since become a reality. In fact, the aforementioned Tactics Ogre: Reborn was one of them, alongside fellow Square Enix port Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.
At this point, it might be a question of when this revamped Final Fantasy Tactics title will drop. Perhaps later this year, after Final Fantasy XVI has made its mark? Or maybe 2024 seems more likely? It's tough to say without any additional evidence.
Would you be up for more Final Fantasy Tactics? Wage your own war in the comments section below.
[source ffworld.com, via rpgsite.net]
Comments 25
If so isn’t it only FF9 Remake from the Nvidia list that SE are yet to announce?
@kyleforrester87 Yes, in fact many claim that it will be announced this month in a FF celebration stream thing. But I guess, since we already have 16 and 7 part 2 this year (or early next year) I guess it is too soon?
Square Enid, too many irons in the fire, look how Forspoken turned out.
It'd be pretty weird to revive Tactics Ogre, Live-A-Live, Front Mission, FF I - VI, Chrono Cross, etc. but completely ignore FF Tactics. I always assumed it was coming.
@belmont I could certainly imagine a confirmation of it being in the works!
Believe it when I see it.
The iOS/Android version is actually a near-perfect HD port of the game. I’m a huge fan of FFT and I hope they stick closely to that version.
Triangle Strategy was my GOTY last year, and though Square-Enix doesn't pay it the attention that maybe Nintendo or NIS do, the tactical RPG genre take from them, at least with FF Tactics, Tactics Ogre and Triangle Strategy with their semi-grounded political plots that go into nitty-gritty details to really sell the world are my favorites in the genre.
Would want a Jeanne D'arc remake instead, but that is a Sony IP, and everybody knows that they don't want to remake or remaster their old jrpgs.
@Sil_Am Jeanne D'Arc is one of my all-time favorite games. You have unlocked a core memory. Thank you!
Yes, I wish this game was remastered for modern consoles with the tactics ogre treatment.
@meistergeister Forspoken turned out just fine. The reviews were harsh on it, and there’s a bit of a hate bandwagon ragging on it online. But most of the comments I’ve seen from people who actually played it were positive. Both my brother and I enjoyed it. The movement, exploration and combat are all great. Story is alright, good twist towards the end. The graphics are good and the particle effects are some of the best I’ve seen. It’s a solid 7.5/10 in our opinion.
@belmont Do we dare to dream? A full remake of FF9 would probably be top of my most wanted list.
I used to enjoy SRPGs more, but after 35 years of gaming, have to admit that general slog that SRPGs entail is less appealing. I did get deep into FE: TH, and generally enjoyed it. But passed on Triangle Strategy, Tactics Ogre remake, and FE: Engage (yes, I have a Switch also).
Had to search around, but found info on an old Xbox 360 SRPG that I remember enjoying because I remember it being more streamlined and accessible: Vandal Hearts - Flames of Judgement.
@Luvstagrind Same. People are way too quick to believe silly rumours, without concrete evidence lol
@admeister I don't think particle effects is the best way to describe a game being good lmao
Remaster: Yes, but please add new content and let us unlock classes more easily.
Remake: sure, why not?
Sequel: Yes! Oh please do it! Been waiting for so long...
As you can tell FFT is one of my favorite games of all time. Unfortunely, i can't say the same about the advance games which had a very different tone.
Since triangle strategy i have been hoping to see FFT2 with that engine.
@Jey887 @belmont @kyleforrester87 I could still see Square-Enix at least officially announcing FF9 Remake this year, but not releasing said game until 2024.
I sadly doubt they would surprise drop a Final Fantasy anniversary stream with such short notice.
@MindfulGamer SRPGs are my favourite genre but I totally appreciate your opinion. They can be a bit dense. You mentioned you liked Vandal Hearts Flames of Judgement. Have you played the first two Vandal Hearts on PS1? They are really good, streamlined and hold up really well.
@KidBoruto Yeah, I think you are right. Would be interesting to see how they do it.
I think they may release it in one part rather than the episodic way they have done FF7. There isn't really any large areas (like Midgar) that could be expanded into a full game in its own right. You move from one place to another quite swiftly.
I have fond memories of playing FF Tactics for completion on my PSP. Everyday clearing a dungeon or two during lunch. Maxed Ramza with all classes. I withstanded Elidibus's Zodiark summon and imediately summoned it against him, and won the final secret dungeon. One of my top gaming achievements, still remember that moment.
@Ralizah I'm getting tired of waiting but let's hope we get that FF Tactics announcement soon 🤞
@Kenshir0 Can't imagine it won't be this year, alongside Front Mission 2 (and maybe even Front Mission 3? That's the ones I'm most excited for).
@Jey887 I actually did play the original Vandal Hearts on PS1 back in the day, and remember enjoying it. Don't recall if I played the second.
Have you ever played any of the Mercenaries SRPG series on Switch, specifically Mercenaries Rebirth: Call of the Wild Lynx? Just did a reminder search, and remember being tempted by that one, as it seems to have reviewed better than it's predecessors.
@MindfulGamer I played the first two and they are fine for what they are. They are short and basic in both gameplay and story. You get what you pay for.
@Jey887 I would be shocked if they did multiple parts yeah. FF9's rumored remake should just be one game.
Here's hoping we get confirmation by Summer 2023.
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