Bandai Namco has hit Elden Ring fans with an array of dizzying stats and figures. With the game now just over a year old, the publisher has put out a large infographic that shines a light on everyone's collective efforts, and, yeah, we've died a lot.
More than 9 billion times, to be precise. Of that enormous figure, 69 per cent of deaths came from enemies and NPCs (presumably including bosses) while 14 per cent was caused by falling from height. Whoops!
Elsewhere, players have clocked in a whopping 5.9 billion boss fight attempts, with Malenia being the most popular with 329 million. She's followed by Margit at 281 million, then Limgrave Tree Sentinel with 277 million.
Players have used 1 billion summons, the vast majority of which have been for co-op buddies rather than invasions. The top spell is the ever-useful Rock Sling, while the most acquired incantation is Blessing of the Erdtree.
How many deaths have you contributed to Elden Ring's staggering figures? Tread carefully in the comments section below.
[source bandainamcoent.com]
Comments 30
“I'm Malenia. Blade of Miquella” 🤔
“I'm Malenia. Blade of Miquella”😠
“I'm Malenia. Blade of Miquella” 😤
“I'm Malenia. Blade of Miquella” 🤬
“I'm Malenia. Blade of Miquella” 🫠
"69 per cent of deaths came from enemies and NPCs"
Which of the following sentences have you heard more than anything?
() Good morning.
() Goodbye.
() How are you?
(x) I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
Awesome. My wife, who refers to ER as "the magic bouncey horse game", asked her brother why he doesn't play the same games that I do, and he responded that he doesn't find them fun for the same reason he doesn't enjoy slamming his hand in the car door or getting kicked in the crotch. Sounds about right.
Honestly, a lot less than I expected! But enough to get a real feeling of 'I honestly don't care if I lose all my runes, s*** happens'
Melania took 3 attempts (my build was just accidentally really good for her and a few other bosses people struggled with)
Godskin duo I got on first attempt. (I really enjoyed helping people earlier on with that big bendy godskin guy in the tower, who's basically an appetiser to the duo fight much later on, so I had plenty of practice)
Mohg first attempt.
I think Fire Giant too, I can't recall, but I had Alexander Warrior Jar at my side 💪🏺
I died mostly to non major boss encounters, and random enemies like a floor before the godskin tower guy, I got wrecked by one of his minions about 8 times in a row and I was fuming as I had to keep going down a ladder to die to this chump 😂 and Elden Beast was an absolute slog for my build, but mostly on time it takes rather than pure numbers of deaths
Great game 😁😁😁😁
Most of those Radahn summons were me asking for help to be honest.
Yeah I'm pretty sure we know where most of those 9 billion deaths came from and it's from a boss that just loves to say she's undefeated.
Wheres the stat that says how many players played for an hour ,then gave up ,and played something a bit more forgiving ,I wish they'd put a difficulty option in these games.
I contributed with a few hundred deaths, I believe.
It took me over 7 hours to finally beat Malenia, blade of Miquella, who's never known defeat. All because of that one move lol
The number is a little inflated: I died over a billion times.
Half of those were on the way to pick up lost runes. Malenia wasn't really a hustle, I used Maliketh's blade, it's all about what you're working with. Radagon and fackin Elden Beast were the problem.
@dschons (x) Bearer, Seek, Seek, Lest.
(sorry, couldn't resist).
I'm playing Elden Ring at the moment and yeah, definitely feeling a bit bruised from the crotch kicking. Astel, Natural born of the Void is currently doing a lot of kicking and the classic I'm going to grab you and one hit you.
@CthulhuFhtagn Ok, that was nightmare fuel. Thanks for reminding me, lol
For those curious, the other 17% died by status effects (15%) and invasions (2%).
Surprised the Elden Beast isn't in the top 5 if the other dude is there anyway.
@Nepp67 lest we forget, she was lying about that as well.
@tallythwack there is an easy mode, it's just hidden behind levelling up your health and then one or two other stats that suit your weapons and build. There was only maybe three really painful moments in the game, for me, and even they passed fairly quickly. And I'm sh** 😁
As @TheArt mentions, pick your weapons and weapon arts wisely, boss melting weapons are fantastic in the game to give you a good head start when you need it!
And then you can always summon a friend or stranger to help too, also easy mode.
I could reminisce about Elden Ring for ages, but there was one time, I summoned a friend just to see how it works, and we basically ran through The Academy at break neck speed, and ended up melting the Boss Lady in sub 30 seconds, and I was like, hmm I'm not going to do that again as it was way too easy and I missed a cool fight 😬 but the option is there to make the game a lot more simple without needing a slider that says its made it easier.
@Ravix Part of the charm of these From games is the difficulty, no wonder they don't want to give options. I mean I even started Journey 2 aka NG+ and got bored as I was breezing past everyone with my crazy high level, I quickly started a proper new game and the challenge was more satisfying. NG+ is also like an easy mode, you just have to be patient with From games and not be in a hurry!
Most of my deaths were from Malenia, followed by gravity
@tallythwack Lol, that sounds like my experience. Sweaty hardcore difficulty just isn't my thing. Offering easier difficulties doesn't in any impact the experience for people who prefer the hardcore difficulty challenge, it simply makes the game more accessible and enjoyable for a wider variety of people.
@TheArt yeah, the summon at the academy made me realise that I just wanted to spend as long as I wanted in the game (200 hours) because the game is fantastic. Astrel Natural-born of the Void wrecked me so much, but I loved the whole look and feel of that fight, so I kept at it until I defeated the c***. And that is Elden Ring summed up, probably 😁
It was also surprising and a joy when you realise your build can wreck some certain bosses, so all you have to worry about is a few nice looking dodges and to wait for your chance. And every time that happened I immediately put my summons down and went to help others who were struggling with those bosses, probably my favourite thing about the game, other than the general wonder of exploring and fighting in the world. Just being able to go and help someone, whilst you yourself realise, maybe I'm not totally awful if I can lock down the right dodges for these bosses and then help people survive in their game whilst getting to replay really cool fights.
Also, to people saying it's too hardcore, it's not, please read our comments. If you are stuck at any point there isn't even anything actually stopping you going to do some other stuff before coming back with more power (or hp, that's usually the thing people don't upgrade for some reason) upgrading weapons, preparing whilst enjoying more of the game, and even then summoning help if you really are stuck. Some bosses are good vs your chosen build, some are not, so don't let it put you off, it's a great experience that even a casual who likes story driven games like me can get into.
@JayJ im just crap at souls games ,ive played them all because I like the idea,settings ,atmosphere, I think its a lack of patience to be honest rather than skill,totally understand why people love them though ,I just want an easy mode without jumping through hoops 😁
@Ravix My first run was 350hrs, my 2nd is currently 136hrs and still in no rush, it's just a joy to play. I'm supposed to be trying to beat some games I got recently but here I am still wandering in the Lands Between for the second time.
@tallythwack Yeah I just don't like the slow grind approach to a lot of boss battles. Like you said, it's definitely a patience sorta thing, as everyone takes on the "try and try again" approach by a certain point. It's like the game is just meant to be played like that. Personally, I don't really enjoy being punished by the games I am trying to play. Difficulty and challenge can be nice, but I don't want to be getting my ass kicked lol.
@JayJ try again is a core mechanic to the game and it's story, you keep being brought back to the lands between upon your death. It's one of the few games where it fits the lore perfectly. The checkpoints are also really forgiving, that's the one thing that would have made me give up as I hate 'run backs' to get to the place where I died and will probably die again lol. The fact the boss arena is all you have to worry about makes it much easier and no pressure if you do make a mistake.
It also never felt like a grind, for example. I couldn't beat Tree Sentinel (you're not really supposed to, that's the lesson) so I went exploring and enjoying myself and I came back stronger and with Torrent and then I could just bounce around and slash from horseback. I honestly feel like half the design was with casuals in mind, this is why it's been so successful.
Later in the game there was a lightening tree sentinel guarding a progression point, and what happened? I beat it in under 30 seconds 😂
@Ravix Yeah I get that, it's just not for everyone.
I have contributed zero deaths towards this game, still waiting for it to be $20 during a digital PSN sale.
@CthulhuFhtagn hahahaha yes. I feel ya
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