Update: The primarily single player Mirror’s Edge will no longer be delisted from the PS Store, after prior communication from EA had announced it would. The publisher says this was just an error, and it’ll remain in situ as long as the storefront remains open. The trio of Battlefield titles, however, will still be gone come the end of next month.
Original Article: It’s shaping up to be a dismal year for digital storefronts. Nintendo will close down both the Wii U and 3DS eShops imminently, and we’re slowly beginning to see publishers pull legacy content from venues like the PS Store. Take, for example, EA’s slate of Battlefield 1943, Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and Mirror’s Edge – all four of which will become permanently unavailable from 28th April, 2023.
“This is in preparation for the retirement of the online services for these titles which will happen on 8th December, 2023,” a spokesperson for the publisher said. “For Bad Company, Bad Company 2, and Mirror’s Edge, you can still continue playing them and use their respective offline features, such as the single player campaign.”
It doesn’t make sense to us to delist these games if they still have playable single player components, but the publisher said that it’s “now looking forward to creating new memories alongside you as we shift our focus towards our current and future Battlefield experiences”. Can we not have both?
Obviously, given Sony’s inability to transition PS3 purchases to its more modern hardware, this is less of an issue on PlayStation than it is on, say, Xbox and Steam. But it’s a reminder that this digital future we’re all beginning to embrace has a shelf life, and software is ephemeral when you’re relying on publishers and platform holders to continue to make it available. We’d like to think EA will at least discount these titles before they’re gone – but it’s not like Nintendo’s bothered ahead of the closure of its own storefronts, so who knows?
[source ea.com]
Comments 56
Smells like remasters to me. The only reason to remove them is to force prospective buyers to purchase the newer versions at a higher cost.
Mirror’s Edge, ah, what a classic that one was. That game just felt right in so many ways. I loved it. One of the best PS3 era titles for sure.
@Uncharted2007 It did cross my mind as well.
You can now see why Microsoft couldn't make backwards compatibility work, sort term it worked fine but not so much for the long term. I was so lucky buying Forza Horizon 3 when I did I went to buy the DLC a few months after buying the game, no longer available nor was the full game and that was one of Microsoft own first party game's. Same as Metal Gear Soild HD Collection I bought it a few months later you could no longer buy it, I brought most of the BC game's I wanted just incase they vanish at some point.
Agreed absolutely loved Mirror's Edge! It's a shame that series went away. I'd love to see it comeback someday.
This is why I'd never buy a digital only console.
@Korgon it’s one of those few games that I’m not sure I’d want a sequel or remake, but perhaps just a remaster. The second one didn’t really capture that open feeling the first one had and I’m not sure I trust EA to get it right again. But, if EA is reading this in any capacity, I dare them to prove me wrong.
@pepsilover2008 If you already own them digitally it makes zero difference - not like you won't still be able to play them. Poor effort. Discs are on the way out, like it or not 😀
Mirror's Edge was so great at the time, loved it. Also got really into Battlefield with the Bad Company games, especially played the second one online a ton.
Battlefield 1943, I loved that back in the day.
The many many hours I spent on that.
Bad company 3 when?
Yeah the second one was a bit disappointing. It wasn't terrible but definitely wasn't as great as the original. DICE was in a much better state back when they launched the original. Perhaps Respawn would be a good fit if they did try a new one.
I can understand Battlefield given the online focus, but delisting Mirror's Edge seems strange, I didn't even remember it had an online component, seems like it's mostly a single player game, and on the XB side (not sure if it's delisted there?) it runs with a lot of enhancements and looks like a current game.
Also strange since they run EA Play, wouldn't getting as much content like this into their back catalogue be an asset? Unless they're not delisting it there.
@Korgon @somnambulance I quite loved the sequel, personally.
This is just a slimy business move to push people to the newer Battlefield games.
@Gamer_Guy Yes but if you don’t own them you can still buy the discs, even if they’re delisted.
@Ryall exactly why I'd never pick up a digital only console. Between that and companies choosing to shut down whole stores on a whim or choosing when to not sell a game for whatever reason it maybe.
I bought a digital only PS5 and I'm not constantly worried about the future. If a company sees fit to restrict access to games then I put on my pirate hat and sail the seven seas, if you catch my drift.
@Uncharted2007 That's not the only reason to remove them, not for games that have a component that requires them to maintain a server for it. Being able to shut down the server can save them money. If that server runs old software that may have unpatched vulnerabilities (or depend on old libraries with vulnerabilities), it can save them some risk and maintenance expenses, too.
And if the MP is shut down, selling the old version that advertises MP might lead to a risk of lawsuits from people claiming false advertising. I mean, if they can sue Buffalo Wild Wings for selling "boneless wings" made with breast meat instead of wing meat (which is not only incredibly obvious, but stated in small print on their menus), they can sue EA for selling an old multiplayer game with multiplayer disabled. Even if the lawsuits are frivolous, they have to pay lawyers to deal with them.
Loved Mirror's Edge. The parkour gameplay was really well done. And I wish the series got another greenlight.
@Gamer_Guy I'll go with 'not', and stick to Disc.
@NEStalgia It will be for the online leaderboards in the time trials mode and the ghost data.
A Mirrors Edge remaster? Yes please!
As much as I would prefer something new and original, I would definitely grab a remaster of one the most unique and inventive games that I have ever played.
Mirror’s Edge has an online part? Maybe a leaderboard?
This makes no sense. This also highlights why physical gaming is important too.
Battlefield is in a really bad place as a result of 2042 being a gigantic trainwreck. The easiest way to regain interest in the franchise would be to remaster the 2 Bad Company games so @Uncharted2007 is probably right about the delisting being a sign of remasters.
@NEStalgia @Korgon The second one isn’t bad (it’s a 7/10-ish title for me), but it feels “off” from the feeling the original gave me. I’m not quite sure what it is. There’s sort of a playful innocence to the first one, I suppose, whereas the second one had more weight, but that could all be in my head. It could just be that lightning in a bottle feeling too. The first one felt so pure and unique that perhaps any sequel wouldn’t have topped it in my mind.
Didn't they shut down the PS3 store last year (or even the year before)? Am I crazy?
@mrraditch They were going to, but they changed course after the backlash.
@jamison1993 I didn't know that. I bought everything I wanted when they announced the shutdown and then never thought about it again lol.
Nintendo closes their store and nobody cares yet the internet exploded when Sony said they would close their PS3/P/Vita stores... I was one that felt annoyed and bought some psn cards to buy the ps1 classics I hadn't...
In any case I don't know those EA games and have backed up my 3DS and Wii U.
@Uncharted2007 Why delist them together? Seems unlikely they would ALL be getting remasters, and at the same time. Personally i'd love to see it, but think it's unlikely.
The first Mirror's Edge will always have a special place in my heart.
I remember playing it back when it released and the game really felt like an experience.
I would strongly advise any potential players for bad company 1 plat NOT to go for it. The servers are riddled with lifers hackers and players who can and will sit on every spawn and kill you every single time you spawn. You need a minimum of 24 accounts to secure a lobby. And even then it isnt reliable. Save yourself the hell. I tried with a group 5 times and everytime we didn't manage a single trophy.
Bad Company 2 is the peak of the franchise.
@Uncharted2007 i mean, maybe? I would love to have the original Mirrors edge remastered and bad company gets enough love online that I can see it happening, but idk, they didnt de-list the original mass effect or crysis before remastering them.
For now I'm obliged to condone piracy, I honestly think that game preservation is important and the decision to remove these games from digital stores comes from the publisher, not the creators.
Edit: If a game is avaliable to purchase, you SHOULD BUY IT. the only reason why im condoning piracy here is in the case of lost media.
The first Mirrors Edge was phenomenal for it's time, I had such an amazing time getting the Platinum for the game. Can't say the same for the 2016 reboot which didn't have the soul (for lack of a better word) and just didn't work as a open world.
@NEStalgia @somnambulance
It was mostly just the open world design I didn't care for. It felt like I was running the same routes over and over again as I ran from one place to the next as it felt like there was always only one route to go on. I preferred the more linear approach of the original.
I also missed being able to use a gun like in the original not because it was really fun to use a gun but it felt really satisfying to get through some of the combat areas without falling back on using firearms. Kind of a small thing I know but still.
I still own the second one though and I've weirdly had the thought to give it another shot lately for some reason. Maybe I will when it gets a bit less busy in the release schedule.
'We’d like to think EA will at least discount these titles before they’re gone'
@get2sammyb I'm 99% sure Sony actually no longer allows for discounts on the PS3 and Vita storefronts. Supposedly permanent price drops are still okay but no publisher bothers.
Battlefield 1943 was so much fun. Put literally 100 hours into it across PS3 and 360. Sad to see this day come. The simplicity of it is so rare these days.
@themightyant dead space didnt vanish either.
imo, probably not selling/played so cheaper to close
@get2sammyb: Seems like Mirror's Edge won't be delisted after all according to the Battlefield Twitter account.
@Korgon @Uncharted2007 Mirror's Edge is definitely a classic that deserves to be remastered or remade.
i mean how many people planned on buying ps3 games digital in 2023? and you can still buy them before they are taken down.
@Golem25 correct discounts on ps3 and vita content is banned. As is new updates for games on the platforms.
Syndicate is shutting down 15th June.
Theyve sneakily added it to a server shutdown list. No announcement for this one
Its on the EA website.
This makes more sense after the update.
I loved the original Mirror's Edge! The sequel was a victim of its times though - made in a time when everything had to be open world for no reason. Not a bad game but that design simply didn't fit.
@Jaz007 physical is no better, your disc is just a coaster, but gotta keep figthing the good fight ! lol. digital is taking over.
@Voltan its a shame really, but i think people are waking up against the monotony of open world and how stale it gets.
linear>open world.
@belmont the reaction to Nintendo shutting the stores has been very similar to what Sony got. Nintendo just don't care about it apparantly.
@somnambulance Mirror's Edge was a beautiful game.
@DanteDevilHunter the reason Forza Horizon 3 (and all the older Forza games) have gone from the Xbox Storefront is the the licensing deals for the cars have run out so they can’t sell it anymore, that is what happens with games with licensed content, Driveclub on the PS is the same.
At least you can still play it, I bought a couple of Lego games on the iPad and after a couple of years they were completely gone, not even downloadable.
Along with the ridiculous store prices, I'm really starting to regret buying a digital PS5. I may just bite if there's a PS5 Pro released. Disc version this time.
@ApostateMage if you purchase (discounted) PSN top-up codes on CD Keys and go through the Quidco CD Keys link you can get the equivalent of several £££s off the PS Store RRP price
Bad company 2 was so much fun back in the day.
1943 was good too, too bad it was console only.
@PFC_HudsonLV426 get them on shop to its even cheaper. A 84 pound is currently £70.84 or 68.21 for Gold members
@Korgon Im the same I like the more streamlined gameplay if the open world doesn't add that much. I rather have them polish the game then wasting resources on being open world if it doesn't improve or make it more special.
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