Update: As expected, Resident Evil 4’s hotly anticipated demo will be available to download for PS5 and PS4 from the PS Store today. Imaginatively named the Chainsaw Demo, it’ll focus on the iconic moment where protagonist Leon S. Kennedy arrives in a Spanish village, only to be attacked by Ganados – and a certain chainsaw wielding monstrosity!
You can download the demo through here, with the file size coming in at a whisker over 10GB in total.
Unlike previous Resident Evil demos, there’ll be no time limit on this, so you’ll be able to play as much as you want through until launch on 24th March. Will you be checking it out, or will you be saving yourself until the full game releases? Let us know in the comments section below.

Original Article: It seems the big shadow drop from today’s Capcom Spotlight has already leaked – although you probably didn’t need to be a psychic to predict it. Twitch ads, presumably running 24 hours early, confirmed that a Resident Evil 4 remake demo is “available now” on the PS5 and PS4. Obviously, it’s not out yet, so expect it after the aforementioned livestream, which is scheduled to get underway from around 2PM PT/10PM GMT.
We’ll bring you all the news as it breaks here on Push Square, and we’ll of course be hosting the Japanese publisher’s broadcast as well. Are you looking forward to a potential demo? Which section of the game are you hoping it includes? Knife down some Ganados in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 53
I’ll play it when I ruddy well want to!
Nicee, can't wait
I can't wait , I'm playing the original now because I'm that impatient lol
Hopefully this isn't another lame time limited demo that is only playable in a tiny timeslot.
I'll be skipping the demo. No need to sell me on a game I already want. Bring on the 24th of March.
This is a bit off topic but whatever happened to Pragmata? I hope it's not ending up like Capcom's other game during the ps4 launch.
What?! Dropping plans for the evening in 3, 2...
I'm hyped for the full game anyways, regardless of a demo, but I may still download it.
Just gonna wait for the whole game steelbook release date. If it does impress me much more than the original does I want it to be on the actual day. Never bothered with all the other demos. Something like Robocop or StellaBlade demos would be far more beneficial to me. Official PlayStation magazine had the best demos in the 90s, specifically that MGS demo, stunned how good that was back then
Waddya buyin? Nothing! It’s a free demo! I’m so tempted to break my no pre-order stance, but that would be bad and wrong. Fun fact, Paul Mercier who played Leon also played the merchant. There don’t say I never do anything for you! Plus, gyro keyboard is back in the latest firmware patch (L3+R3). I live to give
Hell yeah!!!!
I'm so stoked for RE4 remake! My 2nd favorite game in the re franchise. Come on March 24th. On a side note the 23rd is my b-day so the release date is perfect!
The link doesn't take me anywhere 🙈
Edit* downloading now 😜
Removed - trolling/baiting
Playable in PSVR2?
I’m gonna try it out over the weekend. I already want the game but I can’t resist a demo.
@DTfeartheBEARD The game has gyro-aiming. Just thought I'd leave this here, lol.
Just finished it and...look, I think the game is going to be incredible, but I don't think this is a great demo. It's literally just the intro, and if you've ever played RE4 before you've played almost this exact thing. Granted, it's much prettier now and has better controls, but it's nearly identical to the original in terms of what you're doing and how it plays out. You can't even explore the village, it's entirely on rails and once it's over, it's over. It might be a good selling point for people who have never touched RE4 before, but if you have, it's probably best just to wait for the full game.
The resident evil engine does not disappoint this games stunning
The demo didn’t disappoint. It does a good job of capturing what made the original Resi 4 so good.
Couldnt get it to download from the link, searched for UK playstation store then it worked.
@dschons It does? Wow! Capcom finally added gyro to a RE game that isn't on Switch. I'm even more hyped to play RE 4 Remake now! Thanks for the info!
Just finished the demo and its excellent, visually its stunning and i like the twists they done for people who already played the original.
@Yyy If you think the remakes Capcom are putting out are lazy then your crazy.
I will always laugh at gamers when they complain about remakes and remasters because most of them have shelfs full of Blu Rays that they owned on DVD and what they owned on VHS prior to DVD. Dude if people didn't want remakes they wouldn't sell and if you don't want them then don't buy them but don't tell other people what to do with their own money.
Played the demo and the game is definitely being held back by last gen.
I prefer to just wait and play the game blind, but that’s just me.
Think the graphics were a little shoddy in places maybe too aggressive dynamic resolution? Pld in performance mode.
Anyway demo was pretty cool, Dr. Salvador got me the 1st time of course but I completed the demo after my 2nd try...there are some nasty surprises in place. Just check out the bell tower for instance I'm eager for more and tbh already have this pre-ordered physical for some time now.
I don't think this is a lazy remake in any way, also like how they kept the original inventory but made it really snappy now.
The melee and slight stealth system is also a welcome addition. Really looking forward to the full version.
I will check it out of course, can't wait to play it tonight 😃
Loved it, so nostalgic yet it has more depth than before. RE Engine remains a state-of-art game engine.
My only complaint is that the enemies feel stronger than the original, especially the chainsaw dude (my brother and I used to call him "paper-bag head"). I used a grenade, all my shotgun bullets close to him, multiple handgun shots, tried to aim for his head or legs, and still he didn't die.
@Doublecell You're joking right? How's it held back? Its a fairly faithful remake of a Gamecube game so it being current gen only would make little sense as there's not much that could be done to justify it. Anyway visually its the best looking RE engine title yet.
Definitely going to play this tomorrow. I'm interested to try the controls and how it looks and performs on my PRO.
@RenanKJ, the original RE4 had weak weapons in the beginning. The 9mm pistol is near useless the entire game. Better weapons with more damage become available as the game progresses. Zombies eating like candy 9mm head shots is silly.
I won't be buying the remake for a while yet but I really would like to try the demo, when will it be available?
Nice that it's available 👍
@NoCode23 Didn't you get a shotgun right at the start - in fact in the part this demo covers?
@Yyy In some ways you are absolutely right.
I am a bit disappointed with the graphics in all honesty / they appear quite blurry, even after turning blur off, aberration off and tried in resolution and frame rate. Genuinely a little disappointed with the general blur - defo not as razor sharp as GOW or even horizon. Took back a little by it but nice to see a remake and hope for resident evil 1 and Veronica next.
Time-limited demos should be outlawed. I loaded up the Humanity demo the other day.
Not everyone sits in feverish anticipation at the release of anything and everything the second it is available to consume.
@Yyy I thought long and hard about how excited I was to play the demo and then did exactly that and I was disappointed in the slightest, this is going to be an excellent remake that is in no way remotely lazy
@WallyWest there are some truly bizarre comments in here, I had a quick go this morning and thought it was incredible
@DTfeartheBEARD it's a weird one though because you can't use the analog sticks at the same time. So as soon as you hold L2 to aim, you can only gyro aim, the right stick does nothing. But for me, that was still ok, just need to pre-aim without L2. I haven't messed around with the settings too much but it felt a bit floaty/ delayed. Still fine though.
@RenanKJ There's a shotgun in the demo? How'd i miss that 😆 i ended up running around the village for ages too when Salvador showed up just waiting for the bell to start ringing, but didnt spy it
@Yyy so you want people to buy games they don't like ? If they're struggling, get another job ,they're lucky they have a job they enjoy ,and don't have to get up at 5am to do a 12 hour shift in a factory.
@dschons weird,I used the right stick to aim
@tallythwack While gyro aim is activated?
@dschons no idea
I like the used the same portion of the game as the original Gamecube demo. I worked at an EB Games at the time and played the hell out of it. The Remake demo got me more excited to replay but I'm going to hold off until a price drop; maybe Black Friday or something.
There's a 'mad chainsaw' difficulty mode for the demo
@Rob_230 it's in the house next to the bell tower at the top of the stairs mounted on the wall
@RenanKJ just killed him , took 4 grenades & all my shotgun shells , you get 5000 ptas so nothing special
@dschons The gyro does feel a little off. I'm assuming part of the reason is because Leon has weapon sway. I'm pretty sure I was able to aim left and right with the right stick while using gyro, but not up and down. I'll have to play the demo again and see. I hope the full game will add options to adjust the gyro sensitivity. Either way, it's better than no gyro at all. I'm still able to pull off head shots. But the gyro in Resident Evil Revelations on Switch, for example, still feels better.
@Yyy you have to be trolling but the resident evil remakes have been anything but lazy lol.
@Yyy won’t somebody think of the children?
Well damn. I thought that demo was extremely disappointing. Bummed. I was planning on a day one purchase, but I just don't know now.
I'll be skipping the demo, in favor of waiting a few years for the full game to become dirt cheap ($25 New).
You can get a tmp in the demo if you discard everything in your inventory as soon as you can & then run to the village without picking anything up , there'll be a well that you climb down past the barn / cow
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