Apex Legends developer Respawn has opened a third studio in order to keep the popular battle royale franchise running for another "10 to 15 years". The new studio is located in Madison, Wisconsin.
While it may contribute to other Respawn products in the future, this third studio (the first two being located in Los Angeles and Vancouver) will primarily focus on Apex Legends in order to ensure a consistent and, most importantly, sustainable production pipeline. The studio will be led by Ryan Burnett, who has worked previously at Epic Games as director of engine production, in addition to a lengthy 14-year career at Call of Duty Studio, Raven Software.
In an in-depth interview with GamesIndustry.biz, Daniel Suarez, senior VP of operations at Respawn, says that "team health is absolutely a top priority for us because we're in this for the long haul. We believe in Apex as a franchise that's going to be around for 10, 15 years or more and we're excited to make that happen. In order to do that, we can't just put everything all upfront, burn ourselves out and not be ready to do that in the long haul."
Apex Legends runs a new season of content every 90 days, so consistency (as well as enough of a production runway) is key in order to make that timeline realistic. It takes a lot longer than you might expect for new characters to be introduced to the game, as Suarez notes, "a Legend takes us about a year to a year and a half to get into the game. So we're working on things well in advance."
This news comes just a few short weeks after parent company EA laid off more than 200 Apex Legends QA testers in an unscheduled Zoom call, which caused some fans to question the future of the game.
What do you think of Respawn opening a third studio? Do you think Apex Legends has the legs to run for another 15 years? Discuss all this and more in the comments section below.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 40
15 years is stupid long , even 10 . but hey , Look at GTA 5 . a ps3 game still going strong almost 10 years later so
forgot about counter-strike , world of warcraft and other PC games too
@nomither6 never bothered for apex legends as i much prefered titanfall and i wish respawn would have offered 10-15 years of support for that franchise. There is a huge amount of games like the ones you mentioned that have been around for years..decades in some instances..i would love sony to bring back the socom series (first person please) and support that for the next 15 years but as always the best online shooters always get shunned for the crappier more in vogue and down with the fortniters...the online shooter genre is in a dire place.
Interesting they didn’t go with the Warzone strategy to release a “sequel” to get new players to try it out. Maybe the ALGS scene makes that difficult.
I couldn't fathom playing any game for that long.
Good news for me as Apex is my favourite multiplayer shooter right now.
@Northern_munkey i feel that way about multiplayer in general. as far as shooters go , i had found some solace with overwatch & maybe you could give rogue company a try, it’s a free game from hi-rez & their games are solid enough , just not as popular but they’re still up and running . i can’t get into BR , but i’d be lying if i said i couldn’t see the appeal in apex , and that it’s well deserved of whatever acclaim it’s gotten .
compared to titanfall , apex does look “better” for lack of better word ; even when they made titanfall 2 free on PS plus 3 years ago , the surge it got didn’t last long .
@Northern_munkey hell yes to bringing back socom. That was my game series for a long time. I Like the third person though. I would want it to remain for sure. Confrontation was a letdown though.
Miss me the good Ole clan wars.
@nomither6 I've got a theory as to why PS Plus and Gamepass aren't growing and that is that there are millions of people out there who are completely satisfied with literally owning one game and playing that one game forever. Be it COD, GTA5, Fortnite or Legends.
I've got a feeling that Respawn is aware of this and has done the market research to realise that they'll make their money back.
@Ken_Kaniff Eh,if you are into a fighting game, then you can definitly play it for that long.
People still play games like Guilty Gear ac+r, Blazblue Central Fiction,Skull girls, Marvel vs Capcom 2 and 3, Street fighter 3rd strike and 4, and the various KOF games to this day.
For me, you can still catch me playing Guilty Gear ac+r and Blazblue Central Fiction even in 10 years time.
@Northern_munkey “the online shooter genre is in a dire place”
I agree with this statement beyond 100%, the online shooter is my most played and loved genre, it’s why for years and years i was a Xbox first, PS second guy. But that has changed a lot for me, cause all the shooters are trash to me. Fortnite is insanely boring to me, the new COD was decent i have to admit, i played it for around 80 hours online, and just this last week, did i start to feel like i needed a break from it. Halo Infinite is far from right, the industry has just gutted the genre for me. I am so hopeful the rumor of i.d software rebooting Quake like they did Doom is true. But you are spot on with your statement, and i would give Socom a try for sure if Sony brought it back. I do tend to not care for Sony controllers for FPS games, but if the game is great i will find a controller to play it with. Sony has a few FPS shooters they could bring back, and stop resting on doing exclusive content deals on COD and calling it a day. I just don’t see an end to the Fortnite craze anytime soon.
@Northern_munkey @Green-Bandit As soon as the business model for online shooter changed into constant monetization it was done being a fun genre as the gameplay has to function in service of keeping you pumping in money meaning it always has to fall short in ways that are fixed by spending more money.
I've never been an online shooter person. I did a lot of Quake 1 in the day, noodled with others, never really got into it again. Then became Splatoon obsessed (gyro controls, no payment model, no voice chat, that became a solid one. But then I always stop enjoying when I realize that's all I do is play the same 5 minutes on endless loop and there's so many other interesting games out there I'm not playing. So it's always a few month binge at best.
@LifeGirl Exactly. Think of what console attach rates are like...3 games, 5, games 7 games per person per generation, something like that. Then think of how many of us buy 40, 50, 100 (I bought 37 just in a month just for PSVR2.) And then think of how many people have to buy 1 or 0 to offset our type of player base so heavily to bring the totals down into single digits? That's the majority. And thus $70 games and the like. It's not really intended to get an extra $500 per generation out of players like us. It's intended to get an extra $30 per generation out of players like them!
@UltimateOtaku91 I seriously did not take you for an Apex/Fortnite/CoD kiddie....wow.......
@NEStalgia haha only for apex legends, I will never play fortnite. Tbf 95% of my gaming is mainly single player games especially JRPG's, but every now and then I need a break and have a few matches on a multiplayer game. Either Apex or Hunt showdown.
@Green-Bandit there are the exceptions..i've really enjoyed the borderland series especially borderlands 3 and i'm looking forwards to playing rage 2 later this evening but these are quite old titles now and there is nothing that piques my interest. Maybe atomic hearts in a sale or if it arrives on extra..
@Green-Bandit of the current third party shooters, in terms of franchise appeal, Microsoft has the best ones:
What they do with those franchises leaves much to be desired. I really do hope Sony looks to revitalize some of their dormant franchises, like Socom, Resistance, and Killzone. The PS5 is lacking in variety in this department.
@NomNom 2 of those are 1st party and 1 of them is vying to become a first party title.
@Northern_munkey Not really a Borderlands fan, but that's not really an online shooter, it's more of a coop PvE looter, like a first person Diablo with guns more than a "shooter."
OTOH......I forgot Borderlands PSVR1 was a thing...an ugly thing but a thing until now. If they port that to VR2 I'll forgive Randy of all the [redacted] things he's may have done (convicted or not)
@NEStalgia Agreed, it has completely ruined the games and experience. But shooters are popular are have large install bases to go after in game purchases. Sucks cause i miss a good online shooter that just add’s DLC map packs. Heck if i even liked the game play i would pay a little to experience a good game, but Battle royal is just not my thing. So ready for that trend to be done someday.
@Northern_munkey i agree, Borderlands is a great series, i am hoping Redfall for Xbox from Arkane will be good, but i have to wait and see how it plays, shooting vampires in an open world with single player and Co-op seems good. But yeah Borderlands is a great franchise.
@NomNom i completely agree, Gears is still my favorite shooter at the moment, the story hasn’t been my favorite since the first 3 wrapped up. But Gears 6 on unreal engine 5 should look and play incredible. Halo needs work and lots of it, COD is COD, i play them from time to time, Modern Warfare 2 currently is pretty good, i have played a ton of it. Sony has some great ones sitting on ice, they have talented devs, so only time will tell what they do. They need a good shooter in their line up, they have shown they can do the single player action adventure genre near flawlessly.
@Green-Bandit It's funny because it's been a long time since "online shooter" became the main thing in gaming. To me, they're still not "real games", they're bonus side content attached to campaigns, and an online-only game feels like an unfinished prototype to me. Despite having been on and off a Splatoon addict, it's the only one that even slightly appeals to me, but, then I would not, ever, under any circumstance, even consider, any kind of human voice contact in gaming, so it's a whole different market that wants a whole different thing.
@rachetmarvel I mean if that's your thing I get it, but as for me they're way to many good games out there to play to get stuck on one for 10 to 15 years.
@NEStalgia borderlands is not an online shooter? Its a looter co-op shooter a bit like diablo? Say it aint so...seriously though i was generalising at the state of fps games in general and there just aint that many really,really good ones..not saying there are none out there before some smart ass gives me a list but the genre is becoming quite stale..
@Northern_munkey LOL, yeah, agreed. My point was only that even borderlands really isn't even that genre. I mean yeah, it's online (optionally), yeah it has you shooting things....but it's still a different thing than an "online shooter" as far as the type of gameplay that's expected in that genre not least of which "online shooter" has come to mean PvP in general.
@Ken_Kaniff You'd think, but just look at the numbers. I don't like now the industry just looks at "gamers" as a single market because it doesn't tell the whole story. There's "gamers" that want to play tons of different games but that's largely the same neardy niche customer it's always been. Then there's "gamers" that really, seriously, just play one or two games lifetime and that's that. They just endless play that one forever. And that's now the majority of "gamers."
@NEStalgia they are for sure a different type of game for a certain gamer, i play everything, but shooters are my main thing to have around, cause i can play them for 1-2 matches and get back to work, or do my family stuff, a good single player game, i have to have time to play or when it’s quiet in the house and i can focus. So i hate that outside of COD i have next to no good shooters to pick up and play for 30 mins.
@Green-Bandit Hah, yeah for me if I have 30min I'm not starting up a screen and putting wear and tear on it, I just grab a handheld/cloud and make some progress on the backlog. Or pretend to. Online games are for when I have 5 hours to grind.
@Northern_munkey you..enjoyed BL3 more than BL2 ?
@Green-Bandit I genuinely dont know how anyone can still play COD for long or think its fun. Theres no COD to date that has been as good as MW2/BO1/MW3/BO2/WAW , something about COD during the 360 era was special , it was the golden age of COD. these new games are so stale in comparison and its missing that magic the older ones have. the last COD i had fun with was black ops 3, and black ops 4 was the last semblance of fun before they changed everything to a generic, run-of-the-mill shooting game thats more like battlefield instead of COD .
COD is just a manufactured product now, pfft and to think we actually complained about COD back then!
@NEStalgia right, each his own. When GOWR came out i wouldn’t touch it unless i knew i had 2 hours or so to play and gather lots of the story before I’d hit a save spot i felt like stopping at. Shooters I just dip in out out of for 2-3 matches. Unless i really want to grind a hour or 2. After 2 hours it get’s pretty stale for me.
@nomither6 COD is certainly way burnt out on ideas at the moment and the 360 ones are where they found the magic for sure. I haven’t played a COD in 5-6 years until i snagged the current modern Warfare 2 on Xbox and really liked it for what it is. I find it way better than battle royal and liked the 6vs6 maps. Played around 72 hours of it before it got a little stale for me. Heck i might not even play another COD for years for all i know. In the 360 years, i agree, they were some of the top of shooting games. Now the whole genre feels stale and just money grabs, but it is an important genre for me and the way i like to play and compete online. Just wish there was more games i liked. I can’t wait for gears 6, that will be an easy 100 hour multiplayer fest for me. Hope Sony hit’s at least one good shooter in its first party line-up. It’s sorely needed and once COD hit’s Gamepass day one that will make sony rethink having its own shooter to market and control is my hope. I don’t like using PS controllers for shooters, but i will if the game is way good. Have to wait and see, this generation is just getting started.
@Green-Bandit have you tried the dualsense with a shooter ? it’s the best controller ever for me , never thought i’d ever say playstation had the best controller since their controllers since PS2 were always mid but they really perfected their controller with the dualsense.
i hope gears of war gets a resurgence, i fell off with the series once the trilogy was finished , gears 3 was legendary even tho i wasn’t good at the MP , but another game is sorely needed just because of the play style alone . gears is unique . this is wishful thinking but i really wish they’d go back to the style of the first 2 gears games , here’s what i mean https://youtu.be/JalWT8oNxhk
as far as sony goes im glad the deal is potentially happening so that they can invest in other varied IPs instead of the umpteenth cinematic open world walking simulator. maybe we’ll see resistance or killzone again but i doubt it .
or better yet - twisted metal ! that would really shake things up , a car combat/shooter hybrid oh man ! i hope that’s what firesprite is actually working on
@nomither6 yeah i know i shouldnt but i've never followed the herd. There was something about it that just clicked with me more than the others but i enjoyed all of them. You question my choice of bl3 but put mw3 in your list of faves? 🤣.
@nomither6 yeah i have, a close friend of mine only has a PS5, went to his house and played COD on his PS5, and my thumbs were touching the whole time on the inline sticks, not a huge fan of the travel in the triggers and just the overall size of the dual sense. Played awful, but in time i am sure i could get used to it better, plus i had a few beers in me. But i agree this is the best Sony controller, even tho i still only like it barely, so that should say how i felt about six axis and dual shock 4. Totally agree with you about gears of war, you are spot on and that is coming from a huge gears 1-3 fan. The first 3 games are some of my favorites of all time in the genre. Yes sony has shown they can perfect the action adventure genre, but they need some variety and i think they are trying that with PS5, and twisted metal is all but confirmed at this point and i am heavily interested.
@Northern_munkey I mean , BL3 does some things better than BL2 so it’s understandable . it’s not exactly THAT hard to believe 😂
and hell, mw3 compared to any COD on PS4/5 makes it look like the best COD ever; i’ve come to appreciate it, but it’s definitely not my favorite COD . i was just listing it as one of the better CODs altogether & the modern warfare trilogy at the time was actually hype to play through; can you honestly think of a better time when people actually cared or looked forward to a COD story let alone a saga ? the ending was pretty sick .
As a big apex legends player this is some good news..I'm hoping the update to source engine 2 also that'll be awesome. And great quality of life's changes too
@Green-Bandit Yeah, for me anything online I guess is is designed to consume your time, it's the opposite of drop in. Fighting games can be drop in, SRPGs can be drop in...but an online shooter is an automatic esports commitment to climb the ladders....
But...online shooter hasn't been a real draw for me since Quake 1 in the 90's. The stagnancy of PCs being all about online shooters is a component of what made PC bland to me back then! (Except Splatoon, where I literally played nothing else but that every time it comes out for months....so it's not like I don't get the genre, but it's either all or nothing I guess, and most of them don't appeal )
@NEStalgia I understand your point on that, it’s kind all or nothing for me as well at the moment. But i drop in for 30-40 mins and keep my skills growing and practice daily and that helps me grind my talent better and better to become more competitive. I shoot guns in real life and if i could shot 30-40 a day every day i would be able to hit an aspirin 25 yards out. But i shoot my guns more like once a month and there is always a little rust in my technique. I loved Quake and really hope the rumor is true that i.d plans to reboot it like they did Doom. That would be an instant play for me and would be so much better than what the genre offers at the moment for my play style. Funny you mention Fighting Games, as i used to be a huge fan in the PS1-PS2 days and i always want to get back into that genre, even more so now with all the good ones dropping in 2023, but i fear i wouldn’t like the controls. If i could get over that hesitation, i would be all over that genre again. Come on NES i know you can lure me back into fighting games, make me take the plunge, HAHA, hey you got me to buy a $200 Sony controller that isn’t even my main console, you can do this HAHA. JK, i am happy to see you like Splatoon so much, i never gave it a try and always thought of it as being special for the genre. Glad to see it have a dedicated player base 😀
@Green-Bandit LOL, sorry, I only play my fighting games with a full arcade stick, not even the Elite2 will save controllers for that genre for me. Born and bred in the arcade....can't re-learn the art. There's only one way to hadouken and the elbow must be used! I was so hyped about SF6 and Tekken 8 but IDK when I'll even get around to them! (Or dig out my stick that's behind a bunch of other stuff at the moment....one of the really nice Razer models, it's the XB one with an adapter for PS4/5.
Yeah, IDK what it is about Splatoon that pulls me in where other shooters fail. I think the free gyro aiming is a big part of it. And the speed. Speaking of Doom and Quake. Splatoon plays fast. But the thing that turns me off again is the same problem you and others have in Halo and OW2. The team matchmaking where you always end up the best on your team and lose...it starts killing the fun the more you play, and the less fair the game seems the less you want to spend time on it. But the weapon variety is a blast. I probably won't get the expansion yet I know when S4 comes out I'll spend 4 months doing nothing but.
If I were to pick up any other shooter at this point it would actually be Pavlov on VR. That's a WHOLE other shooter experience. I've only done bot matches no online so far, and I suck too much to bother trying with online. With VR shooters you actually have to reload....which means you have to be familiar enough with the entire roster of guns to know how each one reloads well enough to do it while under fire......that is not an easy ask, there's a lot of guns in that game, and it''s much more like real life where you have to spend time in the range and get familiar with how each one operates and train on it. It's pretty cool but a steep learning curve. But it takes some adapting to turning a corner and actually seeing someone holding a gun aimed at you... even against bots I jumped a few times. I know you're not into VR, but since you're an actual gun enthusiast, you'd really appreciate the detail on all the guns and just playing with them in the range let alone the online play!
@NEStalgia yeah that does sound fun on VR, and i might come around to VR as it continues to mature. Yeah lopsided teams for 40 mins in a row is a drag and the players that quit 50 seconds into a match. Real bummer to the fun and overall experience. I need a fighter stick if i am jumping head first back into that genre and you know we like our controllers, so don’t count me out, SF6 looks crazy fun to me.
@Green-Bandit Yeah, I'm still not good enough for online but after we talked about it I tried more bot matches in Pavlov and it really is quite a different experience. I get killed a lot fumbling with reloads... Not familiar with the weapons enough to be fast. But, man, when taking cover and corner peeking means actually crouching down and leaning around corners it's a whole other experience. I can see why it's one of the top vr sellers. pretty high skill ceiling considering you physically do all the actions. Tons of weapons but only a few maps though.
Oh yeah, fight sticks are the only way! Shame, Razer doesn't seem to make them anymore. Theirs were successors to the mad Katz. Not sure who's good now. Horiis ok .... The buttons aren't the sanwa though. But much else other than build your own. Qanba... It's $$ but theyre nice. Still actually liked the mad Katz and razer better though. But sf6 looks amazing, and technically I'm more of a Tekken fan and 8 looks amazing..... All at once!
@NEStalgia Yes, i am a Tekken fan myself, i loved Tekken Tag on PS2. I will have to look at some fight sticks and see what’s out there. I wouldn’t mind having one, cause i love the genre and have just sat back and watched it for the last 10 years. I used to be pretty good at Mortal Kombat and Tekken, i was only ok at SF as i played it less. That VR shooting has me interested, i am sure it will only get better and better.
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