Update: SEGA has released more information about this Sonic Frontiers DLC pack.
The Jukebox feature allows you to play various Sonic music from across the series while you're exploring the islands. There are 53 songs in total, with 13 being unlocked immediately. To get the rest, you'll need to collect Sound Memories, which are orange musical notes scattered across the game.
Photo Mode is what you'd expect — accessed from the pause menu, this freezes the game and gives you control of the camera. You can also choose from several filters to adjust the mood of your snapshots.
The new challenges are the biggest addition. Accessible from the main menu after beating the game, you can play two new modes. Cyber Space Challenge sees you running through seven Cyber Space levels in a row against the clock, the aim being to beat all of them as fast as possible. The other new mode is Battle Rush, in which you must defeat rounds of enemies (including the big ones) as fast as you can.
For more info, check out this post on the PS Blog.
Original Story: Sonic fans are in luck this week, as the first DLC is coming to the hedgehog's latest game, Sonic Frontiers, in just a few days.
Towards the end of last year, SEGA announced a whole range of extra bits and pieces that will be coming to the open zone platformer in 2023. The best bit is that it's all free of charge, so owners can just look forward to the game gradually gaining more stuff.
The first of these is the Sights, Sounds, and Speed update. In an email to owners of the game, SEGA reveals the content update will be coming to the game on 22nd March, just a few days from now. The email doesn't go into any other details, but looking at the content roadmap, it seems it'll include a jukebox, photo mode, and new challenges to complete.
Are you excited for Sonic Frontiers' first DLC? Drop dash into the comments section below.
[source videogameschronicle.com, via blog.playstation.com]
Comments 24
Update 3 is when it’ll be able to attempt to hold a candle to the classic 3D sonic games
i’ll just wait for update 3 and see how they pull it off
I don’t usually like Sonic games but this was brilliant.
The only thing missing was a snowy world but hopefully they’ll make Frontiers 2 and include this.
@ItsBritneyB_tch yeah, the fact that 3 of 5 maps were grassland was a bit lame
Heck yeah I'll be checking this out for sure! I've been itching for another Frontiers fix so this will do nicely!
I traded it in after finishing it. May get it back down the line if some of the free DLC is decent
I''ll wait until it's fully complete. Very much looking forward to play with Tails
@KaijuKaiser This game was well received though? User score on Meta and Steam is actually good unlike Callisto.
I enjoyed it despite not being a Sonic fan at all. My only real complaint was the atrocious amount of pop-in.
Are we expecting more Trophies here? I might check it out if so.
@KaijuKaiser True, luckily that doesn’t always translate into an awful user score.
I loved this game, so it's great to have another excuse to go back! Really looking forward to the jukebox, and story DLC later!
I want to see more Sonic games like this but better. In fact after playing this game through to the end I actually found most of the classic 2D and 3D games that came before this rather boring in comparison and this is coming from a guy who has played all Sonic games and has been playing Sonic since day one.
I do own this on PS4, but I just could not get into the game. Put it down on the first island as felt quite aimless, and not gone back yet. Got to a section I was fighting a large creature and it all seemed so imprecise control-wise. Maybe if I get a PS5 will try again with the improved 60fps performance.
@RogerRoger I’m expected some impressive looking screenshots from you now that Photo Mode has dropped!
Without a Chao Garden it's a 7
@KaijuKaiser you're right both games are good, not the best, but still good games
Oh, songs must be collected on the maps! A nice excuse to revisit the islands.
@Hopeful_Cynic @RainbowGazelle @nomither6 As soon as the story DLC drops, I will happily buy this game and play thru the story campaign & DLC.
I enjoyed Sonic X anime and Sonic Boom cartoon, plus the recent movies and what I've read of the comics and the little I've played of the older games.
@KidBoruto cool , i love sonic x too .
@nomither6 If they ever do a sequel series, revival/reboot, or spinoff for Sonic X I will happily watch it!
@KidBoruto and a game based on sonic x too
@nomither6 Sure I'd play that too
Btw did you hear about the Steam exclusive Sonic game?
@KidBoruto yep , i’ll get around to it . it looks good !
@nomither6 I might play it tonight if I can remember to, game is only 2 hours long apparently.
@KidBoruto i’m cool with that , actually glad it’s short because there’s too many games in my backlog as is
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