Originating on the SNES all the way back in 1993, the Breath of Fire series is now 30 years old. It's one heck of a milestone, but then Capcom hasn't touched the franchise for what feels like an age. The Japanese company's last attempt at reviving the property came in 2016, when it launched the free-to-play, browser-based Breath of Fire 6. It was shut down less than two years later.
Still, we think it's a series worth celebrating, at least for a brief moment. Breath of Fire arrived on PlayStation with its third instalment — suitably named Breath of Fire III — in 1997. The game was very well received, and many consider it a classic. It was later ported to the PSP in 2005.
Breath of Fire IV followed III few years later, in 2000. A fellow PS1 title, it was largely overshadowed by the launch of the PS2, despite being another fantastic RPG.
We actually wrote about our love for Breath of Fire IV a few years back:
Unfortunately, Breath of Fire's fifth game effectively killed the franchise. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter released for the PS2 in 2002, and while it did review fairly well, it was a commercial flop. Capcom has pretty much ignored the series ever since.
With the Japanese publisher and developer in such good shape these days, we'd love to see it return to Breath of Fire in some way. Heck, at this point, we'd be more than happy with III and IV as PS1 classics through PS Plus Premium.
Do you have fond memories of Breath of Fire? Show us your dragon transformation in the comments section below.
Comments 18
Release 1-4, pixelated and in a combo pack please and thank you very much.
Wouldn’t mind a full fledged reboot of this series under the benevolent sun of the Capgod era.
Can we get IV on Premium please, with trophy support.
I want them to release Breath of Fire III on PS classics so badly. It’s my 3rd favorite RPG, behind Final Fantasy 6 & 7. Heck I still have the strategy guide. Such a shame can’t play it on modern hardware currently.
Breath of Fire 2 was my favourite of the series, played that game to death on the GBA
Absolutely loved breath of fire 4. In my top 5 Jrpgs on ps1, along with FF 7-9 and legend of dragoon. Would love to see a port come to ps plus premium
Good times. Back in the PSX era, between the japanese companies, you could only consider yourself a big player if you had a flagship (j)RPG: Square had Final Fantasy, Enix had Dragon Quest, Konami and Suikoden, and Capcom had their own in the Breath of Fire series. Atlus and the SMT-spinoff Persona.
Breath of Fire was the series that made me fall in love with turn-based RPGs. I would pay stupid amounts of C@pcom-money for new BoF. Or at least make the older ones more accessible.
BoF III is my favourite in the series but I find it so hard to play without being on 2 or even 3x speed sometimes.
I played BoF IV back in the day, and it's one of the most solid, rich JRPG I ever seen. Very good, mature story, the gameplay is top-notch, the graphics and soundtrack holds up!! If they released it again I would get it in a hearbeat!
I have good times playing breath of fire 3 & 4 on psone, the story and characters are quite good, I hope capcom make another one with those type of story and characters.
I don't like breath of fire 5 however, I don't like the setting of the game.
Breath of Fire, is my favorite RPG series, it has a fantastic story! Probably one out of a few games that has brought tears to my eyes!
I always knew about this series, but never gave it a chance. I do the 1 and 2 are on the Switch, I could give them a try.
I still play BoF3 on my Vita such great game
What I wouldn't give for a 'real' BoF6...
@Hesse Given 4 was on ps classics back on ps3, it would make sense 4o make it available now
Capcom has a team that can easily make a new one. The monster hunter stories team.
They can easily reuse the engine and assets too cause the art style is similar.
All that is needed is the will to do it.
I've never played III, and I would like to.
I'd love a remake/reboot, never played any of the older games before and probably never will, just too many games in my backlog haha.
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