A demo is available to download for Street Fighter 6 on both PS5 and PS4 right now, featuring the opening moments of World Tour as well as some of the modes from Fighting Grounds. For those not up to date with the game, World Tour acts as a simplistic single player RPG-style experience, where you can explore locations like Metro City and meet characters from the Street Fighter universe. Fighting Grounds, meanwhile, is where you’ll find traditional gameplay modes like Versus and Training.
The Battle Hub will not be available in this demo, so you won’t be able to play online. However, you will be able to use the character creator to design your avatar, and this data will be saved to your console so you can import it into the full game when it releases on 2nd June.
You can download the demo from the PS Store right now. It’s 15.5GB in size. Will you be checking this out and creating your character? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 31
Downloading it now! I'm so pumped!
So Playstation is now paying for timed demo exclusivity? Are you kidding me?
More devs need to follow Capcom's practice of making demos
Disappointed in the contents of the demo. I mean, I understand they don't want to give too much for free but 2 characters is not what I hoped for
@Voltan that’s too bad , but at least it’s not SFV .
No online play! Disappointing.
@nomither6 To be fair though, it does give you an idea how the game plays and that part immediately seemed much better than SFV to me (I was not a fan of that one).
I’m still not convinced this is a game I’d want to invest a lot of time in but it seems good overall.
I’ll be sticking to Guilty Gear for now.
@rachetmarvel Capcom's been flogging timed exclusive demos to format holders for a while. DMC5's demo was timed exclusive on Xbox for example; Resident Evil on PlayStation.
It's obviously not great, but on the scale of some of the other things going on in the industry lately, I'd rank this pretty low on the importance scale.
If Microsoft got the right to buy publishers Sony got the right to money hat with ps5 time exclusive games and content lol.
@4kgk2 i don’t see the issue with either, both seem fine to me. The only thing i don’t know is if i want to get back into fighting games and get a stick for them. SF6 looks good to me tho. Wish my brain wasn’t on the fence about it. 😀
Crap where did I put my fight stick??
Edit: not liking the new controls at all but classic is still in and that’s all I need. I mostly skipped V so it will be nice to break in the timing. Love that you can paste a style onto your custom character. I haven’t played a regular character in soul calibur since they introduced the same so I am looking forward to pasting Ryu’s playstyle on my character. But seriously is it just me or is the Brand from Berserk a scar in the game?! The artstyle is really weird to me though. Starting to hit uncanny valley.
This game is going to be fantastic. World Tour seems like just what they need to pull in players that don't really like fighting games, along with the party game modes as well. I'm seriously mediocre at fighting games, but I love them, and it seems in SFVI I can still be mediocre, but not feel like I'm not really in control of my character half of the time due to complicated inputs. I really enjoyed playing with the modern controls, I'm glad Capcom is supporting that control scheme for competitive play too. It really helps simplify the game for newbies and casual without sacrificing a lot of the depth for veterans I think, and lets the newer players dip their toes into ranked play.
Fighting games are REALLY niche. Learning a fighting game is almost like learning a second language, and some tools to help the player learn goes a long way, along with features and modes that will appeal to people that don't like fighters.
Can't wait to dive into World Tour on June 2nd.
Is this demo one of the timed kind? The ones where by the time one has remembered to download it, the window to actually play the thing has passed? Not everyone leaps onto their console at the first opportunity.
@Vacuumator I don't think it is. It just doesn't have very much content.
It’s kind of dumb it isn’t available to everyone right away.
Nice, downloading it now 😃
@Korgon Hahahah sri but "pumped" takes on a totally different meaning here in Scotland and i always laugh when seeing it mentioned in its American guise.
Your comment sent me to asking google and...yup I can see why it makes Scottish folks laugh!😄
Don't think I can ever use that term again in the same context anymore after reading that!
Can I play this against another player offline?
edit: eh, just tested it myself. Works.
The demo… was just sort of fine to me. I was rolling on the floor laughing during the character creation, but that world tour section definitely felt sort of weird and daft to me. I dunno. It made me glad I didn’t preorder. I suppose I’ll see how the game reviews, but it has me being more patient to see how the game is rather than rushing to buy it. Sort of the opposite effect I feel they’d be hoping for, isn’t it?
@Korgon hahah sorry bud, language can be weird at times 😉
Had fun trying this out but I will likely never pay full price for a fighting game again
@somnambulance Demos often have that effect. One of the reasons demos died out was that, as I read in Edge at the time, it actually seemed to lower sales. They couldn't be sure, but apparently consistently games would fall below sales projections when they had a demo but would meet or exceed them when there wasn't a demo.
A big part of buying a game is the building anticipation and excitement - but the demo is giving you a sample of what you crave and reducing that build-up. It's kind of like ruining your appetite by having a snack. That's even without taking into account the demo potentially being off-putting due to not being that great.
@Matroska Yeah, I get that, but I’m oddly enough someone that has bought probably half the games I’ve played a demo for. I’m certainly a sucker for a good demo, as they tend to build my personal excitement for games. This demo did not do that. It made me glad I didn’t preorder, which is something I contemplated. World Tour just did not impress. It felt generic. I hope I’m wrong. I’ll read the reviews, of course, but I sort of felt like I can hold off to see how MK or Tekken push forward in contrast to SF.
I am utter rubbish at fighting games but I rethink im gonna get this one and olay the single player story with easy controls and have some fun. I actually was pretty good at street fighter 2 on the snes. Memories
@Voltan The closed beta had like 7 characters. This demo is more focused on creating a character and checking out the World Tour mode.
Demo got offline playing vs computer?
@somnambulance Something about that free roam mode seemed so cheesy to me.
@rachetmarvel The demo is only a PlayStation exclusive for a week, could be worse.
Created an handsome folk for WT and really getting the hang of Ryu and Luke. World tour mode is cheesy and fun. June can’t come soon enough
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