Of course, Insomniac Games is never going to say it's slacking off Marvel's Spider-Man 2 development and instead opting for rounds of Pool in the staff cafeteria, so a new quote out of narrative director Jon Paquette only means so much. However, should the first-party studio achieve its ambition of making the team's "best game ever", then PS5 owners are in the for a treat.
During a recent Insomniac Games livestream playing Marvel's Spider-Man, Paquette teased: "Boy, am I excited about [Marvel's] Spider-Man 2. You know, there's obviously not much I can say, but boy, are we really working hard to try and make sure this is the best game we've ever made, and we can't wait to share it with you all." The game is slated to be releasing for PS5 later this year.
Should Insomniac Games achieve this accolade critically, then it's looking at an overall Metacritic rating above 91, which its actually achieved twice with Spyro: Year of the Dragon and Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. More recent efforts like PS4 game Marvel's Spider-Man earned an 87 on Metacritic, while the Miles Morales follow-up scored an 84. PS3 classic Resistance 2 is another of Insomniac's highest-rated games.
With a large-scale PlayStation Showcase heavily rumoured for the end of this month, a new look at Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is likely just around the corner — perhaps also with a confirmed release date. Do you reckon Insomniac has its best game yet in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 57
I wonder what they can do to make the environment more fun to explore? I got bored of the web swinging few hours in and never finished the game because the story was also lacking.
The Batman games were much superior imo
@Heavy_Artilery I really enjoyed the story but I do agree a more interactive city would be cool.
Metacritic score of 90 is a no buy for me. 91 is ok
@Heavy_Artilery rumors suggest we’ll get to explore new areas of New York
I hope it's a big improvement over the first as I was pretty underhelmed after all the hype around it
Didnt hold a candle to the Arkham games in my opinion
it wont be since i heard theyre bringing the terribly dumb MJ stealth missions back
Hmm he mentioned "boy" twice. God of War crossover??
@swagbag7 Arkham city is overrated, its not even the best arkham game.
but arkham knight is better than spiderman ps4 though.
@Heavy_Artilery let us go inside buildings , and let us go in the sewers or underground. and let us swing to queens like in Ultimate spiderman.
@nomither6 spoiler alert: MJ gets bit in Spider-Man 2 and sets up for her to become Spider-Woman in SM3.
@swagbag7 I mean Gotham alone is a boring place lol too dark and gritty to be fun
@swagbag7 Arkham City was a product of it time. None of the Arkham games really hold up well today cause so many games have come out and have done what they did better.
But the thing is Spider-Man also doesn't bring anything new to the table that hasn't been done in the Arkham games or past Spider-Man games. It just offers it in a more polished package.
If Spider-Man has release at the same time as Arkham City. It would have probably been rated higher.
I honestly hope they bring back the enterable buildings they showed back in the announcement trailer where Spiderman blasts through a coffee shop. I know it wouldn't make sense to have it like that since Spiderman would be destroying property but at least something like an abandoned building or construction site
@AverageGamer I disagree strongly. The Batman games have a lot more style AND substance. If they got released at the same time with similar graphics and technical polish I think that people would appreciate Arkham even more
How could you forget R&C Rift Apart which got a 88 or 89 meta score
I'm hyped! Curious to see what they do to "improve" it. I personally liked Miles Morales more, thought the whole game was tighter, zero bloat, perfect length, gameplay felt just a little better, it was Spider-Man perfected.
"91 Metacritic rating or better then"
Riiight. Because that's what truly defines the quality of a game: some MC aggregate score.
Ahhh Up Your Arsenal. Wonderful game. Definitely among my favorite R&Cs only behind A Crack in Time.
Looking forward to Spider-Man 2 though obviously!
@Heavy_Artilery style AND substance is subjective. Are they pretty looking games. Yes. But the actual gameplay (the punch and counter, free-flow combat, collectable filled map...etc) of those games has been done to death by this point, and the only thing that make those games worth playing is if you like a good Batman game.
Is it in NY again though? It's gonna be samey with that same map for the 3rd time
Metacritic is useless. Tying things like staff bonuses to the score is one of the worst trends in modern game development.
I hope they let you switch between Peter Parker and Spider-Man at will, like they did in one of the DLC’s. Also, vehicles - maybe the Pizza Delivery bike that Peter Parker used? Plus, a wing suit, so you can glide rather than swing (like Just Cause). And finally, being able to visit the Statue of Liberty.
N.i.c.e. yes insomniac can do it.spiderman is a amazing game.so spiderman 2 is going to be amazing as well.word up son
@Andy22385 I’m with you.. really tired of the New York playground.. he went somewhere else with MJ during MM.. let’s swing around there ffs
I'm desperate to see a co-op version of this game. Just imagine the possibilities
Insomniac haven't really made a game of the gen imo. They're great and FAST, but not that great.
Hope sm2 it changes it
"Strive to make the best videogame ever..."
Seriously? No crap. A vast majority of developers are wanting to make a game that's going to be considered the best ever. Good games will come and go and being the best is subjective. For me, Naughty Dog made the best game ever with Uncharted 2 way back in 2009. The 4th game came close but couldn't quite dethrone the 2nd. So a close second was back in 2016... seven years ago. Given how the industry currently stacks up, I don't believe any game to be released from here on will beat either of those games.
just did the 10$ upgrade and have been playing the ng+ mode , and its making me even more excited for the 2nd game.
@nomither6 That's pretty damning when you can say "going to Queens would be an improvement." 😂
@StylesT @Heavy_Artilery I'm glad to see people that feel the same. I'm not a marvel or Spider-Man fan but pre-ordered the first because I love insomniac, but I was so disappointed. It was just Arkham with a Spider-Man skin, and a web slinging without physics or momentum that was fun for the first hour then got stale. I really am not excited at all for this one.
People asking for Spider-Man 2 to not be set in New York is like asking for a Batman game not set in Gotham.
@Andy22385 yeah that's my main concern on this one. What else can be done when it's spider boys stomping grounds? It will be pretty Mundane for me if it's just another story in "New York." As this will inevitably result in reused assets. If they double down on the generic repetitive open world content as well, this will be a hard pass.
This game will undoubtedly get rave reviews based on various biases alone, but I genuinely hope they really do something different here, because just more of the same with a new story isn't going to get me to jump in at full price.
I have to admit though, in terms of comic book heroes, spidey is one of my least favorite of the popular characters. So I can understand how people who love the IP May be more forgiving and OK with more of the Same,... faults and all.
I hope they break away from comic book heroes. Insomniac is such a talented studio, I would love to see what they could do without the looming shadow of Sony revenue expectations dictating their trajectory. That goes for all of their major studios for that matter....
Let them create something new Sony!!! Take some risks, loosen the leash. You are narrowing yourselves into this very consolidated portfolio of iterative, samey sequels with bloated budgets that take way too long to release...
@Heavy_Artilery yea i disagree too. nothing beats arkhams free-flow & counter combat. if people think the arkham games don't have any depth to the combat then theyve never played the combat minigames and most likely never achieved a combo beyond the regular takedown and probably didnt even know how to use it.
in spiderman , its as if u can just spam and jump all over the place, its all flash nothing else. like gotham knights.
@WolfyTn I doubt symkaria would even have buildings tall enough to really jump from, much less swing from.
@Czar_Khastik Unless they get review bombed for having a unicorn with purple hair....
@KaijuKaiser most comments about games are negative from core gamers. I’m super hyped for this game. Give me venom powers for like, a third of the game, and it’s guaranteed I love it.
Let’s just hope it’s got a lot of reflective puddles. It’s all about those puddles. 😂
@RicebinBernacky lol...hidden Easter egg right there. Can't wait for this game. One of the few studios that I trust will make a great game no matter what it is
the weakest aspect of spiderman 1 was the side quests. so repetitive and unimaginative... if they have put more focus into this area by making the side content more enticing to the player, spiderman 2 has the potential to be the best superhero game ever made. it is a short list as only arkham asylum and arkham city were better than spiderman 1 in my opinion.
I just want to play as Venom. That seems pretty unlikely though, since the game is called “Spider-Man”…
I'm not really that excited for this. I got pretty tired of both og and Miles Morales by the end of each. I think they are very good games, but they are both very safe and there isn't enough variety in mission design - MM really missed a Mary Jane-esque deviation.
I hope 2 mixes things up a lot more than bigger map, new activities.
Whatever they are doing for the sake of sanity and common sense I hope they will not make employee bonuses dependent on Metacritic score.
As long as there are no MJ missions (or any other character that is not Miles or Peter) This will be an amazing game, I don't know about anyone else but I don't play a superhero game to play a regular person. Also would be nice if they toned the attitudes of the females down a bit, all they seemed to do was be constantly antagonistic to Peter for zero reason. I still thought it was awful that MJ walked away when Peter needed her the most.
I'm not really into much superheroes games but I'd love a Guardians of the Galaxy sequel.
@Heavy_Artilery I do agree on that! There is many activities but felt a cookie cutter design, pretty much everything you need to do is shown on the map and leaves no surprises! I would also like to see good boss fights...The first game and its expansion lacks in that side!
Probably one of only a couple of games I'll consider buying day one, this year. Miles Morales was the first game I finished on PS5 and I'm currently replaying remastered on the PC, never tire of the swing mechanics and how powerful the combat makes you feel. Really won't be disappointed if it's just a slightly larger pot of the same serving.
Disney and WB have pretty much ended my love for superheroes so I'm not interested in this anymore as it will probably be more of the same vanilla story nonsense they've been force feeding us for the last decade. Read some people complain about the fighting being too "Arkham like" but that's more how spiderman fights than batman as I could never reconcile him unrealistically sliding halfway across the screen to backhand counter an enemy. That kept ruining the game for me as felt like a bug. In any case I'd much rather see/play 2099 spiderman or a zombieverse setting but they'd never do that as videogames are a business and entertainment is a secondary byproduct.
I still think the game will move away from new York for some of it. Or maybe an alternate version of the city. With their previous Ratchet and the way you shifted to multiple locations, Im still sold of them using that tech to do a miles morales and offer a varient of different locations. That should offer some variety against the last two Spidey games and give us all a fresh game. No one wants the same new York again and I'm pretty sure they will create something unique.
It’s a super hero game, so hitting that 91 threshold will be a challenge with reviewer biases. Personally, I feel Miles Morales was a step up from its predecessor, but still a ways away from the peaks of Insomniac’s work, especially with Ratchet and Clank. Good luck to them though!
I don't think it'll go above 90 on Metacritic and I don't care and neither should anybody else.
And if they don't succeed, I can bite off their heads?
@swagbag7Off the top of my head.
Spiderman ps4 had a worse storyline (man, how I hated MJ and Peter character and relationship in the game).
It had those boring forced Mj and Miles gameplay section, which are inferior to the catwoman sections in AC.
Since it basically uses Batman AC as a template for the game, it loses points because it doesn't really improve on it or offer something completely new with that format.
@Fishnpeas MJ leaving Peter because he was doing his job, is a betrayal of what the character ever stood for, and made no sense.
She basically left him because of her insecurity and envy of his ability to save people.
@z0d15g0d This. A spiderman 2099 game for a sequel would be fire.
It will allow for a new futurisc map,more interesting spiderman power and gadgets, and honestly a much more complex dive into a main character that isn't adversed to killing the villain when needed be in Miguel.
I wonder who the villain's gonna be.
Can’t wait. In the interim if they could release Resistance Trilogy Remaster for PS5 then that would be appreciated.
As an owner of both XSX and Ps5 this soundbite and attitude is much better than saying making ten out of ten games won’t get us anywhere.
Everyone should be striving to make their best ever games and competing at least with themselves.
I’m not seeing that desire from many in the industry anymore.
Profits over everything.
Make your best ever game and profits will follow.
It won't beat the charm of Spyro
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